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Battlemaster achievement no longer worth anythihng


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Battlemaster never was anything but a grind to give level 50's something to do post Champion gear. It's not really even that much better than Champion gear, certainly not the same improvement Champion is over Centurion.


Now that they are making it easier they better be closer to having more for us to do on the horizon.

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Battlemaster has not been worth anything since the imp ilum farm fest and kill trading. Get over it.


This is coming from a battlemaster republic sage seer.

I agree with this, people need to stop acting like BM is a huge achievement and that it's hard to get. Those that claim that it is, are only fooling themselves..

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yeah... god forbid they level the playing field!!


i mean how fair would that be!


I think there are three reasons why they are doing this:


1. Making it easier for Republics to catch up to the Imps in gear, given our numerical disadvantage and the fact that the Imps due to their numbers have been Battlemasters since the exploit.

2. Appealing to the casuals. Which makes me want to throw up (go back to WoW, WoW Kidz)

3. An admission that they can't make mass PVP playable. Which also makes me want to throw up.

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Nerd News Alert: Battlemaster never meant anything! It is only correlated with time spent playing. In no way does battlemaster even imply a K: D ratio greater than 1. It's directly proportional to time. That's it.

This too, real pvpers will care more about the rated battleground rankings than valor rank, rofl.. While the bads will think that other players being able to have the same gear as them isn't fair.

Edited by Chaos_Distortion
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This too, real pvpers will care more about the rated battleground rankings, then valor rank, rofl.. While the bads will think that other players being able to have the same gear as them isn't fair.


I'm dreading the statboards coming. Warzones are already full of stat elitists. Had one jerk the other day try to tell me I didn't know how to play my Sage. He had some gaudy heal number. Well, it was a Huttball instance, and I was sticking to the ball carrier and keeping them protected and healed. So my number sucked because I was taking care of one person. Never saw the elitist jerk do anything but pvp and area heal in the center, he did NOTHING to help try to win the game.


You just have to learn to ignore people like that.


Next warzone I did was Alderran, and I put up a big heal number and got 5 MVP votes (most of anyone). Why? because that is a warzone where if you are a Sage you are GOING to put up a big heal number if you are doing your job right (ie: supporting your turret attackers and defenders). Huttball is not one such.

Edited by Wildcat
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I want a full set of rakata gear. By not playing more then a couple of hours. Becourse gears should not matters anyway. Leveling the playing field. Make it balanced! For us majority fo casuals so we can have fun! We pay your bills BIOWARE!!!















Edited by Silcan
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Grand Marshalls and High Warlords would like to have a word with you. Any achievement that can be reached within 2 months of wasn't very hard in the first place. QQ more pls.


Most of them got it by exploiting armaments before the Ilum changes or by AFK'ing Ilum.


I get about 4 hours play time each weekday evening (I work full time) and one of the changes put in to curb the kill traders frustrates me each Tuesday: NO VALOR GAINED. See, because I tend to gain a LOT of kills and valor very quickly (because I try to get my 150 on Tuesday night) the game punishes me. So far everything Bioware has done to try to curb the cheaters ends up doing NOTHING to them and only harms honest players. I lack one piece for a full Champion set and I'm at Valor level 52. None of that gained from armament exploiting or AFK'ing. Yet I get to see the valor limit nerf every week...

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I think there are three reasons why they are doing this:


1. Making it easier for Republics to catch up to the Imps in gear, given our numerical disadvantage and the fact that the Imps due to their numbers have been Battlemasters since the exploit.

2. Appealing to the casuals. Which makes me want to throw up (go back to WoW, WoW Kidz)

3. An admission that they can't make mass PVP playable. Which also makes me want to throw up.


4. making it an even paying field so people can pvp... rather then worry about grinding and getting roflstomped by people with better gear.



I rather pvp against people with equal gear then have to worry about a few things.


1. new 50's wont lvl to 50 simply because they are going to get their s*** pushed in when they hit the 50 bracket

2. not a gear base game but rather a pvp/skill game.

3. people quitting pvp all together cause getting stomped to the ground.


i have 3 lvl 50's and can see both sides of the fence on this. my operative in BM gear does well in pvp. but once i lvl'd my merc and my sorc to 50 and seen first hand how uneven pvp is vs. good gear players i can also see how so many folks would wanna quit playing or pvp'ing all together.


Call it lazyness or whatever, but i still rather see those people Qeue up.



Ps. Serious question though.. Why are people so upset that others will be BM also?

Edited by DasWsup
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Speaking as someone who got BM before ilum, these changes are a good thing. Anything to reduce the gear disparity is good and I welcome the changes.


The only issue I have with this that seems to keep coming up is "yay we're closing the gear disparity." Didn't it occur to anyone that not everyone exploited their way to Battlemaster? I'm a rank 57 Sage dps and I am so close to BM just by queuing for WZs and doing the dailies. I think people like me, or who have already hit BM, are just a little slighted because it seems like we put "the work in" and now people will be doing it with much less effort.


I don't care one way or the other, but to call this a "disparity" in gear is a misnomer. There is a gap because we CREATED the gap by pvp'ing and putting our time in. A LOT. We, in essence, earned the gap. (Whether you think it's a grind or not) The gap that everyone on this thread seems to so desperately want to close.



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BW let people kill trade thats when BM became meaning less. This just let's people.who didn't want to.kill trade get BM easy


So let's go back to where I said "not everyone kill traded" and now try to see it from my perspective. (50 Sage Valor 57)


I worked REALLY HARD doing it the right way to earn the gear/titles/etc but because some people cheated and made the title useless, you want to make a useless title easily available to others who didn't cheat OR work for it? Cool.


That makes total sense in the logical abyss that is the forums.

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The only issue I have with this that seems to keep coming up is "yay we're closing the gear disparity." Didn't it occur to anyone that not everyone exploited their way to Battlemaster? I'm a rank 57 Sage dps and I am so close to BM just by queuing for WZs and doing the dailies. I think people like me, or who have already hit BM, are just a little slighted because it seems like we put "the work in" and now people will be doing it with much less effort.


I don't care one way or the other, but to call this a "disparity" in gear is a misnomer. There is a gap because we CREATED the gap by pvp'ing and putting our time in. A LOT. We, in essence, earned the gap. (Whether you think it's a grind or not) The gap that everyone on this thread seems to so desperately want to close.





folks with gear advantage will eventually quit because of the lack of challenge.

Folks with crap gear will quit because of the disadvantage.


no game should ever have a "GEAR" gap IMO, Its bad for business! regardless if you think you earned it or not.


sorry to disagree.

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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.


Translation ::: WHAAAAAAA I'm losing my gear advantage!!! Now I'll have to play on an even basis with everyone else.... even though they still have to grind it out!



Seriously, you carebear gear progression types need to stick to PvE. Thats what this gear stuff is you know, PvE.

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4. making it an even paying field so people can pvp... rather then worry about grinding and getting roflstomped by people with better gear.



I rather pvp against people with equal gear then have to worry about a few things.


1. new 50's wont lvl to 50 simply because they are going to get their s*** pushed in when they hit the 50 bracket

2. not a gear base game but rather a pvp/skill game.

3. people quitting pvp all together cause getting stomped to the ground.


Ps. Serious question though.. Why are people so upset that others will be BM also?


Ok, I agree with this to an extent, because when I was coming up in rank, I got my *** handed to me so hard that my boyfriend had to convince me not to quit. (Try something like 10 losses inside 2 hours back to back for days) I felt the same way EVERY fresh 50 feels, like a senior graduating highschool from the top of the tier only to become freshmeat freshmen when they start to play with the big boys in college.


That's the name of the game, otherwise, what's the point in working for the gear?


In short, I got over it, continued to PVP, continued to research my spec/mods/stats, learned a lot, and eventually, started handing people their asses back. And yes, ticking for 1000k on a fresh fifty does have its moments of satisfaction/retritubtion.


But wanting to quit and quitting are two different things and personally, I'd rather NOT queue with a bunch of people who'd have otherwise given up if everything in the game wasn't handed to them in a nice neat package.

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folks with gear advantage will eventually quit because of the lack of challenge.

Folks with crap gear will quit because of the disadvantage.


no game should ever have a "GEAR" gap IMO, Its bad for business! regardless if you think you earned it or not.


sorry to disagree.


but that's the fun part, there won't BE a lack of challenge, there are plenty of other BMs to fight once you get your gear, everyone is still working their way up, right? It's not like you hit BM and everyone else stops....


I'll be the first to say, my opinions are just that, opinions. And since this is my first MMO, I have NO experience other than this to draw from. So please help a newbie understand, if there's no gear to work for, what gives two equally skilled players a tactical advantage?


In other words, without gear, how is everything rewarded/recognized/earned?

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So let's go back to where I said "not everyone kill traded" and now try to see it from my perspective. (50 Sage Valor 57)


I worked REALLY HARD doing it the right way to earn the gear/titles/etc but because some people cheated and made the title useless, you want to make a useless title easily available to others who didn't cheat OR work for it? Cool.


That makes total sense in the logical abyss that is the forums.


It's a game, you didn't "work" for anything. What are you, 15 years old living at home?? Worked "REALLY HARD". cmon dude


You should WANT more people to participate in PvP..... heck I'm already seeing the same people again and again on the other side, don't you want more and different competition?? Encouraging more people to PvP by not making it such a slaughterfest going up against better geared people is a GOOD thing.


If you are any GOOD, you'll still do fine, because you've probably played alot more matches than the noobs. Skill and experience should replace gear gap advantage.


This also encourages REPLAYABILITY..... I might quit altogether if I got bored of my Sage.... but might decide to regrind on a different character if the grind isn't too bad.


Game after game, I get sick of you PvE gear progression carebears thinking your hot stuff because you race to get the gear advantage, and then wait at the top of the cliff waiting to stomp on the fingers of any trying to get up there with you.


Hey, I'm really happy for you, I'm sure all those sleepless nights playing, wizzing in a gatorade bottle, and choking down hot pockets to work "really hard" to be battlemaster first was such a rush!!


Now, man up and ask for some equal competition. Don't base your selfworth on a game

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Ok, I agree with this to an extent, because when I was coming up in rank, I got my *** handed to me so hard that my boyfriend had to convince me not to quit. (Try something like 10 losses inside 2 hours back to back for days) I felt the same way EVERY fresh 50 feels, like a senior graduating highschool from the top of the tier only to become freshmeat freshmen when they start to play with the big boys in college.


That's the name of the game, otherwise, what's the point in working for the gear?


In short, I got over it, continued to PVP, continued to research my spec/mods/stats, learned a lot, and eventually, started handing people their asses back. And yes, ticking for 1000k on a fresh fifty does have its moments of satisfaction/retritubtion.


But wanting to quit and quitting are two different things and personally, I'd rather NOT queue with a bunch of people who'd have otherwise given up if everything in the game wasn't handed to them in a nice neat package.


I can respect that.


but look at the pros also. Now you can make another toon and not have to worry about gear grind so much or worry about when you hit 50 you gonna lose so so so... many matches. :D


and folks who just got the game or are thinking about getting the game are not so worried about "being so far behind everyone else". I cant tell you how many games i wanted to try but didn't because of how long it had been out.

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I can respect that.


but look at the pros also. Now you can make another toon and not have to worry about gear grind so much or worry about when you hit 50 you gonna lose so so so... many matches. :D


and folks who just got the game or are thinking about getting the game are not so worried about "being so far behind everyone else". I cant tell you how many games i wanted to try but didn't because of how long it had been out.


See, that makes perfect sense to me, and very articulate. Thanks! Unlike the others calling me a "carebear" and a 15 year old boy (when I'm an adult working woman) when all I've done is not "grinded to the top in a race" but just PVPed like I like to do.... the gear was just the only obvious and immediate benefit of pvping a lot, other than the rush of slaughtering fools, obviously.

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all i can read (except a couple of posts) is careabear crybabies QQ'in about gear in a PvP forum










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