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Vanguard/Powertech Most OP class in the game


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another thing about them also is they have no casted abilties and all thier attacks are almost all 10m or more their 30m attacks exlcuding rail shot isnt great dmg but its still dmg they can do at a range so its easy to go in 10m pop out of 10m rail shot sticky greande thing go back in 10m hit them with ur elemental attack that auto slows them like so u cant kite them? ok can u interuppt some of thier dmg? no well *** do u do then


Nice necro bro.

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You may want to learn about the class before you criticize it so much.


HiB/RS requires a DoT to work: Ops/Scoundrels can cleanse them.

IR/(dont play a PT) is a 30m DoT. It is pretty inefficient (low damage 2 ammo), really only used to set up a HiB/RS from range.

AP/TD (or the Sticky Grenade) is a 30m with a delay.


So... if I am 30m away, I do a AP, IR, HiB (If I am very lucky and the other guy is not geared 10k damage)... and then....

HS (basic attack)... Full Auto is iffy (channeled attack that doesnt do all that much more than HS).


Every other class has some ability to snare as well... so, use it if they are kiting you. If you are a JK, leap then use it. Consular/Scoundrels have it at range.


seriously cleansing the dot perfect! oh wait u can put it back on faster than they can cleanse it! and u know what it doesnt even have to be your dot in order to use hib if ur and it doesnt have to be a dot either it can be anyones stun too if u didnt know i know thier abilties they dont need a leap as a guardian 15s cooldown on my gap closer but i dont have a potential ranged snare nor can i do anymore dmg other then a saber throw every 30s from range i am not saying guardians are weak or anything at all i am just saying that if a powertech dps could leap that would be really dumb considering they can do range dmg somwwhat again i didnt say it was ideal but its still something to do while u get within 10mwithin. 10m getting a dot on them is cake farther than that ya a little bit diffcult but u still get and alright chance to do it with ur free attack or u can use inc round and take the ammo hit for the hib. also u can use explosive round instant cast 30m away not the best dmg to ammo ratio but u can still do some dmg while u get into range or if grip is up grip them to you or if ur in huttball grip in fire and stun and they are insta dead unless they have a trinket or a fast sorc/sage they are done.

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oh btw before u say well the healer is just not fast enough to cleanse it their is a cooldown on cleanse i think its 6s and only tech users can dispell ur **** anyways and its a global their arent healing just so u can go ion pulse dot back on or at range free attack proc there is the dot or inc round. regardless this is my last post i dont wanna argue cause its getting no where and people dont wanna admit a class is overpowerd or something. Edited by BurningCourage
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or if grip is up grip them to you or if ur in huttball grip in fire and stun and they are insta dead unless they have a trinket or a fast sorc/sage they are done.

just to clarify this for you. grapple is subject to resolve, and pretty much anyone that's been CC'd in anyway in the last 10 seconds is going to be immune to grapple.


lets say that you somehow get a person who actually IS able to be grappled in huttball (very unlikely, but lets just say that for argument sake). a pyro can not spec (mathematically impossible) into the talent to stun a person upon grapple, that's in the tank tree. so, to stun then, you would then need to use electro-dart (if it's available, 60 second cooldown), not only that, the person would have to have ZERO resolve prior to grapple, for electro-dart to work, due to the whacked out resolve system.


so really, you're just mashing up multiple classes into your mind. what a PT tank can do, a pyro can not, and vice versa.

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oh btw before u say well the healer is just not fast enough to cleanse it their is a cooldown on cleanse i think its 6s and only tech users can dispell ur **** anyways and its a global their arent healing just so u can go ion pulse dot back on or at range free attack proc there is the dot or inc round. regardless this is my last post i dont wanna argue cause its getting no where and people dont wanna admit a class is overpowerd or something.

it's not really that, it's just we're teaching you how to play.





both on short cooldown, and able to get you out of 10m immediately.


if you are facetanking a pyro, that's really only because you CHOOSE to, not because you're forced to.

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"One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation."


Unless your just trolling for lulz because of all the "nerf PT" threads I don't see how the hell you expect people to take you serious when you write crap like that.

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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

- Best AoE ability in the game

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time



- Umm.. None

Most utility goes to tank-specced assassin/shadow followed by Jugg/Guardians (hybrid tank/middle trees).


Most interrupts? What? Yes, AP/Tactics trees can give them the shortest interrupt CD timer in the game (tied with Annihilation/Watchman Marauder/Sent) but it requires melee range.


Best AoE is the agent/smuggler AoE (orbital strike) followed by the middle tree 31 point AoE for Sniper/Gunslinger. After that, I'd say Smash/Sweep (7k+ crits for rage/focus specs) then Flame Thrower/Pulse Cannon (if AP/Tactics specced PT/VG), Death Field/FiB (~4k crits for madness/balance), Wither/Slow Time and finally Death From Above/Mortar Volly (which I'm assuming you're possibly referring to).


They certainly CAN deal very good ranged damage, yes, but this can only occur once every 15s if kept at range (it's about 1/2 of their primary damage rotation, but not enough to kill anyone, vulnerable to LoS, and burns through resources).


Yes, around 10m or less is where PT/VG's dish out their true burst cycles.


Very true, they do have one of the highest pvp burst potentials in the game.


Also true, they certainly can have amazing sustained dps... at the cost of quite a bit of their burst - if they go burst heavy, they need to win the fight quickly or they have resource issues that result in them dealing MODERATE sustained DPS.


No weaknesses? What? They're weak against DoT's (one of the most significant DoT weaknesses I've seen), armor penetration, stun-locks, AoE's, roots, slows and focus fire. They're quite squishy without their defensive cooldowns, and even if they DO have them up, it's rarely enough to keep them alive against any of their vulnerabilities. I'd say pyro PT/assault VG's are weakest against Sniper/Gunslinger (all 3 specs), Marauder/Sentinel (all 3 specs), Madness/Balance Sorc/Sage (sure, these will typically lose a 1v1, but they'll leave the PT/VG crippled), DPS Ops/Scounds -particularly the stealthies- (yes, I said it!), and Assassins/Shadows (tanks least of all, but even most tank specs result in a coin-toss to determine who wins the 1v1).


In contrast, Pyro/Assault PT's/VG's might be SLIGHTLY overpowered, but I think much of this can be remedied by fixing their cylinder DoT's damage and proc-rate. As it stands right now, there is no internal cooldown timer on how often it can proc, thus it's causing some serious situations such as a tank is guarding a target -> Pyro PT comes up and flame bursts the guarded target -> causes CGC DoT to proc on both the guarded target AND the tank. Also, CGC total damage is higher than almost every long-duration DoT's yet it's a 6s duration DoT, so it's dealing far more significant burst-like DoT damage and it's almost impossible for healers to manage by removing it since it can be reapplied instantly.


A cylinder DoT change to fix its damage and proc-rate won't gimp Pyro/Assault PT's/VG's burst damage significantly (sure, CGC DoT damage is usually about 25% of their total WZ damage), but when a PT/VG is using their optimal burst damage cycles for a quick kill on an enemy, the CGC damage is minimal compared to the damage from their big hitters so they'll still serve the same purpose.

Edited by SinnedWill
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it's not really that, it's just we're teaching you how to play.





both on short cooldown, and able to get you out of 10m immediately.


if you are facetanking a pyro, that's really only because you CHOOSE to, not because you're forced to.


I've got to disagree here. Once you get pulled its extremely difficult to stay outside of 10m as a ranged DPS. I play mainly a sniper in full WH and still lose to an equally geared pyro merc 7-8/10 times. I even play lethality which is the best against heavy armor, but because of dots cancelling our root, its pretty tough to keep them at range.

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Thanks, guys. Had to get my daily "nerf Powertech" fix in, and this did the trick.


Also, I did a respec to Advanced Prototype last night, and can still put up similar damage numbers. Looks like you guys are pretty much !@#$ed either way.

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Reason these classes are quite devastating, is because of how EASY it is to relatively maximize their results. with just several key presses, and steadily moving around you can pump out a ton of dmg with almost little to no effort.


Even a rather lousy player can pump out some decent stats with these classes.

I know, I have one and am quite terrble :D

Edited by Blondesolid
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