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Discussion about this so-called "huge loss of subs"


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My personal opinion? SWTOR is like a less than half done jigsaw puzzle when it released and my sub is paying to watch it very slowly being pieced together. I'm pretty sure the game will get better and better as time goes by but how much more time and money can people afford to give just to see those results?


Apparently you are very new to MMO launches or you would appreciate more the state in which SWTOR is currently. :confused:

Edited by Rouge
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Honestly I take it people are butthurt that:

A. Not SWG




B. 100% at their expectations when they should hang in there considering that all 8 chapters aren't finished yet.


B is unexcusable , sorry B is what I was really mad about .

For a game so long time in development , and story is the key element of bioware.


That both my jedi knight and consular simply isn´t enjoyable at all the story choice you make.

While my bounty hunter and my inquisitor even my sith warrior got me hooked to the seat of my chair .


My trooper wasn´t bad but was so damn predictable , I could already fortell what was going to happen in the story , before I even get there .

Sorry who ever did the republic side story telling or testing , did it really badly ..

IT was either Angelic good , or candy crime evil ... nothing in between .


While on the empire side you simply had plain ruthless evil , or do good things cause you want too .

The republic side simply feels unfinished not satisfactory , not even a heroic story ....

No real consequences of choices ,

so what you saved JAXO killed 340 people .

It is not they going to find out , where is JAXO ?


That example the outcome didn´t even matter ..

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And before anyone goes to compare WoW at launch or any other MMO, let me just state that, WoW was released in 2004/5. It's 2011/12 now and you're trying to convince everyone that after 7 years, MMOs are still going to be released in this manner? Then the only improvement we've had since then is prettier graphics.


:rolleyes: So you are saying that a new MMO has to roll out with 7 years of refinement, additions, content, and features. That would be the end of MMOs, because none of them can achieve your critical standard.


It's not about the timestamp on the calendar, it's about the way MMOs release and evolve over time. ALL MMOS. THEY ALL RELEASE WITHOUT THE CONTENT, FEATURES, AND BUG FIXES THEY WILL HAVE AFTER 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 YEARS OUT.


Your unwillingness to embrace this reality of MMO release and evolution over time is part of why you are dissatisfied.


And please, no car analogies. Cars are not valid analogies for MMO release and evolution.

Edited by Andryah
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Apparently you are very new to MMO launches or you would appreciate more the state in which SWTOR is currently. :confused:


Lol. I've been through quite a number of launches. I have already stated in the second paragraph on how MMO launches have not changed for years. I have to agree SWTOR launch was good, the servers didn't crash and die. I don't know really what else made the launch successful besides that. Mmm.. :confused:

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There are other methods to give them your feedback, if that one failed. It's just that ranting all over the general forums IS NOT one of them.


I have yet to rant about anything. And I did call them after when I had them put my account on hold since I had subbed for 6 months and quit before the first week of paid time was through. Now I can come back in 6-7 months and see how the polish looks.

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Lol. I've been through quite a number of launches. I have already stated in the second paragraph on how MMO launches have not changed for years. I have to agree SWTOR launch was good, the servers didn't crash and die. I don't know really what else made the launch successful besides that. Mmm.. :confused:


The first 30 levels :p ...

Sorry to say but the game was great and should have been released in march or last year .

And CAPPED at 30 ...


Then it would have been a block buster .

Instead of 50 and rushed last 10 level not welldone .

And people would have rejoiced 4 months later at next 10 levels released .

And now celebrating that they have level 50 :p


See big difference in design and fooling strategy , one that blizzard perfected


By making people pay full money for 5 levels :p

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:rolleyes: So you are saying that a new MMO has to roll out with 7 years of refinement, additions, content, and features. That would be the end of MMOs, because none of them can achieve your critical standard.


It's not about the timestamp on the calendar, it's about the way MMOs release and evolve over time. ALL MMOS. THEY ALL RELEASE WITHOUT THE CONTENT, FEATURES, AND BUG FIXES THEY WILL HAVE AFTER 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 YEARS OUT.


Your unwillingness to embrace this reality of MMO release and evolution over time is part of why you are dissatisfied.


And please, no car analogies. Cars are not valid analogies for MMO release and evolution.


I can see that people are looking at my post and just want to jump on the white knight bandwagon. Just expressed a few stuff and people take it personally. Oh well.

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Already uninstalled this game. Canceled my subscription and will never renew it.


Here's why


- Number 1, Customer service


Absolutely stupid handling of bugs. Forum moderation is a joke. It's obvious that no one cares if the game is broken when most bugs go for a month without a fix but forum posts are taken care of almost instantly.


- End game








TBH, with GW2 coming out soon, I'd rather play Xbox than this travesty of a video game. I'd rather play a panda in WOW than play this. Too bad too, I was one of the biggest fans of this game ever. KOTOR on the old Xbox will always give me great memories. This MMO is just a total failure.

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Pretty much 90% of people I started SWTOR with have gone back to wow - and we aren't FOTM kids, most of us are in our 40s and game as a hobby with our spouses, kids, families, friends.


I'd say, quick mental maths, 40 or so of us started, I know of 3 that still play.


The rest of us went back to wow. We came to SW for SW mostly, but feel the game has too many fundamental problems to continue with at this time, simple.


Troll harder bro. I know 600 people that all started out on swtor and none of them quit, infact we convinced another 800 people to join! So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Already uninstalled this game. Canceled my subscription and will never renew it.


Here's why


- Number 1, Customer service


Absolutely stupid handling of bugs. Forum moderation is a joke. It's obvious that no one cares if the game is broken when most bugs go for a month without a fix but forum posts are taken care of almost instantly.


- End game








TBH, with GW2 coming out soon, I'd rather play Xbox than this travesty of a video game. I'd rather play a panda in WOW than play this. Too bad too, I was one of the biggest fans of this game ever. KOTOR on the old Xbox will always give me great memories. This MMO is just a total failure.


Good nobody will miss you , since you didn´t made any friends ...

So join the anonimous amount of people who play MMO without having friends .

OR able to socialise , no worries go back to wow , you fit right in ;)

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Already uninstalled this game. Canceled my subscription and will never renew it.


Here's why


- Number 1, Customer service


Absolutely stupid handling of bugs. Forum moderation is a joke. It's obvious that no one cares if the game is broken when most bugs go for a month without a fix but forum posts are taken care of almost instantly.


- End game








TBH, with GW2 coming out soon, I'd rather play Xbox than this travesty of a video game. I'd rather play a panda in WOW than play this. Too bad too, I was one of the biggest fans of this game ever. KOTOR on the old Xbox will always give me great memories. This MMO is just a total failure.


biggest fan ever? which is why didnt even create an account until august, riiiiiiiight.

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Troll harder bro. I know 600 people that all started out on swtor and none of them quit, infact we convinced another 800 people to join! So put that in your pipe and smoke it.



i know at least 300k ppl quit,

so what? i still play it on holiday until something more interesting coming.

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Already uninstalled this game. Canceled my subscription and will never renew it.


Here's why


- Number 1, Customer service


Absolutely stupid handling of bugs. Forum moderation is a joke. It's obvious that no one cares if the game is broken when most bugs go for a month without a fix but forum posts are taken care of almost instantly.


- End game








TBH, with GW2 coming out soon, I'd rather play Xbox than this travesty of a video game. I'd rather play a panda in WOW than play this. Too bad too, I was one of the biggest fans of this game ever. KOTOR on the old Xbox will always give me great memories. This MMO is just a total failure.


No one here cares about this little statement of yours, go away.

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I started EQ before there were any expansions, same with wow, Shadowbane, SWG you name it.


Other than that, so far i'm very impressed with this game. For one that has just released, it's incredibly well done, extremely stable and has a LOT of content for a new game. Come on people, you are dealing with a game that crosses galaxies. That's something most games don't have. They can add entire systems of planets in expansions or patches and never stop expanding, as well as adding new races or even classes.


i started UO and EQ too,

and this TOR could be better,

but now, very disappoint at at it,

this is the 2nd time i dont like BW's product,


i don't hate EA so much until this game came out,

now i see why ppl always spit at EA.


too many reason and u all know it about EA.

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This is coming from a long time player of MMO's, both "popular" and "unpopular" (SWG, LOTRO, DAoC, WoW, Age of Conan, Warhammer online): I have seen multiple games succeed, and multiple games not so much.


Take Age of Conan for example. I saw the game go from about 30 US servers, down to 4 over the time of 4 months. However, these 4 servers were populated, and the game was moderately successful, in its own respect.


What is the big stress of all these subs dropping? It's not like we're going to wake up to the servers not being here anymore. All they would have to do at this point is condense half of the servers down, and they would all be populated abundantly.


This game has the potential to be a very successful game, and I don't know WHAT people are thinking, wanting plenty of endgame raiding content, pvp options, etc only a few months after release. You demand the game be rushed into release, and expect it to have as many raids as an MMO which has been out for a year?


Open discussion for why you will not be resubbing/why you will/when you will lose hope. If unsubbing, describe why, if and when you plan to check back for new content, and things you would like to see changed.


I personally will give this game plenty of time to grow, as it had one of the most impressive launches I have seen in a while from an MMO (keep in mind, WoW's servers were nearly impossible to play on for almost two weeks after release).


They spent how many years and how many millions of dollars on what exactally. We were told that this game is going to have all the makeings of the next best mmo to come out.


Instead we get a CC fest for PVP, 2 WZ and the ping pong event called hutt ball. The story line is ok for some classes but lame for others. Planets are huge and impressive but a barren wasteland. This is the first MMO I have ever played where I only grouped up once while leveling. The one and only pvp planet pretty much makes my computer take a dump when there are more than a hundred people fighting. The pve endgame consists of what exactally? Nothing really but hard mode flash points. The gear is so so from it. World bosses? Well it would work if the planets had people on them. Open pvp, would work if people were there. The list goes on and on.


SO what did the consumer get exactally? A great big pile of cut screens with voice over quests! NOt much else in the way of game play


I am glad as hell we waited how many years for this game. TOR should of never been released when it was but EA said go now or else. So this is what we got and his is the reason why this game is failing.


I have guild members quitting left and right because of the lack of things to do. Doing a daily mission is not fun, going to Illum is not fun do to balance and lag issues, WZ's are not bad but there are only three for a game that should be pvp orientated, a mini video game for space combat, CC that is totally out of control, a broken resolve system etc etc etc.


So what did they get right, well I have to say crafting and companions. But thats pretty much it. This games time to grow is running out. We are pretty much paying Beta testers, praying to god that they fix something to make the game enjoyable

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Troll harder bro. I know 600 people that all started out on swtor and none of them quit, infact we convinced another 800 people to join! So put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Show me your list of subs that you convinced. I personally have seen the population plummet since the launch of the game. I went to a full server with que times and lots of action to a empty wasteland where the most action is on the fleet in general chat.

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They spent how many years and how many millions of dollars on what exactally. We were told that this game is going to have all the makeings of the next best mmo to come out.


Instead we get a CC fest for PVP, 2 WZ and the ping pong event called hutt ball. The story line is ok for some classes but lame for others. Planets are huge and impressive but a barren wasteland. This is the first MMO I have ever played where I only grouped up once while leveling. The one and only pvp planet pretty much makes my computer take a dump when there are more than a hundred people fighting. The pve endgame consists of what exactally? Nothing really but hard mode flash points. The gear is so so from it. World bosses? Well it would work if the planets had people on them. Open pvp, would work if people were there. The list goes on and on.


SO what did the consumer get exactally? A great big pile of cut screens with voice over quests! NOt much else in the way of game play


I am glad as hell we waited how many years for this game. TOR should of never been released when it was but EA said go now or else. So this is what we got and his is the reason why this game is failing.


I have guild members quitting left and right because of the lack of things to do. Doing a daily mission is not fun, going to Illum is not fun do to balance and lag issues, WZ's are not bad but there are only three for a game that should be pvp orientated, a mini video game for space combat, CC that is totally out of control, a broken resolve system etc etc etc.


So what did they get right, well I have to say crafting and companions. But thats pretty much it. This games time to grow is running out. We are pretty much paying Beta testers, praying to god that they fix something to make the game enjoyable


And all this was reported in week 1 of release , by the headstarters ...

And in week 3 most of those said enough , sorry now the communication is finally coming.


Adn sorry even crafting they didn´t get it right , cause half my cybertech dissasemble says not implemented when it criticals .


Sorry yeah we are paying for a beta , but then who paid for the 5 years of beta , if EA didn´t push it out the door , If they had known what a state this game was in .

They should have pushed it out the door last year ... sorry this is not EA fault .

It is clear case of miss communication on a scale of huge level .

Especially between BETA testers and Game TESTERS and project management.


No wonder Warhammer didn´t work , sure Will pay for the beta , cause am having FUN .

But I expect tons of people wouldn´t for tons of reasons .

And I expected a beter backbone too , so EA is not coming clean free either .

If secret world is to be handled or even future MMO projects by this kind of backbone.

They got tons of work ahead of them .


But end of the day , yeah people do leave left and right and aren´t returning to wow this time , cause they realise , if there is nothing in for me ...

Why should I play ? .. so in a way SWTOR did made me realise it .

Gone are the old days , if there is no FUN why the hell are people still playing it .

So ingame I see tons of people having FUN , on forums I see valid complaints.


But also guilds in this game , if run by there is nothing in for me people.

Then yeah what can you expect from guild members .

The lack of grind or incentive is starting to show , even with people who loves this game.

So we wait for 1.2 , and beter have tons of incentive .

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Apparently you are very new to MMO launches or you would appreciate more the state in which SWTOR is currently. :confused:


Really? MMO launches do not measure a games ability to keep people playing. Will it draw people yes but will it keep them no. There are so many issues with this game that it should of never been released. It needed another 2 months of alfa and beta testing. I was there for the beta and launch of WoW, LOTR, Warhammer and this game. I tell you straight up after 3 months I am completely bored of this game. That has never happened before in any mmo I have ever played. All in all this might of been a smooth launch but the game is lacking in almost every department except the Voice over stuff.

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Show me your list of subs that you convinced. I personally have seen the population plummet since the launch of the game. I went to a full server with que times and lots of action to a empty wasteland where the most action is on the fleet in general chat.


I sub people who wanted to play for FUN , told them customer service is a crap ...

Told them things might get tough past 40 , told them be ready to back yourself up and try things on yourself first .


And guess what most of those people have tons of fun , and infact enjoying the game more then I am often .

But yeah when you listen to people this game is easy ... same person who needs help on level 10 with his class quest .


I can´t help wondering how many can we call shennigan .

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Show me your list of subs that you convinced. I personally have seen the population plummet since the launch of the game. I went to a full server with que times and lots of action to a empty wasteland where the most action is on the fleet in general chat.



What I saw is EA/Bioware releasing an MMO during the worst time of year, the Christmas holiday. This forced them to create way way to many servers to accommodate a huge number of people off from school and work for 2+ weeks, with a whole lot more then usual amount of people playing at the same time then what would normally be playing.


Normally only about 20% of an MMOs population plays at the same time, but during the first few weeks if not a little bit more I wouldn't doubt we were seeing 75% playing at the same time if not more.


They need to drop about half of the servers. About half of the servers would be enough for 1.7 million subscribers, which would be about 340,000 playing at the same time. Right now at peak times you are looking at about 700 people on one side at best, because that 340,000 is spread across 2 factions and 225 servers.

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Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!


Not just Illum, every single planet with forts and stuff enriched by NPC presence and Ops of players fighting for control. Even though Warhammer Online was a steaming pile of crap my guild could pull 2 or more warbands a night just to fight over forts and castles, was truly awesome. Warzones/Battlegorunds are disgraceful, they were in WoW and every other MMO. If they really want to keep making Warzones make it GvG otherwise the torture of mindless morons ruining the entire random queue WZ experience will continue.


EDIT: and I forgot about the guild custimisation allowing us to give our guilds an identity for when will do take part in Sand Box PvP.

Edited by -Xeper-
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What I saw is EA/Bioware releasing an MMO during the worst time of year, the Christmas holiday. This forced them to create way way to many servers to accommodate a huge number of people off from school and work for 2+ weeks, with a whole lot more then usual amount of people playing at the same time then what would normally be playing.


Normally only about 20% of an MMOs population plays at the same time, but during the first few weeks if not a little bit more I wouldn't doubt we were seeing 75% playing at the same time if not more.


They need to drop about half of the servers. About half of the servers would be enough for 1.7 million subscribers, which would be about 340,000 playing at the same time. Right now at peak times you are looking at about 700 people on one side at best, because that 340,000 is spread across 2 factions and 225 servers.


I can tell you from my experience with Warhammer and what happened when EA tore apart Mythic from the inside out. It pretty much ended the development of the game and the customer service. The game remained buggy and unfixed. Every patch broke something new or rebroke something old. It was like they were overlaying old code on top of new code every patch. Also they were very quick to merge servers. When this happens you know the game is in trouble. The amout of servers was right on the money during launch. With all the hype and all the SW fans out there EA was expecting big numbers. The timing was done to get everyone to buy the game not knowing or hearing about how much work it still needed. EA knew full well the game was not finished nor polished. They just need to recupe alot of there investment.


I have tried over and over to put up comments about whats wrong and what bugs are out there but all I see in the Q&A section is garbage like why cant i kill my pet or I want better looking armor, when can we have another playable race, instead of seeing well we know this is broken and we are fixing it asap.


This game has maybe 4 months to get its act together or you will see the same thing happen to TOR as it did with Warhammer.

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Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!

Sand Box Open World PvP!


Not just Illum, every single planet with forts and stuff enriched by NPC presence and Ops of players fighting for control. Even though Warhammer Online was a steaming pile of crap my guild could pull 2 or more warbands a night just to fight over forts and castles, was truly awesome. Warzones/Battlegorunds are disgraceful, they were in WoW and every other MMO. If they really want to keep making Warzones make it GvG otherwise the torture of mindless morons ruining the entire random queue WZ experience will continue.


This is not the game for you then.


People should move to the game that has what they want to play, NOT petition for this game to become what they want, ESPECIALLY in the context of sandbox playstyle.

Edited by Andryah
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