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Jaesa Willsaam bug


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Not sure if this is the correct section in the forums but here i go.

This morning i finally finished the first arc for the sith warrior class and i finally unlocked Jaesa Willsaam as a companion. Although everything is going well i noticed that even after fights she always has her weapon wielded.

I've tried dismissing and summoning her back to see if it did the trick but to know success.

Does anyone know if there's a fix for this?

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Would love to know if there's a trick to get them to sheathe it too. I have the same issue with her, and had the same issue on Ashara.


kinda relieved im not the only one. i already opened a ticket in game too just to get a fix faster if there is any.


although i did find a TEMPORARY fix for it.

it seems if you un-equip her lightsaber, dismiss her, summon her back and equip her lightsaber again she'll be able to sheathe it. apparently once you get on a mount and get off the bug returns. =/

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I've had the same thing happen with Vette. She was running around with her guns drawn. I never found an actual fix, she just eventually holstered them after combat.


But if Jaesa does it, with her sensitivity, I just chalk it up to her sensing some threat that I don't know about. :D

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Had the same with Kira on my Jedi knight and it actually happened after i popped level 25.


Which made me think that it might be related to a new stance. And that was actually it. Switched back to the other stance and everything was fine again.


Since Jaesa becomes a companion at level 31-32 you get this stance from the start.


Try to change her stance, and see if it goes away. Worked for me on Kira so it should work for Jaesa too.

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Had the same with Kira on my Jedi knight and it actually happened after i popped level 25.


Which made me think that it might be related to a new stance. And that was actually it. Switched back to the other stance and everything was fine again.


Since Jaesa becomes a companion at level 31-32 you get this stance from the start.


Try to change her stance, and see if it goes away. Worked for me on Kira so it should work for Jaesa too.


Which stance did you use oh vague one? :p

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as of 1.2b or what ever this patch is called, a.k.a. right now, Jaesa Willsaam still runs around with her saber lit, it is even lit when holstered and it bugged me, so I removed her saber when I talked to her on my ship. You need to fix this asap. Sometimes she holsters her weapon after exiting combat, but that is rare. I guess this goes for all saberwielding companions (just saw Xalek doing the same).
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