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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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Illum was downright unplayable for a lot of people so it was a good change, until they fix all the problems with lag and latency in the game when a lot of players are on the map.. I have a $2,500 dollar self built rig and I manage to get slideshows in illum when there's a zerg vs zerg fight. It's downright unbearable and worse than Warhammer's massive RVR slideshows, which I thought would be hard to beat.
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40 commendations per medal, up to 4 medals. So unless the warzone ends early most people should be getting 160 commendations per match minimum regardless of a win or loss.


disregard my former post i was confused lol.


Also what about BM bags? they didnt say there were still available

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I've been saying this for a while as well. Bring back the Beta surveys, only make them optionally accessible from the help menus.


Before or after a major update, make them pop for everyone on logoff, something like that.


Surveying the population that way is a much better metric than what you read on forums.


Make them pop up over one of the 57849758 loading screens you see while playing. Something to do while you wait for their trash engine to move you to the next place.

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disregard my former post i was confused lol.


Also what about BM bags? they didnt say there were still available


From what I've seen and read from the PTS thus far the BM bags are still available for completing your daily and weekly quests. Those won't be going away until 1.2. You can however, come 1.1.5, also purchase a BM commendation with 1k/1k.

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That would be a good idea, the surveys.


BW is just making small changes in line with the playerbase though. SWG changed total game mechanics based on the whims of players who wanted to be "LEWK SKAIWALKER"


It started out the same way over there as well. Bioware is making changes based on partial information is my only point.


Those surveys were excellent feedback - provided they don't spawn in combat. They can then get a much more reliable sample to adjust form.


I might be in the actual minority who enjoys Ilum. Or I might not be. Based on my own guild experience, I don't believe I am. Based on the forum QQing from a small % of people, I most certaily am. In the end, if they poll tens of thousands of players and most say screw Ilum, then hey...go with that.


This is the kind of incomplete data that ruins games over time.

Edited by islander
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Since u can only get 40 Warzone COmmendations a match now and roughly 2 matches an hour. That means 80 wz commendations in a full hour of play. 80wz = about 26merc merc......Do people realise that this change is just going to take them longer to get gear. Kindof funny ppl acting excited not realizing its gonna make it longer. 1k merk and 1k warzone for 1 bm token 25 matches just to get 1k warzone commendations and your not even close then.

Are you serious? Before it was 5 commendations for every medal, now it's 10 for every medal and you only have to get 4 to cap yourself out. You still get the same number of commendations for winning/losing as before. Are people in this game that dense and don't know how to read? I mean come on, I make fun of Biodrones all the time and I'm definitely not a fan of the game or Bioware; but the idiocy in this thread is borderline hilarious.

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Wow, 4 ppl pick apart what I said by saying the same thing. Honestly I'm used to getting 8-9 medals by doing the objective. And usually only walk out of a -winning- warzone with 120-150 coms. Yes I'm aware that 8 medals current and 4 in 1.1.5 would be the same.


Not enough coffee yet this morning, so I read that as a literal cap on wz coms. Feel free to disregard the post at this point =D


*Goes and gets another cup*

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It started out the same way over there as well. Bioware is making changes based on partial information is my only point.


Those surveys were excellent feedback - provided they don't spawn in combat. They can then get a much more reliable sample to adjust form.


I might be in the actual minority who enjoys Ilum. Or I might not be. Based on my own guild experience, I don't believe I am. Based on the forum QQing from a small % of people, I most certaily am.


This is the kind of incomplete data that ruins games over time.

If illum didn't have all the performance issues it did and it wasn't such a slideshow, more people would agree with you, that clearly isn't the case though. I would even enjoy fighting the Imperial zerg if I didn't get a massive slideshow that's 3 times worse than Warhammer's massive RvR battles that didn't have a player cap like illum does.

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Wow, 4 ppl pick apart what I said by saying the same thing. Honestly I'm used to getting 8-9 medals by doing the objective. And usually only walk out of a -winning- warzone with 120-150 coms. Yes I'm aware that 8 medals current and 4 in 1.1.5 would be the same.


Not enough coffee yet this morning, so I read that as a literal cap on wz coms. Feel free to disregard the post at this point =D


*Goes and gets another cup*

Yep, 4 will be the new 8. Meaning that people that focussed on medal farming, won't have to anymore. It also means that I can spec into a spec that will be more useful for my team, instead of speccing into a medal farming spec.

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oh i may have misread the post. Only 40 comms each match? that cant be right it would take 1,000 warzones to get 1 bm comm? am i reading this right?


It's my understanding that you get comms for kills in wz's as well. This is just saying that the comms are capped at 40 with medals but it doesn't restrict the collection via kills.

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If illum didn't have all the performance issues it did and it wasn't such a slideshow, more people would agree with you, that clearly isn't the case though. I would even enjoy fighting the Imperial zerg if I didn't get a massive slideshow that's 3 times worse than Warhammer's massive RvR battles that didn't have a player cap like illum does.


I completely understand this counterargument. I've got a new PC, so even running max settings in it, I get minimal to marginal lag even with 50-60 on screen.


No idea what my actual FPS is as that number is so tiny it's the last thing I'm looking at.


If the bulk of surveyed people say yeah, it's unplayable for them, then by all means neuter it for now. The multitude of people aren't posting on the forums, and 'usually' that's because they have little to complain about. Not always, though (obviously).


The only thing I want to drill home here is Bioware should listen less to the forum opinions, and more to the actual in game opinions. That way you or I have no more 'ear' then our friends who play.

Edited by islander
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Are you serious? Before it was 5 commendations for every medal, now it's 10 for every medal and you only have to get 4 to cap yourself out. You still get the same number of commendations for winning/losing as before. Are people in this game that dense and don't know how to read? I mean come on, I make fun of Biodrones all the time and I'm definitely not a fan of the game or Bioware; but the idiocy in this thread is borderline hilarious.


Yep. You pretty much get the same number of commendations at the end that you did before. Pure healers will get more, and pure tanks will get less, but all in all, it balances what each class/spec can get. So i don't see what's wrong with the change tbh. You can still get tons of medals, but you won't be rewarded just for being a medalwhore.


Btw, on the PTR each BM commendation is 1000/1000.

Edited by Keldaur
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Wow, while lot those changes are great....the ilum daily counting for WZs is pretty awsome.


Now there is no reason to go to Ilum at all, woot!


Ok guys, we can't get engine to handle anything past 16 players and ends up a slide show for majority of users....so instead, let's make the zone redundant so no one even goes there. Talk about the laziest way to deal with a problem, ever. LOL!


edit. thank the gods of the internet whenever GW2 hits, massive W v W v W ftw. Not getting that here and by looks of this patch; never will.

Edited by fixit
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They listened to the players in SWG also. That destroyed the game.


It'll do the same here, eventually.



The best thing they could do is actually survey people IN GAME, insetad of on forums. For the life of me, I have no idea why they don't do those pop-up surveys while you play - like they did in beta.


If they really wanted authentic player information, they could get it this way, instead of listening to the 5% forum population.


It's clear that the PvP devs on this game are so bad that they are forced to listen to the players. They can't seem to get anything done right...killing Ilum after that lead dev said we would be BLOWN AWAY by how awesome it is just shows how flat their ideas are.


I think it's funny AND sad at the same time.

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It's clear that the PvP devs on this game are so bad that they are forced to listen to the players. They can't seem to get anything done right...killing Ilum after that lead dev said we would be BLOWN AWAY by how awesome it is just shows how flat their ideas are.


I think it's funny AND sad at the same time.


I love this game but I have to agree. It seems very clear that they are listening to all these QQ posts that make up these forums. We need original ideas. We all know what happens when they listen to all the complaints...

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I love this game but I have to agree. It seems very clear that they are listening to all these QQ posts that make up these forums. We need original ideas. We all know what happens when they listen to all the complaints...


If they were listening to all the QQ posts then all classes would have been nerfed by now. ESPECIALLY Sorc/Sage since that seems to be the biggest ROTM (Rant of the Month) right now. Same for Tracer Missle.


As both of these have yet to be nerffed, I'd say it's safe to say they aren't listening to the QQ posts.

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