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Carnage and Force Camouflage...


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Spend two points to make Force Camouflage have a 100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects...



... Doesn't work while stunned...



Bioware hates Carnage


This talent is specifically for one thing and one thing only. You know how Sorc's get that added root to their knockback? This is to combat that. Period. It allows you to remove yourself from that root and get back to the fight, instead of sitting there and getting obliterated.

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This talent is specifically for one thing and one thing only. You know how Sorc's get that added root to their knockback? This is to combat that. Period. It allows you to remove yourself from that root and get back to the fight, instead of sitting there and getting obliterated.



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A stun is not a movement impairing effect, its an incapacitating effect.


This. It will work on anything that drops your movement speed. You have to remember that a root is nothing more than a 100% Snare. A Stun, on the other hand, does more than simply halt your movement. It also removes your ability to use any abilities or items. These are not the same two things.


Now granted, I would very much like to see that talent turn Force Camo into a true secondary CC breaker. However, that is very unlikely to happen.

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