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Operative healing Recuperative Nanotech


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KP is 18 seconds, RN is 12* seconds


* I re-edited my post. Got confused with the cooldown :p


RN is better for healing two + people, you included


RN is NOT situational


It is anytime you have multiple people around you, CAST IT.


Remeber, it stacks with KP, so that's nice too.


kp has a chance to crit on each tick iirc.


i'd not noticed RN doing the same. have you?

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kp has a chance to crit on each tick iirc.


i'd not noticed RN doing the same. have you?


ofc it can crit.


it is still situational though due to energy cost and mechanics of boss fights not leaving you 15secs to heal aoe damage at your leisure.


a ki+sp will heal for more for less energy if ki crits (~8k for me if only ki crits). it has the drawback of needing ~3.2secs to do so, it has the benefit of not killing your energy AND healing instantly.


if 3 people need to be healed and you dont have to worry about the time it needs to fill them up (i.e. soa platforms) use it, else just spot heal imo.

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you know I really don't have a problem with RN,you just need to be smart with it. I just wish like the PvE gear would maybe have something where RN would hit 1-2 extra players, that wouldnt be so bad.
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Just gonna post my 2c being a full Medic healer who has healed all T1 normal Ops and most of the T1 Hardmode Ops.


The people who keep saying that operatives 'are terrible healers' obviously a) don't play an Operative healer or b) don't know how to make the most of the tools they are given.


I am so tired of people implying that Operative Healers = crap. It's not the case. I have been very successful at healing end-game content. The most challenging fight so far (imo) is Heavy Fab. If my guild can heal that fight successfully with me as an Operative healer and a Sorc healer (who is also doing consoles), then Operatives can't be the bottom-of-the-barrel healers lots of folks try to make us out to be.


Are there glaring disparities between the healing classes? Yes. Are there serious issues with the current Medic talents that need to be fixed? Absolutely. But, it is possible to adapt and be a viable healer, even with the challenges we are presented with, through no fault of our own.


RN has it's uses, and could definitely be made better - but that could be said about the entire Medic tree as a whole. Bottom line is, until BW decides to address the issues, you do your best to excel with the tools you are given. That is part of the fun of MMO's, mastering your class to be the best you can no matter what.

Edited by Rhayge
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Just gonna post my 2c being a full Medic healer who has healed all T1 normal Ops and most of the T1 Hardmode Ops.


The people who keep saying that operatives 'are terrible healers' obviously a) don't play an Operative healer or b) don't know how to make the most of the tools they are given.


I am so tired of people implying that Operative Healers = crap. It's not the case. I have been very successful at healing end-game content. The most challenging fight so far (imo) is Heavy Fab. If my guild can heal that fight successfully with me as an Operative healer and a Sorc healer (who is also doing consoles), then Operatives can't be the bottom-of-the-barrel healers lots of folks try to make us out to be.


Are there glaring disparities between the healing classes? Yes. Are there serious issues with the current Medic talents that need to be fixed? Absolutely. But, it is possible to adapt and be a viable healer, even with the challenges we are presented with, through no fault of our own.


RN has it's uses, and could definitely be made better - but that could be said about the entire Medic tree as a whole. Bottom line is, until BW decides to address the issues, you do your best to excel with the tools you are given. That is part of the fun of MMO's, mastering your class to be the best you can no matter what.


No one's saying Ops can't heal operations. No one's saying they were unable to complete operations due to being an Operative. What everyone is implying is that Operatives are sub-par to the other 2 healing classes (especially Sorcs) and there's no real reason to choose to take an Operative to raid when you can take a Merc/Sorc combo.

And RN is definitely NOT a good 31-point talent. Sure, I have it and use it every now and then, but come on, a 31-point talent is supposed to be awesome, not some crappy super-situational spell (being the most expensive heal in the game %-wise, and not even healing that much).

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My RN heals for 1500 over x seconds. In conjunction with KPx2 plus Diagnostic Scan, it works fine. Yes I'd definitely like to see an energy cost decreease, and possibly a slight boost to the amount of healing (and the number of people it heals, i.e. all allies within 30m please!).


Apart from that it's fine, I use it all the time.

Edited by QuiJonPed
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My RN heals for 1500 over x seconds. In conjunction with KPx2 plus Diagnostic Scan, it works fine. Yes I'd definitely like to see an energy cost decreease, and possibly a slight boost to the amount of healing (and the number of people it heals, i.e. all allies within 30m please!).


Apart from that it's fine, I use it all the time.


if your rn heals 1500 then your ki should heal about 2.4k non-crit and 4.8kcrit and your sp should heal for 1.4-2.1k.


if only 2 people are injured you are way better off just using ki on one and sp on the other.


on operations, when 3 people or more are injured it is 99%of the time better to let the sorc aoe heal than burn 30%of your energy JUST so that you heal 1 more target than your ki->sp allows.


no, you shouldn't be using it all the time.

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@Rhayge -go pvp for about 10 matches as full heals and then come tell us how you feel.

On top of that, do you think that if there wasn't a balancing problem that this many people would be crying? People are complaining about Op healing over on the pvp forums too. You are probably like the 2nd person I have seen on the forums saying "Ops are great at healing! LRN2OP, all you baddies, just like me!". Lawl.

Edited by Bohnur
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PvP and PvE are two very different angles. she says she does fine in Endgame FP's and Operations.


What all the QQ'ers need to learn is that they're not meant to be a main healer. I see my role as a supporter. In FP's I can heal just fine by myself, in Operations my job is to keep everyone on a steady pace of regeneration, and assist in healing with KI...


Off course, those in my group that decide to wander off or aggro'ing what (s)he shouldn't be aggro'ing, do not receive any heals. If everyone does their job as they should, it's a success...

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@ EnanoMaldito: I have seen plenty of people post in the Ops forums, and other places generally speaking, always complaining and thrashing Operative healers. And I stand by my original statement...I think anyone can be a viable Operative healer for Ops (potentially even better than a Sorc depending on the player) but it's all based on how you play the class.


@ Bohnur: I am not trying to say "Ops are great at healing! LRN2OP, all you baddies, just like me!". I am not, nor will I ever go on any forum anywhere and claim to be the best ever. Also, I stated explicitly in my post that I was referring to my experience healing PVE Operations. I just think that if people spend some time learning the nuances of the class and working with the tools given, it just isn't all that bad.


@ SpoeMeister: You are correct. I don't PvP and I know I am not that great at it, I won't pass judgement on Ops healers in PVP because I do not have any real first-hand knowledge of the challenges PVP presents to Ops healers.


As I stated in my original post...yes, there are things that need to be fixed, and yea there balance issues. But until that happens, you work with what you've got and try to be your best as an Ops healer (and pray that BW fixes us right!!) or you re-roll! :)

Edited by Rhayge
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@ EnanoMaldito: I have seen plenty of people post in the Ops forums, and other places generally speaking, always complaining and thrashing Operative healers. And I stand by my original statement...I think anyone can be a viable Operative healer for Ops (potentially even better than a Sorc depending on the player) but it's all based on how you play the class.


@ Bohnur: I am not trying to say "Ops are great at healing! LRN2OP, all you baddies, just like me!". I am not, nor will I ever go on any forum anywhere and claim to be the best ever. Also, I stated explicitly in my post that I was referring to my experience healing PVE Operations. I just think that if people spend some time learning the nuances of the class and working with the tools given, it just isn't all that bad.


@ SpoeMeister: You are correct. I don't PvP and I know I am not that great at it, I won't pass judgement on Ops healers in PVP because I do not have any real first-hand knowledge of the challenges PVP presents to Ops healers.


As I stated in my original post...yes, there are things that need to be fixed, and yea there balance issues. But until that happens, you work with what you've got and try to be your best as an Ops healer (and pray that BW fixes us right!!) or you re-roll! :)


a good operative will heal equal to a mediocre sage, without having ANY ways to save disaster if it happens.


a good sorcerer will outheal an equally good operative, and still have all the tools he needs to save the situation if something bad happens.


point is that the content so far is eay. yes, an opeartive can heal it, no one said the opposite. what most people say is tha they struggle to heal content (with their gear) that it just a breeze when they play their equally geared sorc.


seriously, just roll a sorc and try it just for the lols, the healing differance is so big it is not even funny.


operatives ARE viable. they are just NOT competitive atm.


or, if you think you are, name me 2 things that your opeartive does better than a sorc in the current content.

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a good operative will heal equal to a mediocre sage, without having ANY ways to save disaster if it happens.


a good sorcerer will outheal an equally good operative, and still have all the tools he needs to save the situation if something bad happens.


point is that the content so far is eay. yes, an opeartive can heal it, no one said the opposite. what most people say is tha they struggle to heal content (with their gear) that it just a breeze when they play their equally geared sorc.


seriously, just roll a sorc and try it just for the lols, the healing differance is so big it is not even funny.


operatives ARE viable. they are just NOT competitive atm.


or, if you think you are, name me 2 things that your opeartive does better than a sorc in the current content.


That's a nuance I don't keep in mind. I still see this as a game and I don't need to be competitive.


But just for the fun of it: Operatives have the ability to disappear from sight (Cloaking Screen), making it very easy to lose all the aggro built up by healing and escaping tight situations... It's maybe not 'worth it' for some of you, but for me it has saved me, and thus the group plenty of times...

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if your rn heals 1500 then your ki should heal about 2.4k non-crit and 4.8kcrit and your sp should heal for 1.4-2.1k.


if only 2 people are injured you are way better off just using ki on one and sp on the other.


on operations, when 3 people or more are injured it is 99%of the time better to let the sorc aoe heal than burn 30%of your energy JUST so that you heal 1 more target than your ki->sp allows.


no, you shouldn't be using it all the time.


...but when you're in the middle of a fight, with people all around you taking damage, using the AOE heal helps. I can supplement it with KP and use SP/KI on those requiring focussed healing.


Why not use it all the time? Energy is not an issue if you twist in the boost, AP and DS.


Don't get me wrong, part of me would like them to make it easier... but then unlike some people I actually enjoy the challenge Operative offers. I am reguarly the top rated healer in the warzone competing well with Sorcs :shrug: If htey made it easier, mebbe I'd lose interest, perhaps that is a selfish element within me?


I don't wish to be rude, but perhaps you should invest some of the effort you pour into the forums into your class instead? :)

Edited by QuiJonPed
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Ok, I play an SI healer as an alt(l20 atm)just to see how this class works... Its a facerole, and i dont like faceroles.

So i love my agent, the underdog.

Healed all hm , with no problem, dont have any problem healing the content. Actually its very easy (always playing all healing classes in the mmo's i had played over the years)

There will always be a moment , where is goes.. ****, what is happening here, gosh my energy goes wush... but hey thats the fun of it .


Had not been in any raid yet, we are older folks with families and kids, so we have time to do that. When the day for ops comes, i will know how an agent feels in pve ops.


So what do i want to say?

I use 2 pieces of champion set , to get the bonus. so i have 15 % more on my RN, and it costs 5 energy less, to balance all I use rakata crit/alacrity, tecpower and one relic (i change between, haste and crit/surge)

I change between the relics, and the stims, depending on what fight I am.And i have the rakata cunning stim up all the time

I hardly run out of energy, healing works great. Thats what i like, doing the best with the tools i am given.. but pls bio.. feel free to improve us... always nice with a boost..


Pvp wise .. I am always on top of healing(valor61 atm full champ gear) i dont like to dps, and do it only a bit for the medals. There, I see a huge difference with SI healer.. they do huge amount of dmage while healing too.. but have seen agents with nice healing and good dps too..


Kassad of Frostclaw

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Ok, I play an SI healer as an alt(l20 atm)just to see how this class works... Its a facerole, and i dont like faceroles.

So i love my agent, the underdog.

Healed all hm , with no problem, dont have any problem healing the content. Actually its very easy (always playing all healing classes in the mmo's i had played over the years)

There will always be a moment , where is goes.. ****, what is happening here, gosh my energy goes wush... but hey thats the fun of it .


Had not been in any raid yet, we are older folks with families and kids, so we have time to do that. When the day for ops comes, i will know how an agent feels in pve ops.


So what do i want to say?

I use 2 pieces of champion set , to get the bonus. so i have 15 % more on my RN, and it costs 5 energy less, to balance all I use rakata crit/alacrity, tecpower and one relic (i change between, haste and crit/surge)

I change between the relics, and the stims, depending on what fight I am.And i have the rakata cunning stim up all the time

I hardly run out of energy, healing works great. Thats what i like, doing the best with the tools i am given.. but pls bio.. feel free to improve us... always nice with a boost..


Pvp wise .. I am always on top of healing(valor61 atm full champ gear) i dont like to dps, and do it only a bit for the medals. There, I see a huge difference with SI healer.. they do huge amount of dmage while healing too.. but have seen agents with nice healing and good dps too..


Kassad of Frostclaw


Once again this must be pointed out (for 53255th time). No one is saying an Operative can't heal an Operation, most of us have done normal/hm/nightmare just fine. The point is Sorcs and Mercs are just way better at any job than we are. And that's annoying, there's absoutely no reason to take an operative to raid over a Merc/Sorc (especially Sorc), and that shouldn't be that way.

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^^ I don't think arguments that say Sorcs/etc... do healing better are meaningful here. It's a 'so what' factor if Operatives can indeed, heal effectively in all the game content. I believe there has to be something more than that for devs to care to fix it.


What I believe is the issue is that overall, while everyone has sufficient heals to do game content, other AC's add a bit more utility/damage to the mix. I find we lack in our ability to fill a secondary role. I'm hoping that if BW are going through threads like these, their QQ filter is on because I certainly don't want them to conclude they need to fix our healing while that secondary part is still non-existent. We don't get shunned at Fp's because we can't heal, we get shunned because of the other things we can't do that other healing spec'ed AC's can.

Edited by Obtena
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