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Class imbalance will make me unsub after this month


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lol at Assassins.


Sorc has infinite Force almost, and can LoS to heal. Wish all my melee characters had some way of healing instead of being "You're still in combat, you're still in combat."


Infinite force at the trade off of health and wasted global cooldowns. Breaking combat to line of sight heal is applicable to mercs and operatives too. It isnt that big of a deal. Less reliance out of combat on others, but the same reliance on healers that everyone else has IN combat. Unlike a merc healer though, a sorcerer heal spec is 100% reliant on other people for protection as they dont have the survival tools dps sorcs have. A sorc healer without guard is free points for me.


Oh ..and assassin tanks are OP in huttball. :p

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I officially had it today witht he class imbalance.


Specifically Assasins and Operatives.


It's a joke


What class do you play? How is your gear? This post is meaningless without any sort of context.


Operatives and assassins are supposed to be frustrating. When they play right, they attack at the worst time. That said, it's pretty easy to see through stealth in this game, and when you pop them out of stealth, you significantly reduce the threat they pose to you.

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just as soon as you quit over Assassins and ops


you have others quitting over socs and BHs


From reading these forums i conclude that all classes are OP or either bad players just whine about the people who kill them.


The forums are filled with nothing but QQers.


All the real players are actually playing.

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Non heal specs cant heal worth a crap to begin with. If you are worried about a non heal spec self healing for less than 3k every 3 seconds with an easy to interrupts/pushback spell (since they arent specced to reduce pushback) ....then you've got bigger problems.


If it is the shield you think is OP ....it takes one decent hit for me to pop a shield with a my merc. Then they can't put it up again for 20 seconds on themselves. In the rare isntance they are in the 10 second window to instantly reapply a bubble. BFD ...one more attack will pop it.


Guess you don't know what "slight nerf to heals" means. And yes, they should be nerfed slightly.


Sorc CC is also too much. Changing the tier in the trees where one can obtain them is really the correct solution here. A hybrid spec could still be viable, but not one that has as many CC's as is currently available.

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Guess you don't know what "slight nerf to heals" means. And yes, they should be nerfed slightly.


Because I disagree with you doesnt mean I don't know what a slight nerf means. There is no need to nerf it period, because it isnt viable as real healing unless you spec into it.


The only realy issue with sorcerers are that DPS specs have too much survivability and heal specs have to little survivability. Why they gave the knockback root and bubble blindness to the dps trees is beyond me. Sure a sorc healer can out heal a merc healer, but dead healers dont heal anything. I will take the gross survivability advantage of my merc over slightly better aOE healing of a sorc any day of the week .... ESPECIALLY once ranked matches start.

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i just hate the fuc**** low cds knocbacks from sorcs and any other classes, me beign a sentinel/mara


Yeah I have much envy for the consular/inq baseline aoe instant cast knockback that will unstealth an operative/scoundrel even if they have evade up on a 20s cooldown as well.


No hate, just jealous :)

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I'm pretty sure every single class in the game is being cried about atm. Sniper least of all, but still a few whines about them.

Jugg/Guard - OMGz AOE

Mar/Sent - Best 1v1z and kills anything w/o guard/ a brain during the 5s of immunity

Merc/Comm - they spam grav round, except when they're good

PT/Van - ? hard to kill, always does massive damage in wfs

Sorc/Sage- Most cc in the game, spam lightning/pebble throw (light armored merc)

Sin/Shadow - Hard to kill, heals, and has stealth... i guess

Op/Scoundrel - I died in their stun because I don't have a team or gear

Sniper/Gunslinger - .... they shoot **** and it dies, also you can't leap to them


At this point the only thing that needs a nerf are bad's subscriptions.

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except for force speed, passing > running


oh and gearing gives people long term motivation to pvp, if after levelling to 50 everyone had the same gear most would quit because there would be nothing left to strive for.


Ah, so they PvP for gear, and not for the PvP. I pretty much figured this was the case, but thanks for solidifying it.


PvP for the sake of PvP. Otherwise, you are doing it wrong.

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