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3 Oceanic realms and their full already


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I went looking on the new Oceanic realms


their full already, with 30 min wait que times


I think we need more


Note: requests like this is why there are too many servers on the NA and EU clusters right now.


Let the surge work it's way through. Bioware will monitor it's stats and will know when to light up new servers, if at all.

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And yeah, the RP is light. Bioware have said they have more hardware in backup if extra servers are needed. Hold off the nerd rage for a few days and see how it pans out. Edited by Zoggel
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Right because they did so well with the NA servers when they added about 50 to many lol.


The point is it's not productive for people to be QQing on launch day for more servers.


Hopefully, Bioware learned this lesson and will be mor cautious about adding servers.

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Some people don't get it. You want to be on a server with long queue times at launch.

That way you are on a healthy pop server when the dust settles. Take that little pearl of wisdom with you to your future MMO's as well.

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eh, yesterday there was a <5 min queue when I made a char, and the result was ~150 people on each starter planet ... means there were about 600 people on the server (maybe 1200 since I didn't check if it was instanced or not)
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I saw this as well.


This was not acceptable at launch, so what makes BW think that this will be acceptable now?


And only 3 servers for Asia Pacific.... definitely need more.


I would rather have 3 full servers, then 10 with very few people on each.

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eh, yesterday there was a <5 min queue when I made a char, and the result was ~150 people on each starter planet ... means there were about 600 people on the server (maybe 1200 since I didn't check if it was instanced or not)


Freakin shards, how do they work?

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I don't think there need to be more. I'd rather have three high pop servers than 12 ghost towns, even if i do have to wait through 30min ques.


Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't it be inbetween?


OP, give them time, if the demand is there they will almost certainly address it. These are servers physically based over here so it is a significant venture to set this all up and I don't blame them one bit for taking it one step at a time.


Too many servers and it is a large waste of money. It would be far wiser for them to start small and build up according to demand.

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I went looking on the new Oceanic realms


their full already, with 30 min wait que times


I think we need more


No if you do that then by the time transfers off the unofficial servers occurs they will be all dead. Swifture is only running at standard at the moment when it's usually heavy to full, why? Because half the population has rerolled on the new aussie servers.

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you only need 1 server, really, per location


pvp server can be dupluicated by an option that MUST be turned on or off in options. rp and pve server is pointless to differentiate.


EVE has shown us that you can, easily, accomodate 60,000 people per server. Yes, it is designed to accomodate 180,000, but the highest it has seen is 65k at once. But it requires very streamlined netcode.


If you ever get a wait queue with this population, THEN you add more servers. And this game requires FAR less in the form of database access then eve does, so the server would not need to be as extreme.


However, if we must have server segregation like we do, I do not want more then 3. Low population servers = **** experience

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I went looking on the new Oceanic realms


their full already, with 30 min wait que times


I think we need more


Don't you people ever learn?


It's people like you who are partly to blame for the current state of the servers, empty and too many.

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