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Guardian PVP


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Hi all,

Ive been 33 Defense 8 Vigil (hopefully that adds up) for pvp and for team games its awesome as i have an extremely high protection rate


In things like civil war zones or ilum if im by myself on a point, what are some specs that can help take people in a 1v1 scenario.

Id like specs (preferable more tank like specs) and the gear that you use with those specs (IE vindicator with X spec or War leader with Y spec)

Stims used would be nice

Thanks all

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Hi, im by no means a PvP Expert but i do have a lvl 50 Jedi Gaurdian about half way up the valor tree


From my experience tanks are not meant to do 1v1 in any pvp except world pvp ( which is my personal fav ) where we can just pop a doc/Scourge ( depending on the situation ) and then just take anyone like a boss


It is near impossible for a tank to kill a healer 1v1 and quite challenging for a tank to kill a dps ( GOOD dps with approximately equal gear and level ), because the ratio between ( DPS damage/ Tank ) defense is much higher than ( Tank Damage / DPS defense )


Tanks are built as frontline support / distractions in pvp revolving around the taunt mechanics


That being said if you wish to "tank" solo in pvp this is the spec i personally like




This is the rotation i use :


Critical abilities :

Riposte ( whenever available )


Core abilities :

Saber Throw


Blade Storm

Gaurdian Slash

Sundering Strike

Master Strike



*** Repeat when available ( in order ) ***

Blade Storm

Gaurdian Slash

Sundering Strike

Master Strike




Support abilities :

Saber Ward

Warding Call


Taunt + AOE Taunt

Force Awe

Force Sweep

Force Push

Force Stasis

Hilt strike








But as i said tanks are meant to take a more frontline support role in WZ's and as is the staple of the role , it is very hard to pin down an exact rotation for it

Edited by Mahariel
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Hi, im by no means a PvP Expert but i do have a lvl 50 Jedi Gaurdian about half way up the valor tree


From my experience tanks are not meant to do 1v1 in any pvp except world pvp ( which is my personal fav ) where we can just pop a doc/Scourge ( depending on the situation ) and then just take anyone like a boss


It is near impossible for a tank to kill a healer 1v1 and quite challenging for a tank to kill a dps ( GOOD dps with approximately equal gear and level ), because the ratio between ( DPS damage/ Tank ) defense is much higher than ( Tank Damage / DPS defense )


Tanks are built as frontline support / distractions in pvp revolving around the taunt mechanics


That being said if you wish to "tank" solo in pvp this is the spec i personally like




This is the rotation i use :


Critical abilities :

Riposte ( whenever available )


Core abilities :

Saber Throw


Blade Storm

Gaurdian Slash

Sundering Strike

Master Strike



*** Repeat when available ( in order ) ***

Blade Storm

Gaurdian Slash

Sundering Strike

Master Strike




Support abilities :

Saber Ward

Warding Call


Taunt + AOE Taunt

Force Awe

Force Sweep

Force Push

Force Stasis

Hilt strike








But as i said tanks are meant to take a more frontline support role in WZ's and as is the staple of the role , it is very hard to pin down an exact rotation for it


Wow... I've never seen a worse defense PVP spec than the one you just posted (why in god's name would you skip victory rush... among other things)...


You are gimping yourself badly with that spec




This is an actually good guide on Defense Guardian PvP (it's for Juggernauts, our sith mirror)


Armor wise you want either 4 piece vindicator (10% more damage after force leap, 8% heal after intercede). 4 piece warleader also works (1 extra second on stasis, 5% more damage when guarding someone) but you will need to swap out the tanking mods for dps mods (tanking stats don't work in pvp).


You'll want all the vindicator/weapon master off pieces and accesories.

Edited by AndantePhist
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I wouldn't say it's the worst thing I've ever seen but there are definitely things that I don't like about it. While Blade Barricade and lunge are great in PvE they're both useless in PvP. Spending any points that on buffs for that ability are a waste. You have to pay too much attention waiting for the ability to become available and it's not worth the damage that it does. It's REALLY terrible. The extra 6% defense chance is not particularly worthwhile in PvP. In PvE you actually shouldn't go without it but in PvP I wouldn't bother. The points are better spent elsewhere.


You don't have Freezing Force, which is just plain bad. If this is supposed to be PvP build you'd actually have to be insane not to take it. You NEED that snare to keep your melee targets from kiting you. And from getting away from your team mates who SHOULD be focusing them down.


You also don't have Victory Rush which is just terrible not to have. No matter what build you're doing for a Guardian you should always ALWAYS have this ability. Sundering strike is something that you should always be using and you need it to be generating as much Focus as possible. It's especially important in Soresu form because of the fact that it actually generates less focus than the other saber forms.


Pacification is also something that you want. A flat 15% damage increase to Force Sweep and Hilt Strike. Force Sweep is the most important one. Because that's something you'll always be using. But Hilt Strike doing more damage is good.


Accuracy? Yeah... get rid of that. That's terrible. When you get your high end PvP gear it's loaded with enough accuracy to put you over 100%. Even so, the 3% accuracy isn't worth a damn. It sure as hell isn't worth 3 skill points.


Here's something you'd wanna try instead for PvP defense.




Try this. Freezing Force becomes free. You have Defiance which gives you more focus when you get stunned or slept or knocked down, which is all stuff that is GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU. Master Focus is great because it decreases the cool down of Force Stasis. That's important because you'll need that as a CC when you're in PvP. It's something that you'll want to be using as often as possible. The last time I was using the defense tree it looked something like this. Try this build. I think it will work a lot better for PvP.

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Yes, they do. Just ask Snipers.


And you want the two piece vindicator regardless of spec.


I think it's not so much that they don't work. But they seem to work so infrequently as to make them somewhat useless. I somewhat disagree with this assertion as I've seen tank geared guardians do quite well in PvP. It's just a matter of making sure that you're doing your job if your tank spec'ed. You are supposed to be protecting the healers and not running headlong into fights trying to kill everyone. A lot of people assume because you're using a light saber you should be out killing people with it. But that's really not exactly how the defense spec works.

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Still need a bit of help. So vindicator gear is more important then warleader gear? I've got only the Champ Warleader trousers, offhand warleader, and vindicator sabre as i'm working my way up the valor chain.


Should there be a hybrid mixing of gear for the initial push of both? I'm looking at mostly defense build later but i am Hybrid/vigi at the moment. Does anyone out there have a recommendation with what slots for where? to include what stims to use?


something like this:

Helm: Vin Mods/Enhancemet

Chest: Warleader Mods/enhancement

Pants: Warleader Mods/enhancement

Gloves: War Mods/Enhancement

Boots: War Mods/Enhancement

Belt: Vin








I've mentioned Mods/Enhancements because they were mentioned before. I have all pre-champ war gear that adds to the statis/guard and i know i'm not taking full advantage of statis being free with no 4 second me standing there time as well. Thanks for the help.

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Still need a bit of help. So vindicator gear is more important then warleader gear? I've got only the Champ Warleader trousers, offhand warleader, and vindicator sabre as i'm working my way up the valor chain.


Should there be a hybrid mixing of gear for the initial push of both? I'm looking at mostly defense build later but i am Hybrid/vigi at the moment. Does anyone out there have a recommendation with what slots for where? to include what stims to use?


something like this:

Helm: Vin Mods/Enhancemet

Chest: Warleader Mods/enhancement

Pants: Warleader Mods/enhancement

Gloves: War Mods/Enhancement

Boots: War Mods/Enhancement

Belt: Vin








I've mentioned Mods/Enhancements because they were mentioned before. I have all pre-champ war gear that adds to the statis/guard and i know i'm not taking full advantage of statis being free with no 4 second me standing there time as well. Thanks for the help.


vindicator everything, warleader offhand, str stim if you are staying vigil hybrid.

Edited by AndantePhist
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Snipers are the LAST thing you want to worry about in pvp.


Most imps are either sorcs or mercs, and shield/defense DOES nothing against lightning and tracer missile.


Maybe on your server. On my server Snipers are the bane of every guardians existence. It's truly terrible. Now that I'm fully geared I don't have to worry about getting 3 shot by a sniper anymore. But before I got gear it was the worst feeling on earth. But yeah, even with snipers you do have a point. I don't know the numbers on the situation but it seemed to me that regardless of any defensive capabilities I was never able to survive being shot by one. The only effective way to deal with one is to kill them before they catch you OR just avoid them entirely.

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Maybe on your server. On my server Snipers are the bane of every guardians existence. It's truly terrible. Now that I'm fully geared I don't have to worry about getting 3 shot by a sniper anymore. But before I got gear it was the worst feeling on earth. But yeah, even with snipers you do have a point. I don't know the numbers on the situation but it seemed to me that regardless of any defensive capabilities I was never able to survive being shot by one. The only effective way to deal with one is to kill them before they catch you OR just avoid them entirely.


If you can't beat a sniper 1vs1, I would suggest to stop playing this game... they are the worst advanced class by a long shot.

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If i move to the defense spec,, should i still stay vind everything?




BUT, the 2 and 4 set bonus of warleader is very good. An Alternative is get 4 pieces war leader armor for the 4 set bonus, and then swap out the mods for dps mods. Everything else, use vindicatore.




Use warleader shield generator if you are going to use soresu form (for the shield chance)


Use focus generator if you are going to use any other form

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If you want to be tanky I really don't like any spec given so far.


Some of the gear advice has been good but you really want to do something like 11/27/3


Grab momentum, guard stance, victory rush, solidified force and warding call from defense and that's IT.


Get 27 into vigilance by ignoring shien form then using your preference. You will be in sorusu.


I also like to fill up stagger from the focus tree, giving an extra second of immobilization on your force leap, trust me you will want this especially sicne they can't knock you back after you jump w/ unremitting.


I then put my last point in master focus but honestly that can go anywhere you want.


Your job is to peel dps off healer, guard, taunt, and be annoying as HELL with freezing force. You will be spamming this on almost every objective every time. With all cooldowns and biochem you can also solo quite well, although focus generation is more difficult as you will be in sorusu.

Edited by Invictusthetaru
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Snipers are the LAST thing you want to worry about in pvp.


You missed the point. Fact is, defense works in PvP against lots of the damage snipers, warriors, assassins do. Thats a fact. Calling it 'useless' is pure ignorance and flat out wrong.


It's funny, I see all these vig/focus spec Guardians thinking they're hot stuff by posting 400-500k+ dmg against scrubby ungeared ops that tend to clump on the objective. Wake me up when you're protecting for 400k against fully geared BM ops :p


Most imps are either sorcs or mercs, and shield/defense DOES nothing against lightning and tracer missile.


See above. And rarely am I only focused by tracers and sorcs.

Edited by TheLakers
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BUT, the 2 and 4 set bonus of warleader is very good. An Alternative is get 4 pieces war leader armor for the 4 set bonus, and then swap out the mods for dps mods. Everything else, use vindicatore.




Use warleader shield generator if you are going to use soresu form (for the shield chance)


Use focus generator if you are going to use any other form


I think we've been pretty lucky with set bonuses, both the 10% after Force Leap and the 5% if you're guarding are really nice, I think after 1.2 I'll play with an orange set with the 4 set bonus from Warleader, 5% pretty much all of the time is a little nicer than the 10% after a Force Leap.

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Snipers are the LAST thing you want to worry about in pvp.


Most imps are either sorcs or mercs, and shield/defense DOES nothing against lightning and tracer missile.


Gunslingers are the last thing you need to worry about in PVP.


Most Pubs are either Sages or Commandos, especially in warzones.


I hate that we're both telling the truth.

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