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My God- This is gonna urn the MMO industry on its head


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To give WoW its due, it was a MMO based on an RTS that was well-made and well-marketed into a brand that appealed to those that had no idea what Warcraft or an MMO was.


What SWTOR has on its side is a brand that is going on four decades old. Its Star Wars. Its coupled with Bioware's unsurpassed ability to create an experience for the individual that makes them feel part of the story. Its interface mimicks WoW cause its an interface people find easy to learn.


All in all while not stepping out of the box this game delivers on a level unseen to date. Its gonna break sales records. As long as Bioware commits to ironing out bugs early on I see them having well over the 10 million subscribers WoW boasts currently.



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Yeah to be honest when I heard Bioware was focusing on story I was a bit disappointed. But I have to say it's worked brilliantly. Leveling isn't punishing at all because of the story line and for the first time since ive been a kid I'm excited to keep playing.


Indeed, but the part that pulls me into SWTOR most if the fact that it is Star Wars :D

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In response to the origional post. Yes it will. developers will realise they can make a near enough single player game and charge a monthly fee for it. Not that i'm comlaining i love it so far.



I'm also amazed blizzard arn't charging a monthly fee for Diablo 3, they probably could get away with it.

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I actually think Guild Wars 2 will do that, this will just be nice entertainment till then.


I really hope you are just a troll. You will be so let down with Guild Wars 2, it's not even funny. The game is trash and will fail on so many levels. Sorry to burst your bubble, I played it for a while and the game is not even CLOSE to what is promised. Enjoy your let down when you play it, I know I did =(


I had hopes for it, but its just a complete let down.

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Dunno why folks feel like GW2 will be this massively innovative thing.


The combat is not anything new nor is trying to get rid of the trilogy. MMOs have tried it before.


I think they appeal to different crowds completely. You know some people actually like traditional MMO combat and the trilogy.


I'll be playing GW2 but get tired of people saying how innovative...well the the quest system is something very new, but it's not like TOR is not without new features.

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I agree with the OP to an extent. Is this going to be a shakeup for the mmo genre, yes. But will this set the bar? Not with dust514 on the horizon. The ability to bring together the PC and and the console MMORPG gamer on one platform, will be truly amazing. (reference point here ) I'd like to hear the opinions of the community on this.


I actually was slightly interested in this but PS3 exclusive? They dropped a ball on that one i'm afraid the X-Box just in numbers alone has beat the PS3.


I might have actually got this as - you might think this is sad - my mother plays EvE. Or I could jump on my account and help my Brother with my Caldari Navy Raven.


But sod that I ain't buying a PS3 to play one game. As much as I wish it the best I can see alot of people agreeing with me.


Edit Unless PS3s become slightly cheaper or I can "Borrow" my Fiances PS3. This does sound quite good.

Edited by CptBrit
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I finally got the chance to play (imp agent to 10). From what i have seen so far this is the game that will set the bar for the next few years to come. Just a brief rundown of my experience so far...


I logged in honestly expecting to be impressed, as I knew there was no way after the amount of money that was poured into it it was not going to be just an ok game. What I did not expect was to be completely engrossed in an MMO. To be honest I have never fully been immersed character wise in an MMO world. In this however I found myself reading all the codex entries, eaves dropping on conversations, exploring regions. I love my storyline (imp agent), and am counting the hours till I can progress it. From the outset i decided that I was going to play the cold calculating type (the job is the only thing that matters type), but my God- some of the dark side choices are tough pills to swallow.


In short I really hope someone who was on the fence reads this post. As sometimes reading the front page of the forums is no doubt a turn off. Mark my words-this game is now the bar. How can I ever go back to another MMO without the same/better dynamics and features. I actually cannot.


Totally agree with the OP - been playing MMO's since EQ1 and have never been as impressed with a game as I am now - bloody fantastic job Bioware :)

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Yeh, this.


SWTOR is a very very polished game and I will have a blast playing this hopefully for years. But it's no game-changer.

It's certainly the best of this generation, but GW2 will start a new generation of itself.


I still have my reservations on guild wars 2. With no subscription model, how will they fund content to be pushed in high quality and quantity constantly? What about expansions? What about customer support teams and GMs? Billing? A lot to deal with... I think GW2 might fail because it won't be funded as well.

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Enjoying the game , having come from EvE its very very strange to be directed to do a lot of things but im having fun. The grouping is easy and met some good people who are helping this old bastard through the game :D


Joined a guild , still sounds a bit strange to say that given my MMO background but seem a nice bunch of people and I think i will enjoy this


WIll it keep me going for 8 years as EvE has done ? Very much doubt it unless there is more open world concept added into it as it still feels like a game on rails to me at some stages. Sometimes I would just wanna log on , mess about and chill chatting to people , havent been able to do that so far or found the content that means I can do this. Early days though

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Thanks appreciate the personal attack on a forum ... haven't seen that before.


Questing? Yup kill xxx collect yyy interspersed with 1-2 "special" quests that break the monotony -> similar to most MMO's.

PvP? DAOC PvP will remain the pinnacle, the way its handled here is a knockoff of WAR pretty much.

Flashpoints? Yeah instances, thats totally new.

Crafting? Click, wait, done... yup totally new.

Mod system? Well I'll be, even DAOC had a "mod system" of sorts, just now its all easy and understandable for the layman.

Space? Well I'd hope so in a game about space. My last rail shooter I enjoyed was Cyberia so yeah its about time I got an updated fix on that ;)


Whats good in this game: Party conversations, dark/light decisions that affect the group in Flashpoints.


Whats been done before? Just about everything else ;) (even the VO's)


As I said, it is entertaining, its a well made MMO, mostly due to copying and mashing together all the other MMO's best parts (too bad they didn't look at DAOC PvP, they might get to it with their zone but they'll probably WAR'ify it)



Guildwars 2 is taking their PvP from DAOC (500 ppl in one "fight" still less than DAOC but hey) Castles, breaking down walls/doors etc.

They're doing away with the standard quest system, though this is a promise that has been said before...

Skill system looks intricate (cross class combos? Multiple "jobs" by one and the same character?)


We shall see.


Everything that GW2 is doing has been done 100 times over. GW2 is doing absolutely NOTHING new at all. Their so called dynamic questing system is going to be such a huge fail, its not even going to be funny. Their game is going to be one of those 1 month wonders. It will be fun for 1 month and then people will move on. GW2 is nothing new in any way at all. Learn that and know that, yes I speak form experience as I, "HAVE" played it.

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Guildwars 2 is taking their PvP from DAOC (500 ppl in one "fight" still less than DAOC but hey) Castles, breaking down walls/doors etc.

They're doing away with the standard quest system, though this is a promise that has been said before...

Skill system looks intricate (cross class combos? Multiple "jobs" by one and the same character?)


We shall see.


I never seen the appeal of a 250 vs 250 fight. It will all be a huge clusterbomb with 3 - 5 people shouting directions and 80% of the people not following them.


The sooner you realize it the better.


Sure it might look cool, but i think your just glorifying DOAC atm.

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Dunno why folks feel like GW2 will be this massively innovative thing.


The combat is not anything new nor is trying to get rid of the trilogy. MMOs have tried it before.


I think they appeal to different crowds completely. You know some people actually like traditional MMO combat and the trilogy.


I'll be playing GW2 but get tired of people saying how innovative...well the the quest system is something very new, but it's not like TOR is not without new features.


was GW 1 not the MMo where you could not jump ?

im just like "why in gods green earth would you make a mmo where you cant jump"

Ppl like to jump :)

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Yeah Ill add on a personal note. I have always played as a pvper so my goal upon getting into any online game has always been to get to the next level regardless of content. Im not logging in to get to the next level in this game. Im logging in to get to the next chapter in the storyline. Edited by Inistis
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Yeah Ill add on a personal note. I have always played as a pvper so my goal upon getting into any online game has always been to get to the next level regardless of content. Im not logging in to get to the next level in this game. Im logging in to get to the next chapter in the storyline.


+1 on this

when i log i cant wait till get back in and see what comes next :)

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I still have my reservations on guild wars 2. With no subscription model, how will they fund content to be pushed in high quality and quantity constantly? What about expansions? What about customer support teams and GMs? Billing? A lot to deal with... I think GW2 might fail because it won't be funded as well.


Initially this is what I thought, but you would be pretty damned surprised. The original Guild Wars had no subscription and they were very quick to fix bugs, add content and although the customer service wasn't that special, it was better than others I have encountered.


They are very quick to churn out expansions and this is how they got the majority of their money. If you look at how much WoW makes within a year of subs and subtract the cost of staff/servers and other expenses and then put even half of it alongside the rate they update and add content, it's not even close to what you should get. This is not taking into account the amount they make on server transfer, name changes, ingame items store and merch. Whereas the amount of content and updates you got for GW to what you paid was staggering.

Edited by Clydey
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I agree with the OP to an extent. Is this going to be a shakeup for the mmo genre, yes. But will this set the bar? Not with dust514 on the horizon. The ability to bring together the PC and and the console MMORPG gamer on one platform, will be truly amazing. (reference point here ) I'd like to hear the opinions of the community on this.


I have a deep routed love for CCP, played EvE for 6 years; I personally think up until recently EvE has been setting the bar on MMO's like no other. All that said CCP have the ability to truly cok up. I am not talking as a bitter vet, although i may be considered one i actually seriously hope that EvE makes it through the tough year or two that is coming. But Dust will not integrate in the way many think it might or even could. The PI interface is or has been a disaster which is what many suspect will be used in conjunction with Dust, and i am personally not convinced you are ever going to get console players and eve players working together or even the two very differing communities to play nice.


The above said i hope they do, but i can’t see CCP pulling it off..

Edited by Wingi
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Thanks appreciate the personal attack on a forum ... haven't seen that before.


Questing? Yup kill xxx collect yyy interspersed with 1-2 "special" quests that break the monotony -> similar to most MMO's.

PvP? DAOC PvP will remain the pinnacle, the way its handled here is a knockoff of WAR pretty much.

Flashpoints? Yeah instances, thats totally new.

Crafting? Click, wait, done... yup totally new.

Mod system? Well I'll be, even DAOC had a "mod system" of sorts, just now its all easy and understandable for the layman.

Space? Well I'd hope so in a game about space. My last rail shooter I enjoyed was Cyberia so yeah its about time I got an updated fix on that ;)


Whats good in this game: Party conversations, dark/light decisions that affect the group in Flashpoints.


Whats been done before? Just about everything else ;) (even the VO's)


As I said, it is entertaining, its a well made MMO, mostly due to copying and mashing together all the other MMO's best parts (too bad they didn't look at DAOC PvP, they might get to it with their zone but they'll probably WAR'ify it)



Guildwars 2 is taking their PvP from DAOC (500 ppl in one "fight" still less than DAOC but hey) Castles, breaking down walls/doors etc.

They're doing away with the standard quest system, though this is a promise that has been said before...

Skill system looks intricate (cross class combos? Multiple "jobs" by one and the same character?)


We shall see.


Ahh yes .... the same discussion as in the WoW release times .... WoW better than GW and GW better than WoW ... and guess what ... they both had their big communities .... because they had different playerbases to aim for.... btw. i played both and both game expierinces had been different but really good.

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I finally got the chance to play (imp agent to 10). From what i have seen so far this is the game that will set the bar for the next few years to come. Just a brief rundown of my experience so far...


I logged in honestly expecting to be impressed, as I knew there was no way after the amount of money that was poured into it it was not going to be just an ok game. What I did not expect was to be completely engrossed in an MMO. To be honest I have never fully been immersed character wise in an MMO world. In this however I found myself reading all the codex entries, eaves dropping on conversations, exploring regions. I love my storyline (imp agent), and am counting the hours till I can progress it. From the outset i decided that I was going to play the cold calculating type (the job is the only thing that matters type), but my God- some of the dark side choices are tough pills to swallow.


In short I really hope someone who was on the fence reads this post. As sometimes reading the front page of the forums is no doubt a turn off. Mark my words-this game is now the bar. How can I ever go back to another MMO without the same/better dynamics and features. I actually cannot.


There is absolutely nothing new being done in this MMO that hasn't been done elsewhere. It is a well made MMO though to be sure. Lots of polish and attention to detail but the game has not set the bar any higher or lower. Its just taken standard MMO fare dolled it up, Star Wars style.

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yea i agree with op i am up at ungodly hours of the morn to get a chance to play before work, i sure havent done this in a long time for a game lol


My family hates me right now. :p


Game is so awesome that I just have to play it as much as possible.


I'll grant them some attention in a couple of days for christmas celebrations. :)


- Elim

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