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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is SWTOR worth $15?


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So, to clarify, the only reason you're on the forums is to complain loudly about a game you're no longer playing?


And I thought I had spare time...


Speaks volumes for the game, when both of us (and all these others busily posting) are in the forums jacking around instead of playing it, doesn't it?

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1.2 must be EXTREMLY good to make it worth 13€/month :(.


1) absolut miserable communication from BW (EA never comunicate anyway)


2) slow reaction time from the ingame 'suport'. Can it even be called suport? or just 'copy&past bots'? Did they ever do something for somebody at all?


3) BOTing and CHEATING ... starting with auto-looting tresures to BG-BOTing. Including all the speed-, imun-, godmode-cheats (YES, they are out there, just google).


4) no balancing except further gimping a allready gimped class


It sound cool when BW anounce: "1.2 will be the UBAR WTFPWANGE Patch' ... but sorry, to much stuff coming to late this way!


Small stuff like changing some numbers for balance, creating a new animation (or adjust timing) for some skills, saving settings (Kiosk settings? Craft settings?) ... that's all SMALL changes which should be published as soon as they are ready!


Hold them back just to make 1.2 look better == FAIL!



PS: don't get me wrong, the game is cool and I realy try to love it as I'm a Starwars Fan.

But BioWare (EA anyway) as to improve their behavior BIG TIME to not make me hate the game. LucasArts was cool back when they created stuff like Indian Jones and all this type of games (singel player advantures).

But they need to learn what SUPORT means!

Edited by Jahor
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Speaks volumes for the game, when both of us (and all these others busily posting) are in the forums jacking around instead of playing it, doesn't it?


Sneaky dodge of the intentional personality smear, but I am playing it.

Edited by ConspicuousTree
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Speaks volumes for the game, when both of us (and all these others busily posting) are in the forums jacking around instead of playing it, doesn't it?


Some of us can't play while at work...but we can use the forums.



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Hell no... this game is hella boring and considering Guild Wars 2 is going to be free.... this game will either die a violent death when GW2 comes out or it goes f2p as well.



GW2 will be like any F2P MMO

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I... Suppose? I mean, I'm not sure if there's much point to saying "It's worth 15$" when that's not what we pay and everything else is a matter of opinion.


I just wanted to see what everyone's opinion was on the matter. Which probably also includes a person's thoughts on relative worth.


As are mine, especially since I've put them in dollars and I pay in pounds <cough>. I suppose there's something to it customer perspective, but I'm not sure if it's worth picking apart when behind the scenes that money's going to many places that aren't content/service.


I singled out one perspective and oriented the discussion around it. However, if you separate "content" into funds going to developers and other expenses (like royalties), the resulting conclusions might differ from the strictly customer perspective.




Karma for Origin.


Probably for keeping ME 3 off of Steam.

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I just wanted to see what everyone's opinion was on the matter. Which probably also includes a person's thoughts on relative worth.


Admirable and the purpose of the forums, I guess.


I singled out one perspective and oriented the discussion around it. However, if you separate "content" into funds going to developers and other expenses (like royalties), the resulting conclusions might differ from the strictly customer perspective.


Glad we agree!


Probably for keeping ME 3 off of Steam.



Edited by ConspicuousTree
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I'm from Ontario, Canada and, for some reason, I get charged 1.94 dollars of taxes on top of the 14.99 fee for SWTOR. I paid/played for other MMOs in the past and none of them I had to pay taxes for. Maybe because of where SWTOR servers are located? Not sure.


Anyway, I felt that, personally, this game was not worth 17 dollars a month and it was one of the reasons why I cancelled my subscription.

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I'm from Ontario, Canada and, for some reason, I get charged 1.94 dollars of taxes on top of the 14.99 fee for SWTOR. I paid/played for other MMOs in the past and none of them I had to pay taxes for. Maybe because of where SWTOR servers are located? Not sure.


I recommend contacting their subscription-related customer services, however bad/good they may be, to make sure you're not being mischarged. Either that or the relevant taxman.


Best to find out why and make sure they're not pinching your money needlessly.

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Speaks volumes for the game, when both of us (and all these others busily posting) are in the forums jacking around instead of playing it, doesn't it?


In fleet at the moment. loafing around doing some crafting for an alt and watching this on my second monitor.


What happens when you assume?

Edited by corbanite
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I'm from Ontario, Canada and, for some reason, I get charged 1.94 dollars of taxes on top of the 14.99 fee for SWTOR. I paid/played for other MMOs in the past and none of them I had to pay taxes for. Maybe because of where SWTOR servers are located? Not sure.


Anyway, I felt that, personally, this game was not worth 17 dollars a month and it was one of the reasons why I cancelled my subscription.


Your country is taxing you, not BW.

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$15/ month was the going rate over half a decade ago. 15/ month for what I'm getting out of SWTOR today is an absolute steal. Frankly I feel a bit guilty when the cost if two beers in an average pub cover everything I get out of it.
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