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Lol, at people saying Sent/Mara are OP


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Dude, you are all theory on paper, but no practice. It's like you aren't even level 50.




Don't act like you get 'Every' tracer missiler, 'Every' time. They run up on you when you are stopping people from bombing voidstar. You can't 'force camo' and sneak up on them all.


Stop acting like you are moving at 500% speed through the catawalks, with radar, knowing where every Merc is in Huttball, all while being immune to fire hazards, knockbacks, and endless stealth.



You post nothing but thoery, of what you think should work on paper.


I fight mercs all the time. Stop their tracer. Its that simple. They are basically only as good as their tracers. If you stop those its just more damage I have at the end of the match

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Dude, you are all theory on paper, but no practice. It's like you aren't even level 50.




Don't act like you get 'Every' tracer missiler, 'Every' time. They run up on you when you are stopping people from bombing voidstar. You can't 'force camo' and sneak up on them all.


Stop acting like you are moving at 500% speed through the catawalks, with radar, knowing where every Merc is in Huttball, all while being immune to fire hazards, knockbacks, and endless stealth.



You post nothing but thoery, of what you think should work on paper.


Im wasting my time with you.

You are obviously just a bad bad bad player who comes to the forums to QQ.


Go to the BH forums and see the multiple posts of how melee melt them, well all melee except one... You.

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Here's the thing about tracer missile mercs. They are only really a problem for good players with good situational awareness if they are on a good team that CC's and protects them, or if there are more than one of them working together. As one of the previous posters said, a good team shuts down the opposing turrets and lets theirs go to town. Edited by Vodrin
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Here's the thing about tracer missile mercs. They are only really a problem for good players with good situational awareness if they are on a good team that CC's and protects them, or if there are more than one of them working together. As one of the previous posters said, a good team shuts down the opposing turrets and lets theirs go to town.


Thats exactly what i have been trying to tell this guy FOUR times now.

Mercs / Comandos are only good if they are able to free cast, stick a marauder / Sent on them and they will have the lowest damage and most deqaths in the game.


This guy is screaming because he is chasing others around the map and making himself a free target for mercs stood above.

Pro tip Asphen, it is your job as a DPS to kill their healers and turrets, if the turret is stopping you from killing the healers then make the rest of the WZ a pure nightmare for him.


Mercs and snipers are my first choices for targets, i hate letting people free cast.

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letting anyone freely cast or attack regardless of class is a mistake... no you cannot keep everyone busy but as a Sent/Marauder I think it's pretty clear that the class is so easily put together to **** with range.


Even on the flip side, if the other side is letting you run around DPS without any contention they're *********** up also. I'm not some world class player, but I know that if I'm left alone I'll be making a lot of people wait for the respawn door to open. Sent is a class that just excels at killing Sage/Sorc especially. The only thing that BH's give me trouble with is when they get that un-interuptable shield up and can pretty much free cast for however many seconds that is.

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I do feel very strong vs mercs/healers but I always get creamed vs a well entrenched sniper on a ledge on alderaan for example. Even if I sneak up in force camo I can't do much burst damage before I get knocked back/slowed by their uninterruptible snipe and by the time I limp back I'm basically dead. I'm def not in the "zomg sent underpowered camp" at all as I feel very strong in general, I just can't seem to do well against a sniper. Are they just a counter class or is there an assault strategy I'm missing? Watchman spec, btw.
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letting anyone freely cast or attack regardless of class is a mistake... no you cannot keep everyone busy but as a Sent/Marauder I think it's pretty clear that the class is so easily put together to **** with range.


Even on the flip side, if the other side is letting you run around DPS without any contention they're *********** up also. I'm not some world class player, but I know that if I'm left alone I'll be making a lot of people wait for the respawn door to open. Sent is a class that just excels at killing Sage/Sorc especially. The only thing that BH's give me trouble with is when they get that un-interuptable shield up and can pretty much free cast for however many seconds that is.


They can only spec for that interrupt immunity if they are way up the healing tree, and I would agree that healing merc/commandos are the toughest of the 3 healing classes to lock down. You won't see it on a tracer missile spec. What everyone is saying here is absolutely correct. The sentinel is built to take down classes with ranged non-instant casts.

Edited by Vodrin
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This sents are so funny, like they are so happy to kill just someOne, like i watched that video where sent solo everyone, i can do that too ...ooops, i'm dead. Next time i'll kill that nasty merc, i can interrupt and stealth and ...ooops, i'm dead. He knows more than one button? oh, nevermind, i'll find another merc/inq and solo him, i can do that, i can ...what, thay can spec to be immune to interrupt for 12 secs, heal himself, fire while running - whats wrong with this mercs, where are all that oldgood-one-button-one-place-standing-spammers??? lol
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After my WZ matches lately, I've been getting whispers saying something along the lines of "You will be getting nerfed soon lolol"


best of all. Most from sages.


2 Months ago everyone lol'd at sents/maras


Now we are all properly geared. and wreaking havoc. IN THE ONLY WAY WE CAN.


We are a DPS class. That is it. We do damage.


I get 400k dmg bc I'm neutralizing their healer not bc i'm roflpwning everyone I go into combat with.


1v1 I will kill you. 2v1 I may if you both suck. But that is because I'm a strict damage class.

While everyother class reaps the benefit of 2 specs. I specialize in KILLING YOU.


I just wanted to post this in the sentinel forums so you guys know. And vent a little :p


Some people who play these class's are good with them I agree, but your beatable 1 on 1 lets not get carried away. I kill these guys all the time on my Assassin Tank, and Pyro Merc.

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I love Tracer Missile/Grav Round spamming scrubs. I make it my mission in every WZ to hunt them down. Then I troll them in /say. :)


lol my favorite is a sorc force lightning someone while I'm getting all my Dots on them. When the sorc see's his health diminishing he does his sprint right when I push force stasis. lolol, You ain't going no where sorc.

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Some people who play these class's are good with them I agree, but your beatable 1 on 1 lets not get carried away. I kill these guys all the time on my Assassin Tank, and Pyro Merc.


Tank assassin might be the best 1v1 class in the game, and pyro mercs are much tougher than arsenal merc's 1v1. DPS penalty for moving is far lower on a pyro build.

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So I am new to MMORPGs....my first exposure was when I bought this game two months ago. With some advice and help from fellow sentinels like yourselves, I've been starting to get the hang of it.


I am very interested to know why everyone is saying watchman is better than combat. I am currently combat right now, but will probably reset my points and do a watchman build, if I can understand why its better. Could somebody help me understand why combat isn't as good as watchman?


I play Combat as well, and I'll sum up the resons it's far from an optimal spec compared to Watchman.


1> In equally skilled hands it does less damage over most fighting.

2> Watchman heals.

3> Poorly designed proc rates/hit box for Combat.


What's good about combat?


Mobility. But not enough to make up for the advantages Watchman has.


I personally believe the procs for Combat need fixed and our big burst, blade storm, needs increased. That would go a long way to fixing Combat relative to the power of Watchman.


But yeah, I like the feel of it FAR better than watchman, so I gimp myself purposefully and play the way I want to over the way I know I'd perform best.

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I would not say I am a top notch PvP player, but I still had a sorc accuse me of hacking this past weekend. After that he said my combat build was OP because ranged can't kite me and that the spec will be nerfed for sure.


Bad players are bad, and rely on the crutch of calling their opponents OP when they lose.


lol its always nice to rage a sorc!

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So many ******** in this thread.

When 6 mercs attack one stunned target they oneshot while healed by 2 other mercs. Which can not be interrupted with their interrupt immunity. And there is no 30m radius aoe 1.5 seconds cooldown interrupt. It must be biggest discovery for those interrupters.

And I wonder what they will say about interrupting 24 people on Ilum, it must be funny to hear.

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If a tracer missile spammer is out DPSing you it means you are on a bad team, which may very well not be your fault if you are pugging. The tracer missile/grav round spam build can be locked down quickly and easily by any reasonably coordinated team. They only get tough when a team ignores them, or if they are being well protected by their own melee and healers. 1v1 it is a very weak build, and I see many games where feared tracer missile mercs are shut down by a good team.



That's why you dont use tracer missle. Being a full healer spec for mercs and using the right combo, you can shoot off around 30+ powershots (they deal around 400-500 more dmg than tracer missle) and if you do it right, you will pop all your shields and get up to 80% dmg reduction, with a heal over time, and 13 seconds of unlimited powershots.


Sentinels have given me trouble before, after I realized I just need to pop all my relics/shields/medpacs/instant heals right away, yall are a breeze :)

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