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General Chat - Republic vs Empire


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I've played on both sides on a few different servers, and I'm constantly amazed by the difference in the General chat. The Republic is far quieter... mostly just occasionally asking about groups. The Empire, on the other hand, is constant chatter on every world; arguing over various WoW comparisons, badmouthing one another, and seemingly just rambling on about whatever random thing comes to mind. Personally, I say very little in General chat, so maybe that's why it strikes me as such an odd feature to be heavily involved in.


The factional consistency of that social interaction is what intrigues me the most, however. Why is the Empire so much chattier? I would have thought the same players would be on both sides, playing a Smuggler when you're done with your Sith, and that sort of thing, and so it would be the same crowd at both ends. But it isn't. I'm really curious as to what sort of metrics Bioware has on this stuff, but absent that, I figured I'd open the floor to speculation.

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I haven't been playing on the Republic side for very long, my main is only lvl 14. Whereas Empire side, I have a lvl 50, a lvl 40, etc. I am noticing sadly that there are a lot more rude people Republic side than Empire. In general chat, trade chat, etc there are a lot more personal attacks and really snarky behaviour. People that will let you take on groups of elites and then ninja the resources and chests you were fighting to get etc. People that respond harshly to legitimate questions...


I want to see the story on Republic side so We'll keep playing our chars. But when my Knight hits 50, I don't think I'll be doing much Republic side. I'll probably focus exclusively on Empire. I know that not every server is likely to have the same issues but I truly was expecting the same lvl of community that I have on the Empire side.

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There are is about a 2:1 ratio of empire to republic. More republic players are more mature wow veterans who talk in ventrilo or teamspeak with a guild.


Perhaps on your server. :/ But on mine, it's the Empire players who appear mature and the Republic side who, well... I've already said it. I certainly don't think all Republic players are like this, just that chat and my experiences in the field have mainly shown me this type.

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There are is about a 2:1 ratio of empire to republic. More republic players are more mature wow veterans who talk in ventrilo or teamspeak with a guild.


That wouldn't really explain anything. Even if there were more 'mature wow veterans' on the Republic side, there would still be other people there chatting away. There could be more on voice chat in one side or the other, but we'd never know, because they wouldn't say anything in General chat. Whether they're also on voice chat or not doesn't seem relevant, because it doesn't take many people to keep the channel scrolling along.


Typically the chat is between just a handful of players, out of a hundred or more on a given world. I've been curiously watching it scroll by, and it's seldom more than four voices in a given conversation. If all it takes is four voices, why are those voices so much more common amid the Empire? I've been on four different servers and it's been the same, although admittedly they were all low level worlds and the Fleet, and maybe the culture changes on Ilum or something (I say 'admittedly' because there's a weird notion among many here that the game doesn't begin until you get to the end of it, and so commentary prior to that is less valid - I scoff at that notion, but it doesn't seem especially relevant to this discussion either way).

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Just depends on the server tbh.


On mine the Republic is much more active in chat than on the imperial side. Imp side seems to be strictly about the game, Republic is much more just general conversation.


Now if you are on a server that has a higher Imperial head count it may be the total opposite. I'm not real sure anything can be said based on faction choice though across the board.

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The difference in Pub vs Imp chat varies on each server.


I have characters that I actively play on 3 diff servers on both Republic and Empire.


Server 1 (low population): Empire is very quiet...too quiet. / Republic is chatty with sparse trolling


Server 2 (high population): Empire AND Republic have a high amount of trolls and elitists. My ignore list is massive.


Server 3 (high population): Empire has several well known trolls and chat is spotted with insults. / Republic is very chatty and full of elitists/drama queens.


Generally put, the higher the population server/faction the more trolls/elitists/douchebags.

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I haven't been playing on the Republic side for very long, my main is only lvl 14. Whereas Empire side, I have a lvl 50, a lvl 40, etc. I am noticing sadly that there are a lot more rude people Republic side than Empire. In general chat, trade chat, etc there are a lot more personal attacks and really snarky behaviour. People that will let you take on groups of elites and then ninja the resources and chests you were fighting to get etc. People that respond harshly to legitimate questions...


I want to see the story on Republic side so We'll keep playing our chars. But when my Knight hits 50, I don't think I'll be doing much Republic side. I'll probably focus exclusively on Empire. I know that not every server is likely to have the same issues but I truly was expecting the same lvl of community that I have on the Empire side.


Okay - it seems a bit of a long shot to try generalize this and not only by the fact that you are only level 14 on the republic character and therefore have not played a fraction of the time you have on the empire side:rolleyes:


OP: Since there is a ratio that doesn't seem even on any server. It really makes the amount of chatter in general a bit funny to address on the normally lower population side :)

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I started on a low pop server and it was wonderful. mostly quiet except some LFG stuff, Doing the planet quests without everyone fighting over the targets/resources. But the GTN was almost barren.


So my solution was to move to a medium pop server and immediately turn off the Global chat channel (which doesn't get saved between sessions :mad: )


Atleast I can find some useful stuff on the GTN now and the planet quests aren't usually too bad to get completed.

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In many cases it's all about perception!


When I was playing Empire, my guildies used to say how rude and childish the Republic players were. Eventually we moved to Republic and my guild is saying the exact same thing about the Empire.


Your side is always better.


I do agree that Empire tends to have more chatterbox type of players but that's again, a matter of perception.

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