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So What is Raiding?

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This is my very first MMORPG and "Raiding" seems to be the end-game thing in most, if not all, MMOs.


- What is Raiding?

Are these the "Operations?" And what level are they available?


- Do I need to be great at the game to do them?

I'm still getting used to using hotkeys, and even then I usually just click on the ability if its number is above 7 on my keyboard. I'm not the best at this game, although I'd like to say I'm not bad.


Thank you for your time. :)

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Raiding: doing flashpoints and operations


So the first flashpoint is a raid too.


Just be honest to people, say it's your first time if that's the case, can make them a bit more forgiving.

You can get some practice by repeating the first flashpoint (Black Talon or Esseles), this is also the best way to get social points so you gain something even if no gear for you drops.

Edited by Fei-Ke
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So are the ones at level 50 really hard? Because the gear in the Supplies section of the Fleet looks very interesting, especially in the looks, and I'd like to have them, but I don't know if it'll be really hard for my level.
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- What is Raiding?

Are these the "Operations?" And what level are they available?


The definition of raiding is this: A raid is a type of mission in a video game in which a very large number of people (larger than the normal team size set by the game) attempt to defeat a boss monster. In swtor that boss would be in a Operation.


- Do I need to be great at the game to do them?

I'm still getting used to using hotkeys, and even then I usually just click on the ability if its number is above 7 on my keyboard. I'm not the best at this game, although I'd like to say I'm not bad.


Raiding is usually the hardest PvE endgame content you can do. But there are different modes you can choose for operations; normal, hard, nightmare - mode.


To complete a raid in hard, nightmare - mode, you need people with decent gear (T2), and people with a decent brain.

Edited by MarkaRagno
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It can be hard, depends on a lot of factors.

Ones you can influence: your gear, your skills

What you can't influence: other people's gear & skills


What you would typically do is work your way up to prepare for raids, start with commendations gear & mods from commendations, then you do lvl 50 dailies for better mods and the implants & earpiece if needed. Add some things from the GTN if you have that luxury, maybe craft some good stuff yourself if you can.

In the meantime you can do normal mode level 50 flashpoints and at some point you can look towards the rest; the operations and heroic modes.


edit: check out the sticky in this section about PvE gear.

Edited by Fei-Ke
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The general direction of the game goes like this:


1) level to 50 doing normal mode flashpoints (FP).

2) at level 50 do normal mode FPs and start on hard mode FPs (Black Talon is a great one to start with). Also gear yourself though collecting the Columi and Tionese tokens dropped off bosses and trade them for better gear. Do the daily (repeatable) quests in Belsavis and Ilum to get Daily Commendations (just Google "daily commendations" for a list of repeatable quests. (these are for ear and implant upgrades). Buy gear off the GTN (I got most of my initial healing set from there very cheap which was good enough to heal Hard mode FPs).

3) Start on Operations 8-man EV and then KP. Then hard modes. Then nightmare modes up to 16 man.


People tend to only run the higher level operations with their guild. If you are not in a guild and want to join an Operation (a so called "PuG" group - stands for Pickup Group) then you'll need better gear than is usually required as the people in the PuG will rely on you having better gear if you are lacking in experience - basically lowers the risk to the group (please note I'm avoiding the argument of skill > gear here for simplicity sake).

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I'm still getting used to using hotkeys, and even then I usually just click on the ability if its number is above 7 on my keyboard. I'm not the best at this game, although I'd like to say I'm not bad.


Change the keybinds to something more accessible, like q, e, r, f and so on. I don't use anything beyond number 4 for combat abilities, it's just way too awkward to go from my movement keys to most of the number keys.

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Change the keybinds to something more accessible, like q, e, r, f and so on. I don't use anything beyond number 4 for combat abilities, it's just way too awkward to go from my movement keys to most of the number keys.


But I also can't stand having an unorganized hotkey thing.

My top-mid action bar is 1 to = on the keyboard

And my bottom-mid action bar is 1-9, /, *, and - on the numpad.

For things like Heroic Moment and Quick Travel and Sustained abilities, I use the Left/Right Side Bars since I don't really need them at a hotkey.

Edited by Kerplode
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It might be hard to break the habits you've had for 50 levels of leveling up, but as a goal, you want all of your hotkeys to be usable with only your left hand (if right handed), and without moving that hand at all. You always want your other hand to be on your mouse, because movement in Operations is very important and the quickest and easiest way to move and turn is with your mouse.


However you manage that is up to you, but I use 1-5, ZXCVFRQET, and alt and ctrl combos of all of those keys. Having keys on your numpad is not a good idea because you will need to either take your hand off the mouse, or move your other hand away from your abilities.


At first you will feel disoriented, but once your get used to the muscle memory, this will make you a much better player. At that point all you need to do is learn the game, and play your best.

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This is my very first MMORPG and "Raiding" seems to be the end-game thing in most, if not all, MMOs.


- What is Raiding?

Are these the "Operations?" And what level are they available?


- Do I need to be great at the game to do them?

I'm still getting used to using hotkeys, and even then I usually just click on the ability if its number is above 7 on my keyboard. I'm not the best at this game, although I'd like to say I'm not bad.


Thank you for your time. :)



Raiding in mmorpgs is endgame content that involves more players than typical group content.


In this game dungeons are called flashpoints. raids are ops (operations).


Raiding involes typically several groups of players.


The way raiding works is that you need to get gear from doing the endgame small group instances to aquire gear, typically with an accuracy rating, since raid bosses will resist most attacks without.


Content in raids is often extremely difficult compared to the normal content, requires a lot of orginization and cooperation and knowhow.


In most mmorpgs raids will take several attempts to clear, which is why you can do it once a week. Typically people break it up over the course of several days clearing a few bosses at a time.



The wow-style of endgame pve, which is what most coin raiding, is the act of incrimental gear grinding. Starting off with the small group content, obtaining dropped purple gear and tokens to purchase gear that will allow you to raid properly.


Theres a lot of "retard checks" and "gear checks" in raid content. The goal is to keep raiding for those who have completed all previous skilled pve content. Your not going to be able to complete much with bad gear or no orginization. Retard checks prevent people unable to control their characters positioning and attacks...you have to focus and know the instance to complete. Gear checks are often in the form of enrage timers. If you dont kill the boss in X amount of time, enrage timer will go off making the boss one shot everyone...this means your gear wasnt good enough (too many misses not enough accuract) or your team wasnt doing enough damage due to poor rotation or too many support.


Havent gotten much into this games "raids" it might be far easier than i explained. But the summary here should at least make you aware what you are in for during raids.


Typically you want to get in witha guild that knows what they are doing, have the right gear, and know your class front to back. They are designed to cause failure for people who do not belong to all three categories. Doing all the pve content at endgame leading up to raid ready should prepare you, as you wont get far and wont get invited to groups if you dont know your character front and back, this goes beyond solo pve questing, you need to know interrupts and your role as well as how to react to enemy attacks ect.


Judging from your post here, you are at least smart enough to ask on the forums. Get in with a good guild, run the hardmodes which will expose what you need to learn. Emotions run high during raids and people who dont know what they are doing will quickly get the boot from them. Not sure if they are as difficult in this game as some so it might be as serious business here.


Getting the good and helpful guild is key, finding a guild that is competant and is helpful can be hard however. Usually the good ones have zero tolerance for noobyness.

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