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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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There was a whole thread yesterday showing, with data, that subs are declining. Also, Voidstar is the epitome of siege PvP? Really? Ever hear of WAR, or DAoC? No prize? They make it so you have to grind for the best gear. There's definitely stuff to grind for


Also, if you actually read his posts, he held his generalizations as fact.


As a matter of fact, I have. WAR was not even close to being the epitome of siege PVP. Lineage 2 was, though not in your list.


And I said -I- didn't need a prize for which to grind. Difference.


I also read his posts.

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Also, if you actually read his posts, he held his generalizations as fact.


I didn't actually make any generalizations.


I said that all MMOs launched within the past 5 years have had their subscription numbers drop a month or two after launch.


I also said that forum-goers are the minority when it comes to a MMO's population.


Neither of these statements are my opinion. <.<

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Heck, I just got 89 comms...from a loss. 9 medals. Imagine if that was a win?


With the upcoming changes, that would have been a what? 139 comm-earning loss?


For craps and grins, let's say I win more than I lose...which I typically do. Under new system I will probably get what? 200 comms from a win? If I spend a Saturday playing all day, I can easily do 40 warzones...and I have, as I did this past weekend. That will have been a 3 BM token day, just from comms alone.


Again. Overreact much, folks?


Don't think that is correct. Currently you get 50 valor and 5 comms for every medal, so you got 45 extra comms, after this patch, from what i read, 40 is the max. I get 9-12 medals per game now, so I will probably lose some bonus comms each match, but the valor is crazy. I get 1100-1500 valor in a wz now, i am guaranteed 2000 extra for having at least 4 medals.

Edited by BocaProwler
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the argument is people keep saying your going out of your way to farm over 4.


i don't understand how someone can be so horrible to only obtain 4 metals in this game when its so easy to do damage heal guard or just get a kill depending on your class....


"No generally if you are playing well and doing your job you will have over 10 you don't go out of your way to guard someone for 10k you protect them so they live you don't ruin your teams chances of winning by healing all your weakened teammates and killing some people You dont handicap your team by playing the objective and gaining defender and offensive metals and no you don't handicap your TEAM BY KILLING PEOPLE AND DOING DAMAGE YOUR NOT FARMING ITS CALLED HAVING A BRAIN


if someone has 4 metals at the end of a warzone they are useless and did nothing for the team all they did was one very lazy role. "





Ok ill stop guarding people i don't want to get hurt and die! ill just do damage i know im a tank but thats the point?


Oh no i wont heal him my damage metals are easy to get!


Nope not going to 1v1 that guy sure it could be fun i could win but nope ill go run away.


Cap that point? Why i already have 4 metals offensive and defensive metals are lame anyway.


if you manage 4 metals a game i hope your kicked for inactivity.




please explain to me how you only manage 4 medals a game please.


you all say "hurrdurr now u can play dah objectiv!"


clearly you all don't play the objective because you can obtain objective medals and if your not killing someone doing damage healing or at least guarding someone what the heck are you doing? The objective? yeah go solo and carry the game for us in a 50 bracket that always works.



No we arnt farming your just horrible at this game if you only get 6 at minimum that shows you honestly tried to help your team.


not just did the very least.



all i have about this topic iv wrote people cannot comprehend trying on a warzone i suppose.

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If I spend a Saturday playing all day, I can easily do 40 warzones...and I have, as I did this past weekend.


This is my only problem with what you have said.


The "average" customer for this game, does not have all Saturday to play. The average customer does not have 4-5 hrs to grind WZs in the week.


Your average hardcore player, or average student gamer without a fulltime job, wife/gf/husband/children ect will smash this new system open and be full BM ready for the war-hero set.


Everyone else will make steady progress.

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I average 9 medals a game when I pure dps or hybrid dps/heal.


I average 4 medals when I'm in a pure heal spec.


At all times I attempt to complete the objectives by whatever means are available to me.


But sure, that's hurr durring.


lol, my guild leader is going to ****** when she finds out that she can now get comparable rewards to other classes as a healer.


Edit: Erm, she is going to have "an extremely pleasurable response".

Edited by Varicite
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True pvpers don't pvp for gear or rewards, so its pretty much safe to assume all the whiners don't pvp for the right reasons, if its so important for these kids to have their epeen stroked then they can always implement some kind of rating system for that, better gear however should never been the only reason to pvp.
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True pvpers don't pvp for gear or rewards, so its pretty much safe to assume all the whiners don't pvp for the right reasons, if its so important for these kids to have their epeen stroked then they can always implement some kind of rating system for that, better gear however should never been the only reason to pvp.


your so right /sarcasm the best players have no pvp gear because they don't aim to play the objective they AFK right thats your argument?


Wrong a good player has about 10k objective and 10 medals at the end of a game.


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True pvpers don't pvp for gear or rewards, so its pretty much safe to assume all the whiners don't pvp for the right reasons...


You have a point, however in this game to have real Pvp, an actual test of skill against a worthy opponent? You either need to both have gear, or both not have gear.


That is the fundamental issue that forces people to seek rewards even if they didnt necessarily want them.


I dont like the idea of PvP gear at all, but at least with these changes it means more people can get enough to actually have competitive and fun PvP.


I also suspect that while getting to higher valour ranks will be much easier, the trade-off will be getting the associated gear will take slightly longer.

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Bored, you're leaping to an assumption that "true PVPer" and "good player has 10k objective and 10 medals" are in any way the same concept.


A "true PVPer" is someone who fights players, rather than the environment, for the challenge of it. For the dynamic, ever-different experience found when two fallible creatures with differing skill sets meet and tear each other up a chunk at a time.


A "true PVPer" is there for the adrenaline hit.


They prioritise improving skill before improving gear.


Hell, I'm still in champion gear and I've been shredding battlemasters since there've been battlemasters.


It is perfectly possible for a "true PVPer" to have "10k objective and 10 medals" (on certain maps). The two are not mutually exclusive. However, I would suggest you start saying that to the healers in your warzones, at the start of all your warzones, and see how that goes down.

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Bored, you're leaping to an assumption that "true PVPer" and "good player has 10k objective and 10 medals" are in any way the same concept.


A "true PVPer" is someone who fights players, rather than the environment, for the challenge of it. For the dynamic, ever-different experience found when two fallible creatures with differing skill sets meet and tear each other up a chunk at a time.


A "true PVPer" is there for the adrenaline hit.


They prioritise improving skill before improving gear.


Hell, I'm still in champion gear and I've been shredding battlemasters since there've been battlemasters.


It is perfectly possible for a "true PVPer" to have "10k objective and 10 medals" (on certain maps). The two are not mutually exclusive. However, I would suggest you start saying that to the healers in your warzones, at the start of all your warzones, and see how that goes down.


This game is based on gear based PVP they cannot greatly improve skill without Gear.

my best friend is currently a level 50 war hero merc healer she is able to efficiently manage 7 medals per game for heals objective and little effort on kills.

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A "true PVPer" is there for the adrenaline hit.


They prioritise improving skill before improving gear.


Hell, I'm still in champion gear and I've been shredding battlemasters since there've been battlemasters.



Would you not agree that a "true Pvper" would also recognise rather quickly that a certain minimum of gear was required for their skill to even matter, to the extent that 'true PvP' cannot occur until certain gear requirements are met?


A skilled Champ can roll a less skilled BM, but its rather implausible that a skilled no Expertise player could roll the same BM.


For me, this is the root issue of many problems with our current PvP system, The changes they have pushed out however mean that you can more easily get to a level of gear where you no longer have to prioritise attaining X Y Z medals/comms/gear and your love for skill and challenge can become the focal point.

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Wow... I can't believe what I've just read.


This is the nail in the coffin for me. Have they lost their gosh darn minds?!


Ilum daily/weekly can be done by playing Warzones?! Do they realise this will KILL Ilum PvP COMPLETELY?! The ONLY reason people PvP at Ilum is BECAUSE of the daily/weekly, NOT because they enjoy the lagfest.


And what's all that changes to Warzones?! 500 *********** Valor PER medal, up to a maximum of 4?! That's 2000 *********** free Valor EVERY round. I get only 500 right now after collecting 10(!) medals. I understand you want to stop the medal farming, but WHY SO MANY?! 2000 is WAAY too much. And 4 medals is too damn easy to get. Killing blow, 2k protect, 5k protect, 10k protect. Good job here is your free 2000 valor. :mad:


I'm about to become War Hero Valor rank 70, the third on my server as Republic. That took a lot of time. With these changes everyone and his mom will be a War Hero within 2 weeks. :mad:


Thanks for nothing Bioware. You just killed my ENTIRE lust for PvP.





Is about all I get out of that. You are not a true pvper that pvps for fun. Who cares if there is a million War Heros? Does that directly affect your game play at all? Nope just knocks you off your soap box.. Do us all a favor and cancel your sub now. I promise you we wont miss you.

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Don't think that is correct. Currently you get 50 valor and 5 comms for every medal, so you got 45 extra comms, after this patch, from what i read, 40 is the max. I get 9-12 medals per game now, so I will probably lose some bonus comms each match, but the valor is crazy. I get 1100-1500 valor in a wz now, i am guaranteed 2000 extra for having at least 4 medals.
It was correct. Sorry I didn't SS it for you...but, I certainly did get 89 comms. Had 2 votes at end of match, so it was 87 comms + 2 votes = 89 comms.
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your so right /sarcasm the best players have no pvp gear because they don't aim to play the objective they AFK right thats your argument?


Wrong a good player has about 10k objective and 10 medals at the end of a game.



I can pull 10+ medals every single game only because I'm playing a vanguard, if I was say a full specced healer that is just not possible so how does that equate to skill at all?


The games where I feel I contributed the most were definitely not the ones with the highest medal count or objectives, please stop using this terrible medal/objective system as a basis for skill because certain specs/classes have a massive advantage.

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Skill in Swtor...hmm..anyho mini Jesus patch is good not sure if this was BW of dealing with the 99% that hated ilum or a way of getting people ready for whenever the next tier of gear comes out.






So I tell u why im more skilled than u in PVP IN SWTOR :


1. Im much more intelligent than you

2. I have much better reflex than u / I give u example , enemy Throw ball to ally in huttbal,and they are near our line to score and guess what? I REACT SO FAST THAT I STEAL THE BALL (standing in middle of circle when the ball fall down) and save our team from score,just pure example of many)

3. I have binded like 25 hotkey that i constanly use them,my APM is about 250-380 in WZs while ur is not even 50

4. I have better combo than because i know when to press which button/skill

5. Im getting 10-12 medals per wz, u never get 8 medals considering on ur station which is > oh theres no skill in swtor


Well,there is skill in swtor my little newb,I truly hope so u will see and feel it one day.


And yeah so this patch mean those scrubs im facerolling in wzs will get same amount of valor/and MAYBE EVEN wz COMMS ?


Omg BW, im totally shocked and u just gave other players WHO ARE NOT DESERVED to get same comms/valor like SKILLED players.


Thats sad...

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So I tell u why im more skilled than u in PVP IN SWTOR :


1. Im much more intelligent than you

2. I have much better reflex than u / I give u example , enemy Throw ball to ally in huttbal,and they are near our line to score and guess what? I REACT SO FAST THAT I STEAL THE BALL (standing in middle of circle when the ball fall down) and save our team from score,just pure example of many)

3. I have binded like 25 hotkey that i constanly use them,my APM is about 250-380 in WZs while ur is not even 50

4. I have better combo than because i know when to press which button/skill

5. Im getting 10-12 medals per wz, u never get 8 medals considering on ur station which is > oh theres no skill in swtor


Well,there is skill in swtor my little newb,I truly hope so u will see and feel it one day.


And yeah so this patch mean those scrubs im facerolling in wzs will get same amount of valor/and MAYBE EVEN wz COMMS ?


Omg BW, im totally shocked and u just gave other players WHO ARE NOT DESERVED to get same comms/valor like SKILLED players.


Thats sad...


Congrats? You also have the grammar of a 12yr old...


Cookies and milk ------------------->

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Le Darth.


/game fixed.


Through the haze of this depression the systematic destruction of what could have been the jewel of mmo wpvp Ilum. I missed that they fixed the french Darth titles. Everything is now good.


you win evil ;)

Edited by BCBull
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So I tell u why im more skilled than u in PVP IN SWTOR :


1. Im much more intelligent than you












OMG dude that was the best post ever..

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I don't really get it.


More people w/ comparable gear means better fights in PvP for everyone.


Why are you guys even complaining? The whole point of pvp gear is to have equal footing for everyone, not to outgear your opponent.


This is a good change for BMs who actually enjoy pvp.


Why don't they just give us all equal set then remove valor and cammendations while your at it. That should make things fair an you better too.

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