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WOW really made me appreciate SWTOR


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Last time someone I know requested item transfer from one person in the party to another they were informed that it is currently their policy not to. I do not know if it was spelled out in the msg to you.


It wasn't an item transfer. The bug is that if you have master loot on, and someone besides the master looter clicks the corpse first, there's just plain no loot at all.

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Biodrones recipe for a good game:

-Voice acting



The quests in WoW are more varied, have better flow, and are within better zones (with better music). The quests in SWTOR are basically variations of two different quests with little difference between them and most are POINTLESSLY voice acted that add NOTHING to the experience.


Each planet has 1-2 major light side/dark side quests where your choices MATTER. The other quests are just pointless side quests where an NPC spurts the same lines regardless of what you say. The main class quest story lines are uninspired and feel hamfisted to send you to each planet. They're pretty boring compared to the Mass Effect story line.


Blizzard knows how to properly manage their games. SWTOR made me appreciate WoW and I could probably give reasons why all day.



Oh do tell , i would love to know , since endgame is the same .. it is grind for epics.

Just swtor you are faster done .


now aside from bugs and lags issue , that will be shorten out in 6 months time.


What does WoW really have currently stronger ? more people yes . LFD , LFR finder.

Well you going to tell me killing 6 months death wing is satisfying , well then you shouldn´t even complain about lack of endgame content .


So please do enlighten me , why WoW is so much beter , I hate doing dailies .

Am having fun doing my dailies here in SWTOR .

I hate running instances with no drops at all for me , While here I enjoy them .

Atleast I get to run around 2 times a week doing original stuff , like kiting bosses.

Solving stupid puzzles .. without one freaking AD ON or need for macro , cause DBM is already build into this game .


WoW wait i only neeed to press 4 buttons , SWTOR wait i can use potentially 22-28 buttons.

Yeah see what a big difference it is for a skilled player and a NOOB...

Yes in both games , if you don´t like the setting , don´t like the character you are playing.

It is no use to continue , cause both offer exactly the same .


Just wow quest is even more linear after CATA , while fun and welldone .

It becomes tiresome after a while , same thing for SWTOR .


But endgame in WoW is beter ? you mean more variety of useless DAILIES .. yeah in that case fine WOW wins , raiding wise :p forget it grinding 7 bosses a week .. versus 11 boss a week .. well you like less then fine .

But don´t complain about beter .

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The thing is, what will keep gamers from cancelling their subscription is how good the endgame is. And while SWToR's 1-50 gameplay me be better than WoW's, once you hit 50 you are pretty much done. Raids are easy, getting full battlemaster is easy, and there is no competitivity at all since we don't have tools to measure our own performance, let alone others. On the other hand you have WoW, which lacks something completely unnecessary for an MMO(Voice Acting), and instead put more effort in balancing the time you take to complete the endgame.


Yes that tends to happen with a brand new MMO.


Don't worry, there will be plenty of things to do at max level once more content patches come out.

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What does WoW really have currently stronger ?



Flying Mounts

Rated Battleground

LFD finder

Open World Feel

Smooth reactive gameplay


Chairs to sit in

Day/Night cycles

Vastly different races

Factions you can support

Leaders worth following

Dual Spec

Weapon choices

Crafting professions that matter

Economy that works

Multiple Hubs people gather at

Decent framerates in hubs mentioned above

Capitol city raids

Modable UI

Multiple zones to level in (1-60 anyways)

Target Dummies


Choice of pets



Sever Transfers

Faction Transfers

Name/Race Changes

Forums that link to characters in game

GM's in game that come talk to you when you open a ticket

Vibrant healthy economy

Guides and fansites galore for every aspect of gaming

Moonguard Goldshire ERP

Guild Tabards

Choice of Battleground/Warzone entered

Combat Log

Rare Spawns


Class specific mounts

Factions to gain affection with

Easily accessable dueling centers

Restrictions on mounts at Auction House



Organic AND mechanical mounts

Classes that can teleport other players

Classes that can summon other players



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Flying Mounts

Rated Battleground

LFD finder

Open World Feel

Smooth reactive gameplay


Chairs to sit in

Day/Night cycles

Vastly different races

Factions you can support

Leaders worth following

Dual Spec

Weapon choices

Crafting professions that matter

Economy that works

Multiple Hubs people gather at

Decent framerates in hubs mentioned above

Capitol city raids

Modable UI

Multiple zones to level in (1-60 anyways)

Target Dummies


Choice of pets



Sever Transfers

Faction Transfers

Name/Race Changes

Forums that link to characters in game

GM's in game that come talk to you when you open a ticket

Vibrant healthy economy

Guides and fansites galore for every aspect of gaming

Moonguard Goldshire ERP

Guild Tabards

Choice of Battleground/Warzone entered

Combat Log

Rare Spawns


Class specific mounts

Factions to gain affection with

Easily accessable dueling centers

Restrictions on mounts at Auction House



Organic AND mechanical mounts

Classes that can teleport other players

Classes that can summon other players




C-c-c-c-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER.


Pwn, anyone? Yeah, gonna go with a pwn here.

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Flying Mounts

Rated Battleground

LFD finder

Open World Feel

Smooth reactive gameplay


Chairs to sit in

Day/Night cycles

Vastly different races

Factions you can support

Leaders worth following

Dual Spec

Weapon choices

Crafting professions that matter

Economy that works

Multiple Hubs people gather at

Decent framerates in hubs mentioned above

Capitol city raids

Modable UI

Multiple zones to level in (1-60 anyways)

Target Dummies


Choice of pets



Sever Transfers

Faction Transfers

Name/Race Changes

Forums that link to characters in game

GM's in game that come talk to you when you open a ticket

Vibrant healthy economy

Guides and fansites galore for every aspect of gaming

Moonguard Goldshire ERP

Guild Tabards

Choice of Battleground/Warzone entered

Combat Log

Rare Spawns


Class specific mounts

Factions to gain affection with

Easily accessable dueling centers

Restrictions on mounts at Auction House



Organic AND mechanical mounts

Classes that can teleport other players

Classes that can summon other players





And with all that why are people still bored and quitting wow on mass ?

So much for all that is it ?


Why are people enjoying SWTOR without all those quality of life issue .

Here how come CITY of HEROES have more character customisation then any other game i have seen .


With unlimited variety , but is that game making or breaking :p


So seriously there are 2 things ENDGAME , what wow really has beter is a GOLDSHIRE .

Remove that even more people would quit :D

Edited by Drake_Hound
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And with all that why are people still bored and quitting wow on mass ?

So much for all that is it ?


Why are people enjoying SWTOR without all those quality of life issue .

Here how come CITY of HEROES have more character customisation then any other game i have seen .


With unlimited variety , but is that game making or breaking :p


So seriously there are 2 things ENDGAME , what wow really has beter is a GOLDSHIRE .

Remove that even more people would quit :D


If you mean they are leaving in mass to the point where SWTOR and WoW subs will be the same in 2021, then you forgot that Titan will be out by then and will suck 50-70% of subscriptions left here out.

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If you mean they are leaving in mass to the point where SWTOR and WoW subs will be the same in 2021, then you forgot that Titan will be out by then and will suck 50-70% of subscriptions left here out.


haha you really serious think so , well if you want something to be a success start working for it ..


Cause current generation of gamers are too lazy and don´t care .

Nothing in for me , I quit .

So good luck with Titan when games like FARMVILLE and other copy clones.

Already have them doing what they want daily , click a couple buttons and instant satisfaction , if failing pay money to win .


So yeah that is your future :D so pay to win .. cause win win for all .

Win for companies , Win for the players who can afford , and just like real life .

If you don´t have money , you shouldn´t be asking for entertainement but work harder .



Nah SWTOR is really for the old group , who still enjoy gaming like it should .

And if it isn´t fun , even for the old generation we finally understand , we should stop playing .


We don´t have to work in our spare time anymore , to entertain people .

If it ain´t fun , it ain´t worth it .

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haha you really serious think so , well if you want something to be a success start working for it ..


Cause current generation of gamers are too lazy and don´t care .

Nothing in for me , I quit .

So good luck with Titan when games like FARMVILLE and other copy clones.

Already have them doing what they want daily , click a couple buttons and instant satisfaction , if failing pay money to win .


So yeah that is your future :D so pay to win .. cause win win for all .

Win for companies , Win for the players who can afford , and just like real life .

If you don´t have money , you shouldn´t be asking for entertainement but work harder .



Nah SWTOR is really for the old group , who still enjoy gaming like it should .

And if it isn´t fun , even for the old generation we finally understand , we should stop playing .


We don´t have to work in our spare time anymore , to entertain people .

If it ain´t fun , it ain´t worth it .


You assume alot on many things here.

Most of it wrong. My age, free to play, my financial status...just wrong on all three counts.

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You assume alot on many things here.

Most of it wrong. My age, free to play, my financial status...just wrong on all three counts.


and again reading comprehension is not your strongest strong point right !

So basically fit right into the pattern set out for you .


Love to be heard , but nobody is listening to you .

If you think those applies to you and your need to confront yourself with wrongs.

Then you already fit into that generation of useless .


Cause lack of attention or self confidence.

Now how much I would love to solve your problems , I am not getting paid , and neither is it a fun thing for me to do , especially for free .


Sorry your problem you deal with it .

Sorry debating cause people feel attacked personally , is a senseless issue for me.

There problem not mine , I just state what I see in this world .

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I agree. Playing SWTOR has been a let down. WoW is so much better and no other MMO seems to be able to capture the fun and allure of WoW .


Then that is good , if you have fun , then you should be there playing it .

Not posting on the forum about it :p


Oh is the game so much lacking in WoW that you have to have 2 games you play.

Nope for me my choice was obvious , I canceled wow cause no need for those hypocritical people , especially when I am not having FUN in wow .


BUT having FUN in SWTOR , no matter the shortcomings no matter the bugs .

FUN factor is greater for me in SWTOR , aside from TBC , I think WoW never gave me a beter time , not even in classic wow .


And sorry modern days people pay to have FUN , and you are having FUN then be a man and go play it . if you are having FUN to come to other forum to say you are having more FUN in wow .


Well guess why people leave wow , you fit right in wow .

Edited by Drake_Hound
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and again reading comprehension is not your strongest strong point right !

So basically fit right into the pattern set out for you .


Love to be heard , but nobody is listening to you .

If you think those applies to you and your need to confront yourself with wrongs.

Then you already fit into that generation of useless .


Cause lack of attention or self confidence.

Now how much I would love to solve your problems , I am not getting paid , and neither is it a fun thing for me to do , especially for free .


Sorry your problem you deal with it .

Sorry debating cause people feel attacked personally , is a senseless issue for me.

There problem not mine , I just state what I see in this world .



That is an odd comment to make coming from someone who's primary language is obviously not english.

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That is an odd comment to make coming from someone who's primary language is obviously not english.


Oh grammar and language barrier again .

Guess same old , same old , why people never improve ..

Getting old your problems and reasoning .


If you don´t make effort , you never make anything do you ?

What was the saying again , a blind person cannot hear , a deaf person cannot see.

But some people are just blind and deaf .

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Is this guy trolling me? I need outside opinions.


nm, he speaks perfect english looking into his past posts.


Means he is a troll, means our conversation is done. Can't believe I fell for it. Was actually trying to be nice thinking he was a foreigner.

Edited by Icebaron
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Is this guy trolling me? I need outside opinions.


nm, he speaks perfect english looking into his past posts.


Means he is a troll, means our conversation is done. Can't believe I fell for it. Was actually trying to be nice thinking he was a foreigner.


See you said yourself your problem not mine .

Deal with it , so your issues not mine .


I don´t have time for somebody who is so obvious that resorting to name calling .

And need a epeen meter for himself .


All that you confirmed yourself .

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WoW vanilla had more leveling zones.


This is a lie, WoW had a very linear leveling plan. Sometimes you could chose where to gain a couple of levels and what to miss, but you will eventually end up (at some point) in ungoro, winterspring, felwood, etc. You sometimes chose either to do whole feralas or not, but thats all of it. SWTOR is similar - you can skip a planet all together, or do only class quest, or level with PvP only. Btw wow didnt let you doing so back in the days.



WoW on the other side had some funny and controversial zone design, speaking of Stranglethorn vale - putting people from both factions from as low as late 20 to lvl 50 (after Zul Gurub was out) with a major PvP object in the middle, was, i would say, an interesting idea, which spawned more blood grudges, hours of corpsecapming, guildmates calling, zerg on zerg fights, and all that beautiful shiz then a specially, much more later designed PvP zones in Silith and EPL combined. But, in the end, even Bliz themselves decided to separate it, because the tension was too high - i remember running to booty bay as my alliance char on foot was a nightmare, it alone took about an hour or so. I would imagine the amount of pure rage and hate on forums if anything in SWTOR was similar designed. People are never happy. that is true.

Edited by vekkth
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So SWTOR brought me to mmo's it was my first. After a month and a half I had two level 50's and was stumped with what to do next. I was frustrated at lack of content at the end of the game and lack of pvp at times. So I decided to try World of Warcraft as everyone bangs on about how good it is or was or whatever. I logged on for the first time and made a hunter warewolf and began my questing, and could not believe how dull it was up to level 10. There's no voice overs and its an absolute guess where to go for questing. I'm not ************ at it because it is a 7 year old game but the fact that people are comparing these two games is really surprising me, if people just overlook there addiction they had to the game and actually compared the two, SWTOR wins hands down. So Bioware you will be seeing a lot more of me on your game :cool:


WoW has been out for awhile and has become an end-game MMO. That's where the community is and the fun.


TOR has not been out long enough to establish an end-game community yet. BW's goal was to establish a strong leveling platform first, end-game platform later.


Also, you can't level 2 50's in this game and a level 10 in WoW and than compare the two.

Edited by Darkulous
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This is a lie, WoW had a very linear leveling plan. Sometimes you could chose where to gain a couple of levels and what to miss, but you will eventually end up (at some point) in ungoro, winterspring, felwood, etc. You sometimes chose either to do whole feralas or not, but thats all of it. SWTOR is similar - you can skip a planet all together, or do only class quest, or level with PvP only. Btw wow didnt let you doing so back in the days.


The only thing you said here that was correct was that you couldn't level doing only pvp. Everything else is false. For example, the plaguelands. I never touched them, but most people did both west and east.


And the only reason you would skip entire planets is because you outleveled them before you got to them. As long as you didn't outlevel them, the class story dictated the order you did them in. These planets stories on the planets dictated the order in which you did the hubs in. Typically speaking, everyone of the same class does the same quests in the same order as everyone else of the same class. Took me many alts in wow to find the perfect order to do quests in to maximize my leveling time.


edit- also note that quests alone in wow would never get you max level. You had to grind mobs. The very fact that you had to grind mobs some threw out any notion of linear gameplay because nobody told you where to go to grind said mobs.

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WoW has been out for awhile and has become an end-game MMO. That's where the community is and the fun.


TOR has not been out long enough to establish an end-game community yet. BW's goal was to establish a strong leveling platform first, end-game platform later.


Also, you can't level 2 50's in this game and a level 10 in WoW and than compare the two.


And if they can´t grab a person at level 10 already .

Who says they can keep the person at level 50 ...

That was the reason for cataclysme big overhaul , to bring in new blood.


But sadly it failed on a gigantic scale , endgame is no fun , when there are not enough skilled people around .

Endgame is fun when there are enough skilled or people willing to work .


Sorry you want to say wow endgame for next 6 month is running arena and deathwing .

Then they might have save the effort and just do beter loot drop in the first 3 raid instances. and let raggy drop uber loot .


To keep the farm going .

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WoW has been out for awhile and has become an end-game MMO. That's where the community is and the fun.


TOR has not been out long enough to establish an end-game community yet. BW's goal was to establish a strong leveling platform first, end-game platform later.


Also, you can't level 2 50's in this game and a level 10 in WoW and than compare the two.


Would have been a valid excuse 6 years ago.


WoW of course was not a perfect game in its infancy. However, it grew very successfully into a very complete game.


When a new game is released, while WoW still thrives, making the same mistakes as WoW (or even some worse) is not a valid excuse. The MMO isn't the same creature it was in 2005, so making comparisons to a 6 year old game's infancy is kind of admitting failure.


There's no reason a game should be able to be completely dull after a month of play. There is literally nothing to do at 50 that can't be done in a week. (or less)


-edit- Actually the mindless Valor Rank/BM grind takes more than a week, probably, but is also completely RNG dependent and doesn't require any amount of skill. Furthermore, the rewards you get from it are very very poor. So it's a meaningless grind, and the rewards you get aren't even anything you really want. Just, what's left to do.

Edited by Ganiccus
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And if they can´t grab a person at level 10 already .

Who says they can keep the person at level 50 ...

That was the reason for cataclysme big overhaul , to bring in new blood.


But sadly it failed on a gigantic scale , endgame is no fun , when there are not enough skilled people around .

Endgame is fun when there are enough skilled or people willing to work .


Sorry you want to say wow endgame for next 6 month is running arena and deathwing .

Then they might have save the effort and just do beter loot drop in the first 3 raid instances. and let raggy drop uber loot .


To keep the farm going .


Well, the LFG and BG cross-server tools were put in place for the lower level content. Just imagine how boring it would be leveling up a toon in WoW without those. TOR will have the same issue down the road. How do you grab a new subscriber when the community is in end-game? That's a question no developer can answer except maybe Blizzard. They are still King, by far.


Also, fun in a MMO is relative to how social a person is. Guilds play a big part with how much fun or bad your experiences can be, no matter the game.

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What WoW has that SWTOR does not



Flying Mounts

Rated Battleground

LFD finder

Open World Feel

Smooth reactive gameplay


Chairs to sit in

Day/Night cycles

Vastly different races

Factions you can support

Leaders worth following

Dual Spec

Weapon choices

Crafting professions that matter

Economy that works

Multiple Hubs people gather at

Decent framerates in hubs mentioned above

Capitol city raids

Modable UI

Multiple zones to level in (1-60 anyways)

Target Dummies


Choice of pets



Sever Transfers

Faction Transfers

Name/Race Changes

Forums that link to characters in game

GM's in game that come talk to you when you open a ticket

Vibrant healthy economy

Guides and fansites galore for every aspect of gaming

Moonguard Goldshire ERP

Guild Tabards

Choice of Battleground/Warzone entered

Combat Log

Rare Spawns


Class specific mounts

Factions to gain affection with

Easily accessable dueling centers

Restrictions on mounts at Auction House



Organic AND mechanical mounts

Classes that can teleport other players

Classes that can summon other players



Saying SWTOR is lacking cooking is like saying WOW doesn't have Armstech.


Vibrant healthy economy? Opinion


Factions to gain affection with? Companion Affection in SWTOR


Restrictions on Mounts at AH? Wha, makes no sense.


Beer? SWTOR has Adrenals.


Multiple Hubs people gather at? Orgrimmar or Storwind don't count as "multiple" hubs.


Achievments? Codex in SWTOR.


Capital city raids? Pretty gay in my opinion when a 20 man army can wipe out a capital city. Its more realistic IMHO that commanders actually have a defense around there planets.


Choice of Pets? SWTOR has pets also.

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