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This game lacks epeen


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Bioware has given a chance to every player casual/social/hardcore, to enjoy all the content and get loot from every fight in the game. Thats a breakthrough in the world of MMO's. Most of them, separate these kind of players by having all the content accessible to a small minority (2-5%) while the rest either try to see these places or forfeit any chance of seeing them due to the difficulty level / the time needed to spend on the game / the very high learning curve needed to overcome the encounters.


Thats innovative thinking and kudos to them. Now, ofc, the players that were enjoying feeling superior to the "rest of us" protest. There is nothing that distinguishes them from any other player. What they have, we can have it, what they have killed, we can kill it. Someone that seeks attention through a MMO would go nuts. Cry over in forums, threaten to cancel his subscription etc. But if we bring it to what matters most to a company, aka money, I, the happy casual have subscribed for 6 months, while the other person, will do it for a month or two & every time something happens that he doesnt like, he ll threaten to cancel. Its easy to guess which is the preferred customer.

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Like you pointed out in every single post you created.


Look, i´m not here to attack anyone as I´m not myself what you would call a "casual" I still play a lot, it´s just my mentality about mmo´s that changed a bit, I think due to not being a teenager anymore (I´m not implying anything, don´t get offended, just saying why I think I changed).


The only thing I´m saying is you really have to understand (hardcore, casual, black, white , doesn´t matter to me as it applies to all) is that if you are a good player and you can clear content faster than others good for you and you just have to wait for BW to evaluate on that so they can bring more challenging ops or easier ones (depending on the data gathered).


Now, what I think it´s wrong (albeit being your personal opinion) is to demand content just because you cleared all they gave you already. And you have been replying to that by making comparisons to raiding in other games and saying it´s easy. It´s easy for you, I also think its somewhat easy but not everyone does.


bottom line , easy or hard you´re not entitled to demand new content cause you really have no legal or any other reason other than your personal taste to abide by it.


Saying you will quit the game is not a reason.

Saying others will quit the game is not a reason.

Saying you pay to play is not a reason as others also do.


I´m worried that content that we all paid for with no exception is not working correctly , that´s my main focus cause that one is the content that no one can argue about since it pretty much affects everyone.


This hit the nail right on the head.

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Bioware has given a chance to every player casual/social/hardcore, to enjoy all the content and get loot from every fight in the game. Thats a breakthrough in the world of MMO's. Most of them, separate these kind of players by having all the content accessible to a small minority (2-5%) while the rest either try to see these places or forfeit any chance of seeing them due to the difficulty level / the time needed to spend on the game / the very high learning curve needed to overcome the encounters.


Thats innovative thinking and kudos to them. Now, ofc, the players that were enjoying feeling superior to the "rest of us" protest. There is nothing that distinguishes them from any other player. What they have, we can have it, what they have killed, we can kill it. Someone that seeks attention through a MMO would go nuts. Cry over in forums, threaten to cancel his subscription etc. But if we bring it to what matters most to a company, aka money, I, the happy casual have subscribed for 6 months, while the other person, will do it for a month or two & every time something happens that he doesnt like, he ll threaten to cancel. Its easy to guess which is the preferred customer.


Yes, you and the rest of happy casuals have certainly drunk the kool-aid. Congratulations on that.

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A huge part of superiority is attitude, and contrary to your assertion, a superior attitude is often welcome, and indeed rewarded.


Yeah... Except "attitude" does not mean "cocky, arrogant and insecure". True champions know their strengths and limits, show an interest in their peers and try to be the best because of their drive to improve, not because they're insecure and want to feel superior. Case in point? The Barcelona football (soccer) team. I don't support them myself, but they show class and character both in victory and defeat. That's "elite".

Edited by archifikoss
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Insecurity is when you need something shiny/better looking/with better stats than what the other people have, so you can prove you are better than them. You need the false "validation" of the item to prove your skills. I ve seen way to many inadequate (to be polite) persons, trying to convince me of their worth because they have the ultra-super-rare heroic drop(s), while in truth they were just leechers of a great raidgroup.


Want to prove your skills? Do e.g raid clearence races, count down the time needed to go from start to finish & compare it with others. But this doesnt give any special item so its not worth it, right?


I really dont get this need for epeen. I think that every other MMO has epeen in great esteem. If you value it so much, try one of the others. Leave an MMO for us that dont like it - but i m talking in vain, i m sure, the first characteristic of an epeen seeker is greediness, he wants it all...


So you beleive that loot variety in a game where the end game progression is solely based on gear progression is a bad thing?


Thats all there is for end game progression in most mmo's its reputation grinding (to get more items) and gear for progression. Dont get all psychologist on us, this game is about gear progression too its not somehow different, its just done a very poor job in the gear progression department.


And you say some really subjective comments, like assuming that because someone likes gear and is elitist they were just "in truth" leachers of a good group. You do realize a good group means that a majority of the group was good, therefore a majority of the people supposedly looking for phat lewt to as you say "validate themselves" were in fact good.


Your post makes non sense go back to the drawing board.


Incentive is everything in a game about gear progression, why do something for no incentive when so many other games offer incentive in a variety of ways, alot of people like progressing their character thats why they play this game, i would say that most people play MMO's because they like the sense of character progression. So wouldnt it make sense that they would want to take part in things within the game that help them acheive what they like about the game? Progressing their character?

Edited by Samborino
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A huge part of superiority is attitude, and contrary to your assertion, a superior attitude is often welcome, and indeed rewarded.


But not when the person is a total jerk and acts like they are better than everyone else, which is the case 75% of the time.

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Yeah... Except "attitude" does not mean "cocky, arrogant and insecure". True champions know their strengths and limits, show an interest in their peers and try to be the best because of their drive to improve, not because they're insecure and want to feel superior.


Feeling insecure is exactly why people who want to feel superior end up excelling.

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Feeling insecure is exactly why people who want to feel superior end up excelling.


And there's nothing wrong with that. We all have our insecurities. Heaven knows I do... It's how you deal with them that sets you aside and shows who you are.

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And there's nothing wrong with that. We all have our insecurities. Heaven knows I do... It's how you deal with them that sets you aside and shows who you are.


Yeah, I don't have an issue with someone being better at something than I am. I take issue when those individuals who go out of their way to make others feel insignificant and that they are worthless and don't matter as much.

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And there's nothing wrong with that. We all have our insecurities. Heaven knows I do... It's how you deal with them that sets you aside and shows who you are.


Ah, good, now you're making my argument for me and I can relax.

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It really is unfortunate that MMO's can't find the balance to satisfy all crowds nowadays. The fact that most, including this one are easy mode and don't contain any rare items at all is a shame. If Bioware had some good sense they would put items, whether they be pets, mods, mounts, aesthetic robes to go over armor, or anything into the game and make some extremely rare drops for people to strive for.


I miss the days of camping named mobs (non instanced plz) where you'd wait days or weeks to get the kill, something to keep you entertained...keep you coming back to a certain planet traveling to a known spawn location and taking a peek. Then finally when you do get that kill and the item you wanted so much drops that feeling of accomplishment and the fun you had is what makes it well worth the effort.


Whether this mean putting items in that have a .1% drop or 1% drop or whatever or certain species or achieved thru certain aspects, I don't know how anyone could say it hurts the game in any way. It adds another dimension of depth for everyone and would also bring people to places in the game they wouldn't normally go, killing monsters they wouldn't normally kill.


Also harder raids would be a welcome addition for people (including myself), whats the harm in implementing them?

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Yeah, I don't have an issue with someone being better at something than I am. I take issue when those individuals who go out of their way to make others feel insignificant and that they are worthless and don't matter as much.


Hahaha. Other are insignificant and not worth as much if they aren't as good.

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I think people needs to get out of the fast food mentality. It's not your way right away and this is not McD's. Things take time. Be patient and wait for it. If you don't want to pay to wait, the unsub and come back when they release the content.


Submit your feedback and move on. There is no point trying to convince someone of your opinion. Just state it and walk away.

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And what's wrong with elitism? Would you rather we stoop to mediocrity, or worse? Some people are better than others . . . that's a plain fact. Nothing wrong with pointing it out.


It's fine if you're a narcissist, but it's generally frowned upon when you project it outward in such a way that you're making the community truly hate you. I can think of very few people that like to be around someone that's full of them self.


Some people are better than others at certain things, yes, but some people are also humble enough to not have to prance around acting all high and mighty. I want those humble folks in my guild, not some self-absorbed jerk.


Having said that, I DO think that there is a place in this game for the hardcore, but not the kind that you're referring to. Too bad we can't have a community kick from the server option :D

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Ah, good, now you're making my argument for me and I can relax.


Eh? What on earth are you talking about? :confused: Elite vs elitism is purely in the attitude. An elitist may be as skilled and dedicated as an elite, they just don't have the character that makes the elite, well, elite...

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Hahaha. Other are insignificant and not worth as much if they aren't as good.


These are the types of comments that serve no good and only prove the point that this game should never cater to those who think they are better than everyone else. This isn't High School.


What is core about Star Wars is the spirit of equality and acceptance and value. It is a shame that people can't think about this before they post.

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I think people needs to get out of the fast food mentality. It's not your way right away and this is not McD's. Things take time. Be patient and wait for it. If you don't want to pay to wait, the unsub and come back when they release the content.


Submit your feedback and move on. There is no point trying to convince someone of your opinion. Just state it and walk away.


And yet you keep trying to do just that . . . because it's fun, isn't it? Anyhow, this game is McDonalds as far as MMOs are concerned; fast, easy, not offensive, rather sedate, and quite generally focused on the lowest common denominator. And like McDonald's, Bioware has hit upon a formula that makes a ton of money because people don't like . . . flavor.

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It really is unfortunate that MMO's can't find the balance to satisfy all crowds nowadays. The fact that most, including this one are easy mode and don't contain any rare items at all is a shame. If Bioware had some good sense they would put items, whether they be pets, mods, mounts, aesthetic robes to go over armor, or anything into the game and make some extremely rare drops for people to strive for.


I miss the days of camping named mobs (non instanced plz) where you'd wait days or weeks to get the kill, something to keep you entertained...keep you coming back to a certain planet traveling to a known spawn location and taking a peek. Then finally when you do get that kill and the item you wanted so much drops that feeling of accomplishment and the fun you had is what makes it well worth the effort.


Whether this mean putting items in that have a .1% drop or 1% drop or whatever or certain species or achieved thru certain aspects, I don't know how anyone could say it hurts the game in any way. It adds another dimension of depth for everyone and would also bring people to places in the game they wouldn't normally go, killing monsters they wouldn't normally kill.


Also harder raids would be a welcome addition for people (including myself), whats the harm in implementing them?

Agreed whats the harm in making Hard modes and Nightmare modes harder if your still keeping a raid at a reasonable difficulty level(normal mode)b for casuals to enjoy. Makes sense to me.


And i agree, this game needs more unique rare drops (whether they are in raids or out of them) to strive for.


The main reason why people progress through this game so fast is not because of the difficulty it is because of the way gear progression is set up. HM FP's Normal mode Ops, commendation vendors (columi tionese) both 8 and 16 man ops all drop the exact same loot, on top of that even in hard mode OP's some of the loot is shared with the rest of the mentioned "modes". On top of that 4 pieces of loot drop per boss (im not a wow fan anymore but there was nothing wrong with 2 pieces dropping from a 10 man raid boss, i never heard anyone complain about that, so why go and more than double what should be considered an industry standard) all these factors combined make gear progression far to easy.


On top of that if you count the tier pieces as only 1 set (they all pretty much look the same just with slightly better stats) then their are only 4 sets of loot from end game PVE drops, energized , Exotech, Xenotech and the tier sets. That is a pathetically small amount of loot to drop. Just as a comparison look at the loot tables for the first raid in WOTLK (naxxramas) if you include 10 and 20 man drops, the loot just from that one raid is more than double what SWTOR has to offer for its entire end game PVE content. Its rather pathetic actually. Like i said im not a fan of wow anymore but it is an easy comparison.

Edited by Samborino
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These are the types of comments that serve no good and only prove the point that this game should never cater to those who think they are better than everyone else. This isn't High School.


What is core about Star Wars is the spirit of equality and acceptance and value. It is a shame that people can't think about this before they post.


There is no equality. Acceptance of this is fine. Value is relative, yes, but most often rests in those and upon those who can provide the most of it. Darth Vader didn't bring balance to the force because he was unexceptional.

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There is tons to do , there is really tons and tons to do , if you want to be helpfull and productive society member of this game .

there isn´t anything to do , when you are selfishe **** who only thinks , what do I get out of it .


Here a list what Old hardcore players from EQ SWG -WOW did for the community .

They boosted and helped starting guilds , they help gear up guild masters.

So those in turn can raid themself without there help .


You can keep on running hardmode flashpoints even if you don´t need the gear.

Cause helping others enjoy and geared isn´t beter experience for them ?

Well it is the F off mentality and thank you but thanks for nothing .

That make most helpfull people , why should I stress and feel annoyed .

When I have a beter time doing nothing ..


Sorry people saying there is nothing to do , I call shennigan , cause there is nothing to do for them .

Nothing wrong with that , but don´t expect the next MMO to be any different .

All I'm saying is there isn't much to do at endgame except grind for gear. Your solution, help other people grind for gear, is too obvious and doesn't really address the issue.


There is no galactic war to participate in, no resources or planets to fight over or anything like that. There are a few control points on Ilum that don't really do anything except buff Valor for the daily gear grind. Who is winning the war? Who cares? Lets just grind our Valor so we can get our purples.


Purely social elements are completely lacking and there is very little in the way of vanity achievements or character customization. The story basically ends and you grind the same daily quests over and over to get the same gear everyone else has. The repeatable quests don't even make sense as repeatable quests.


I think they can do better, WOW is cool and all, but it's not the end-all-be-all, sorry it just isn't.

Edited by MorgonKara
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So you beleive that loot variety in a game where the end game progression is solely based on gear progression is a bad thing?


Thats all there is for end game progression in most mmo's its reputation grinding (to get more items) and gear for progression. Dont get all psychologist on us, this game is about gear progression too its not somehow different, its just done a very poor job in the gear progression department.


And you say some really subjective comments, like assuming that because someone likes gear and is elitist they were just "in truth" leachers of a good group. You do realize a good group means that a majority of the group was good, therefore a majority of the people supposedly looking for phat lewt to as you say "validate themselves" were in fact good.


Your post makes non sense go back to the drawing board.


About the leechers comment : apparently either I havent used the right language or you havent understood what I ve said. I said that I ve seen too many players that they had an item or more, claimed that they were good players because to get that item would require effort & skill. The truth in these occasions was that my guild and some others were doing "gold runs" where we were selling spots in a raidgroup for an insane amount of money, to ppl that had absolutely 0 skill and couldnt get in a guild to see that place. Apart from the spot, we were selling all the loot to these players (if they wanted it) and the gold gathered was split between the guild member that attended the raid. The raid was trivial & held no interest (lootwise) to us, so in a grp of 40 ppl we were running with as high as 12-14 of these leechers. The other very common thing was the ebaying. Someone bought a geared char and was trying to convince us that he knew how to play. These arent "once every blue moon" occasions, they happened quite frequently. Just wanted to point out that getting that extra special bit of gear doesnt make you a good player.


About the gear: I m ok with gear progression. The thing that I am not ok, is the pace. Because I can clear a place in 2-3-4 weeks, should I ask that everyone else has to do it in 4 weeks aswell? I subscribed in the first month, someone else subscribed yesterday, should they release content (and thus gear) every month so that I wont get bored? I can afford 12 hours/day in this game while someone else can afford 2, should they go on my pace because I have done almost everything that is to do when the other person hasnt even reached 50? Someone has to draw a line and decide which customers hes gonna keep happy. The addicted 10+hours/day that always want more more more, or the casual 1-3h/day that see it as a game and not a competition? So far they 've gone the later. And to take it one step forward, they did the same with gear. The gear policy seems to be that, "you can get the best gear, whatever amount of time you invest on the game". As I ve said in another post, thats innovative & a breakthrough in MMO's.


Anyway, if you feel that you have done everything there is and the game holds no interest to you, I d suggest getting out for a walk. Talk to a friend. Meet a few Real people. Because you ve certainly have spend waaay too much time playing. I have a hell of a lot things to do : work my crafting skills (aiming for all mod recipes in purple as a start and we ll see what goes next), play the other classes, see the other faction stories. You know my secret? I spend 1-3hours/day.

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