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The death of pvp, thy name is ranked warzones


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You're right, gear has been an essential part of the typical MMO experience. But not for much longer. Guild Wars 2 would like a word with you.


Sounds good... !


Such a shame SWOTR couldn't secure the finances to invest

in real innovation, rather than rehashing the same old tricks.

Edited by Scudmungus
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You're right, gear has been an essential part of the typical MMO experience. But not for much longer. Guild Wars 2 would like a word with you.


Guild wars 2 looks bad, all theme parks are bad IMO, the only reason I play this one is because its star wars.


Themeparks ruined the mmo or maybe I should say carebears ruined the MMO

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Sounds good... !


Such a shame SWOTR couldn't secure the finances to invest

in real innovation, rather than rehashing the same old tricks.


I've enjoyed it for what it is, including the pvp. Beats WoW and Rift hands down. Which is one reason I think it would be silly of them to completely screw over their solo queue players by forcing them to either quit warzones altogether or premade when they don't want to premade.


I'm leveing the first of the storylines I want to finish now and plan to maybe level a second, just in case the pvp gets completely ruined and I have to unsub.

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Guild wars 2 looks bad, all theme parks are bad IMO, the only reason I play this one is because its star wars.


Themeparks ruined the mmo or maybe I should say carebears ruined the MMO


Then why do you play MMOs? You sound like you're just trolling.

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The OP is 100% correct. This will widen the already wide gear gap and make the regular person just stop queing for wz's. Rated Bgs will only work if cross-server and transfer are implemented 1st! Nothing wrong with premades but this is essentially a single player game wraped up in a mmo theme. Rated wz's are not needed until we have some meaningful pvp.
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Guild wars 2 looks bad, all theme parks are bad IMO, the only reason I play this one is because its star wars.


Themeparks ruined the mmo or maybe I should say carebears ruined the MMO


Agree 10 fold, in the Beta and it blows... so yes ENJOY that chitfest...

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Since when have they done anything good when it comes to PVP? I'm sure they'll try and reinvent the wheel again and screw it up.


Ah another bitter kid, me and well most enjoy the pvp and its only getting better but thanks for your opinion!

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For sure we'll see LOTS of troopers and BH's in ranked matches, they're already mass in numbers on the republic side right now on my server while the number of sages is shrinking- I'm thinking those that rolled sage to faceroll are rolling troopers for the new faceroll class.
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Where does every get these notions that "pvp is dying"? Is everyone just pulling that out their butt?


Sorry, it's not just PvP that's dying, it's the game in general. Subscriptions have and hours played have dropped significantly in the past month.

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simply way to prevent ranked warzone geared 50s from facerolling normal 50 wa\rzones is simple. lock them out of normal warzones so they cant join normal once they rech a certain amount of ranked gear. its bad enough as it is now with battlemasters/war hero's dominating warzones where u get a group of fresh 50s. ranked warzones will prevent that if come ranked warzones battlemasters are no longer able to enter normal warzones and have smaller grouped ranked wrzones.


either way if u dont like how they do it dont play pvp. ill wait until i see how it will work before making ny real comments/decisions bout the ranked warzones. without expeirancing it i cant have a real opinion as to weather it will destroy pvp or benefit pvp.


i will say tho, those people that are battlemasters and able to to ranked waarzones if they get more kicks out of beating on some non pvp geared 50s then they cant really be skilled at there class as it dont take skill to kill them. if they take on people there own gear size they will have much more benefits. tose that choose not to are the kids that cant pvp without facerolling fresh 50s

Eh.. there is also that thing called open world btw that will be completley ruined if 25% of the players have ultra top gear and faceroll everyone

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This sounds like a very crybaby topic.


We need gear that seperates bad players from good players. every game should have it.


You think I like seeing backpeddling clickers running around in the best gear? lol? they will serve their purpose as they have always served it.


Casual gamers are there for pro gamers to farm.


Nothing more to it.


Hopefully the best gear is made for rank 1 players so my guild will be the only ones with it.



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So stop using multiplayer for only your "friend argument", multiplayer simply means more players and i prefer to kill those players instead of befriending them....



:D I looove that line made me laugh and so true for me as well

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This sounds like a very crybaby topic.


We need gear that seperates bad players from good players. every game should have it.


You think I like seeing backpeddling clickers running around in the best gear? lol? they will serve their purpose as they have always served it.


Casual gamers are there for pro gamers to farm.


Nothing more to it.


Hopefully the best gear is made for rank 1 players so my guild will be the only ones with it.



sorry but when someone already wins they dont need more advantages so they can faceroll


AND FOR YIFFS SAKE WHO TOLD YOU THIS IS A SKILL BASED GAME??? EVERY NOOB WITH FRIENDS IS GOING OT BE ABLE TO GET THAT GOOD GEAR AND true pvpers are going to have waste time finding other weak humans to help them get that stupid gear since the system doesnt promote solo skill, only friendship... when the yiff did we enter a 4kids translation


:D I looove that line made me laugh and so true for me as well




then you should see this line xD

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