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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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on my operative I stay on the opponents top platform while stealthed so that team mates with the ball can use me as an anchor and force leap to me.


I get zero medals, win 3 quick games, and am out.


Winning is all I care about, all anyone should care about once they hit 60.


...60 huh

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I am sure in your gaming world you live in pvp harmony where everyone heals and helps everyone out but the unfortunate thing is that no one really cares if they get healed or protected. So yes I do it for the medals. If a win comes with it then its all a plus. Now I have no reason to guard at all. So I can die faster and get nothing from it? No thanks.


Exactly the type of player who makes WZs a nightmare. People do care if they get healed because it keeps them alive longer to get the job done. People do care if they are protected because it keeps them alive longer to get the job done.


You dont care because you only want your medals. This is why the change was needed. It will hopefully help push people into focusing on the objective of the game rather than farming medals.

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clarification please:


10 medals =

- 50 comms

- 2,000 valor

win match =

- 60 comms (ish)

- # valour

Loose match =

- 40 comms

- # valor



10 medals =

- 40 comms

- 2,000 valor

Win match =

- no change

loose match =

- no change


so ...... is the 50+ page rant all about the loss of 10 comms & DoTs not stopping objectives?

if yes, how is this a QQ unsub motivator?

if no, whats the QQ unsubbing for?


sorry for my ignorance, i'm australian and just got my 40ms server so i'm still a little giddy and punch drunk. (well, drunk most of the time ;))

Edited by alterator
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I now have no reason to keep my guard on people to get the 50k medal. Looks like all I have to do now is taunt and not even guard one person. I like that! Easy valor, easy gear, Easy game


Just like healing no one cares if you do 10k prot or 100k so I was only doing it for the medal. Now that I get nothing for it I will not be guarding anyone.


Love this game but now am seriously contemplating cancelling my sub with how easy they are making this. I was really hoping this game would take a few years or at least months before it went down the WoW road of giving everyone top gear....Luckily ME3 is coming out on the 6th then its over to diablo 3 TBA.


This guy right here sounds like a complete baddie. Pvping only for medals? Gimme a break.


Go away so you can fail at another game.

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This. I love all the other changes but honestly, they just threw in the towel on Ilum and no one cares?


Yea - it is quite disappointing :(


I think my server is an exception but we have some pretty healthy ilum showdowns every night (Hedarr Soongh). I'll miss the large scale battles (assuming that Ilum does in fact die after this).


I hope BW considers learning from Ilum and creating a more polished version in the future.

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since DOTs is pretty much all I do...sounds like i just got pwnt from being a defender


Oh no. Now you actually have to attack a person repeatedly to defend (like everyone else) instead of dotting them once and loling for 15-21 sec.

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"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."

--> OK, this will reduce the commendation farming. Fair enough.


--> Now, incentivize the win. :)


Objective based WZ's need to incentivize players to focus on achieving the objective, hence winning. With everyone getting max commendations and valor for just showing up, I can see folks not really caring. Something like a 15% bonus to commendations/valor for the win would be nice. It doesn't matter what it is, but the system needs to reward the win or things will get pretty bad with folks not caring what happens at all.

Edited by Tdain
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*EDIT* Link added for convenience





Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.


^This is the worst feature in this patch. Ilum is lonely enough already, now it will be completely deserted. Want to be camped and consealed or be queued in a Warzone with 2000+ valor and still complete dailies?

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I think they could have done a couple simple fixes to help Ilum.


1. Quick Shuttle to Ilum from Fleet, maybe leave it so you still have to go long way back to Fleet. This would help get people out there when a fight is strating.


2. Remove some of the Guns and Base capture animation spam to help with FPS.


3. Create some kind of simple way to send a alarm to the Fleet when a battle is going on in Ilum. It would be nice to eventully have some kind of Play by Play news in the Fleet, so that it creats a coolness factor in the fact your name might pop up in the fleet when you kill someone in Ilum or something like that. Screens that show the battle would be really neat.


4. Create more battle turrents and maybe buffs when you are holding a base in Ilum, so that a smaller number of people can help a base than the number attacking.


Not all things would have to be done right away, The quick shuttle qould help allot.

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Getting ilum credit in wzs is the best part of those patch notes.




I dont agree on medals after 4 not giving results, we will see people slacking ALOT.

Pugs vs Premades will have a stronger gap.

Why play a protection vanguard where you can get 10-12 medals per game and 4 just from protecting.


They need to still give something for the effort people actually do to get those medals.

Im all for winning and the flipside this will also cause people to maybe focus more on objectives then numbers, but I still find we should benefit from above 4 medals.


Also, Ilum from warzones is great, but the valor gained from warzones IS already huge, why the heck increase it cause a bunch of extremly casual players shouldl get into battlemaster gear within 3 days played.


Casual people will wear champion gear and have the possibility, which is not long, to gain battlemaster gear. Honestly, getting to vrank 60 does not take long time.


Overall however its nice changes, again, the Ilum daily, weekly is the best one of them all.

Also its nice changes for our healers also with the medals. But those that contribute more and gain alot of medals should be rewarded from this not just by the screen shot.

Which will be the thing now. And thats a tad sad.

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I think they could have done a couple simple fixes to help Ilum.


1. Quick Shuttle to Ilum from Fleet, maybe leave it so you still have to go long way back to Fleet. This would help get people out there when a fight is strating.


2. Remove some of the Guns and Base capture animation spam to help with FPS.


3. Create some kind of simple way to send a alarm to the Fleet when a battle is going on in Ilum. It would be nice to eventully have some kind of Play by Play news in the Fleet, so that it creats a coolness factor in the fact your name might pop up in the fleet when you kill someone in Ilum or something like that. Screens that show the battle would be really neat.


4. Create more battle turrents and maybe buffs when you are holding a base in Ilum, so that a smaller number of people can help a base than the number attacking.


Not all things would have to be done right away, The quick shuttle qould help allot.


Great ideas. Especially the leaderboard/jumbotron screen and alarm on fleet. Tho i wonder about the implementation in an already buggy game.

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Exactly the type of player who makes WZs a nightmare. People do care if they get healed because it keeps them alive longer to get the job done. People do care if they are protected because it keeps them alive longer to get the job done.


You dont care because you only want your medals. This is why the change was needed. It will hopefully help push people into focusing on the objective of the game rather than farming medals.




You are so wrong.


The gap between premades and pugs will be much larger due to this implementation.


I think overall its great but you should get rewards for ALL medals. Why else would you want them?


Trust me, the tanks out there that use guard, often recieves already NO heals in pugs. THey do it for the medals and it actually saves the game as well, as healers lives longer.


Overall, great implementation idea apart from the extreme valor gains AND no gains from medals above 4. How someone can even remotely think of that is beyond me.


I can imagine in order to give healers a chance, but then increase medals on healers.

For example, give them a medal for 25 2.5k heals? No operative or scoundrel is going to try and get that in a normal fight as thats 2 minutes of none stop healing in an average 10 minute game. No way.

Give aoe heal medals, an easy one: Healed 3 people in one heal.

Only healers can get this medal if htey have aoe, and yeah sorcs and sages, reason for 3 is due to thats the max on I believe operative or scoundrel, or if it was merc and commando.

Etc etc etc.


They are taking a lazy way out when it comes to the medal system and this will cause alot of people to dislike pvp.


Im always fighting for objectives but its nice when I manage to squeeze in a few extra medals and get rewarded for it.


For me as a scoundrel scrapper: I will have my 4 medals in the first, roughly, 30 seconds of a game, as thats when I pop all I got on an enemy healer in the back:

2.5k, 5k, solo kill, killing blow: 4 meds in a few seconds. And thats all I get the entire game when it comes to valor and honor.

Apart from the win ofc, but...well, only pure pvp people know what I mean. The score is not important but its a carrot on a stick. And an important part of the games pvp success.

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