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Scoundrel Is a Joke


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What they should do is add utility or utility counters to the base IA/Smuggler class. It would help snipers and operatives, since the primary issue on both of them is lack of utility and utility counters.


Such as?


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Utility similar to a force speed would let snipers get a little range on a cooldown, and give operatives a gap closer. It would make both classes more competitive without overpowering them. Snipers probably need more (like changing some of their attacks to a different damage type), but it'd be a nice start.


Operative damage is fine, they just have very limited utility compared to other base classes. Snipers have the utility handicap plus having all of their best attacks reliant on weapon damage type, which is fine early game but a huge detriment in geared 50 bracket.


Just my opinion.

Edited by _Marou_
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Utility similar to a force speed would let snipers get a little range on a cooldown, and give operatives a gap closer. It would make both classes more competitive without overpowering them. Snipers probably need more (like changing some of their attacks to a different damage type), but it'd be a nice start.


Operative damage is fine, they just have very limited utility compared to other base classes. Snipers have the utility handicap plus having all of their best attacks reliant on weapon damage type, which is fine early game but a huge detriment in geared 50 bracket.


Just my opinion.


I don't think snipers should have _any_ mobility increase, but for ops/scound maybe.

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Have no clue why ppl are askign for buffs.


Its L2p issue.


Maybe they dont have utility or dps in Pve but u mostly talkign about PvP.


So any of you, who know how to play him will beat 1v1 almost any class... maybe every class.


If you need some escape... go stealth.. make hybrid build.



I pvp alot. Atm i dont have problem with Ops. But until some good player comes

and he can bring my Focus guardian to 15 % left.. and then there is no fight back..


So its L2P issue.


You can see diferences at any class... depends on player.


It was a L2P issue before the second nerf,but noone will admit or say that,plenty of people broke from the knockdown,i know i would see them do it to my stun.

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I shelved mine after they announced Rated warzones.


I knew the class had little utility compared to others. I knew it was going to get nerfed. Got my trooper to 50 for PvE DPS and now its onto Sage for PvP.




I made a prediction in one thread a month ago or so,i said that Op's/Scoundrels will be on the very bottom of rated wz's,,,,i even have that thread saved for just that moment if they do let us see any ratings.

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Well being a Scrapper means it was the very first class in the game nerfed and nerfed hard.


Since the first nerf the Scrapper has gotten 3 more nerfs.


So to say the Soundrel as a whole is fine would be a lie as the numbers of kill in PVP is low along with tne number of heals vs deaths in PVP.


In PVE the whole of Soundrels are mostly lackluster at best in comparison to others.

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Really sad you guys don't know how to play your class. :(


Operatives are arguably the best PvP healers, for various reason, but mobility being one of the main ones, and stealth another. There are so many ways an OP healer can be a game changer; not to mention that they can still put up 700k+ healing in zones like Voidstar. (I believe there was a screen shot posted here in the PvP forums not too long ago of an OP doing ~730K healing, very much like a sage in that zone can).


As far as dps, there's an OP on our server, and in fact in our guild, that would more than disagree. He plays his character the best I've seen an OP played and can absolutely obliterate any other class. He melts anything from sorcs to juggs, in seconds... still, after multiple mechanics changes that affected him as well, among other classes.


I am very sorry to say it, but you really need to train more in how to use your class more effectively.

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Really sad you guys don't know how to play your class. :(


Operatives are arguably the best PvP healers, for various reason, but mobility being one of the main ones, and stealth another. There are so many ways an OP healer can be a game changer; not to mention that they can still put up 700k+ healing in zones like Voidstar. (I believe there was a screen shot posted here in the PvP forums not too long ago of an OP doing ~730K healing, very much like a sage in that zone can).


As far as dps, there's an OP on our server, and in fact in our guild, that would more than disagree. He plays his character the best I've seen an OP played and can absolutely obliterate any other class. He melts anything from sorcs to juggs, in seconds... still, after multiple mechanics changes that affected him as well, among other classes.


I am very sorry to say it, but you really need to train more in how to use your class more effectively.


I totally agree. Being a rank 65 scoundrel myself, I have some experience with it. I almost always top the damage, unless theres a sorc/sage just dotting people up (useless damage anyway). Usually get 8-10 medals, and I have yet to lose a fair 1v1.


We have a gap closer, but it's very situational and it's called cover. That combined with sabotage charge, shoot first, back blast and sucker punching and we still have one hell of a burst. People just need to learn to play. Scoundrels/operatives were too powerful pre nerf, we're now pretty balanced out.


The thing is, I've never seen a decent scoundrel / operative, except one guy on imp side on my server. All others are mediocre players. I bet it's these mediocre players that are whining on this forum aswell.


Still though, we are useless in huttball.


/Gunski on Frostclaw.

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Really sad you guys don't know how to play your class. :(


Operatives are arguably the best PvP healers, for various reason, but mobility being one of the main ones, and stealth another. There are so many ways an OP healer can be a game changer; not to mention that they can still put up 700k+ healing in zones like Voidstar. (I believe there was a screen shot posted here in the PvP forums not too long ago of an OP doing ~730K healing, very much like a sage in that zone can).


As far as dps, there's an OP on our server, and in fact in our guild, that would more than disagree. He plays his character the best I've seen an OP played and can absolutely obliterate any other class. He melts anything from sorcs to juggs, in seconds... still, after multiple mechanics changes that affected him as well, among other classes.


I am very sorry to say it, but you really need to train more in how to use your class more effectively.

Yep, another person that's never played a Scoundrel/Op who thinks they know more about the class than everyone else based on circumstantial evidence.


Yeah obviously everyone playing an Op just happened to suck at PvP, right? Just like how everyone who happened to play Merc/Sorc are amazing PvPers? Stop using terrible reasoning.


Anyone who has played an Op/Scoundrel to level 20 will realize there are some serious flaws with the class. No, it won't always show up on the damage/healing, but why does that matter? Anyone who PvPs even casually knows that numbers aren't everything, so why the heck are you equating that to meaning they are fine? Or if we're going purely by numbers, then obviously Sorc is vastly overpowered because of the huge damage/healing numbers they can put up.


Bad logic is bad.

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Really sad you guys don't know how to play your class. :(


Operatives are arguably the best PvP healers, for various reason, but mobility being one of the main ones, and stealth another. There are so many ways an OP healer can be a game changer; not to mention that they can still put up 700k+ healing in zones like Voidstar. (I believe there was a screen shot posted here in the PvP forums not too long ago of an OP doing ~730K healing, very much like a sage in that zone can).


As far as dps, there's an OP on our server, and in fact in our guild, that would more than disagree. He plays his character the best I've seen an OP played and can absolutely obliterate any other class. He melts anything from sorcs to juggs, in seconds... still, after multiple mechanics changes that affected him as well, among other classes.


I am very sorry to say it, but you really need to train more in how to use your class more effectively.


Sages can put out 1 mil heals on voidstar.

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Really sad you guys don't know how to play your class. :(


Operatives are arguably the best PvP healers, for various reason, but mobility being one of the main ones, and stealth another. There are so many ways an OP healer can be a game changer; not to mention that they can still put up 700k+ healing in zones like Voidstar. (I believe there was a screen shot posted here in the PvP forums not too long ago of an OP doing ~730K healing, very much like a sage in that zone can).


As far as dps, there's an OP on our server, and in fact in our guild, that would more than disagree. He plays his character the best I've seen an OP played and can absolutely obliterate any other class. He melts anything from sorcs to juggs, in seconds... still, after multiple mechanics changes that affected him as well, among other classes.


I am very sorry to say it, but you really need to train more in how to use your class more effectively.


QFT. You need to learn to play your class in a Team setting, and objective based PvP. You need to communicate with team mates, assist targets, peel & CC without overlaps or breaks (lol I poped DFA on your flashbang coz I like big numberz which makes my class look pro in wz's).


Classes will never be balanced in 1v1 situations, or perform as good at different tasks.


How many times did you infiltrate your group into enemy position CCing key classes and capping a turret or planting a bomb before they knew what happened? They can't call inc until is too late. You can't do this in PUGs because is not possible.


How many times did your tank pull enemy ball career while you and your sniper globaled him while his support was in a flahbang at 30m away?


There are so many group comps you can shine as operative either healer or concealment (same for scoundrel counterparts), you won't find out until you try it. All classes are viable in premades, and their AC directly impacts the strategies and tactics of the group as a whole.

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Dont mean to be cocky by any means, but i've played scrapper as main since release.

Didn't like the nerf,but i did see why it was needed... The burst was never as sick as many said, and the numbers some claimed that ops did, never happened to me.


I could, and i still can beat pretty much every class 1v1, even after nerf.

I am BM geared, still need 5 items (including both guns), before full bm.


If i try, i can get 300k dmg medal without any problem, but mainly i play the class as it's suppsed --> stealth to a base (alderaan), beat the person defending it, 1v1 or even 1v2 sometimes, if timing disappearing act, and cap the turret.

I can beat the person guarding door at void star 1v1, or stealth past the big fight at the door my team pushes, and plant quite often.

Huttball(failball), i can stealth to opposing teams side, and wait for teammate to throw ball to me.

Remember that doing most damage, doesn't always make you the most useful player.


I wouldn't mind a buff though.... burst is ok, sustained dmg could be higher...

Playing my vanguard dps-alt, does more dmg at lvl 25 - yeahyeah buffed when entering wz... but still....

Edited by Sliplix
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I for one can't wait until 1.2 where they're revising this class. Whoever thought upper hand combined with pugnacity and the energy regen mechanics of scoundrel was a good idea needs their head examined. Rolling hots, plus healing while trying to keep upper hand up and keep over 60 energy all to do less HPS than a sorc who is just spamming rotation without worries is *********** stupid.


I'd be 'Ok' with it if the more difficult mechanics came with a 20% HPS boost or massive utility and survivability but as it stands right now its an uphill battle to mediocre.

Edited by dcgregorya
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QFT. You need to learn to play your class in a Team setting, and objective based PvP. You need to communicate with team mates, assist targets, peel & CC without overlaps or breaks (lol I poped DFA on your flashbang coz I like big numberz which makes my class look pro in wz's).


No, we need to not be scaled to underperform. Upper hand has no reason to exist other than to make an awful resource system even worse.


The difference between scoundrels/ops who feel underpowered and ones who feel balanced boils down to the ones that have played other classes and the ones who have not. If you're going to give me such annoying mechanics I want serious performance to make it worth my while, otherwise I'd *MUCH* rather have the ground coverage options available to me with force speed to go with bubbles and better healing and better CC.

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I for one can't wait until 1.2 where they're revising this class. Whoever thought upper hand combined with pugnacity and the energy regen mechanics of scoundrel was a good idea needs their head examined. Rolling hots, plus healing while trying to keep upper hand up and keep over 60 energy all to do less HPS than a sorc who is just spamming rotation without worries is *********** stupid.


I'd be 'Ok' with it if the more difficult mechanics came with a 20% HPS boost or massive utility and survivability but as it stands right now its an uphill battle to mediocre.


IMO , they need a perk in the heal tree to upgrade pugnacity , sort of like the one in the DPS tree.

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IMO , they need a perk in the heal tree to upgrade pugnacity , sort of like the one in the DPS tree.


At the very least double the duration of upper hand/SRMP and energy bar of the class. My eyeballs want to bleed trying to squint at the buff icons while maintaining situational awareness and keeping everyone healed.


Holy ****.

Edited by dcgregorya
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