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huttball sucks


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I can definitely see people not enjoying Huttball. I happen to like it even though I am still pretty poor at it. I just try to improve each game with my individual and teamwork skills.


I think instead of all the Huttball sucks, get rid of it posts, we should all work towards getting settings for which WZs you want to queue for versus those that you do not.


This will likely mean if you limit the WZs you queue for, you could have a longer wait.

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Huttball is a unique WZ in the MMO world so clearly it's going to have some varied opinions. I'll just say A Lot of people really enjoy the warzone, including myself. I honestly don't even know if I'd be playing SWTOR anymore if it wasn't for this warzone, true story.



I do understand that you may want to pick which warzone you go to, but IMO you should just queue up, and dodge any huttballs you get. Out of respect for your teammates you should take the queue pop instantly and then dodge instantly upon huttball so they can get a replacement for you well before the match starts.

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Huttball is a unique WZ in the MMO world so clearly it's going to have some varied opinions. I'll just say A Lot of people really enjoy the warzone, including myself. I honestly don't even know if I'd be playing SWTOR anymore if it wasn't for this warzone, true story.



I do understand that you may want to pick which warzone you go to, but IMO you should just queue up, and dodge any huttballs you get. Out of respect for your teammates you should take the queue pop instantly and then dodge instantly upon huttball so they can get a replacement for you well before the match starts.


That is exactly what I do. And if I start getting a deserter tag for that, well then I am gone

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I hate Huttball prob because that's all that ever pops up for a WZ on my server. I'm sure if it was every few times being Huttball wouldn't be that bad but every freaking time? Come on put more WZs before I fall asleep while playing.


But thankfully the summer is just around the corner and then I can put the game to the side for awhile and have some fun.

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This. Obviously the OP is wrong. Most of the people I know enjoy Huttball, so this argument is invalid already.


Obviously you are wrong. Most people I know dislike Huttball, so your post was pointless.


Talking in absolutes rule.

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IMO it sucks really bad, i guess if you can jump everywhere it can be fun but...


Why cant we decide witch WZ to queue to? I dont care watting for hours, as long as I dont get in a huttball game. Having to leave is stupid, a little voice alway tell me "lets try", and I realise 5minutes later that I really hate this game and it make me dislike swtor a little more eatch time!

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I hate Void more then Huttball. I actually like Huttball when I don't get ball hogs or glory hounds that just hold on to the ball till they die instead of passing to score. Oh and don't get me started on the people I have come across with no idea how to pass the ball at all. OMG!!!


In all situations and all Warzones. Nothing sucks more then the system starting the games with a team being down 2 to 3 players. Often damage is done that can't be recovered. So try putting some hate toward that and not Huttball.


Oh and last thought. Huttball falls victim to having the most hacks used. Just keep that in mind if while you play. Cheaters ruin game enjoyment.

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I detest Hutball with a vengeance,not only do I find that 95% of the players (Reps.) I am grouped with have no clue and can't work out what team work means and second I myself admit I am not that good at it but I wont bale out of the group like some.


What I would like to see is the option to choose which ones you do,as in my case I can help the team better if I am playing in a wz I enjoy.



Edited by Avorniel
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Huttball does SUCK! It seems to be the only WarZone out of all the 3 that people get stuck in more and more because the other 2 require both factions to be in!

They seriously need to devise another WarZone like Huttball but have it kinda like the Tatooine open world PvP where each team can kill the other and it is like CTF or something similar!

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I don't understand where people get off posting: If you don't like Huttball you must suck at it! It's not like it takes a pro-athlete to be good at the stupid *** game. I personally can't stand Huttball and at least on my server I tend to be on the winning team.


If there are so many people that are pro-Huttball great! Let them have the annoying game and queue up for it while the rest of us can play a WZ we enjoy too!

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Huttball is the WZ that I detest. It doesnt really matter if I am good at it or not. It matters that it is not entertaining to me. I would be overcome with joy if they allowed me to pick my WZ, I would never play Huttball again.
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I just hate one thing about huttball. It is easier to not play the objective for people, and they don't. In the other twp it is simple, and most people can handle that. Huttball, you actually need to kinda of idk...throw it, keep the ball moving, stop potential pass targets and carriers.


It is the complexity that makes and breaks it.

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I actually like huttball because it's the only wz that can be won with even a crappy team....too many times on alderaan and voidstar imp pugs get steamrolled by pubs (idk why) but in huttball all you need is a jugg or a sorc and boom you have a good shot at winning. Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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