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500 valor for the first 4 medals...bad idea!


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I dont think you even know what youre arguing anymore.


Also the word youre looking for is medals. With a d.


Good players dont care about medals...they come on their own, as you pointed out. Numerous times.


Some players ignore objectives to go after medals. These players may in fact be contributing to objectives as a side effect of medal farming. But thats the opposite from the ideal.


Most people agree that the ideal is going after objectives, with medals being a secondary goal, and with the knowledge that if you go for the win, the medals will come.


The fix is for the people who have it backwards. You dont have to worry about it.



good players dont care about medals?


good players must be the ones with no gear no valor no commendations from not doing anything to obtain any metals.

Edited by BoredOfMMOS
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how many threads are there going to be about this?


did you miss the other patch note that said "Valor gained from Warzones has been increased."

we clearly still get more valor.



the problem is 4 metals then done So it promotes not trying after 4 metals.


clearly not everyone is going to do this but honestly people will not try as hard because the only extra they will received is for winning yes but not for the metals they worked hard for

Edited by BoredOfMMOS
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I usually get 8-10 medals per game as well since I am a Jugg. It doesn't mean I only farmed medals... My class just let me do two things at once. So in a pvp group I guard the ppl I see being focused fired (or ball handler), so I taunt as well as do dmg. Since I am doing two things at once means I am not as proficient as a someone who is pure dps or tank, but I make my guy work. I can bring 250k dps and 50k+ prot to my team, and if your telling me that doesn't help the team then idk what you else you want. Not to mention I usually die the most from taking damage from other ppl so they can keep on healing or dpsing w/o being bothered. And I usually get these medals/stats from fighting at the objective.


3 medals for prot

4-5 for dmg

2 for obj def <--- Get that from helping the team


So yeah this change is kind of troubling, but I DO understand how pure dps and pure healers get the short end of the stick at times. So instead I would rather they add more medals for those classes. Something only a pure dps or healer can get.

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the problem is 4 metals then done So it promotes not trying after 4 metals.


clearly not everyone is going to do this but honestly people will not try as hard because the only extra they will received is for winning yes but not for the metals they worked hard for


People dont try as it is. most of the time people just farm for medals, at least now if they know theres no bonus for getting more than 4 they might actually try for once

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I usually get 8-10 medals per game as well since I am a Jugg. It doesn't mean I only farmed medals... My class just let me do two things at once. So in a pvp group I guard the ppl I see being focused fired (or ball handler), so I taunt as well as do dmg. Since I am doing two things at once means I am not as proficient as a someone who is pure dps or tank, but I make my guy work. I can bring 250k dps and 50k+ prot to my team, and if your telling me that doesn't help the team then idk what you else you want. Not to mention I usually die the most from taking damage from other ppl so they can keep on healing or dpsing w/o being bothered. And I usually get these medals/stats from fighting at the objective.


3 medals for prot

4-5 for dmg

2 for obj def <--- Get that from helping the team


So yeah this change is kind of troubling, but I DO understand how pure dps and pure healers get the short end of the stick at times. So instead I would rather they add more medals for those classes. Something only a pure dps or healer can get.



do not feel bad for pure dps classes on my level 24 maurader i can obtain 8 metals on a Good game for damage and objective and kills its about trying not expecting it given to you.


healers are not doing the best job they can if they only heal tossing in a stun or a dot and guarding a point can help the game and they are rewarded.

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People dont try as it is. most of the time people just farm for medals, at least now if they know theres no bonus for getting more than 4 they might actually try for once


I'm in an Alderaan game right now where our team gave up after being behind by 100 points, and are sitting at one base waiting for defender medals. After the change? They'll be sitting at one base, waiting for defender medals.

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I usually get 8-10 medals per game as well since I am a Jugg. It doesn't mean I only farmed medals... My class just let me do two things at once. So in a pvp group I guard the ppl I see being focused fired (or ball handler), so I taunt as well as do dmg. Since I am doing two things at once means I am not as proficient as a someone who is pure dps or tank, but I make my guy work. I can bring 250k dps and 50k+ prot to my team, and if your telling me that doesn't help the team then idk what you else you want. Not to mention I usually die the most from taking damage from other ppl so they can keep on healing or dpsing w/o being bothered. And I usually get these medals/stats from fighting at the objective.


3 medals for prot

4-5 for dmg

2 for obj def <--- Get that from helping the team


So yeah this change is kind of troubling, but I DO understand how pure dps and pure healers get the short end of the stick at times. So instead I would rather they add more medals for those classes. Something only a pure dps or healer can get.


No it is not.

I mean really guys, if it works like this:


"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


We now will get MUCH MORE from the 4 medals than we get from getting 10 atm.


10 atm are worth: 500 valor and 50 comms if im not mistaken.


4 soon will be : 2000 valor and 40 comms.

Edited by rzrknight
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I'm in an Alderaan game right now where our team gave up after being behind by 100 points, and are sitting at one base waiting for defender medals. After the change? They'll be sitting at one base, waiting for defender medals.


hopefully not, cause they'll already have 4 easy medals, and if they want any extra coms or valor they should try to win instead of standing there doing nothing for 1 or 2 extra medals

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I`m pretty sure most people who spent 15 minutes fighting and defending their *** off trying to get the most medals will just get 4 then let the other team win so the warzone ends faster, i mean imagine voidstar if u`re defending and let the other team plant, they win in like 3 minutes. RIGHT NOW, you don`t get much, barely any valor since the warzone ends fast, but with this patch you will get 2000 no matter what.


So losing faster = faster valor. Sure the winning team will get like a bit more, like 200-300, but nothing relevant... and it`s much much faster then actually fighting and wasting time...


That's what i'm talking about. Some say there's no sense in afking on wz coz they give more valor for win. People don't care of "more valor for win", people always care how to shorten the time they spend for 1valor/sec. Don't be so naive to think all will do objectives this time because 4+ medals cost nothing anymore and medal farmers stop playing for medals but victory. Afkers will be bumping a wall in constant running until the match is over. If all players thought like "I will do my best to win the match and i don't care that the losing team gets only 200 valor less than we'll do", then there would be no Kill traidning and other kinds of exploits.

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I'll be frank. I have yet to see this "Mythical AFK player" the dissenters talk so much about. Certainly not in the last week. And get this! Just in case these people think the AFK players will start appearing, Votekick is right around the corner.



So stop throwing around boogymen AFK players. That's like trying to discourage camping* with talk about bigfoot.



*If anyone fails to figure out I'm talking about Real life camping, they need some serious help. Or are skimming the post way to quickly.

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Mythical AFKers? )))) Ilum, my friend Ilum, they are all there. No one claims that they are on WZs now because it's not much sense in AFK on WZ being able to get more valor from medal farming. When they make 2000 "free" valor from 4 medals, you'll find yourself too active in comparison with others :p Edited by dejavy
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how many threads are there going to be about this?


did you miss the other patch note that said "Valor gained from Warzones has been increased."

we clearly still get more valor.


As Dark Helmet from Spaceballs explains, "Because good is dumb".

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Or.... they could get the 4 medals, and stop doing anything, since getting more medals won't result in any more rewards.


A win nets you more than a loss, so it's smart to try to win, not just go afk after you have your 4.


Oh, and just by the way, some of us actually don't care so much about getting extra for winning as we do about just enjoying the satisfaction of a well played game and a win at the end of it.

Edited by maradigamer
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The quickest way to gain valor under the new system will most likely to be to allow one team to win right away after getting 4 medals so the match will end quickly and so the next match can begin.


With how it is right now in an hour we can usually only do 4 WZ matches. But under the new system, if one team allows the other side a quick win it may be possible to get 10 matches in an hour. At 2000 valor per match for the losing side thats 20,000 valor per hour. It sounds like its far more beneficial to work out in general chat before the match starts on who should win so quicker the matches will go for valor farming for both sides.


It seems like Bioware wants everyone to be valor rank 100 by the time GW2 hits the shelves so we can have closer on SWTOR and move on.

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the problem is 4 metals then done So it promotes not trying after 4 metals.


clearly not everyone is going to do this but honestly people will not try as hard because the only extra they will received is for winning yes but not for the metals they worked hard for


But... why would that person be there for? Get easy gear and... stop? There is nothing else to do. There isn't some special magical thing that unlock later on so why do that? The person isn't even playing at that point so I can't see why he would be there. Time to move somewhere else?


If someone does it well, good for him but there is nothing you can do to change his mind. He clearly isn't interest in pvp.


And lol at your effort = more medal... People where just farming these. hint : huttball acid pit... It is even better while not in combat!



It sounds like you are more trying to find something to pick on more than anything else.




The quickest way to gain valor under the new system will most likely to be to allow one team to win right away after getting 4 medals so the match will end quickly and so the next match can begin.


With how it is right now in an hour we can usually only do 4 WZ matches. But under the new system, if one team allows the other side a quick win it may be possible to get 10 matches in an hour. At 2000 valor per match for the losing side thats 20,000 valor per hour. It sounds like its far more beneficial to work out in general chat before the match starts on who should win so quicker the matches will go for valor farming for both sides.


It seems like Bioware wants everyone to be valor rank 100 by the time GW2 hits the shelves so we can have closer on SWTOR and move on.


But why?! FFS, why the hell would you do that? Can't you realise there is nothing to gain from this? Is your only pleasure seeing a bigger number in your stat sheet?! I'm sorry but GW2 will not be kind with you for that. If you can't even play for a real victory here, I dare not even watch you try some real pvp up there.

Edited by Revanmug
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I pvp because I enjoy it not because I am farming medals. The new system would allow more competition and if you want to go afk great, I would take the win.


They add mechanics in 1.2 to ban afk-ers by voting. Those banned will get 0 valor.

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As far as i understood the coming patch description:


"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


So, we get 4 medals: guard, taunt, killing blow, 10 kills and later can afk till the end of the match because there's no reason to die somewhere else if we ALL get the same amount of valor.


Did i understand correct your idea? If so, it's just BAD idea my dear BW.


Every match with my premade i do about 8-11 medals as vanguard assault. I don't want to get the same valor amount doing NOTHING with those who did their best at the field.


The better variant would be 200 valor and 5 Commendations each medal. For 10 medals i'd get the same 2000k bonus valor but must work for this. The first 4 medals are too easy to get. The reward must be appropriate.


Don't feed the crying hamsters!


We need challenge!

We don't need easy Valor farm!

We don't need free BM and other titles!


"WE WANT TO WORK HARD TO BE UNIQUE!" - Think about the concept.


I highlighted the important part. Medals are ridiculously easy to achieve for your class. Not so for other classes. Healers, as I hear it, struggle to get 6.


This fix may not be ideal, but at least it means every class has access to the same amount of medals. The only other way to balance things would be for Bioware to make every single medal equally challenging to achieve for each AC.

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For 10 medals i'd get the same 2000k bonus valor but must work for this.


I'm not sure if you know this, but 2000k valor would be 2,000,000 valor. Or valor at the temperature of 2000 degrees kelvin if you had used a capital K.


2000 = 2k

2000000 = 2000k

2000K = 3140.33^o F



... just saying ...

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Who cares how many comms/valor people get now due to increased medal rewards? In less than a month it is highly likely there will be ranked matches anyways. Honestly, the pvp in this game went so bad so quickly that I hope the next expansion or big update after 1.2 begins a whole new system.


So what if you got your champ/bm gear already. Its pvp grind, given enough time even the worst players will have it.

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very good change , imo.


it's not feasible to make every class equally able to obtain the same amount of medals so this is a good, needed change. Finally people will try to play for objectives instead of just mindlessly zerging and going through their checklist of medals the whole match.


looking forward to it. VERY good idea.

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