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Vanguard vs Commando


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I know that there are several threads asking the same question but none of them have given me an answer that suits my situation. As you probably guessed from the title I'm having issues deciding on which advanced class I should pick. I only PVE and I've heard that the commando is better for PVP but I've never played a tank player character which makes me want the vanguard since it would be a new experience. However, I still would like to be able to solo most of the quest using Aric as my companion and not die too much. I really enjoy playing this pc but I don't want to choose an advanced class and end up disappointed and want to start over again as with my Jedi Shadow. Also, which ever one you suggest could you also give links to builds that you feel will work best for solo PVE and links to any useful guides (especially tanking guides for new tanks if you recommend vanguard). Thanks ^-^!
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-The great thing about a trooper is most of the companions you get will complement your play style no matter which advanced class you pick.


-Both supporting classes are viable in PVE and PVP, but just beware of your role expectations depending on your class.


-If you go vanguard, you will get a boatload of survivability, and if you keep Elara out (acquired on Taris), you can probably solo all quests and most heroic 2's. You will spend a lot of time getting up close and personal with your enemies though (even though its technically ranged tanking, most of your spells will require you to be within 10 meters of your enemy) You will also be responsible for a lot of spell interrupts and keeping good threat.


-If you go commando, you can faceroll heal and still pretty much win in a pve scenario, as things gets easier and easier as you get deeper into the tree. I'd recommend M1-4X for a tanking companion, though for most quests any companion minus Elara and your ship droid will do. You will be responsible for cc and obviously healing. The pvp field always welcomes more healers too, should you ever change your mind.


-That said, both advanced classes will allow you to dps depending on your spec, so its really up to you how you want to play. Leveling was a breeze since all of your companions use aim and endurance (same as you), so its not terribly hard to have your companions keep up as you throw them your hand me downs. You always have the choice of upgrading your companion's gear through most of the major planets you run through, so that's not really an issue.



I think I'm rambling on here, so I'll just sign off with the links to the superthreads that some awesome ppl have compiled - Wealth of knowledge and stuff to learn and what not (assuming you go into a supporting role).


Vanguard Tank Guide


Commando Healer Guide

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If you plan PVE all the time even after 50lvl, i'd suggest you Commando. I played in Assault build till they gave me Grav round (20lvl) then respeced in Gunnery. Mobs are just torn by this build. Later you'll get your healer Elora and you won't need anyone else on her place till 50. You'll have your own healing, concusive charge which throws your foes in all directions from you and many other funny things. More over if you decide to play a healer, it's practically the best healer in the game.

Vanguard is also a good dps but shines in PVP. It works at melee range mostly, so it's not the best class choice for pve i suppose.

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I appreciate the advice so far and I'm taking every thing into account. However, every mmo I've played I always either choose the healer, caster, or dps (rogue) class so I kind of want something different but I still want to be able to solo and not have to depend on my companion too much (whoever it is though it will mostly be Aric). I've also heard that playing as a commando is boring which is why this decision is so hard...people keep saying that the vanguard is more fun and less repetitive in battle. UGGHHH! I just don't know which to choose....grrrrrr! Anyway, thanks again for the above advice and anyone else who has suggestions feel free to post them.
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I appreciate the advice so far and I'm taking every thing into account. However, every mmo I've played I always either choose the healer, caster, or dps (rogue) class so I kind of want something different but I still want to be able to solo and not have to depend on my companion too much (whoever it is though it will mostly be Aric). I've also heard that playing as a commando is boring which is why this decision is so hard...people keep saying that the vanguard is more fun and less repetitive in battle. UGGHHH! I just don't know which to choose....grrrrrr! Anyway, thanks again for the above advice and anyone else who has suggestions feel free to post them.




Leveling in this game is pretty easy. I have a level 27 Commando and I now have a level 16 Vanguard. It was a level 13 Vanguard, but I hated that one's face after a while and rerolled. :D



Either way, for soloing, if you really want to use Aric, go Commando. I've soloed Heroic twos easily just by CCing and then letting Aric DPS while I healed him (make sure to turn off his AOE moves when doing this!).



I'm personally liking my Vanguard better so far though, but then again, I want to use Elara as my main companion, so being a Vanguard with her makes more sense.

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Do you want to heal? If so pick Commando. You don't always have to heal, but with that capability as part of your advanced class choice it should be something you enjoy or at least actively want to try doing if you pick Commando. It's a fun class, either to heal or DPS.


Copy/paste above, but replace 'heal' with 'tank', and 'Commando' with 'Vanguard'.


Both classes can DPS. Both classes can solo effectively in PvE while leveling, and be a useful part of a group. What matters is if you'd rather heal or tank. I promise you that people will ask. DPS is easy to find when every single AC has a DPS tree, but not everyone can (or will) heal or tank.


Personally I picked Commando, but only because I have a Powertech (Vanguard mirror) on the Dark Side. They are both quite enjoyable but my preference if I was only going to pick one would be Vanguard. Don't let that sway you though...it's about your personal preference not ours.

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I just finished leveling my Commando last night and he is alot of fun. Like many people above me said if you want to run with Aric as your companion go with commando combat medic tree. I've never had any problems with PvE but i didnt try to do any heroics alone. Commando has alot of cool skills and in general feels like a ****** :p And once they fix the supposedly bugged skills he will be even stronger. Didnt play as a vanguard so cant say much about that tho.
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-If you go vanguard, you will get a boatload of survivability, and if you keep Elara out (acquired on Taris), you can probably solo all quests and most heroic 2's. You will spend a lot of time getting up close and personal with your enemies though (even though its technically ranged tanking, most of your spells will require you to be within 10 meters of your enemy) You will also be responsible for a lot of spell interrupts and keeping good threat.




please note that vanguard is NOT only a tank. ONE of the three trees is tanking. the other two are pure DPS and are viable dps. they are up close and personal (and mobile) dps, although vanguards have some ranged tools the bread and butter requires melee range. The commando is the long range DPS, standing still. both have advantages and both are completely up to 'your preferred style'.

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I'm half way through playing as a vanguard on what has become my new favourite class,


it is fast paced very active gameplay which offers the potential to DPS and support your group. I have absolutely loved PVP so far, you have a lot of utility. The close ranged nature is actually fantastic as you still have a lot of mid range attacks making you not as suceptible to kiting as melee.


If you want a more challenging class I'd go vanguard, The commando is essentially a turret, it can churn out dps sure but with the vanguard you can do that (and compete with the commando) as well as shielding your group mates, charging opponents and harpooning them (great for huttball). I'd recommend looking at the vanguard forum sticky for Taugrims "iron fist" build and pvp video's its what made me make my decision.

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I appreciate the advice so far and I'm taking every thing into account. However, every mmo I've played I always either choose the healer, caster, or dps (rogue) class so I kind of want something different but I still want to be able to solo and not have to depend on my companion too much (whoever it is though it will mostly be Aric). I've also heard that playing as a commando is boring which is why this decision is so hard...people keep saying that the vanguard is more fun and less repetitive in battle. UGGHHH! I just don't know which to choose....grrrrrr! Anyway, thanks again for the above advice and anyone else who has suggestions feel free to post them.


Vanguard Assault for me, and I use Aric all the time (all the way to near 45th at this point). I enjoy running around, using cover, driving mobs nuts while Aric chews things up.


The game is built for PvE assuming you have a companion, though. Things do get rough without one.


On the other hand, I also have a 20something Commando. He can be fun to play with too. He's Gunnery, so I have Grav Round already...but he also has three grenades. It's hilarious to plasma grenade one mob and set everything near it on fire, Sticky Grenade a second one, and then Cryo grenade the third before blasting anything left moving (that Aric didn't shoot to pieces). Or just Mortar Volley the lot before the aforementioned grenadefest. I do enjoy mass destruction...but he's also less mobile than my Vanguard, who gleefully runs mobs around while zorching them with Ion Pulses and HIB's.


We're lucky as Troopers. Both of our AC's are fun, viable, and effective.

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