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This game lacks epeen


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Very well said, but many will gloss right over your valid points and tell you to stop waving your ePeen in their faces.


Many do not understand raiding in the way you describe it (reality). They see it as a bunch of no life people who group together due to an elitist attitude to gain phat lewts to show off on the Freeport docks.


My guild have fathers, mothers, doctors, lawyers, students, relatives, husbands and wives...all types of people...with jobs and lives and families...but we raided because it was the gameplay we enjoyed and it had a great social aspect to it also.


It's not about hardcore gamers or raiders, it's about annoying elitists (NOT elites, there's a difference between them). I don't care if you're Jennifer Connelly or a no-life smelly basement dweller stereotype, I don't care if you're the best player on the server or a guy who can't play to save his life, I don't care if you play for 30 minutes or for 18 hours a day... I do care if you're an awesome person who is a boon to the game's community by being decent and respectful.


If you're a fun person to play with, it's all I personally believe the game needs.

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Been there, done that for 3 years (Vanilla-BC). The most moronic thing I ve ever done in my life. Farm for flasks, farm for pots, farm for reputation. ....


All about the "satisfaction of winning in a most difficult situation" or the "thrill of the kill" is utterly crap. 90% of us hardcores, wanted that extra shiny ultra-rare chest/weapon/item. If that wasnt true, then why all the drama over looting EACH frikking night?


Truth is that hardcore gamers are just egomaniac people with insane amounts of free time (doubt they have a job/life - i know i didnt these 3 years) that all they care about is showing off (the kill/the loot/the title).


Sorry you were in such a crappy guild with immature people. Those guilds usually attract that type.

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Sorry you were in such a crappy guild with immature people. Those guilds usually attract that type.


I don´t usually make comments that are directed at someone specifically but what this guy described is the bread and butter of raiding. And thats not the most hardcore types of guild I´ve been in.


Ofc I won´t challenge the fact that you have been in a guild with a different mentality but the large majority of the guilds doing hardcore progress 4, 5+ days a week always work in some kind of scheme close to what he´s described. Plus if it wasn´t really about the loot and the shinies why would there be need to do DKP and such systems hmm?


Truth is that hardcore gamers are just egomaniac people with insane amounts of free time (doubt they have a job/life - i know i didnt these 3 years) that all they care about is showing off (the kill/the loot/the title).


I had a job and only would log for raids and farm on the weekends. But ouside of my job and Wow I didn´t have a life at that period. Was fun, but I´m glad I´m over it now. :p

Edited by Agenteusa
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It's not about hardcore gamers or raiders, it's about annoying elitists (NOT elites, there's a difference between them). I don't care if you're Jennifer Connelly or a no-life smelly basement dweller stereotype, I don't care if you're the best player on the server or a guy who can't play to save his life, I don't care if you play for 30 minutes or for 18 hours a day... I do care if you're an awesome person who is a boon to the game's community by being decent and respectful.


If you're a fun person to play with, it's all I personally believe the game needs.


This game needs more people like you.


All MMOs need more people like you.

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I don´t usually make comments that are directed at someone specifically but what this guy described is the bread and butter of raiding. And thats not the most hardcore types of guild I´ve been in.


Ofc I won´t challenge the fact that you have been in a guild with a different mentality but the large majority of the guilds doing hardcore progress 4, 5+ days a week always work in some kind of scheme close to what he´s described. Plus if it wasn´t really about the loot and the shinies why would there be need to do DKP ans such systems hmm?


I agree that they are out there but that does not describe all of them.


Its like saying everyone who loves PvP is a 12 year old hormonal kid who just wants to P0WN you and dance on your corpse. There are a lot of them out there, but that is unfair to describe everyone that way.


Or someone who is casual sucks at the game and is a screen licker or whatever the new insulting term may be...


Instanced raid encounters assisted guilds who did not want to be cut throat to actually raid and enjoy content on their own pace.


Now contested world mobs....yeah...that brings out the worst of the worst at times.

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Sorry you were in such a crappy guild with immature people. Those guilds usually attract that type.


- "Immature"? 100%. But it is the attitude of the real hardcore gamers that spent every sec of their life in the game and strive to beat every crazy encounter.

- "Crappy guild"? A whole server would disagree with that since we were considered the "best" in the server and everyone wanted to join us.

- "Those guilds" are the ones that aim for the world/region/server first kills, the ones that so many people seem to want them around here in SWTOR. These people will come like bees to the honey if your dream for harder/challenging content becomes true.


And again, it was the most moronic thing I ve ever done.

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Very well said, but many will gloss right over your valid points and tell you to stop waving your ePeen in their faces.


Many do not understand raiding in the way you describe it (reality). They see it as a bunch of no life people who group together due to an elitist attitude to gain phat lewts to show off on the Freeport docks.


My guild have fathers, mothers, doctors, lawyers, students, relatives, husbands and wives...all types of people...with jobs and lives and families...but we raided because it was the gameplay we enjoyed and it had a great social aspect to it also.


Couldn't agree more. I used to be a hardcore raider in my college days and I had the same experience with my guild that a friend and I built from the ground up. In fact, we even raided with boyfriend/girlfriends and father/sons. Without that sense of teamwork and commitment towards a common goal, I would have never met several of the friends that I play games with to this day.


If anything, I would argue that the hardcore guilds are the most closely bonded groups in the genre, and I feel that Bioware should fight to keep them playing. It is truly an amazing feeling when the countless hours you spend as a team are rewarded with a sense of completion. I want future MMO players to be able to experience that, even though I will never get to experience it again--I just can't afford to spend 20 hours a week raiding like I used to, thank God! I still don't regret it though...


All Bioware needs to do is make Nightmare difficulty both a gear check and a test of guild perfection in execution. Toss in some vanity rewards and a few titles and the hardcore crowd is good to go.

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- "Immature"? 100%. But it is the attitude of the real hardcore gamers that spent every sec of their life in the game and strive to beat every crazy encounter.

- "Crappy guild"? A whole server would disagree with that since we were considered the "best" in the server and everyone wanted to join us.

- "Those guilds" are the ones that aim for the world/region/server first kills, the ones that so many people seem to want them around here in SWTOR. These people will come like bees to the honey if your dream for harder/challenging content becomes true.


And again, it was the most moronic thing I ve ever done.


Crappy does not mean unsuccessful. We had arguably the top guild across servers on my guild's server in EQ2. Trust me, not everyone wants to join a crowd like that regardless of what they are defeating.


We took pride in being the antithesis of that guild system and still raided, and we were very successful at it.

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- "Immature"? 100%. But it is the attitude of the real hardcore gamers that spent every sec of their life in the game and strive to beat every crazy encounter.

- "Crappy guild"? A whole server would disagree with that since we were considered the "best" in the server and everyone wanted to join us.

- "Those guilds" are the ones that aim for the world/region/server first kills, the ones that so many people seem to want them around here in SWTOR. These people will come like bees to the honey if your dream for harder/challenging content becomes true.


And again, it was the most moronic thing I ve ever done.


Do you regret it?

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That is total crap totally rubbishe , if you don´t see a reason to play this game .

Then bugger off , especially since the silent minority already left .

They are done gearing , done doing dailies BIS gear everywhere .


So basically you should join them , end of the story .

So please do yourself a favor and just stop , cause it is nonesense to say hardcore play less.

ROFL lmao , cause first week in headstart most were already 50 at the end of the week.

1st week in release , most were doing hardmode in blue gears bugged or not.

2nd week of release normal aside from stupid bugged operations cleaned .


Yeah you play less then casuals , total rubbishe .

Why cause was there in headstart and 1st week too .


Then end of the story is , you are done like you quote that post for rubbishe .

Well it holds truth , see you in the new content patch .

Trying to steam roll it again .


Um, we are done. I didn't know we had to be silent about it. I log in here and there to talk to my guild, or play an alt, or to farm the raids on tuesday night. I am not canceling my sub just yet. My points hold true, we have little reason to play and are waiting on 1.2


My guild cleared all 16 man content in 2 weeks. hards one week, nightmares the next.


I am not sure what this "rubbish" is you speak of.


Does it make you mad to realize that we do play less than alot of people? Probably ALOT less.

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All Bioware needs to do is make Nightmare difficulty both a gear check and a test of guild perfection in execution. Toss in some vanity rewards and a few titles and the hardcore crowd is good to go.


I'd be satisfied with that. My issue comes when the 'hardcore/ePeen' crowd demands that the developers spend all of there time on 'their' content, while the rest of the game waists away to nothing.


If the hardcores can be happy with just nightmare mode (and some exclusives), and allow the devs to spend time on continuing the class story (solo) in the game, and giving casual some gear (that looks good). Then all will be well.


I have a feeling that's not going to happen...


(You know this got me to thinking. Rift was a game that was almost exclusively for raiders. It had a fast level up, and then an endless parade of hardcore raid content. It really was a game that was not for the casual gamer...why didn't the hardcores flock to it in droves? I've always wondered why....)

Edited by JediElf
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This game needs more people like you.


All MMOs need more people like you.


I'm afraid it's not true mate... I am more of a loner in MMOs (as my gaming time is really my only "alone time" these days). I mean, I like to chat in general, respond to people who need help, tend not to decline group invites and when in a group I try to pull my own weight, but I am truthfully not as much an MMOer as I am an RPG fan. The community needs more social and more dedicated players than me.


Thanks for your kind words though, much appreciated :)

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I´ll once again say, yes , the game is not hard, that said it´s not that easy for the majority of people.


Cmon man you surely undestand developers aren´t responsible for guild skill. If your guild if full of great players it´s obvious you´re going to drop content fast. And ofc they can´t know every player skill and how the players will come togheter as guilds to know the overall skill of every group.


But that quote do you mean you can´t have fun without having some sort of pvp ranking system or you mean that players aren´t competitive enough for you?


The quote means I am waiting for a ranking system and a cross server system to open up the competition. Right now warzones are hit or miss, you can only bring a premade of 4, and you never know the quality of the game you are going to get. When the system is ranked, allows full premades, and matches teams up by ratings, that is when I will be interested again.

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I've read this entire thread pretty much. After all 57 pages, I believe I seen maybe 2 posts that could somehow be construed as chauvinist from the hardcore crowd and they really haven't been insulting anyone. They just try to reason with everyone in this thread who sees things differently all while being attacked for being an "elitist" and having their morals, lifestyle choices up on the chopping block by the self proclaimed casuals simply because they play a GAME differently.


On the flip side, I've completely lost track of how many posts I've seen from casuals completely tear into others because they don't agree with their ideology. Nearly every casual in here(with the exception of the many casuals who actually defend the OP, and there are plenty of them) are exerting the behavior they have accused "hardcores" of and hate so much. The vast majority of every casual post in this thread is an attack, not a counterattack.


You guys need to look in the mirror. I'm sorry so many of you are clearly so insecure that someone with gear that's better than yours is sitting next to you in a digital common area and not saying anything. No hardcore in here hates a causal because he's a casual, however almost every casual in here hates a hardcore...and your reasons are so unjust it's baffling.


OP has a very valid point that should be accepted by all play styles. Why? Because it's a fact. Endgame is extremely easy and it's a lootfest and a half. That's not something to be offended by if you're a casual lol. God you guys are insecure lol


TLDR: Casuals in this thread need to look in the mirror, realize games are not centered around anyone one type of play style, and stop making fools of themselves in threads like this. No one is attacking you, so chill the **** out and get over your insecurities.

Edited by Abiza
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I think basically when you have a number of groups playing the same game that these clashes will always occur and nothing good ever comes of it because the two main groups have no respect for each other irrespective of the title being played.


It is a shame but years of arguing will never be brushed under the carpet and forgotten, the emotions run too deep on both sides for that.


It is actually sad because it doesn't ever help the game that is being played.

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Do you regret it?


No. Because I learn that being elitist, by:

- destroying all other guilds that seem to catch you in progress by offering a guaranteed spot/loots in our 100% successful raidgroup to the best players of these guilds

- ruining the open world boss tries of other guilds either by pulling extra mobs/sending the horde "brother guild" to kill their healers/tanks

- disbanding the most successful other guilds & having their officers & guild banks transferred to us


is totally and utterly lame. We got the bragging rights of clearing vanilla Naxxramas when next guild in line was struggling at the previous raid content. We were 6th in europe & 13th in the world at Illidan. And for these show offs, we ruined the fun of a lot of people.


I saw the worst that loot can bring out to a person (or a bunch of persons) and realized that I dont want to do that to anyone. Its just a game, not a life or death competition. After that experience, I dropped wow, got a job, a life and now I m spending extra time in swtor, happy that it is a game that doesnt attract this crowd. I answered 'no' at your question because I feel that through this experience I grew up & became a better person.

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You're completely wrong about this. Your ops nerf was due to everyone and their mother crying on the pvp forums about them. Guess who were the ones crying? That's right, casuals and players who know little about the game and it's mechanics. Good players, skilled players, hardcore players, were the ones actually DEFENDING the ops. We all knew just how damn squishy you were after you popped stealth. You guys needed that burst, cause you had nothing to offer once you were out in the open.


So I'll just chalk your post up to more casuals being insecure for whatever reason. Per usual.


No I´m not wrong. You don´t even know the timeline I´m talking about.

Why would you be right with your answer then?


I´m going to take the time to explain it to you.


Most people are convinced this happened after the 1-49 bracket was introduced yet I can state from myself that the whining started much before that (people that play less ( I hate the term casual) were probably still stuck in char screen so you get an idea) and it was at least in my server which is the largest populated EU server from people who knew what they are doing.


People that play less usually dont really lose too much time breaking down the abilities dmg and such things and hey I know most players in my server (the ones that pvp) so I know who has more skill and less skill (thank god I do now , once x-server pvp comes out that will stop happening).


This has happened before as people know if they complaint a lot and throw some data about abilities eventually the devs will do something. Move to wow forum and check it for yourself.


Ofc I also saw the odd post about people that play less complaining about it but thats much more recent and you will only have to hop into those threads to really understand which type of player is behind the lines that are written.

Edited by Agenteusa
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No. Because I learn that being elitist, by:

- destroying all other guilds that seem to catch you in progress by offering a guaranteed spot/loots in our 100% successful raidgroup to the best players of these guilds

- ruining the open world boss tries of other guilds either by pulling extra mobs/sending the horde "brother guild" to kill their healers/tanks

- disbanding the most successful other guilds & having their officers & guild banks transferred to us


is totally and utterly lame. We got the bragging rights of clearing vanilla Naxxramas when next guild in line was struggling at the previous raid content. We were 6th in europe & 13th in the world at Illidan. And for these show offs, we ruined the fun of a lot of people.


I saw the worst that loot can bring out to a person (or a bunch of persons) and realized that I dont want to do that to anyone. Its just a game, not a life or death competition. After that experience, I dropped wow, got a job, a life and now I m spending extra time in swtor, happy that it is a game that doesnt attract this crowd. I answered 'no' at your question because I feel that through this experience I grew up & became a better person.



oh my don´t bring back bad memories :W


I wasn´t in a guild that good as yours but the parallelism is obvious between experiences.

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And here you all wonder why hardcores get a bad rap. I'm a casual player but I understand that the way we approach gaming is different. What bugs me is the type of attitude shown in your post.


OP has been bashed for 59 pages by casuals just because they have a false preconceived notion of what people who share his game style are like, all while bringing a very acceptable thread to the forums. You really surprised he's getting fed up with it? Hell, I would have gone looking for where you all live in a drunken rage by now. :rolleyes:

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No. Because I learn that being elitist, by:

- destroying all other guilds that seem to catch you in progress by offering a guaranteed spot/loots in our 100% successful raidgroup to the best players of these guilds

- ruining the open world boss tries of other guilds either by pulling extra mobs/sending the horde "brother guild" to kill their healers/tanks

- disbanding the most successful other guilds & having their officers & guild banks transferred to us


is totally and utterly lame. We got the bragging rights of clearing vanilla Naxxramas when next guild in line was struggling at the previous raid content. We were 6th in europe & 13th in the world at Illidan. And for these show offs, we ruined the fun of a lot of people.


I saw the worst that loot can bring out to a person (or a bunch of persons) and realized that I dont want to do that to anyone. Its just a game, not a life or death competition. After that experience, I dropped wow, got a job, a life and now I m spending extra time in swtor, happy that it is a game that doesnt attract this crowd. I answered 'no' at your question because I feel that through this experience I grew up & became a better person.


Your experience is definitely worth noting. However, you have to admit your guild is certainly an outlyer. I played on Mal'Ganis (elitest jerks' server) and we had maybe 3 guilds total on the server that beat vanilla Nax40.

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OP has been bashed for 59 pages by casuals just because they have a false preconceived notion of what people who share his game style are like, all while bringing a very acceptable thread to the forums. You really surprised he's getting fed up with it? Hell, I would have gone looking for where you all live in a drunken rage by now. :rolleyes:


Indeed. It's kind of a shame that this thread has devolved to each side attacking the other based on the way one wishes to play a game and what kind of content they enjoy.

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Somewhere buried in the forum is a thread by a guy who solo'd the gem mini-boss. Last time I looked, 3/4 the posts are attacking him more or less for daring to excel...amazing.


Read through the forums, there's a couple common themes emerging...anyone who isn't a "casual" can just leave. PvPers...not wanted. Raiders...not wanted. "Hardcores"...not wanted. End game players...not wanted. In short, anyone who isn't a self-proclaimed casual player who wants to endlessly roll alts in what then effectively becomes a single-player first person shooter with cartoon e-companions (with romance!) and a monthly sub fee...can just leave. Doesn't leave much of a player base. In any case, I suspect they're soon going to get their wish.

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Indeed. It's kind of a shame that this thread has devolved to each side attacking the other based on the way one wishes to play a game and what kind of content they enjoy.


I'm pretty non-biased, and I'd have to say the overwhelming majority of the attacks are one sided. ;)


I've read this entire thread pretty much. After all 57 pages, I believe I seen maybe 2 posts that could somehow be construed as chauvinist from the hardcore crowd and they really haven't been insulting anyone. They just try to reason with everyone in this thread who sees things differently all while being attacked for being an "elitist" and having their morals, lifestyle choices up on the chopping block by the self proclaimed casuals simply because they play a GAME differently.


On the flip side, I've completely lost track of how many posts I've seen from casuals completely tear into others because they don't agree with their ideology. Nearly every casual in here(with the exception of the many casuals who actually defend the OP, and there are plenty of them) are exerting the behavior they have accused "hardcores" of and hate so much. The vast majority of every casual post in this thread is an attack, not a counterattack.


You guys need to look in the mirror. I'm sorry so many of you are clearly so insecure that someone with gear that's better than yours is sitting next to you in a digital common area and not saying anything. No hardcore in here hates a causal because he's a casual, however almost every casual in here hates a hardcore...and your reasons are so unjust it's baffling.


OP has a very valid point that should be accepted by all play styles. Why? Because it's a fact. Endgame is extremely easy and it's a lootfest and a half. That's not something to be offended by if you're a casual lol. God you guys are insecure lol


TLDR: Casuals in this thread need to look in the mirror, realize games are not centered around anyone one type of play style, and stop making fools of themselves in threads like this. No one is attacking you, so chill the **** out and get over your insecurities.

Edited by Abiza
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No. Because I learn that being elitist, by:

- destroying all other guilds that seem to catch you in progress by offering a guaranteed spot/loots in our 100% successful raidgroup to the best players of these guilds

- ruining the open world boss tries of other guilds either by pulling extra mobs/sending the horde "brother guild" to kill their healers/tanks

- disbanding the most successful other guilds & having their officers & guild banks transferred to us


is totally and utterly lame. We got the bragging rights of clearing vanilla Naxxramas when next guild in line was struggling at the previous raid content. We were 6th in europe & 13th in the world at Illidan. And for these show offs, we ruined the fun of a lot of people.


I saw the worst that loot can bring out to a person (or a bunch of persons) and realized that I dont want to do that to anyone. Its just a game, not a life or death competition. After that experience, I dropped wow, got a job, a life and now I m spending extra time in swtor, happy that it is a game that doesnt attract this crowd. I answered 'no' at your question because I feel that through this experience I grew up & became a better person.


You are describing the worst of the worst and their actions. In no way are guilds like that the "norm" for guilds that enjoy to raid.


They can be found on every server but that type of immature pathetic dysfunction is not even a remotely fair way of describing the majority of guilds that enjoy raid content.


And much of that is done away with instanced and non-contested content.


The guild leapers actually do their other guild a favor by removing themselves too.

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Indeed. It's kind of a shame that this thread has devolved to each side attacking the other based on the way one wishes to play a game and what kind of content they enjoy.


I am not attacking anything except maybe the extremely weak current endgame. Which I already said we are giving a pass too because of exactly that, its the gamelaunch content.


We really don't care about casual players and how they play. If they have enough stuff to do here and they are happy, good for them.


If 1.2 doesn't throw us a bone, hey, I will leave quietly. I'm really not that mad about it, I am just pointing it out.


Give us some content, give us some epeen, or lose us.


Yes we are a minority, yes some people seem extremely, almost unhealthily excited to see us go, but there are other effects to us leaving that will be felt.


It is that simple.

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