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Bioware:Regarding Rated WZ Gear


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Please just make it a cosmetic change instead of having better stats on the items.


I really don't want to hear from bad players that I only won cause of my gear. Make it so my gear is a different color so when I kill them I can say it has the same stats...



thank you

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Please just make it a cosmetic change instead of having better stats on the items.


I really don't want to hear from bad players that I only won cause of my gear. Make it so my gear is a different color so when I kill them I can say it has the same stats...



thank you


Question is, why do you care so much about what people think?

Edited by Dovahbrah
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This game is about gear progression, like it or not. The gear is obviously going to be improved, because that's how MMOs of this nature operate. This isn't Guild Wars or Shadowbane, to expect otherwise is foolish.


To expect and want better gear for pre-made restricted PVP makes you a bad player, hands down. Therefore why call it rated warzones. Would it be to rate how badly handicapped people are in pre-mades?

Edited by Hype-l
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To expect and want better gear for pre-made restricted PVP makes you a bad player, hands down.


Where in my post does it say I want it? Nowhere? Oh, okay.


How does expecting it make me a bad player? Being intelligent and being able to expect an outcome based on past events makes me a bad player? Lolwut.

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This game is about gear progression, like it or not. The gear is obviously going to be improved, because that's how MMOs of this nature operate. This isn't Guild Wars or Shadowbane, to expect otherwise is foolish.


Yeah, but why can't any game make that about vanity progression. I mean you have two groups that want gear progression. The ones that just want to max out stats so they can hank anyone they want, you know, the ******es. Then there are the ones that want status symbols, status symbols don't need stats just something rare others can't get without the same some/skip whatever.

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Where in my post does it say I want it? Nowhere? Oh, okay.


How does expecting it make me a bad player? Being intelligent and being able to expect an outcome based on past events makes me a bad player? Lolwut.


Are you drunk? or just so ignorant you do not realize what you type

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Also how come eight people PVE'ing can obtain Rakata equipment which is better in most cases then using Battlemaster gear?


But it's so crazy that eight people grouping up to do ranked wz's want to obtain atleast something equivalent to the Rakata gear?

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Also how come eight people PVE'ing can obtain Rakata equipment which is better in most cases then using Battlemaster gear?


But it's so crazy that eight people grouping up to do ranked wz's want to obtain atleast something equivalent to the Rakata gear?


Rakata is t3, BM is t3.

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Think of professional sports...



Football for example. You wear the same gear, it is the players skill that sets them apart from other players of their "class".



Rewarding players who play rated wzs (i will be one of them) with higher gear is like putting a professional football team up against a college team...it's unfair.



Cosmetic would be the equivelent of saying "i am just better then you"



way more rewarding as a player, then just outgearing someone.

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This game is about gear progression, like it or not. The gear is obviously going to be improved, because that's how MMOs of this nature operate. This isn't Guild Wars or Shadowbane, to expect otherwise is foolish.


Oh Shadowbane, I miss thee so.

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Please just make it a cosmetic change instead of having better stats on the items.


I really don't want to hear from bad players that I only won cause of my gear. Make it so my gear is a different color so when I kill them I can say it has the same stats...



thank you

Please just make dungeon drop only cosmetic gear as well then ;)

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