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Hero Engine: why?


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You've used the words "weather" and "rain" in the wrong context of what I've wrote. There was no turning around on my part. The effects of a wet surface on Dromund Kaas "due" to rain are not present. The environment doesn't feel believable. That was the point I was driving home, and I don't think this engine can make it feel believable enough. They are welcome to prove me wrong though. I certainly hope they can.


I dont think its fair to judge the heroengine on the basis of SWTOR, its now clearly established its not the actual product Bioware use, its like comparing Vista (junk) to Windows 7 (decent) as Vista was pretty much just windows 7 beta.

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You've used the words "weather" and "rain" in the wrong context of what I've wrote. There was no turning around on my part. The effects of a wet surface on Dromund Kaas "due" to rain are not present. The environment doesn't feel believable. That was the point I was driving home, and I don't think this engine can make it feel believable enough. They are welcome to prove me wrong though. I certainly hope they can.


I could swear I saw rain on Dromund Kaas the last time I was there in some areas. Of course I hate Dromund Kaas so I haven't been back in months, but I'm quite certain I've seen snowstorms on Hoth and light flurries on Alderaan.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I thought mass effect is using unreal engine. So i guess BW has lots of experience and knowledge about unreal engine. So I don't know why they choose current one instead of the newest updated engine.

If they can address to change engine from now on, they need to see for next 5 years or 10 years future market. 5 years later modern MMO may become like crysis 3. If BW can use their CryENGINE 3 or some sort of that level, that would be awesome.

FYI : http://gamingbolt.com/new-cryengine-3-technical-screens-released

Otherwise I don't see BW can keep giving us good experience even they add tons of new contents. In my view, current graphic level is unfortunately lower level than outdated "free to play game" level. That's one of the reason people felt they did play this game for years already. There is no amazing experience. Texture and shadow are pretty flat and lighting atmosphere is too even everywhere. If BW keeps ignoring this issue, this game will be turned to social game in a year...

or... please start to develop TOR 2.

Edited by darkbebe
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Why did you choose an Engine that wasn't developed to your exact specifications? I mean, EA and BW make enough, you could have outsourced your Engine development and made the engine fit your game.


Instead, you chose the lazy way and are trying to make a game fit an engine. Not only that, you picked a terrible single-threaded engine that can't even process commands before animations finish, hence all of the ability delay rage you're seeing.


Because bioware intends to add planets frequently and the hero engine is incredible for world building.

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I could swear I saw rain on Dromund Kaas the last time I was there in some areas. Of course I hate Dromund Kaas so I haven't been back in months, but I'm quite certain I've seen snowstorms on Hoth and light flurries on Alderaan.


There is plenty of rain on Dromund Kaas as particles (I think?) that fall down.


But for all that rain, surfaces in general don't really appear wet, and the (isolated) puddles have no splashes/ripples/etc.. THAT is what is missing. Without those extra touches, (which I'm pretty sure are rather trivial with modern shaders) It doesn't really feel "right". ('Course, i'm pretty sure the lack of those extra touches has nothing to do with using the hero engine. Hero engine obviously supports shaders, More likely the artists/etc. just didn't think of it/chose not to implement it.)

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  • 1 month later...

BIoware convert the entire game to unreal engine or something just as modern and I promise to get at least 3 other subscribers! :mad:


Seriously though, the immersion is great during conversations... other than that :S

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Yes, the hero engine was probably a poor choice, even more so considering it's not a prooven engine. But there isn't really many options for an MMO. They couldn't use the unreal engine because the map sizes are far to small and pretty much all the engines with very large terrain sizes are rubbish at small details


The main problem is it doesn't seem to be very well optimized. Also in combat your FPS drops to less than half, though I think AOE effects have a lot to do with it

Edited by NasherUK
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Yes, the hero engine was probably a poor choice, even more so considering it's not a prooven engine. But there isn't really many options for an MMO. They couldn't use the unreal engine because the map sizes are far to small and pretty much all the engines with very large terrain sizes are rubbish at small details


The main problem is it doesn't seem to be very well optimized. Also in combat your FPS drops to less than half, though I think AOE effects have a lot to do with it


BW should have used the best engine at time and forget about all those people with weak computers. Perhaps one day a mmorpg company will utilize a modern or newer engine like single player games. I'm tired of mmorpgs having weak graphics. My comp needs a workout.

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BW should have used the best engine at time and forget about all those people with weak computers. Perhaps one day a mmorpg company will utilize a modern or newer engine like single player games. I'm tired of mmorpgs having weak graphics. My comp needs a workout.


WoW didn't get the numbers it got by only running on cutting edge tech, quite the opposite in fact.

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There is plenty of rain on Dromund Kaas as particles (I think?) that fall down.


But for all that rain, surfaces in general don't really appear wet, and the (isolated) puddles have no splashes/ripples/etc.. THAT is what is missing. Without those extra touches, (which I'm pretty sure are rather trivial with modern shaders) It doesn't really feel "right". ('Course, i'm pretty sure the lack of those extra touches has nothing to do with using the hero engine. Hero engine obviously supports shaders, More likely the artists/etc. just didn't think of it/chose not to implement it.)


Dont forget the entire universe doesnt have bodies of water depeer then your ankles/shins

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Yes, the hero engine was probably a poor choice, even more so considering it's not a prooven engine. But there isn't really many options for an MMO. They couldn't use the unreal engine because the map sizes are far to small and pretty much all the engines with very large terrain sizes are rubbish at small details




Check out Lineage II, i played it around 2003ish, almost 10 years ago and ises the Unreal Engine, no loading times, and looks awsome even today

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Check out Lineage II, i played it around 2003ish, almost 10 years ago and ises the Unreal Engine, no loading times, and looks awsome even today


The U2 engine map sizes were something like 5000x5000 feet, which is not that big for an MMO. The unreal engine is really designed for FPSs and arena type games. Using it for very large open terrain (max size) with lots of detail can make it run like crap.


Even in Tribes:Ascend which uses the unreal engine 3, they had to cut map sizes down from what they were in Tribes 2, which was running the torque engine 10 years ago.


The other problem is SWTOR's hero engine is 2+ years old. They stopped using updates from it's developers and the first official release of the engine was only last year. So most likely SWTOR is based on pre-release/beta version of the engine. It's only using dx9 as well :/

Edited by NasherUK
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The Hero Engine is awesome I think. I like the look and feel of it. never had any problems with it. I'm sure it will more tweaked in the future :) Stay optimistic my friends :)


Yeah, it's totally awesome that it craps on itself every time there's more than 8 characters on your screen.


Well suited for a MMO! o.O

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Yeah, it's totally awesome that it craps on itself every time there's more than 8 characters on your screen.


Well suited for a MMO! o.O


more than 8 characters?i can manage well over 145 with absolutely no lag whatsoever


:/ knowing me im probably just lucky though...like a zombie mightve chewed on my internet line,giving it more bite? XD

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iF u LaG iN tHiS gAmE cHaNcEs ArE yOuR cOmPuTeR nEeDs An UpGrAdE


eNgInE iS fInE


Your typing is annoying and it has nothing to do with computer lag, please stop posting if your too lazy to read.


I'm running it fluidly with all settings on max and AA forced. It's about the fact that even when you have it all at absolute maximum, which btw also makes any graphic card fan go completely nuts (due to the sucky programming of the engine) and spend 100% of its GPU power (power bill going through the roof) it also has to do with the fact that this game, besides conversations, has no feeling of immersion. Sound effects suck more than any other game I ever tried, even diablo 1 has better sound than this game and the graphics aren't believeable. As mentioned 100 times, the graphics in this game is like five years old? Why would you make a modern mmo that has 5 year old graphics, when your competition is putting out titles with great looking gfx? I seriously doubt they will ever optimize this engine to anything playable by anything less than a stationary gamer comp.

Even if they fixed the damn optimization issues, the game still looks and sounds like something that died 5 years ago. I love alot of things about this game, but the graphics and the sounds effects makes me shudder. Frankly most of the time I find myself muting the awful noises that you can't sense where is coming from at all. IMMERSION learn the meaning of the word and implement it in this game please.


Go ahead and give me another warning, like you always do when someone has something bad to say.

Edited by Blackweb
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doesn't rift use hero engine?


Gamebryo, allthough they also make claims to have made "heavy modifications". Still, Rift has been, and currently are, suffering from much the same issues that TOR does, ability lag etc.

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