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Wish you could change advanced classes, great idea!


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Why is ADVANCE class chosen at level 10? Shouldn't it be chosen at level 40 instead?


Because Bioware had us choose it at lvl 10?? Maybe because WOW classes get their talent trees at level 10?? Choosing our AC also gets our characters their talent trees.. So lvl 10 is a good place to do it.. Lvl 1-10 is also a brief preview of both AC choices and play styles..


The problem you are having is that there is simply no viable reason to allow AC speccing.. If your AC were chosen at charcter creation, and you still didn't get your talent trees and little kits until lvl 10, we most likely wouldn't be having this discussion.. It would then be just like WOW.. Choose your class at character creation and get your talent trees at lvl 10.. Nothing really changed.. But because we get them at 10 and people are to lazy to redo those 10 levels again.. As if re-rolling to pick a new class at character creations isn't also going to have you do those same 10 lvl's again anyways..


There is no viable reason to demand that people be allowed to change their class.. It deminishes the entire reason of having a class.. Because if they allow it once, then the arguement becomes why not allow it more.. Then havning a class is pointless because people can change their class at will.. Soon enough you will have people that want to change from a Sith Inquisitor to a Bounty Hunter.. When will it end??


No to AC swapping.. There is no need for it and no reason for it.. Just because we choose our AC at lvl 10 does not mean we should be allowed to change it.. Re-roll and do it over again.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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You aren't allowed to switch classes in any other MMO, so why would you expect to here? Some choices have to carry weight in a class-based RPG and this is one of them.


Apparenly you haven't played many MMORPGs.


Job thing in FF.


Dual spec in WoW.


Up to FIVE specs per toon in Rift.


I'm sure others offer more.


Some people, who apparently have never played games with multi-spec, are against the idea without ever having tried it. People who've played games with it never have anything bad to say about it, because it adds a ton to your gameplay and enjoyment.


Locked in and rigid is far less enjoyable than wide open and flexible.


As fun as TOR is, repeating the same content over and over starts to lose it's luster and fun. Repeating the exact same content to make a 2nd character of the same archetype (say, making a sentinel when you already have a 50 knight) is even less thrilling.


If it's ok to have a skill mentor and reset your talents, which lets SOME classes swap between being tanks, healers, or dpsers somewhat freely, then it's somewhat illogical andor flat out stupid to not allow AC switching that would open up the freedom to ALL classes, because some AC's only have one role (like gunslinger, who could mutate into scoundrel to be a healer if you could switch ACs).


Why limit some classes and give freedom to only some classes via talent resets only? Why not allow AC switches too so EVERYONE can have freedom?


I have 3 50's and a 4th on the way - one of each class. The prospect of leveling each class a 2nd time to 50 to try/play the different ACs isn't really all that appealing, and I'm an altaholics altaholic - I love leveling and making toons. But even I have limits to how many times I can grind out the exact same linear content. The other not so appealing option is to abandon my 14+ million credits, 400 level crafters, etc, and play the other faction. I'll likely do this but it sucks to establish a monstrosity of an alt family just to abandon it to get a little variety in content.

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I can see it now. If people get this respec of advanced classes, then there will be clamoring for "respecs" of base class. Why? If you roll a Scoundrel for healing, but realize you don't like Scoundrel healing, then you have to reroll Commando or Sage and repeat the vast majority of content. (same thing for tanks). Really, it is only dps (the only role that exists with both advanced classes of the same base class) that would be able to simply "respec advanced classes."


My main is a tank. If I found out that a chose incorrectly, I have to completely reroll.

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Sadly it's an argument that will never end.


I'm totally for it. The problem is too many people believe what Bioware tells them, that an Advanced Class is a seperate Class. But it's not. If you have a Powertech and a Mercenary, you still get called a Bounty Hunter, still go to the Bounty Hunter trainer, still get a good majority of the same abilities and still play through the Bounty Hunter storyline.


Advanced Classes are nothing more than glorified specs, much like a Holy Paladin or a Retribution Paladin...or a Feral Druid and a Moonkin Druid.


Getting to level 10 is a couple of hours. Really think about that though, can you imagine any MMO where you couldn't choose your class until you'd played for two hours?


All those who are opposed to it have, in my opinion, poor arguments that just boil down to nothing more than they don't like the idea so nobody should be able to experience it! They don't care about quality of life for other players, they don't want something that doesn't effect them!


It will get implimented though, at some stage. Most likely when SWTOR's subscription numbers begin to fall.


Either that or allow us to pick our AC from the very beginning.


Sadly your incorrect, simply put the "Classes" are stories AC are the actual classes . I will break it down using your own logic. So by your definition the class is defined by its ability's, who their trained from, your personal experiences, and story.


1. Ability's - In this game each faction has a mirrored class. ie JK-SW JC-SI SM-IA TP-BH.

So basically all the classes have the same Ability's to their mirror class just different named. How does that make a JK different from A SW, OH the STORY that they play though.


2. Trainers - Would you rather not have the one trainer two tabs for your ability or the inconvenient way of 2 trainers 4 tabs (two for each trainer since they share skills) If you do start a new thread in the suggestion box


3. Personal Experience - I personally call people by their AC title not their Story class title(Story class...I like that) Just because you have seen,heard, or been called it yourself does not mean it happens everywhere to everyone.


4. Story - There you are right, and I wish you weren't. I really wish the AC class you choose made a difference somewhere in your personal story. Making it intertwine together would be really great to experience and would love it!


Please don't assume it boils down to someone not liking the idea so they want no one to experience it. I am against it but I still see the amount of people who want it and wish it would be implemented IF maybe the idea is to incorporate your AC choice into your story then well it would just be a huge programing mistake to implement.

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Apparenly you haven't played many MMORPGs.


Job thing in FF.


Dual spec in WoW.


Up to FIVE specs per toon in Rift.


I'm sure others offer more.



You obviously have no clue that this thread is about switch Classes not specs...which clearly if you've played MMO's you know is not done.


In FFXI you changed classes only because when creating a toon you really didn't have a "Typical" MMO starting class

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It does affect those opposed to it. It means we'll be grouping with people who aren't any good at any of there characters and dont take responibility for their lazy playign considering all the info is right there for them when they make the choice. It also means there's more people complaining about X adn cuasing the game to be dumbed down to the point of pokemon standards like WoW.



You're going to run into that problem no matter what. There were people like that constantly before Dual-Speccing came into WoW. The ability to change your Spec/AC has nothing at all to do with a player simply being lazy or bad.


Actually that is an incorrect assumption.. When this was discussed in the beta.. It was stated that if they add it.. A lot of people will quit.. Since a huge majority does not want dual speccing.. Bioware wouldn't be to smart to add it..


Feel free to look at any thread on this issue as evidence.. Most people do not want it added.. There is simply no reason to add it..


Provide solid facts behind the claim "The majority" of players don't want this or yet again you're pulling numbers and info out of your ***, as per usual.


Hmmm.. Thanks for the insult.. I take it, a civil discussion is not possible, where you look at the facts?? Good to know..

Coming from the guy who regularly pulls random and false information out of nowhere? The same guy who claimed that Dual-Specs are what killed WoW? HA


I can see it now. If people get this respec of advanced classes, then there will be clamoring for "respecs" of base class.

Your 'prediction' is exagerrated beyond ridiculous.


You obviously have no clue that this thread is about switch Classes not specs...which clearly if you've played MMO's you know is not done.


I'm afraid you're the one who has no clue about this thread. AC's are glorified Specs no matter how much anyone tries to argue that they're different. If Bioware had actually stated this then nobody would be trying to say that AC's are completely different to their base class.


End of the day, a lot of us want it for an improvement to the quality of gameplay. Not because we're lazy or anything else. We want the freedom of choice and not all of us have the time in our lives to sit repeating the exact same missions and story in a game just because we want to reroll for an AC after getting to level 30 and realising the main abilities for that spec aren't to our liking.


It doesn't ruin the quality of gameplay for others if it's introduced. Why? Because they can still play the game in the exact same way as they do now. What, you're scared it will encourage bad players that you will have to group with?


It's arguments like these that really show me how selfish so many players are.


And for the record, if the ability to change your AC at a top level were to be introduced, I wouldn't actually use it. I have no strong desire to change my AC right now, I just recognise that it would be of great advantage to other players.

Edited by chaosdefined
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Provide solid facts behind the claim "The majority" of players don't want this or yet again you're pulling numbers and info out of your ***, as per usual.



He doesn't have to. If you bothered looking at all the threads created in regards to this topic you will clearly see that the majority of people that replied do not want it added. It's not hard to search for all those threads or do you expect somebody to do it for you?

Edited by Erishumlol
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He doesn't have to. If you bothered looking at all the threads created in regards to this topic you will clearly see that the majority of people that replied do not want it added. It's not hard to search for all those threads or do you expect somebody to do it for you?


Proves nothing at all. If there even are more people posting in the multiple threads saying they're against it, all that proves is there are more people against it in the vocal minority.


The rest will just quit the game.


Here's the thing though, I don't want the game to fail, I really want it to succeed and to grow and continue for years! That's why I'm so supportive of ideas that will improve gameplay freedom for players to keep them interested.


To completely oppose something that doesn't effect you, but improves the game for others, is so incredibly narrow-minded as to the future player sustainability.

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Proves nothing at all. If there even are more people posting in the multiple threads saying they're against it, all that proves is there are more people against it in the vocal minority.


The rest will just quit the game.


Here's the thing though, I don't want the game to fail, I really want it to succeed and to grow and continue for years! That's why I'm so supportive of ideas that will improve gameplay freedom for players to keep them interested.


To completely oppose something that doesn't effect you, but improves the game for others, is so incredibly narrow-minded as to the future player sustainability.



Can you please explain to me how having this option would improve the game?

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Can you please explain to me how having this option would improve the game?


Now who doesn't want to go read through the other posts and have someone do it for them?


But I will.


It gives the player freedom of choice. You can research a specific AC but it doesn't prepare you for how you will enjoy playing it. It's only once you get into the higher levels, 20-30+ that you get a real feel for your AC and decide if you actually like it.

If you don't, you have two choices. Start the game completely from scratch and play through hours/days/weeks of the exact same content you just did until you pass the level you stopped at previously.

Or you quit the game.


Do you remember old games like Sonic on the Megadrive, Mario for the NES? Do you remember how incredibly frustrating it was to play for hours before running out of lives and having to start the entire game again from scratch? Now imagine you had people who were arguing that the game is better this way and that you should enjoy the fact you're repeating the same content for hours and days. That Save Points would destroy the idea of the game.


Perhaps that little example might help you see how we feel arguing our point.

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Now who doesn't want to go read through the other posts and have someone do it for them?


But I will.


It gives the player freedom of choice. You can research a specific AC but it doesn't prepare you for how you will enjoy playing it. It's only once you get into the higher levels, 20-30+ that you get a real feel for your AC and decide if you actually like it.

If you don't, you have two choices. Start the game completely from scratch and play through hours/days/weeks of the exact same content you just did until you pass the level you stopped at previously.

Or you quit the game.


Do you remember old games like Sonic on the Megadrive, Mario for the NES? Do you remember how incredibly frustrating it was to play for hours before running out of lives and having to start the entire game again from scratch? Now imagine you had people who were arguing that the game is better this way and that you should enjoy the fact you're repeating the same content for hours and days. That Save Points would destroy the idea of the game.


Perhaps that little example might help you see how we feel arguing our point.




Don't take this the wrong way but to me that is not improving the game.


Examples of the improving the game would be adding a cust UI, ability delay and lag 100% fixed, more end game content for pve and pvp, chat bubbles added, dungeon finder tool added etc.


What you are asking for is an easy option to switch AC because you do not like or are sick of your current AC, a lazy solution I might add as leveling up is beyond easy in this game.


Imagine playing a Paladin in wow and after hitting level 40 you tell blizzard you don't like the game play of a Paladin and wish to switch to a Warrior without starting fresh.


If you are saying that you or other people would quit based on the fact that you can't change your current AC then maybe MMO's are not for you.


And trust me I know, I have a 50 sin and a 50 sorc.

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Don't take this the wrong way but to me that is not improving the game.


Examples of the improving the game would be adding a cust UI, ability delay and lag 100% fixed, more end game content for pve and pvp, chat bubbles added, dungeon finder tool added etc.


What you are asking for is an easy option to switch AC because you do not like or are sick of your current AC, a lazy solution I might add as leveling up is beyond easy in this game.


Imagine playing a Paladin in wow and after hitting level 40 you tell blizzard you don't like the game play of a Paladin and wish to switch to a Warrior without starting fresh.


If you are saying that you or other people would quit based on the fact that you can't change your current AC then maybe MMO's are not for you.


And trust me I know, I have a 50 sin and a 50 sorc.


*sigh* I'm willing to bet you haven't noticed the hypocrisy in your statement.


You say improving the game, for you, would be to add more FP's to play through. Why? Because you don't want to repeat the same content.


Guess what?


"If you are saying that you or other people would quit based on the fact that you can't change your current AC then maybe MMO's are not for you."


Given the anti-social behaviour of so many people on this thread who are decrying that allowing AC switching would ruin the game for them for whatever selfish reason, I'm really thinking it's actually you people who aren't suited for Multiplayer Games.

Edited by chaosdefined
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*sigh* I'm willing to bet you haven't noticed the hypocrisy in your statement.


You say improving the game, for you, would be to add more FP's to play through. Why? Because you don't want to repeat the same content.


Guess what?


"If you are saying that you or other people would quit based on the fact that you can't change your current AC then maybe MMO's are not for you."


Given the anti-social behaviour of so many people on this thread who are decrying that allowing AC switching would ruin the game for them for whatever selfish reason, I'm really thinking it's actually you people who aren't suited for Multiplayer Games.




I'm guessing FP you mean Flashpoints? I said more end game content for PVP and PVE where you are max level and not deciding whether you like your class or not. LOL people like you are the reason MMO's cater to the casuals because you want everything handed to you. Who's the selfish one now?

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I posted this elseware on the forums hoping a bioware employee will see it and like the idea


- I played a good solid 25 levels as a jedi sentinel and another 35 as a sith marauder and the only thing i really wish is that i could change my advanced class maybe in the same way you reset your skill tree at the vendor. Because after hearing all the praise about the guardian's armor and flexibility of combat roles i wanted to switch but that meant going all the way back to level one, a new characted "which i was running out of names for", and having to play through all those levels all over again. I'm not saying that i should be able to switch advanced class willy nilly or anything they could make it so you can only do it once per character if you decide you truelly don't like your advanced class or they could even charge credits for the service but having to replay all of that game time is just torturous and i'm only on level 12 so far. I'm also not the only person who has this issue i'm sure.


You don't like your class - go level another one.

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I'm guessing FP you mean Flashpoints? I said more end game content for PVP and PVE where you are max level and not deciding whether you like your class or not. LOL people like you are the reason MMO's cater to the casuals because you want everything handed to you. Who's the selfish one now?


Well, you, for saying that something that could improve the game sustainability for others shouldn't be allowed because you don't like the idea.


And I've already stated, I wouldn't be likely to use the AC change as I like the two characters I have, but I'm smart enough and not so narrow-minded to know it would be a smart move to improve the game for others.


If developers were like you, close-minded, selfish and idiotic, then no MMO would last more than a year.

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Well, you, for saying that something that could improve the game sustainability for others shouldn't be allowed because you don't like the idea.


And I've already stated, I wouldn't be likely to use the AC change as I like the two characters I have, but I'm smart enough and not so narrow-minded to know it would be a smart move to improve the game for others.


If developers were like you, close-minded, selfish and idiotic, then no MMO would last more than a year.



Name calling, nice one!


And look at wow 7 years and still going. Do us all a favor and quit, you won't be missed MR I want everything handed to me.

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Name calling, nice one!


And look at wow 7 years and still going. Do us all a favor and quit, you won't be missed MR I want everything handed to me.


*sigh* yet again you still don't pay attention. I said I don't want AC changing for myself, but I'm smart enough to see why it's a good thing.


Also again with the hypocrisy! You say I'm bad for wanting stuff handed to me, then go on to say "look at WoW, 7 years and still going." Yes a game that HANDS EVERYTHING TO THE CASUAL PLAYER.


Honestly, do you read your arguments before posting them?


WoW did get it right though, they realised that to keep player sustainability you need to give them a huge freedom of choice.

Edited by chaosdefined
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Ok I'm gonna spell it out for you cause I've said it twice and you haven't got it yet.




Do you get it now? Please say you do, I don't know if I can make it any more simple for you to understand.

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Ok I'm gonna spell it out for you cause I've said it twice and you haven't got it yet.




Do you get it now? Please say you do, I don't know if I can make it any more simple for you to understand.


Oh oh!! I want to try that!!!


Ejem, here we go:




Do you get it now? Please say you do, I don't know if I can make it any more simple for you to understand.



Woo!! that was fun! I guess putting an statement in bold will somehow make it correct? That makes things so much easier!


Dude, you can scream all you want, but that does not make your opinion any more valid than other peoples opinion, or any more rightful, or correct.

Edited by Notannos
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I completely agree. It shouldn't be easy to do (at least not like respeccing >.>). Especially because this is a story driven MMO and to play again the same Class Quest is just dumb. Edited by Teabaker
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I say no to this. The ACs are completely different and allowing changes would make the game go from 8 classes to 4. As someone else said, you choose "Imperial Agent" for the story, not the class. The class you choose is what determines what type of game play you receive. Sure, Operatives and Snipers share some abilities, but one is a stationary long range shooter while the other is a melee, rogue type that sneaks up on his opponents to get the drop on them. The classes play NOTHING alike.



If you want to be a different AC, reroll.

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