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Battlemaster achievement no longer worth anythihng


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Skirmisher --- "That guy might have some cent gear"

Duelist --- "That guy has some cent gear"

Gladiator --- "That guy has some champion gear"

Centurion --- "That guy has a full set of Champ gear"

Champion --- "That guy still has a full set of champ gear

Battlemaster ---"That guy gets to hopelessly open boxes looking for BM gear"

War Hero --- "That guy most likely has a few pieces of BM gear"

Conqueror --- "cool title dude"

Warlord --- "cool title dude"

Elite Warlord --- "How long has he been playing?"


I am currently "That guy gets to hopelessly open boxes looking for BM gear"

Edited by yinten
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I am a Battlemaster just means if I put that tag on my name I get group target on me... in WZ


also with the change just means I am that much closer to the next set of lvl gear that will be coming out then the others still...


also just cause I am 2 peices away from a full set of BM gear does not mean i run in ful BM gear I use other stuff cause of the EXP cap.

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They had to change something because they didn't have the balls to ban or remove the valor farmed in the Ilum exploit. If you did it right great. Congrats. Many didn't and that has poisoned the entire lot of players that were 50 before the fix.


What I see is old BM's complaining about others progressing, meaning that now they have the same gear as you and you are now losing because your gear is a crutch. You got a big lead on everyone else and expect that nobody will ever catch you.


Your next post will be when will they have the War Hero Gear out so I can roflpawn some more noobs.


So, you are suggesting that is better to hand out valor 60/BM because a few people exploited? Sorry, but not everybody exploited that day. It was the first half of the day and then they removed the speeders to Ilums pvp area. It was investigated and trust me, people did have valor removed. It is wrong for you to suggest that more people exploited BM in that half a day than people who obtained it legitimately like myself who was 60 pre 1.1.


What you see here, is a BM trying to explain why other BMs will quit. Take it for what it's worth. I am not quitting, but rest assured, I know people who have already quit and people that are just waiting on the sub to run out.


My point was, BW should not take end game pvp gear and make it 1/3rd the grind/time to get. Especially, only a few months after release! At least Warhammer and WoW waited until the expansion that raised the level cap was right around the corner!


Never said I didn't want people to catch me. What I am suggesting that I want people to grind like I had to.


Listen, if gear progression is not important in SWTOR, why do we even have gear? Why don't we just have innate armor? Why don't all weapons do the same damage? Why did we have such a huge grind for better gear at launch?


Listen, I'm not quitting, I am just here for the ride. If the game crashes and burns, I will be here with it. I can't say the same for the people that I know in game though...

Edited by Beyaco
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Guys, stop panicing. :)


Don't you realise this is being done to dish out some more stuff and make people gear up before the big content update hitting us within the next few weeks (1.2)?


We'll get new equipment tiers then...


So theres a chance Biofail could screw it up and get us back to a more familiar unbalanced state again?



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So, you are suggesting that is better to hand out valor 60/BM because a few people exploited? Sorry, but not everybody exploited that day. It was the first half of the day and then they removed the speeders to Ilums pvp area. It was investigated and trust me, people did have valor removed. It is wrong for you to suggest that more people exploited BM in that half a day than people who obtained it legitimately like myself who was 60 pre 1.1.


What you see here, is a BM trying to explain why other BMs will quit. Take it for what it's worth. I am not quitting, but rest assured, I know people who have already quit and people that are just waiting on the sub to run out.


My point was, BW should not take end game pvp gear and make it 1/3rd the grind/time to get. Especially, only a few months after release! At least Warhammer and WoW waited until the expansion that raised the level cap was right around the corner!


Never said I didn't want people to catch me. What I am suggesting that I want people to grind like I had to.


Listen, if gear progression is not important in SWTOR, why do we even have gear? Why don't we just have innate armor? Why don't all weapons do the same damage? Why did we have such a huge grind for better gear at launch?


Listen, I'm not quitting, I am just here for the ride. If the game crashes and burns, I will be here with it. I can't say the same for the people that I know in game though...


That might all be true, but it doesn't account for epic levels of kill trading on Ilum. Unfortunately BM means d***ck in this game from a respect stand point, because no one knows who took the easy way and who did it the right way. I would venture to say that most at least participated somewhat in the easy way.


Not that I really care tbh.

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Speaking for myself here, but I want to respond. I am sick of people accusing battlemasters of exploiting Ilum. Listen, I have been a bm since pre 1.1. Since then, I have seen Cent basically handed out and Champ is easy to get with any kind of dedication to pvp. Ilum is basically a valor fest during prime time as it is! What is next?


I am not quitting or threatening to quit but I am warning BW and the rest of the community that if you keep making the grind easier that we had to endure, people are going to quit.


Nobody wants to grind for something, just to see it take half the grind because people cried enough.


I am not going to debate about what a mmo is. I just want to say, if I want everybody with the same exact gear, I will play a fps or a rts. A mmo is about goals and progression. Your goals and progression should give you a edge in battle, period. All the people who argue over that, go play Madden, a FPS or a RTS! MMO's are not for you!


This is basically the same thing that happened to SWG. They catered to the crybabies and people left in droves. Its happening all over again. Enjoy.

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So, you are suggesting that is better to hand out valor 60/BM because a few people exploited? Sorry, but not everybody exploited that day. It was the first half of the day and then they removed the speeders to Ilums pvp area. It was investigated and trust me, people did have valor removed. It is wrong for you to suggest that more people exploited BM in that half a day than people who obtained it legitimately like myself who was 60 pre 1.1.


What you see here, is a BM trying to explain why other BMs will quit. Take it for what it's worth. I am not quitting, but rest assured, I know people who have already quit and people that are just waiting on the sub to run out.


My point was, BW should not take end game pvp gear and make it 1/3rd the grind/time to get. Especially, only a few months after release! At least Warhammer and WoW waited until the expansion that raised the level cap was right around the corner!


Never said I didn't want people to catch me. What I am suggesting that I want people to grind like I had to.


Listen, if gear progression is not important in SWTOR, why do we even have gear? Why don't we just have innate armor? Why don't all weapons do the same damage? Why did we have such a huge grind for better gear at launch?


Listen, I'm not quitting, I am just here for the ride. If the game crashes and burns, I will be here with it. I can't say the same for the people that I know in game though...


Well said. Couldnt agree more. This is an MMORPG, there's progression. It's not a FPS where everyone just gets the same gear and you have at it.


And really, people blaming a half day of ilum exploits for ALL the battlemasters is getting REALLY tired.

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I really can't figure out the argument here. What prestige does this title have that you people want to protect? Does it signify a level of skill to you? And the gear "grind" you had to endure back in the day should be the same for everyone? To be honest I'd like to have filled out my Champ set like I started it with gear coming in 5 out of the first 11 bags I opened, that grind was so rough. Why does it bother you so much if people can get the same gear as you? Does the gear signify a level of skill to you?


The sad truth of this game is that titles nor the gear signify anything other than time invested. That's it, being skilled at PvP isn't even part of the equation. If a person who comes up in the new system with the easier "grind" and "welfare epics" then proceeds to clean your pre-patch BM clock, more power to them. They are the better player regardless of how they got there.....and that is how PvP should be my friends.

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I really can't figure out the argument here. What prestige does this title have that you people want to protect? Does it signify a level of skill to you? And the gear "grind" you had to endure back in the day should be the same for everyone? To be honest I'd like to have filled out my Champ set like I started it with gear coming in 5 out of the first 11 bags I opened, that grind was so rough. Why does it bother you so much if people can get the same gear as you? Does the gear signify a level of skill to you?


The sad truth of this game is that titles nor the gear signify anything other than time invested. That's it, being skilled at PvP isn't even part of the equation. If a person who comes up in the new system with the easier "grind" and "welfare epics" then proceeds to clean your pre-patch BM clock, more power to them. They are the better player regardless of how they got there.....and that is how PvP should be my friends.


Thank you.

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Assuming that is the only valour or commendations you can earn per match after the patch you do realise it's only 1600 valour vs the current 1500? Big change :rolleyes: Even if it's slightly more it's hardly the end of the world, i was BM within the first few weeks of the game and it took hardly any work, heck 59-60 was in one day.


maths r hard

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So, uhm, why is this an issue?


Battlemaster was purely timerelated. Not only that, but due to the way items worked, there was a huge gap between attaining your champion gear and up to battlemaster that just felt like a huge grind that wasn't related to individual skill. As others have noted, it is not that huge a speed boost, and the little it is just helps to reduce the amount of time spent grinding levels instead of grinding to get the gear (which feels a lot more rewarding than just playing warzones to get that level you need in order to buy the gear in the first place)

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BM title only has meaning pre 1.1. Back then there really isn't enough time to hit BM if you always have premades (they take considerably longer to get a game) so you have to be PUG but still winning most of your games to hit BM in such a short time frame unless you have absolutely insane playing time. So characters with BM title back then not only played a lot, but they're generally winning most of the games in a PUG situation and are truly the players you should fear.


After 1.1 there's plenty of time to lose your way to BM so the title itself no longer has any significance.

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I really can't figure out the argument here. What prestige does this title have that you people want to protect? Does it signify a level of skill to you? And the gear "grind" you had to endure back in the day should be the same for everyone? To be honest I'd like to have filled out my Champ set like I started it with gear coming in 5 out of the first 11 bags I opened, that grind was so rough. Why does it bother you so much if people can get the same gear as you? Does the gear signify a level of skill to you?


The sad truth of this game is that titles nor the gear signify anything other than time invested. That's it, being skilled at PvP isn't even part of the equation. If a person who comes up in the new system with the easier "grind" and "welfare epics" then proceeds to clean your pre-patch BM clock, more power to them. They are the better player regardless of how they got there.....and that is how PvP should be my friends.


What is there to figure out? I laid it out for you a couple posts ago. It is really very simple. If everybody has the same gear, why have it in the game? Why don't classes just have set numbers? That is what people are saying they want, correct? A even playing field?


I am suggesting that if that is what they want, then a mmo is not for them! I'll tell you what having a full set of bm means currently...It means the put in the time to get it, period. This single fact alone will make people quit, that is all I am saying. When you take gear that someone grinded for and just hand it out, it means that they just wasited time. Who likes to waist time?


How would you guys feel about a cash shop? 10-15 dollars for armor? Skip the grind! Everybody running around in the best gear! Sounds like fun!

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What is there to figure out? I laid it out for you a couple posts ago. It is really very simple. If everybody has the same gear, why have it in the game? Why don't classes just have set numbers? That is what people are saying they want, correct? A even playing field?


I am suggesting that if that is what they want, then a mmo is not for them! I'll tell you what having a full set of bm means currently...It means the put in the time to get it, period. This single fact alone will make people quit, that is all I am saying. When you take gear that someone grinded for and just hand it out, it means that they just wasited time. Who likes to waist time?


How would you guys feel about a cash shop? 10-15 dollars for armor? Skip the grind! Everybody running around in the best gear! Sounds like fun!


its a game tho

clam down

skilled and organized teams will always prevail

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