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This game lacks epeen


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What do you mean by Comms? If you mean voice chat then you are wrong.


What all winning organizaed raids DO NOT NEED is endless chatter over the voice chat when the raid leader or main tank are trying to communicate. You are told to use macros for quiet and organized communication.


And yes, I do know what I am speaking about through experience...I am not too sure that you do though by that comment.


Remind me never to raid with the likes of you.


In our guild successful raiding was achieved whilst having FUN and the group COMMUNICATING. If the new "standard" is 'don't talk until you're spoken to' then I want no part of it.


Players that think like you have no part in my gaming experience and I will be more than happy to avoid you all day long.

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Remind me never to raid with the likes of you.


In our guild successful raiding was achieved whilst having FUN and the group COMMUNICATING. If the new "standard" is 'don't talk until you're spoken to' then I want no part of it.


Players that think like you have no part in my gaming experience and I will be more than happy to avoid you all day long.


Heh, back in my Molten Core raiding days, we actually had a reputation for being somewhat of a fun-loving raiding guild. We tried to minimize the militaristic approach to raiding at all costs and we were genuinely successful clearing MC, BWL, AQ, and 5 bosses in Nax. Sure, progression nights were a bit more serious, but all in all, we knew how to have a good time while we raided. It truly was the most fun I have ever had playing a video game.


Sadly, I'm not sure if future players will get to feel the same epic feeling that I did when we cleared a 40-man instance after months and months of attempts. Maybe it's a good thing for the genre as a whole as it really does deter people from achieving real life goals. I don't regret it though :)

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Remind me never to raid with the likes of you.


In our guild successful raiding was achieved whilst having FUN and the group COMMUNICATING. If the new "standard" is 'don't talk until you're spoken to' then I want no part of it.


Players that think like you have no part in my gaming experience and I will be more than happy to avoid you all day long.


Hes talking about high end content that requires you to actually focus and concentrate on things that are about to happen.


Not just lol herp derp we are raiding some easy mode ops herp derp I ate a chocolate bar and afk'd then came back and was talking in vent to my buddie about the FB game last night while we downed our easy mode boss's.


In a challenging encounter your not sitting in chat bs'ing and chatting it up your focus'd on your job your focused on the encounter because for the past 20 attempts your team has wiped due to some mechanic.


So I hope I never raid with the likes of you in any serious type of encounter because I know you wont be taking it seriously much less paying attention.


Easy stuff ya joking around being stupid in chat is different.


Hardcore progression guilds that do world firsts and compete for that type of thing they are all serious about it. They follow raid guidlines they made to make them more successfull.


If you dont thats fine.

Edited by Barracudastr
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why does setting the bar too high bothers you then? Since your so casual as you claim to be, im sure you"ll be doing the "easy modes" if you do raid. Let them bang their heads against a brick wall if thats what they want. Why is it bothering you?


How many guilds/raider leaders you know just gave up becasue the end game content is too lacking/easy atm? Well quite a number i read from General disc and ops forum

No where in my post I alluded to my skill level. You sound like the fact that other players are not as skilled as you never caused you frustration.

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Hes talking about high end content that requires you to actually focus and concentrate on things that are about to happen.


Not just lol herp derp we are raiding some easy mode ops herp derp I ate a chocolate bar and afk'd then came back and was talking in vent to my buddie about the FB game last night while we downed our easy mode boss's.


In a challenging encounter your not sitting in chat bs'ing and chatting it up your focus'd on your job your focused on the encounter because for the past 20 attempts your team has wiped due to some mechanic.


So I hope I never raid with the likes of you in any serious type of encounter because I know you wont be taking it seriously much less paying attention.


Ech, that sounds really boring and horrible. The complete opposite of what gaming means to me. Even at work we're less stiff and serious and still get our projects done on schedule and with great results.


Hey, if that's what you enjoy more power to you, who am I to judge... But playing a game so seriously and rigidly just sounds awfully un-fun to me :(

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Remind me never to raid with the likes of you.


In our guild successful raiding was achieved whilst having FUN and the group COMMUNICATING. If the new "standard" is 'don't talk until you're spoken to' then I want no part of it.


Players that think like you have no part in my gaming experience and I will be more than happy to avoid you all day long.

I think you're overreacting a little. He's just describing a little bit of focus, or raid discipline. You know, like a well-oiled machine, and not like a bunch of gawking tourists clicking away furiously on their cameras. So that the raid leader and the main tank (or whatever) can communicate with everyone else.


I like that analogy of the tourists; it seems so apt with these casual content vultures.

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This game has no epeen factor or skill factor and that is why my server is dying fast.


We have 4 guilds that have cleared all nightmare 16 man raid content. Countless others doing 8 man.


Most pvpers got all the battlemaster gear and I never see them on anymore because they either quit or are waiting for some sort of incentive to log in again.


I don't think this game lacked endgame content, it was just way too easy to beat and way too easy to get all the gear in the game, pve and pvp.


Whatever hardcore playerbase was/is here needs challenging content and a reason to farm it. Quality pvp players need a competitive situation and not just a stupid RNG grind.


1.2 better hurry and it better be incredible, with rated warzones and compelling/challenging content.............but it might already be too late.


You can argue all day about game is failing/successful or thriving/dying but I can only tell you what I witness on my own server as someone who cares, and I have seen our pop dwindling, with our hardcore playerbase bleeding out extremely fast.


Maybe you want the more hardcore players gone, maybe you dislike them for whatever reason, but the hardcore playerbase is a good base of an MMO, you don't want to lose them.


In short, this game needs more epeen and reasons for hardcore players to keep playing.


It is a short window to keep us here before we move onto the next big thing or end up going back to MMO's that we came from that are simply doing it better. I was patient, gave game a couple of months, wasn't going to jump ship so fast, but time is running short.


You only hear or have bad experiences with the minority of hardcore players. The majority of them are good people who absolutely drive MMO's because they care.


They are the ones who create awesome websites with strats and videos for bosses, or the math nerds who theorycraft all the best specs and how to gear and spreadsheets and 3rd party programs to make the game better if you are into that stuff.


They are the ones who are comfortable leading PUG raids (ops) in their sparetime or leading rated pvp teams.


They are the ones who run smaller dungeon/flashpoint content multiple times looking for specific gear or trying out a new spec or playing alts or maybe even just for fun, while a casual may run it only once just to see it, this makes more groups happening and more often!


They are the ones who run the best guilds and push content and develop rivalries and server communities in both PVE and PVP.


They are the ones who are very active on the GTN and help drive the server economy.


They are the ones willing to test new content on patches on the test servers.


You may not want to believe it or care, but losing your hardcore playerbase has a very important trickle down effect on the servers. They are the players that are around the most and you will notice it when they are gone, I already am noticing it and it is not good.


Edit: Added one of my other posts to this as I felt it was relevant and helped add to my original point.


I agree, but 1.2 looks promising. I said I would give this game 6 months and I plan to do that. I think it is foolish a lot of people 'quit' and didn't keep up with gear. I really think 1.2 is going to be amazing and while the hardcore members dwindle, the game is growing exponentially with new players.


What does this mean? Well, hardcore members are more than likely to come back if things get better--casuals are not. So if the servers are GROWING with levelers and casuals, then 1.2 comes out and blows a hardcore's mind, then they will regret leaving and not keeping up with their gear.


We already know that 1.2 is revamping PVP and introducing a ranked system including new mounts and all new vanity items with social gear for additional customization. Fully modifiable purples so we can look how we want, a legacy system and FOUR pages of crafting notes that include full revamping of the system. This is among a lot of other things yet to be revealed (but stated by BioWare).


Not to mention they have people testing it in-person and transferring guilds. I really think they are excited about 1.2 and really think its a game changer. I don't give any new MMO less than 6 months if I like it at launch and believe it has promise. I didn't with WoW and after the server settled down I fell in love.


I think 1.2 is going to be amazing and really make this game. But I definitely agree it can make or break it especially for hardcore members like you and I.


Either way... I have my fingers crossed.

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Ech, that sounds really boring and horrible. The complete opposite of what gaming means to me. Even at work we're less stiff and serious and still get our projects done on schedule and with great results.


Hey, if that's what you enjoy more power to you, who am I to judge... But playing a game so seriously and rigidly just sounds awfully un-fun to me :(


Well thats the difference between.... say a pro football player and a guy that goes out with his buddies and throws the ball around.


The pro is doing it for his reasons, to be the best at it.




The guy just doing it to do it.


Like I said the hardcore that do it competitively.


There are things like esports guys :).


Not to say hardcore players dont have fun doing what they do :)

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the pro do it for as a job...


i hope nobody do this game for as a job


not only the pro don't go home call the casual and asking him to play 1vs1 to show him his xxx (Skill)


too bad here it seems pvp is all about people that mistake game for a job that like to ruin the fun of the casual

Edited by Pekish
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the pro do it for as a job...


i hope nobody do this game for as a job


not only the pro don't go home call the casual and asking him to play 1vs1 to show him his xxx (Skill)


too bad here it seems pvp is all about people that mistake game for a job that like to ruin the fun of the casual


Actually there are many people that play games competitivly and make a living doing it.


perhaps you should enlighten yourself.


This is off topic anyways.


I dont find easy content fun, you do.


I find hard content fun, you dont.


Why should I be denied what I like to do with my free vs what you like to do with your free time.


We both pay 15 a month.


We both know theres 3 different modes we both know they could put what I want in while having what you want in.


Why is it even a discussion?

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Remind me never to raid with the likes of you.


In our guild successful raiding was achieved whilst having FUN and the group COMMUNICATING. If the new "standard" is 'don't talk until you're spoken to' then I want no part of it.


Players that think like you have no part in my gaming experience and I will be more than happy to avoid you all day long.


Sorry but as others have pointed out you are taking my post well out of context.


It is a necessity in that type of raid encounter with 24 people in the raid (DURING THE PULL AND FIGHT) to stay off of vent and use text. Between pullls, waiting on people, after a wipe, or moving to a new mob, then caht away but during the encounter it is counter-productive.


The poster I was responding to was being overtly condescending and basically providing false truths pretending to be knowledgable when they have no clue. I was pointing that out to them.


You would be surprised at the relaxed family atmosphere of this guild I was in, to the point we had guildmeets across the country every year to hang out in person.


Do not judge a book by its cover.

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Ech, that sounds really boring and horrible. The complete opposite of what gaming means to me. Even at work we're less stiff and serious and still get our projects done on schedule and with great results.


Hey, if that's what you enjoy more power to you, who am I to judge... But playing a game so seriously and rigidly just sounds awfully un-fun to me :(


Well thats the difference between.... say a pro football player and a guy that goes out with his buddies and throws the ball around.


The pro is doing it for his reasons, to be the best at it.




The guy just doing it to do it.


Like I said the hardcore that do it competitively.


There are things like esports guys :).


Not to say hardcore players dont have fun doing what they do :)

Well said archifikoss. Seriously this is recreation. Barracudastr the pros get paid to play those sports. We are paying to play this game and regardless that some here may play games professionally they are not getting paid to play this one. Even pro sport players play other sports for recreation and don't treat that as work also.

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I think you're overreacting a little. He's just describing a little bit of focus, or raid discipline. You know, like a well-oiled machine, and not like a bunch of gawking tourists clicking away furiously on their cameras. So that the raid leader and the main tank (or whatever) can communicate with everyone else.


I like that analogy of the tourists; it seems so apt with these casual content vultures.


You along with a few others , understood the kind of situation we are refering to. The intense hardmodes progression raids where everyone is too focus for idle chat.


Ofcos we do have awesome raid chats during regular raiding, but apparantly these bashers never reach that level of raiding.


Ps: in b4 , we dont need 2 jobs. (fyi raiding at such level is fun for some)

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I agree, but 1.2 looks promising. I said I would give this game 6 months and I plan to do that. I think it is foolish a lot of people 'quit' and didn't keep up with gear. I really think 1.2 is going to be amazing and while the hardcore members dwindle, the game is growing exponentially with new players.


What does this mean? Well, hardcore members are more than likely to come back if things get better--casuals are not. So if the servers are GROWING with levelers and casuals, then 1.2 comes out and blows a hardcore's mind, then they will regret leaving and not keeping up with their gear.


We already know that 1.2 is revamping PVP and introducing a ranked system including new mounts and all new vanity items with social gear for additional customization. Fully modifiable purples so we can look how we want, a legacy system and FOUR pages of crafting notes that include full revamping of the system. This is among a lot of other things yet to be revealed (but stated by BioWare).


Not to mention they have people testing it in-person and transferring guilds. I really think they are excited about 1.2 and really think its a game changer. I don't give any new MMO less than 6 months if I like it at launch and believe it has promise. I didn't with WoW and after the server settled down I fell in love.


I think 1.2 is going to be amazing and really make this game. But I definitely agree it can make or break it especially for hardcore members like you and I.


Either way... I have my fingers crossed.


Fully modifiable purples is going to potentially ruin progression depending on how they do it. Honestly i like the idea of it, but they should have just made armorings with set bonus's drop off of raid bosses or have them bought through commendations.


The way they are setting it up just gives them an excuse to keep making an abysmal amount of end game loot, like for instance right now, HM FP's share loot with 8 and 16 man normal mode OPS, commendation vendors for tionese and columi also give you that same loot, and some of the loot is even shared with HM OPs. Modifiable purples will just become containers for mods, so why should BW care about making really sweet looking end game gear.


The problem is that, orange items have nothing rare about them you get them mostly off of heroics and quests or through crafting, you dont have defeat any extremely hard end game bosses to get them. Then you look at mods, and they have nothing unique about them, they are just named after what stats they give and thats all they are they dont make your gear look any different. The combination and the ways of getting these 2 things just doesnt sit well with me. They should have just intergrated armoring drops with set bonus's into the game, these armorings with set bonus's you could buy through commendations or get from end game drops.


Making end game epics pretty much obsolete (because no one wants to look the same as everyone else) is silly, BW took the lazy route IMO, why couldnt they have the armoring drops with set bonus's for people who want to use orange items in the end game, and then actually make a reasonable amount of gear for end game PVE. This new system isnt going to help BW 's huge problem of end game progression going way to fast because of the lack of gear. If all those modes mentioned above had their own loot tables it would effectively triple the end game content, adding orange items will do nothing to solve it. I think its important to have customization and i like the idea of orange items being viable i just think they are implementing it poorly , like so many other things in this game.

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Well said archifikoss. Seriously this is recreation. Barracudastr the pros get paid to play those sports. We are paying to play this game and regardless that some here may play games professionally they are not getting paid to play this one. Even pro sport players play other sports for recreation and don't treat that as work also.


Some people like to play like that.


What I dont get is why you have such a problem with people that like very competive hard gameplay?


It doesn't affect you, you will still have your easy content to do... why does it matter to you?


And you should go look up esports.


People do get paid to professionally game at a high level.


My idea of fun is not rolling through content like nothin because its to easy.


I like to be challenged, thats fun.

Edited by Barracudastr
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Samborino you lost me in your rant. You say basic oranges are easy to get so is basic mods and together they make average gear.


So what's the problem with taking the epiks you get from boss drops (yes those ugly pieces of ~cough~cough~) and put it in some orange gear that you find looking sweet keep your set bonuses and look how you want to look?


Barracudastr let me ask you this? Why does every game have to be an e-peen grindfest? I have no problem with it. When I used to do it I looked for games advertised as such. I used to play FFXI. Was fun while I was there and into that. I moved on. Just as you stated I'd say some people don't like to play like that.


I see a lot of I wish this game was SW:G2 or more like EvE Online or whatever whatever. The game was never advertised as such or designed to be that. So why must it change to something you want and not stay as something I want?

Edited by DarthKhaos
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Screw E-peen, this forum needs e-spelling, e-punctuation, and e-grammar. Sweet Yoda, I'd be ashamed to post crap as badly written as what's in this thread.


Not only are most of the morons not ashamed of it, they're actually *proud* of it, and view any effort to correct them as a personal insult instead of the gracious act of charity it is. (I mean, their teachers were paid to teach them Enlgish; I do it for free. I expect some gratitude for this, but what do I get? Poorly spelled, illiterate, and often incomprehensible insults. Sigh.)

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Not only are most of the morons not ashamed of it, they're actually *proud* of it, and view any effort to correct them as a personal insult instead of the gracious act of charity it is. (I mean, their teachers were paid to teach them Enlgish; I do it for free. I expect some gratitude for this, but what do I get? Poorly spelled, illiterate, and often incomprehensible insults. Sigh.)


lizard person you are my brethren.


Oh , how I agree with thee.


However , we do walk a fine line here.


You have to consider what is the meaning of these symbols we offer in effort to communicate.


language changes in accord with the behavior of those who use it.


There are many factors which act upon language.





Could sum it up as saying simply Cultural.


I agree with you , but consider our standpoint


We are the Vanguards of language as we know it.




Language as we know it , is changing.


Today's slang, Tommorrow's Standard.


But Yes.


There are those that possess such limited control of language in any form that they are inept at acheiving its most basic aim.


To communicate.


Also consider.


Context and efficacy. If you believe you have a firm grasp on this language that we are speaking, then do you also believe you can understand this language however it may be used?


WE ,all of us understand at some level the most unintelligible of forum simpleton.


But would the uninitiated in the ways of gaming new-speak understand this same forum parlance as well as you and I?


Likely not.


Nor would the uninitiated understand these fellows even though they speak the same language as you and I.


Observe and If you can , understand.




Edited by Blavatsky
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