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10 Good
  1. Bioware has yet to prove their desire or even aptitude to improve and/or fix known bugs. What makes you think they will do it in the future?
  2. BioWare could care less about all of the bugs in the game. Look at the Silts cannon in WZ. It award 5 pts before it is locked on target. Just another bid of bais towards Silts. This is an easy fix and has been know for 2 months, yet BW doesn't fix it?
  3. Do you really expect BW to do anything about it? No...they would be admitting they made a mistake. Or maybe forget to check something...no not BW!
  4. SirGradivus

    Getting Owned

    You answered your own question...You're Republic. By the very design of the game you are suppose to die in 3 hits or less. This game was designed for imps not Republic. So suck it up and take it.
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