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Duoing with my hubby: merc vs op?


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My husband made a powertech and I have a 23 op and 20 merc. Since he's powertech I figured I would choose one to be a healer so we can do a lot of content together without needing much help. I saw somewhere that said Inquis>merc>op for healing so I guess I just want more input on what others have experienced. Thanks so much!
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yeah all of the classes heal fine. most of the healing preference is biased on personal experience. the Devs have stated that they all have played each healer in every role though all the content in the game, and all healer have no issues healing current game content when played well. so pick the one you like the most :)
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yeah all of the classes heal fine. most of the healing preference is biased on personal experience. the Devs have stated that they all have played each healer in every role though all the content in the game, and all healer have no issues healing current game content when played well. so pick the one you like the most :)


Not quite true. There's a difference between having each class being able to complete a situation and a class being the desired choice. Right now, Op healing is weaker than the others. General player experience backs this is up, as does number crunching by the math types. And as someone who has a couple of healers, I concur. That particular dev statement was mocked quite a bit, or, by those being more gentle, written off as PR speak. Ops are the weakest of the three healers and sorcs are the strongest.


That said, Ops are a fun and interesting class and can complete the content, plus 1.2 will see changes made, so they may achieve something close to parity soon enough. It is an MMO, things change over time. And for duo'ing stuff, it won't matter much, as most of the content is meant for solo and therefore 2 players and 2 companions will trivialize it. And with good companion control and a bit of CC, most H4s can be done pretty easily as a duo as well. Basically, for the disparity to be a real issue, you need to be doing the harder content. Everywhere else, it is usually a non-issue, sometimes an annoyance.


If you're both BH you'll have to repeat each class story phase, if you play Op you can experience both storylines together.


But if you're the same, you go to the same place and can each run your instance, only duoing up if you need the help. Which is kind of nice, since in another player's instance, you just get to observe the conversations, not make choices, and you're experiencing the story for the first time together, while keeping the others fresh for when you make an alt.


That said, when you hit 50 and start running HMs, having the same class does get a bit more annoying. My buddy and I, for example, are a sorc healer + assassin tank team. That's 2 SIs. And when we add some DPS, well if one is an SI, then you're up to 3. With different classes, you greatly reduce how often that happens.

Edited by Battilea
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I'd say go IA, people give them crap as being bad healers, they aren't. They just aren't faceroll healing like a sorc. Manage the energy bar well, and keep those HoTs rolling and your PT hubby will stay up just fine.


Also, IA story is possibly the best one in the game.

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Generally, a Sorcerer healer is the best of the group for preventative/proactive heals, with the shield ability (effectively, the tank Guards you, you guard the tank) and they have excellent direct heals as well, plus if you spec for it a good AoE heal.

Sorcerer is the "easiest" healer in the game, but as a light armour user, they are kind of squishy.

A Merc healer is also a good direct healer, and has much better basic survivability than the Sorcerer (i.e. not considering that the Sorc could pop his shield on himself), plus you and your hubby could easily share Bind On Equip gear that has not been bound already. As a previous poster has mentionned you will be competing for loot drops, but the Vanguard will want heavy armour, your merc will want medium armour, and for the few remaining common slots you will probably want gear that boosts your Alacrity or Power, which he will not be looking for as much. So the gear-competition may not be a problem. In my opinion, you will also be able to do better DPS as a Healing BH than a Healing Sorc, and the voice acting on the BH is much better than on the Sorcerer, unless you like sarcastic self-agrandizement as the default approach.

IA Operative healing is the hardest healing mechanic of the 3 to master, but in many ways it is the best healing DPS IF you can master it, but as far as I know it is totally reactive, so for some boss fights your hubby will need to be able to tank more damage up front than for the other classes.


In the early levels, from a questing companion perspective, two BHs questing with a couple of Mako's cross-healing would have reasonable but not great DPS, but really good heals. So you should chew through content without real problems.

A BH Powertech with an IA healer who uses Kaliyo may find Kaliyo lifting aggro from him at times. This could be good or bad, but as the PT really has to be within 10m of a target to be effective, if it happens it could be annoying.

A BH with Sorc using Khem as a companion ends up with 2 melee tanks, although Khem can be an ok DPS companion in a pinch.


Overall, I would go for the BH Sorc or BH BH pairing, but as I have both Sorc and Merc in healing specs, I would say that both could work well.

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A Merc healer is also a good direct healer, and has much better basic survivability than the Sorcerer (i.e. not considering that the Sorc could pop his shield on himself), plus you and your hubby could easily share Bind On Equip gear that has not been bound already. As a previous poster has mentionned you will be competing for loot drops, but the Vanguard will want heavy armour, your merc will want medium armour, and for the few remaining common slots you will probably want gear that boosts your Alacrity or Power, which he will not be looking for as much. So the gear-competition may not be a problem.


Mercs wear heavy armor, actually. It isn't like Warriors, where Juggs wear heavy and Marauders medium. But while leveling, the gear thing isn't a problem, since most of the time you'll wear orange gear which you'll get from doing Heroics and stuff, something that rewards both players, and, even for normal loot drops, the tanking stats or lack thereof will make it pretty simple as to whom the item goes to. It is only at 50 that it becomes an annoyance, when the last mob at the end of the HM drops 1 item that can go to either of you, plus maybe that other BH you picked up for the DPS role. And, inevitably, loot will drop for the class you didn't bring ;)


IA Operative healing is the hardest healing mechanic of the 3 to master, but in many ways it is the best healing DPS IF you can master it, but as far as I know it is totally reactive, so for some boss fights your hubby will need to be able to tank more damage up front than for the other classes.


Sort of. You pre-HoT, keep the probes running 24/7. The problem really isn't with keeping the tank up as an Op. Where you do tend to run into issues is when the entire team takes heavy damage, due to a mix of how Op heals work and the energy system. Often times, the best way to handle those type of situations is to be aware they are coming and get the entire team stacked with double probes before it happens, got to be pro-active, basically. But hopefully that sort of situation will be easier to handle once the change to the group heal in 1.2 happens.

Edited by Battilea
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