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Everything posted by Clydey

  1. You should have stuck with your assassin if you liked it so much in all honesty, picking republic over the whole "underdog" thing is kinda silly. You have to remember that everyone is different so we enjoy different things. It's called preference. So far I am loving my trooper storyline and I have dabbled with the Smuggler and Consular and enjoyed those just as much. The game isn't perfect, it has a few annoying and funny things about it but it's best not to focus on the bad too much, you will find a lot of things less fun that way trust me. Stick with empire to be honest, it seems to suit your enjoyment more ^^.
  2. Worse part is they are doing it the wrong way around, if you look at the EU servers we're full/very heavy near enough across the board and the US servers are mostly standard and maybe 1 or 2 heavy, not a single one full. Give us the damn servers lol.
  3. In the end everyone is free to play the game however they wish, if they want to get to 50 as fast as they can who are we to judge? That being said, if those level 50's then start coming to these forums or typing in general "Omg there is nothing to do at high level, this game sucks" then I may wish to slap them.
  4. Initially this is what I thought, but you would be pretty damned surprised. The original Guild Wars had no subscription and they were very quick to fix bugs, add content and although the customer service wasn't that special, it was better than others I have encountered. They are very quick to churn out expansions and this is how they got the majority of their money. If you look at how much WoW makes within a year of subs and subtract the cost of staff/servers and other expenses and then put even half of it alongside the rate they update and add content, it's not even close to what you should get. This is not taking into account the amount they make on server transfer, name changes, ingame items store and merch. Whereas the amount of content and updates you got for GW to what you paid was staggering.
  5. Personally think you missed a lot of fun additions to WoW but then again everyone is different, that's your choice. If you look at WoW it really did nothing majorly new that wasn't done before either, compare it to EQ and other past MMO's and the UI, quest system, combat, group boss fights were pretty much done already. I believe the only reason it became so mainstream was because WoW was so accessable and the lore/setting seemed to click very well with customers, hell Blizzard never even expected it to kick off so well, a lot of people claim it was a complete fluke. Personally I don't see a point in screaming from the hilltops "This game is the greatest and anyone who disagrees is stupid". Nothing against any of you, but I seriously do not give a flying monkey if any of you like or dislike this game or any other game I enjoy. If you love it then great, I feel happy for you, but I won't let it affect how I view it in the slightest.
  6. Seems this has already devolved into a GW2 vs SWTOR debate, look seriously, GW2 has no subscription so you can play it whenever. Why must people defend every game with their very lives, what are we 5 year olds? Is my toy shinier than yours all of a sudden? If you enjoy a game and others don't then seriously, why do you care? I will be buying GW2 when it is released but more than likely I will be playing SWTOR too, we're not choosing sides in a war here. I've already won because I will be enjoying both games. But back on topic me and my guild friends are having a blast with this game so far, flashpoints, pvp, everything. Shall go through with multiple characters and experience the storylines so tons stuff for me to do, plus with operations and endgame I doubt I will be bored for a long time.
  7. The reason they have done this is what someone else pointed out earlier, they are doing it to try their best in balancing out the servers and so far it is working. It's annoying that some aren't in yet (I am, I got in first wave but wish to experience the game with my friends who are still waiting) but their reason is valid one. Look at the server statuses, they seem pretty balanced at the moment and not just 2 incredibly full servers and 50 other empty ones. Yes, there will be some servers that are more filled than others, this cannot be stopped but at least not everyone is trying to get through the door at once causing abysmal queues and crashing servers. If the EGA system was not in place the forums would be filled with "can't log in" "in queue for 15 hours" "server crashed, the hell are you doing Bioware?" and then expanding of servers, more servers, dead servers, merging of servers would take place. Would you prefer that in all honesty?
  8. Not just that but Thanks Starwitch, I am loving the game thus far even with the slow start in story and I was going to make sure to see my trooper to the end but it is good to hear that it picks up the pace ^^.
  9. Do what I'm doing, level an alt until your friends get online, make a bit of creds and experience something different while you wait. People seem to forget that the game isn't a race to high level. I don't see the point in rushing the content it just takes a lot of fun out of the game personally.
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