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Why pyrotech is broken.


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I started playing pyrotech for a little change on my PVP outlook.



And no matter what you say it can not compare to what my Arsenal spec was. I mean whatever you say the damage is not the same i odnt understand where people feel this becasue from what i have seen and done i cannot burst nearly aswell.

TD doesnt beat HSM

PS doesnt beat TM

unload is better in arsenal

all i gain some crappy dot that really doenst do much but waste 25 heat while i run around and then fire my blasters at people

What i lose

- NO ARMOR PEN (tanks used to be scared now they laugh)

- Good heat control

- Survivablity with power barrier


After playing for a couple of days i ask my self this, why is it so broken and the answer i came up with is that it would simply be fixed if Thermal detonator was an elemental effect and benifited from the talent Burnout, then maybe it would be balanced. This would change the playstly to burn people down to that then hit them up instead of hoping you do enough dmg that they cant run far enough to thier healer before toyur dots tick and would provided a nice contrats in startegy to all the other classes that they just fight back till they are almost dead and pop heals ( im talking to you smugglers).


Please Bioware i hope you read this and make this change, it will add a new fun element to the game that will stop some of the B.S. moves BH are prone to receiving in combat (interupts, stealths 4 or 5 differnet CC's pulls pushes insta heals)


My other idea to balance a BH is to have a skill that acts like entrenchment using our jetpack we call it Reverse thrusters and that allows us to stay up top on the catwalks, we just get manhandled alot for no good reason.

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It sounds like you are bringing a turret playstyle to a DoT-kite-LoS abuse fight. Stop it.


Pyres can beat most anyone 1v1 if you play the way theyre intended to be played, and for tight groups a fusion missile/DFA on top of your traditional dot/rail/reset rail with unload or power shot priority system will get well over 200k damage at the end of a crappy match.

Edited by Anatlos
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It sounds like you are bringing a turret playstyle to a DoT-kite-LoS abuse fight. Stop it.


Pyres can beat most anyone 1v1 if you play the way theyre intended to be played, and for tight groups a fusion missile/DFA on top of your traditional dot/rail/reset rail with unload or power shot priority system will get well over 200k damage at the end of a crappy match.


200 is a low number for any decent pyro merc, i have gone in 3/4 through a match and still rack up 150k+ dmg in 3-4 mins, so a full 10-15 would be childsplay for at least 250-300 each game.

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I get high numbers 40 kills 2 deaths, 290 - 320 dmg. Im not playing it badly i just think it lacks luster and would benifit from a gain in using a wel placed detonator instead of just saying "oh... well expect some dmg soon, your blinking red".
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I get high numbers 40 kills 2 deaths, 290 - 320 dmg. Im not playing it badly i just think it lacks luster and would benifit from a gain in using a wel placed detonator instead of just saying "oh... well expect some dmg soon, your blinking red".


That's one of the reasons why I love pyro, crack me up every time I'm fighting a marauder or sin and they think they can get away by cloaking, 3 secons later I hear a *boom* and I see their corpse laying on the ground a few meter away.

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Pyro: can solo just about everything using LOS and smart thinking


Devils advocate: until there's nothing to LoS with, then you die.


Arsenal: Stand there and look like an idiot while enemy interupt your cast time.


Juke with Power Shot just like every other respectable Merc playing Arsenal?


I'm not casting TM with a melee in my face, I'm casting Power Shot or a heal. Let them interrupt that then I will push them back and make them eat three tracers to the face before they can interrupt again


Arsenal can play the LoS game just as well as Pyro, we still have explosive dart and several instants that we can pop in and out of LoS with. I've beaten several Pyros this way, I don't NEED to cast TM, its easier and it has a lot of synergy with the build, but its far from necessary to beat anyone.

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That's one of the reasons why I love pyro, crack me up every time I'm fighting a marauder or sin and they think they can get away by cloaking, 3 secons later I hear a *boom* and I see their corpse laying on the ground a few meter away.


That's a good one. I like it when someone manages to get me in a close fight but I manage to toss a TD before going down. Watch them run for the nearest heal then BOOM just before getting to it :D

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I have had great success with Alacrity while playing Pyrotech. I know its a sin for any Arsenal Merc to use it, but it rocks for Pyrotech. Faster Unloads and more importantly faster Power Shots let you do some serious burst.


Heat can be an issue, but that's really a player issue and not one with mechanics.

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What I love about Pyro spec is that its skillcap is higher than Arsenal. You have more to manage and consequently more to F-up if you're not paying attention. When I first tested out Pyro way back when the first things I thought were the same as the OP: "Wow this sucks, I'm doing almost no damage. Where are my 3k, 3k, 3k, 5k crits? I'm never gonna kill anyone."


The upside, of course, is that you CAN do more damage both in a 1v1 and through the course of a warzone. The only thing I *really* miss from Arsenal is the knockback buff.


Don't get me wrong though, I think both specs can be beastly when played well. And when it comes down to it, a lot of it is about taste.

Edited by GhostTown
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