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The Jedi Knight in this game are wussies.


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There, I said. I know we've all been thinking it for a while, but gave it a free pass because thought it would be ok to have underpowered Jedi Knights and Sith Warrior otherwise we'd have thousand of lightsaber wielders running around. News flash: There are 8 different lightsaber wielding classes in the game. If the classes are half decent, it's going to happen anyways. Embrace it.


One thing I loved about Guild Wars is that they made Warriors powerful and intimidating from start to finish. Like, there was no argueing, Warriors of all specs had the best DPS, period. And it was alright because Arenanet had a vision for every class and what role and niche they wanted to fulfill.


Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors are wussies in this game. You know it's true, I know it's true, it just doesn't feel right for freakin Jedi Knights, masters of light sabers which are capable of cutting through pretty much anything, to be this weak.



They actually have to work to get in range and stay in range for their Melee attacks to connect. There you go, theres their weakness, now feel free to turn up their damage substantially. You're welcome.

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There, I said. I know we've all been thinking it for a while, but gave it a free pass because thought it would be ok to have underpowered Jedi Knights and Sith Warrior otherwise we'd have thousand of lightsaber wielders running around. News flash: There are 8 different lightsaber wielding classes in the game. If the classes are half decent, it's going to happen anyways. Embrace it.


One thing I loved about Guild Wars is that they made Warriors powerful and intimidating from start to finish. Like, there was no argueing, Warriors of all specs had the best DPS, period. And it was alright because Arenanet had a vision for every class and what role and niche they wanted to fulfill.


Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors are wussies in this game. You know it's true, I know it's true, it just doesn't feel right for freakin Jedi Knights, masters of light sabers which are capable of cutting through pretty much anything, to be this weak.



They actually have to work to get in range and stay in range for their Melee attacks to connect. There you go, theres their weakness, now feel free to turn up their damage substantially. You're welcome.


I play a vengeance-specced Jugg. I know that that's 'not the PvP spec,' but I hate rage, because it essentially reduces the class to a one-trick wonder spamming spash. That's simply not my cup o' tea.


Regardless of spec, I am paper thin in all situations. I feel like like a WoW DPS warrior than I do a rogue wielding one dagger. I'm significantly gimped in the DPS department, and I have less survivability than any class in the game.


In WoW, gear could close this gap for a DPS warrior -- the better your gear got, the less it mattered that you were doing a bit less damage than the other guy, or didn't have any CCs other than an AOE fear (in TOR, it's an AOE stun, which is insta-broken by damage -- far less useful than the WoW equivalent and, what's more, absolute garbage compared to the rest of the stuns in TOR, that aren't broken with damage).


Frankly, I just think the game is junk. Bioware went out of their way to gimp warriors/guards because they knew those classes would be highly popular, and their answer to controlling the widespread desire to play them was to reduce their viability in almost all situations. It's just yet another 'fall flat on our faces' moment by this development team, who are fast becoming the new SOE-of-SWG-fame crew of MMORPGs.

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I play a vengeance-specced Jugg. I know that that's 'not the PvP spec,' but I hate rage, because it essentially reduces the class to a one-trick wonder spamming spash. That's simply not my cup o' tea.


Regardless of spec, I am paper thin in all situations. I feel like like a WoW DPS warrior than I do a rogue wielding one dagger. I'm significantly gimped in the DPS department, and I have less survivability than any class in the game.



If your Jugg is squishy then you ain't doin' it right.

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So, that really is what you're arguing -- that people should roll immortal or not play a jugg? Wow, how insightful. Someone give this man a prize.


I'm just going off of what you posted.


You said you have a spec you know to not be a PvP spec, but then complain because you are sub-par in PvP?


I just want to make sure I understand correctly.

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Juggs are a tank class in heavy armor.


What I said stands.


No, Juggs are a CanTank class in heavy armor. there's a major difference in the level of squishiness between Tank spec and DPS spec for Juggs (20% base mitigation, shield proc, and defense levels).

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I don't believe you even play the class. Or is 'doing it right' immortal spec, in which case I'd rather just cancel?


Oh, wait, I already have. Hah hah. Bad game is horrendous.


Guard and Jugg have the best mitigation in the game and the hybrid vengeance specs are extremely powerful.


You're just not the greatest with that particular class, despite what you may think. Your comments make it blatantly obvious that you have an extremely elementary understanding of how the mechanics for Juggs and Guards work.


Time to do some homework and educate yourself.

Edited by TheHoodedFang
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Bounty Hunters rule- we eat Jedi for breakfast! and Second Breakfast, Elevensies, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, and Supper.


This is so true, and at the same time so terribly terribly sad. Jango would've eaten Mace alive. Of course we mentioned this, quite often in fact, in beta. But hey, why listen to a bunch of testers, what kind of input could they possibly have that would be useful.......

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This is so true, and at the same time so terribly terribly sad. Jango would've eaten Mace alive. Of course we mentioned this, quite often in fact, in beta. But hey, why listen to a bunch of testers, what kind of input could they possibly have that would be useful.......


The amount of people that post 'i was in beta' is starting to make me suspicious.


Beta was closed, save for the open beta weekends they did right before launch.


And I am guilty as well as many others of not posting bug reports, etc because I was playing.

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In WoW, gear could close this gap for a DPS warrior -- the better your gear got, the less it mattered that you were doing a bit less damage than the other guy, or didn't have any CCs other than an AOE fear (in TOR, it's an AOE stun, which is insta-broken by damage -- far less useful than the WoW equivalent and, what's more, absolute garbage compared to the rest of the stuns in TOR, that aren't broken with damage).



Roll immortal spec, get like 4-5 forms of CC (some AoE). Because you are imperial you will be doing tons of hutball, being able to control 1/2 the enemy team while an inquis speeds the ball is crazy good.

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The amount of people that post 'i was in beta' is starting to make me suspicious.


Beta was closed, save for the open beta weekends they did right before launch.


And I am guilty as well as many others of not posting bug reports, etc because I was playing.



Why are you lying about being in the beta bro?

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