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A thought on loved NPC characters


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I sit here lamenting the times of old when I basically idolized my faction leader Thrall. It got me to thinking, what makes the player base in general love a character to begin with.


What made Thrall, Alexandria, Illidan, Arthas, Bolvar and Saurfang loved while others were kinda bleh. And what could Bioware do to introduce some of these beloved faction heros.


First off, some of these were loved by accident. Saurfang for example. He was just a random NPC and everyone just kinda fell for the guy. Blizzard took advantage of this and gave him larger and larger roles in the story and the lore. But Bolvar, he was already a faction leader that was kinda 'meh'. Not sure what happened, I think he grew on some people during the AQ world events, but by the time he died at wrathgate he was loved by all, even horde.


Another thing to consider is they were kinda static characters. You got to see Thrall early on, he had lots of good lore to him already from previous games. He was always there, sitting in Orgrimmar being awesome for us. The one and only guy from SWTOR that kinda fit that bill was Darth Maul, but we kill him later in the game. Republic side we have who? Bashida (or whatever her name is)?


Another reason we love our heroes is we believe in what they are fighting for. I loved the horde. I fought for the horde. In swtor, the empire is just plain evil. Everyone in it is evil. You are either a good guy fighting against the empire from within, or you are a bad guy that cares about himself more then anything and just use the empire to facilitate you needs. Republic is just an Alliance copy and paste, which I never could get into anyways. But some could, so maybe you could find a hero in there somewhere.


So my conclusion. We need something to fight for, lots of static characters that all class on that faction have access to, then find out which ones we gravitate toward and push their story more.


After we have something we believe in and leaders worth dying for, then we can introduce villians that want to destroy everything we love.


Please, share your thoughts on this. Anyone Republic side have any heros they look up to?

Edited by Icebaron
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My heroes? The mother and father of Vette for raising such a nice and friendly companion.



Vette was an orphan raised by slavers and pirates. And she is sith warrior only so the faction can't love and follow her lead.


Edited by Trineda
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Revan is a level 37 Champion the Empire fight in the Foundry.


Revan.. a level 37... champion... beaten by some no-name empire players...


My Revan would have never ended up like that.


He'd be level 100 with a Nuke Sign and Purple coloring. You don't want to **** with this guy. He'd one shot you, you, that guy over there and this guys mother.


**** I was pissed when I saw how fodderized they made him.


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Vette was an orphan raised by slavers and pirates. And she is sith warrior only so the faction can't love and follow her lead.




True, she never knew her parents.

Thrall is an orc, nevertheless I felt sympathy while I was a trol. Any suggestion who can get such a role in ToR? Maybe a new story that will create one?

Edited by Trineda
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The only fictional character I've ever really idolized was James "Slippery Jim" DeGriz, the Stainless Steel Rat, from Harry Harrison's books.


While I might find some stuff that NPC characters do to be interesting, or cool, it never makes me go "wow, they're my hero!"


Maybe I'm just weird. :jawa_smile:

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Revan is a level 37 Champion the Empire fight in the Foundry.


Revan.. a level 37... champion... beaten by some no-name empire players...


My Revan would have never ended up like that.


He'd be level 100 with a Nuke Sign and Purple coloring. You don't want to **** with this guy. He'd one shot you, you, that guy over there and this guys mother.


**** I was pissed when I saw how fodderized they made him.


Players are NOT no-names. At low levels, some may treat them as such, but even that treatment is reduced and mostly eliminated by that level. If you want to play an MMO where your character is some no-name, TOR is not the game for you.

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