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Bioware, accept responsibility for your crappy engine.


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What are you trying to prove? That they still haven't fixed it? Because that was not "smooth". Just look at 0:40 - 1:20. Was it better than the video I posted? Sure, but it was also less players and less effects.


It still hits 60-100 FPS in PVP. Dont ***** about droping to 30. It doesnt matter. It is still VERY smooth.

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Can I have my goats back please Towel? That wasnt even my video. Easy fix to your FPS drops. GET A NEW PC.


????????? You want me to buy a 2nd gtx580? Or upgrade my ram from 8GB to 12? Or maybe get ANOTHER SSD for raid 0?


/sigh @ biodrones and ignorants

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All the people that complain the game isn't doing well...


it is your machine. If it was the engine, EVERYBODY would be having issues and there wouldn't be one sub in the whole world. It is only the people that have issues with their computer that come on and moan about everything because they don't want to accept that it is their machines that are the problem so what's human..what's natural. They blame it on the game!


I complain about it constantly and I have no performance issues what-so-ever because of the quality of the machine I play on. That being said, I don't feel as if I should /need/ a custom built gaming rig to play this game easily; especially consider the fact that most of my friends /don't/ have one and have huge problems playing this game which inherently takes away a lot of the enjoyment for me also.

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So what graphic cards should we run in order to keep our 60+ frames we get everywhere else?


For me, game runs in most areas over 70-100 frames, all high details. In Warzone matches still around the 60ish range. In station with many characters around still generally over 60 but sometimes down to the 50s.


In Ilum PVP warzone .. 20 players fighting drops to 5-10 frames. Feel like its going into bullet time :p


How can it soley be hardware when there is such a difference. The number of requests going back to the server should not be a huge amount different. My view is there is something else going on here, game code or potentially bandwidth limitations at the server end. Who knows...

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So sick of these people saying "its your computer! not the engine" - don't get me wrong I love this game but that's not to say it does not have a problem - here are my specs;


1366 Quad Core i7 OC 4Ghz

6Gig Triple Channel DDR3 Memory

2x580 GTX Sli

1200PSU (to show no Wattage bottleneck - both 580's are on separate rails)


my setup blows BF3 out of the water even 64 player server everything turned up high,

the only thing i am lacking is an SSD which I plan to get later this year.


The amount of people complaining about the FPS issues in swtor should tell the dev's something and "we are releasing even lower settings" is not a fix - it's dodging the issue yet again.

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You know as well as I do that they will not admit they made the wrong decision with this engine.




You are lower than level 50 or never been to ilum or on a dead server is my guess?


I am on dual 5870s with an i5 OC + 8 gigs of ram.. I lag like crap in ilum in big battles. Any other game I am 60fps+


I run 10 fps with ~100 people in the battle, which does suck but is expected since it has to render each person and their spells.


No other game do you have that much to render.

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I run 10 fps with ~100 people in the battle, which does suck but is expected since it has to render each person and their spells.


No other game do you have that much to render.


You haven't played any other games if you think that.


I swear some of you guys are stuck in the past. "You can't expect an MMO to render big battles without lagging all to hell! Your computer only has 256MB of RAM and you're on aDSL!" Stop using excuses from 2001 please. MMO's can and have been doing this stuff much better than TOR does it for years now.

Edited by Mannic
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I run 10 fps with ~100 people in the battle, which does suck but is expected since it has to render each person and their spells.


No other game do you have that much to render.


EvE online, 1000s of players, the only lag there was:

a) people's pcs (for real this time)

b) servers not keeping up (but they fixed it with time dilation, and turned lag into a feature)


Also, we are not running Riva TNTs and 256MB of ram

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So sick of these people saying "its your computer! not the engine" - don't get me wrong I love this game but that's not to say it does not have a problem - here are my specs;


1366 Quad Core i7 OC 4Ghz

6Gig Triple Channel DDR3 Memory

2x580 GTX Sli

1200PSU (to show no Wattage bottleneck - both 580's are on separate rails)


my setup blows BF3 out of the water even 64 player server everything turned up high,

the only thing i am lacking is an SSD which I plan to get later this year.


The amount of people complaining about the FPS issues in swtor should tell the dev's something and "we are releasing even lower settings" is not a fix - it's dodging the issue yet again.


never said it was a fix, just a temp fix for now until they can iron out their engine. people seem to forget that they are new to mmos

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You cant even post your own video? You are so pathetic...


This whole thing is pointless, your proof isnt even your own. /facepalm




BTW i havent had lag other than in fleet, 300+ in that small an area is rough.

Edited by TKMaster
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I work on machines everyday of my life as a systems admin... old title for Comp slave... Anyway


The problems are far more than one issue, anyone who knows comps and how it all comes together knows this


OS, Hardware, Software, Direct X Ver. , Connection speed, router, firewall, modem....etc.


ALL CAN CAUSE A GLITCH. Telling the OP he has no clue is not right, he does, the engine isnt the greatest, and some top end machines ARE experiancing the problems, some are not.


Stop the hate and the going at each other when none of us are actually in the lab working on this stuff.


They are working on it, It is showing signs Of getting better, EVERYONE should know new games means new hardware in some cases, but this game was supposed to be designed to run on older and newer machines alike, not my words , theirs...so guess they will have to get these posts to work it all out.....yes?

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But let me make one thing clear. The poor performance of SWTOR on many low and high-end systems is almost entirely due to poor programming and resource allocation by the HERO engine.


You know this because you have had a chance to review the code??


If not, then this is opinion, rather then fact.

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All the people that complain the game isn't doing well...


it is your machine. If it was the engine, EVERYBODY would be having issues and there wouldn't be one sub in the whole world. It is only the people that have issues with their computer that come on and moan about everything because they don't want to accept that it is their machines that are the problem so what's human..what's natural. They blame it on the game!


You and the people like you, are the most ignorant people on these forums.


I can play crysis 2 and battlefield at max settings. The default settings for my machine in SC2 are not high, not ultra, but Extreme. I can have starcraft 2 and and modern warfare 3 playing at the same time with no lag of any find.


And my favorite one of all, the FPS is the SAME if I have graphics on max or low in swtor. Changing the graphics settings does absolutely nothing.


People like you need to go sit down in a corner and never speak again. You know nothing of computers or the fact that the hero engine has issues with certain CPUs and not others.


Oh and my computer spec?


nvidia 560 ti 8 gigs of ddr3 ram intel 2.7 quad core.


Don't sit here and tell me its my computer.

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I work on machines everyday of my life as a systems admin... old title for Comp slave... Anyway


The problems are far more than one issue, anyone who knows comps and how it all comes together knows this


OS, Hardware, Software, Direct X Ver. , Connection speed, router, firewall, modem....etc.


ALL CAN CAUSE A GLITCH. Telling the OP he has no clue is not right, he does, the engine isnt the greatest, and some top end machines ARE experiancing the problems, some are not.


Stop the hate and the going at each other when none of us are actually in the lab working on this stuff.


They are working on it, It is showing signs Of getting better, EVERYONE should know new games means new hardware in some cases, but this game was supposed to be designed to run on older and newer machines alike, not my words , theirs...so guess they will have to get these posts to work it all out.....yes?


Bioware's the one pretending that the problems don't exist and that it's only "low-end" hardware that can't play their game. The more Bioware talks the more I lose the last slivers of respect I had for them as a developer. They're blatantly lying for PR purposes. They know there are problems with the engine but they will never say it publicly. I haven't talked to a single player who says they have no problems in Ilum. The only people who say these things reveal themselves very quickly to have no clue what they're talking about.


Bioware would rather insult their members by insinuating that their hardware just isn't powerful enough to run this sophisticated game. This game is not sophisticated by any measure, and Bioware needs to man up and fix the issues. Sorry Bioware. We're not stupid. We know the problem is on YOUR end. Stop telling us our computer isn't powerful enough to run your crap engine.

Edited by Mannic
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For me, game runs in most areas over 70-100 frames, all high details. In Warzone matches still around the 60ish range. In station with many characters around still generally over 60 but sometimes down to the 50s.


In Ilum PVP warzone .. 20 players fighting drops to 5-10 frames. Feel like its going into bullet time :p


Which pretty much validates that there IS a localized issue on Ilum that they have yet to fix. Something that localized isn't an engine problem, it's something else with the design of that particular zone and they need to find it and fix it.


The fact that your performance everywhere else is 50+ says the engine itself is fine. I get similar results as you do -10fps on average from your numbers (I play on a gaming laptop).


Sure some people are having specific issues, and it is likely some interdependency between their rig and the game engine. That does not = the engine suxors, yada yada.


People that say it's all the engine are oversimplifying the discussion and ignoring the fact that there are thousands of combinations of rigs out there and that (excluding Ilum), a minority of players are having actual FPS issues. If it was the engine, then the majority of players would have serious fps issues.


And the fact that you can play some other game at Xfps is a complete non-sequitor to the discussion of frame rates inside this game.

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