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WOW really made me appreciate SWTOR


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I played WoW for 6 years.

When WoTLK launched, I was level capped in less then 24 hours, had completed every heroic in less then 3 days, downed the raids in less then 1 week.

When Cata Launched, I was level capped in less then 36 hours, did all the heroics in 4 days, and downed the raids in 8-10ish days.


WoW *********** sucks.

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I played WoW for 6 years.

When WoTLK launched, I was level capped in less then 24 hours, had completed every heroic in less then 3 days, downed the raids in less then 1 week.

When Cata Launched, I was level capped in less then 36 hours, did all the heroics in 4 days, and downed the raids in 8-10ish days.


WoW *********** sucks.


WoW sucks because you have NO LIFE? That doesn't sound right.

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Endgame is nice and all, but if you don't even subscribe long enough to get there, it's useless and irrelevant.


I believe other MMO developers agree with this view - that's why most new MMOs lack in endgame. People first have to be convinced to get to the endgame. If you can't manage that, you can have the best endgame ever developed in MMO gaming, your customers won't see it, as they jump off before the get there.


The leveling experience in WoW is different but in many ways superior to that of SWTOR though.


SWTOR has a fantastic experience twice (once per faction) but then it's the same all over again with a marginal difference for class story. In WoW, you have multiple zones per level bracket giving you more of a varied experience so you aren't always seeing the exact same thing each time you play an alt.


To address your first point I quoted though - end game is the most important part of a MMO. It's the only thing that keeps huge subscription levels going for multiple years. If Bioware doesn't start tuning their end game better and at least making it marginally hard so people aren't 1-shotting everything they're going to lose a lot of people once their playerbase has had enough of the same story lines.

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I played WoW for 6 years.

When WoTLK launched, I was level capped in less then 24 hours, had completed every heroic in less then 3 days, downed the raids in less then 1 week.

When Cata Launched, I was level capped in less then 36 hours, did all the heroics in 4 days, and downed the raids in 8-10ish days.


WoW *********** sucks.


Link us your armory please.

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I played WoW for 6 years.

When WoTLK launched, I was level capped in less then 24 hours, had completed every heroic in less then 3 days, downed the raids in less then 1 week.

When Cata Launched, I was level capped in less then 36 hours, did all the heroics in 4 days, and downed the raids in 8-10ish days.


Even if that was remotely true, normal mode raids are meant to be easy and only pose some degree of challenge(otherwise casuals would be butthurt and quit the game). Unless you cleared the heroic raids in that time, which I hope you say you did, so I can safely assume everything you said is crap

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To address your first point I quoted though - end game is the most important part of a MMO. It's the only thing that keeps huge subscription levels going for multiple years. If Bioware doesn't start tuning their end game better and at least making it marginally hard so people aren't 1-shotting everything they're going to lose a lot of people once their playerbase has had enough of the same story lines.


It's what I've been saying this entire time, but people are too mesmerized by lightsabers and voice acting to actually pay attention to this.

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Tbh I don't give a damn about endgame. But eh, each to their own.


I hear ya, and I get it, to each their own.


But to say you like MMO's but don't give a damn about endgame is like saying you love sex, but don't give a damn about getting past 3rd base.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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I hear ya, and I get it, to each their own.


But to say you like MMO's but don't give a damn about endgame is like saying you love sex, but don't give a damn about getting past 3rd base.


Wouldn't exactly say that. I prefer spending time with my wife over endgame though, I would admit... but lets not go that far.

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Yes, I'm happy that devs in WoW worry more about endgame balancing instead of leveling balance. That's exactly what 'leveling' means! When all classes reach the same/similar point and can perform their job in an equal fashion. Also, it sounds pretty dumb to me to focus on the content you do while leveling. Say you play this game for 5 years, how long do you think you'll have spent leveling your characters, and how much doing endgame content? In 5 years, which one will matter the most?


If you play this game for five years, you'll be playing the content that is here in five years and not the content that we have now. This, by the way, also applies to other time frames, like 1 year or 3 months.

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If you play this game for five years, you'll be playing the content that is here in five years and not the content that we have now. This, by the way, also applies to other time frames, like 1 year or 3 months.


And it will likely be endgame content, unless BW decides to revamp the planets. Thanks for corroborating my point.

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Let me remind you how WoW never had inbalance. There were no classes that could spam single target and aoe fears, there were not any healers so OP that they could perfectly heal and kite, and certainly there were no broken classes or specs that took 2 expansions to be fixed.


I can do sarcasm aswell. Except i am playing a game i like and apparantly your not playing the game you think is so good. Funny that.


Oh wait... did i meantion that if you play WoW cataclysm right now, you really have no point for the dungeons that released when the expansion came out nor the ones that came out on the patch since. What you said is completely false, and its much worse in WoW. There is no point to running WoW instances except the 1-2 that came out in the latest patch because they can be repeated to infinity and offer better gear.


Sure. Problem here is that my post was not meant to be sarcastic. I DO believe that balance in WoW is horrid.

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Completely balancing an MMO is impossible. Each little change affects a multitude of things, and when you consider changes affect both PvE and PvP environments alike, things get that much harder. That said, I don't think balance in WoW is horrid, nor do I think the 'examples' you used are valid.
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