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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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"...to become the most powerful Jedi, and the only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark side because the Dark side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side, which is the Dark side..."


- George Lucas [AOTC commentary]


The Dark side is stronger, however, The Dark side will always beat itself or someone from the light will step in and defeat them, because the Force wants balance, which is no dark side and just light.

I would not say the darkside is Vastly more powerful, but yes it is more powerful.

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Anyone who says 'well George Lucas said so' is an automatic fail. Applying critical thinking results in far more interesting and intelligent discussions than anything George has said, ever.


That said, the dark is stronger, but cannot sustain itself.

Edited by maxetius
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"...to become the most powerful Jedi, and the only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark side because the Dark side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side, which is the Dark side..."


- George Lucas [AOTC commentary]


The Dark side is stronger, however, The Dark side will always beat itself or someone from the light will step in and defeat them, because the Force wants balance, which is no dark side and just light.

I would not say the darkside is Vastly more powerful, but yes it is more powerful.


Big hole in what he states there though, ultimate power....ultimate power of what?


The difference here is, the Dark Side is more powerful than the light where aggression and violence is concerned, it is a more powerful weapon, but in every other area, the Light Side of the Force dominates, the Dark Side is meant for combat, it is all about using your negative emotions to fuel your power, the Dark Side.


They are by definition better at different things.


Darth Bane himself confirms this.

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Darth Malgus is blown to hell from a persistant trooper, despite this he severs statela shans saber and nearly kills her. Hes then blown up again and finally defeated but survives.


First, get the names right. Jace Malcom, Satele Shan.


Second, he survived by using the WEAKER version of a Force healing technique. The light side version is actually FAR more effective - the later can achieve a permanent effect, while the former cannot.


That you even tried to use this example suggests you're lacking far too much information to be able to judge this.

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I have one that could show this poster is right, ep1 the fight with Darth Mal and 0b1 a padown at the time not even a Kingt vs, Darth Mal traned form burth to kill Jedi, killed by a Jedi... WHY you may ask? in the fight Ob1 fell to the dark side giving hem the power to win.. said but true!


how ever after seeing 100's of posts like this one...


there have been Jedi who


gave life to hole worlds, kill worlds full of Sith and did it with out falling to the dark side! healed incurred desoces , live for 100 if not 1000's of years some times one who do that, come form spices that normally only live lv 10 or 20 years <no Sith can do that! but most important of all! they all was win in the end, and they all ways being the light to the Galaxy

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So we are to take your word before Yoda's word?


He said it was the easier, quicker and more seductive way, not the most powerful. You thinking that he probably might thought otherwise isn't valid here, he said what he said and that's what we go on.


Even if he said that the dark side was stronger, We would have the entire movies & EU to disprove Yoda's own words. The light side ALWAYS wins, Every great sith lord gets defeated and the republic rises again, just like the sun in the morning.



That guy knows his Empire Strikes back, op knows ****.



@guyabove, scoring a few dark side points doesn't mean you fell to the dark side, if he fell Obi-wan wouldn't be knighted that day.

Edited by Lightmaguz
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The difference here is, the Dark Side is more powerful than the light where aggression and violence is concerned, it is a more powerful weapon, but in every other area, the Light Side of the Force dominates, the Dark Side is meant for combat, it is all about using your negative emotions to fuel your power, the Dark Side.


So... What would it be if someone used their positive emotions to fuel their power?


It would certainly be in line with the Sith Code, but would it be considered an aspect of the Light or of the Dark?

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it would be the darkside because Sith are free to embrace their emotions whatever they may be, Jedi on the other hand must avoid them at all cost.


I didn't ask about whether it would be Sith or Jedi, I asked if it would be Light or Dark. These two questions are not the same.

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STRAIGHT FROM THE WOOKIEPEDIA for all the HAtez and jedi in self denial regarding Darth Malgus defeating the Most power Jedi Grand Master Shan



The below proves my point he was stronger and she was saved:


Malgus overpowered Shan but she was saved by Darach who used Saber Throw to counter Malgus's move and Shan kicked him away.



The below proves my point how he slaughtered her Master and His by using the Darkside which is Stronger




Malgus then used the Force Grip to grab the double-bladed lightsaber of his Sith Master, tap into anger and rage to fuel his power, and charged towards Darach. The Jedi Master used the Force to hurl various objects and a Starship engine as missiles towards Malgus to stop his advance but in vein. Malgus used his Force-enhanced brute strength and the lightsabers to cut through the objects, destroying them in the process, and managed to engage Darach in a single duel by employing Jar'Kai against him. He knocked off Shan's double-bladed lightsaber from the right hand of Darach and unleashed a flurry of overwhelming strikes to cut down the ill-fated Jedi Master. Afterwards, Malgus mocked his vulnerable Sith Master for the failure in preventing the escape of the survivors; Shan and her two companions, and struck him down.




The below proves my point that Malgus was injured and blown to hell before even engaging shan the second time



The soldier fired several rockets towards the Sith Lord with his rocket launcher. One rocket hit Malgus and engulfed his body in a large and blinding explosion. The other rockets exploded nearby destroying anything on contact. However, Malgus's defensive abilities proved to be too strong; the Sith Lord survived the impact and stood his ground. But he was injured and his face was deformed. Malcom charged towards the Sith Lord, knocking off two Sith Marauders from their feet in the process. However, Malgus subdued Malcom with Force lightning



The below proves my point that YET AGAIN shan was too weak and needed to be saved or Darth Malgus would have slaughtered her like her weak master proving once more teh Dark Side is Stronger



] The skills and powers of Shan had significantly improved by this time and she used her surroundings to her advantage.[8] Malgus used his great strength to put Shan on her knees but she used the Force to destroy the trunk of a nearby large Tree from below and forced it to the ground between herself and Malgus, managing to free herself from his grip.[8] Shan and Malgus jumped on the fallen Tree and dueled again with rapid blows but Malgus drew on the Force and drove the Jedi into another large tree nearby with a Force push. He quickly jumped towards Shan to land a killer blow but Shan evaded his move with stunning display of speed and acrobatics and landed on his back. But before she could make a move, Malgus instantly turned and split her double-bladed lightsaber in to two and attempted to stab her. Shan instantly used her hands to absorb the energy of his lightsaber. Amidst the struggle, Malcom attempted to save Shan by distracting Malgus and detonated a grenade on his face. The resulting explosion swept Malcom off his feet and sent him flying several yards backwards from the Sith Lord's position, knocking him unconscious for a brief period. Malgus was able to hold his ground again and tolerated this explosion but was further injured.[8] Shan then seized the moment to throw Malgus into a mountain of rock. When Malgus attempted to resist her powerful force attack, she followed by releasing a surge of Force energy that shattered the enormous boulder into tiny pieces around him.[8]





Malgus survived the encounter and was picked up by his personal shuttle.[5] Frustrated and enraged by the defeat, he payed little attention to his wounds. His breathing sounded like a rasp over wood. His skin stung from burns. His lungs were damaged. Lacerations and contusions made a grim mosaic on his flesh.[5] However, Malgus felt no pain.[5]

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Of course way back then she might not have been as powerful - the Dark Side is a faster path to power; that doesn't make it a path to greater power.


Also, Darach was stuck with 2 enemies to fight. And he took out one of them (even if Malgus effectively hit him with the mercy kill) - that's pretty impressive.


That moment, it should also be pointed out, was effectively Malgus's graduation from apprenticeship so far as I know. In essence, it would have been like sticking Malgus's master with a Jedi Master and Knight to fight solo - wouldn't have gone well for him.

Edited by Inarai
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Well she wasn't grand master yet. There was someone else that was grand master during this time.


She was, in fact, a Padawan in Return, and a Knight in Hope - so, in Return she's yet to complete her training (and in a subsequent web series, she's STILL a Padawan, so it's not like she was just about to move up). In Hope, she still hasn't trained a Padawan to knighthood.


Meanwhile, Malgus had achieved Darth status by then, I believe. This sin't even comparing like to like in any sense.

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TOR Jedi were not in their Prime. The Jedi Order in its prime was TCW.



Put Malgus against:


Yoda, Mace, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Plo-Koon, Shaak Ti, etc and it would be overkill.


Put Sith in their prime vs Sith In their Prime.



Best Sith Lord: Sidious


Best Jedi: Luke.


Best Sith Order: Ro2

Best Jedi Order: Movie Era Jedi.


^Canon Facts.

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TOR Jedi were not in their Prime. The Jedi Order in its prime was TCW.



Put Malgus against:


Yoda, Mace, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Plo-Koon, Shaak Ti, etc and it would be overkill.


Put Sith in their prime vs Sith In their Prime.



Best Sith Lord: Sidious


Best Jedi: Luke.


Best Sith Order: Ro2

Best Jedi Order: Movie Era Jedi.


^Canon Facts.


Actually, Bane is generally regarded as the Sith'ari, making him the most powerful Sith. Though his inability to use rituals throws that into question.

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She was, in fact, a Padawan in Return, and a Knight in Hope - so, in Return she's yet to complete her training (and in a subsequent web series, she's STILL a Padawan, so it's not like she was just about to move up). In Hope, she still hasn't trained a Padawan to knighthood.


Meanwhile, Malgus had achieved Darth status by then, I believe. This sin't even comparing like to like in any sense.


Could not have said it any better. And for Dooku defeating Obi-won and Anakin, Dooku was very experienced and much greater fighter than Obi and Anakin in episode 2. He didn't have to be a sith to beat them in my opinion. Anakin was still a padawon and Obi-won was not as experienced and not as skilled in lightsaber combat as Dooku was.

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Could not have said it any better. And for Dooku defeating Obi-won and Anakin, Dooku was very experienced and much greater fighter than Obi and Anakin in episode 2. He didn't have to be a sith to beat them in my opinion. Anakin was still a padawon and Obi-won was not as experienced and not as skilled in lightsaber combat as Dooku was.


Wasn't he a fallen Jedi?


Would have beaten them before his fall too, to be certain.


And, for that matter, should we take the fact that Yoda completely and utterly shut him down as evidence of the Light Side being stronger? (Hint: No, that would be the same fallacy)

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Actually, Bane is generally regarded as the Sith'ari, making him the most powerful Sith. Though his inability to use rituals throws that into question.


Incorrect. Bane was the Ultimate SIth but he was not the most powerful. Sidous was and thats cnaon fact stated by Lucas. Plus Bane wouldn't stand a chance against Sidious.





Bane's RO2 works in a way that every generation becomes stronger than the one before it. So Sidious is stronger by a 1000 years of the RO2.

Edited by BrandonSM
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Incorrect. Bane was the Ultimate SIth but he was not the most powerful. Sidous was and thats cnaon fact stated by Lucas. Plus Bane wouldn't stand a chance against Sidious.





Bane's RO2 works in a way that every generation becomes stronger than the one before it. So Sidious is stronger by a 1000 years of the RO2.


Of course, Sidious was also broke the Rule of Two.

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So... What would it be if someone used their positive emotions to fuel their power?


It would certainly be in line with the Sith Code, but would it be considered an aspect of the Light or of the Dark?


Positive emotions don't fuel the dark side, only negative emotions do.


Also, to whomever stated it, the Jedi do not avoid emotion at all costs, that is absolutely incorrect, the Jedi simply make sure to think about things with a clear mind and not let their emotions cloud their judgement.

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Wow even when presented by facts fan boys and jedi lovers cannot admit the truth....



First off Sidious was not even close to the most powerful Sith Lord, if GL words are law then so should his comment that the dark side is stronger which is wisely ignored by the jedi players here.


Secondly exactly where does it state this era force users are weaker??? If anything they were stronger as much was lost over the years.


As for Luke being the strongest jedi, his father was the chosen one, and if you based your logic on the skywalker family growing stronger down the line than the strongest force user would be Darth Caedus hands down.

Edited by LexiCazam
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