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Are guardian tanks viable in PvP?


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Well im back everyone, and today ive prepared a nother video for you. I make the videos because i feel reading an essay on my opinions is far to boring, and i find it easier to understand and learn when i hear and see whats going on so Enjoy the video, feedback is more than welcome!


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The only thing that I don't like about the video is that I kind of felt you didn't talk too much about the skills that are specific to the defense tree that work in PvP. But that aside, everything you're saying is pretty much spot on. These are all very crucial skills that are going to help your team win instead of trying to solo everyone and be a big damn hero. That's not what the defense skill tree is about.
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The only thing that I don't like about the video is that I kind of felt you didn't talk too much about the skills that are specific to the defense tree that work in PvP. But that aside, everything you're saying is pretty much spot on. These are all very crucial skills that are going to help your team win instead of trying to solo everyone and be a big damn hero. That's not what the defense skill tree is about.


Thanks for the feedback, ill probably now do an advanced video which looks into this in more detail.

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I think my main problem was that you didn't really mention anything that I can't get from speccing into the DPS trees and then putting a few points into Defence which is meant to be our tank tree so I agree with your video but it felt like you were pro Defence tree and I WANT to be pro Defence tree but I have a hard time feeling that it gives me anything.


So ultimately I can do everything you've said in the video, gain more survivability from Vigilance and do more DPS by not speccing Defence.

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Besides your video my answer to your question is "NO, the guardian is not viable in PVP"


It could be viable, if there were enough healers in the rep side, but there arent in my server, so my oppinion is that a Guardian is awsome in PVE, not in PVP.


Wanna be a tank, go vanguard, unfortunally, the jedi Guardian is so UP... its fun none the less, and chalenging! But it gets so frustrating in PVP... getting blows from shadows of 3k to 4k of damage when your best damage barelly reaches 1.3k... with a full PVP armor set, makes you wonder wheres the "heavy" in heavy armor youre supposed to be wearing LOL

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Besides your video my answer to your question is "NO, the guardian is not viable in PVP"


It could be viable, if there were enough healers in the rep side, but there arent in my server, so my oppinion is that a Guardian is awsome in PVE, not in PVP.


Wanna be a tank, go vanguard, unfortunally, the jedi Guardian is so UP... its fun none the less, and chalenging! But it gets so frustrating in PVP... getting blows from shadows of 3k to 4k of damage when your best damage barelly reaches 1.3k... with a full PVP armor set, makes you wonder wheres the "heavy" in heavy armor youre supposed to be wearing LOL


Fyi shadows/assassin do a lot of internal damage which bypasses armor completely

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Wanna be a tank, go vanguard, unfortunally, the jedi Guardian is so UP... its fun none the less, and chalenging! But it gets so frustrating in PVP... getting blows from shadows of 3k to 4k of damage when your best damage barelly reaches 1.3k... with a full PVP armor set, makes you wonder wheres the "heavy" in heavy armor youre supposed to be wearing LOL


What are you hitting them with? Did you replace your light saber without a feather duster? I consistently hit Shadows/Assasins for 3k - 4k pretty consistently. Master Strike does about 5k damage on it's own if I get all 3 hits AND I've popped one of my relics or adrenals. I don't know what the problem is here honestly.

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Besides your video my answer to your question is "NO, the guardian is not viable in PVP"


It could be viable, if there were enough healers in the rep side, but there arent in my server, so my oppinion is that a Guardian is awsome in PVE, not in PVP.


Wanna be a tank, go vanguard, unfortunally, the jedi Guardian is so UP... its fun none the less, and chalenging! But it gets so frustrating in PVP... getting blows from shadows of 3k to 4k of damage when your best damage barelly reaches 1.3k... with a full PVP armor set, makes you wonder wheres the "heavy" in heavy armor youre supposed to be wearing LOL




What the hell kinda weak gear are you wearing if you're hitting for 1k!?


We're fine in PVP.

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What are you hitting them with? Did you replace your light saber without a feather duster? I consistently hit Shadows/Assasins for 3k - 4k pretty consistently. Master Strike does about 5k damage on it's own if I get all 3 hits AND I've popped one of my relics or adrenals. I don't know what the problem is here honestly.


What???? I have a champion lightsaber! And i cant hit them more than 1.3k, with a crit 2k


Are you a guardian? If so, what spec are you? DPS probably... but please show me your spec

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What???? I have a champion lightsaber! And i cant hit them more than 1.3k, with a crit 2k


Are you a guardian? If so, what spec are you? DPS probably... but please show me your spec




Guardian, Vigilance Skill tree. Since I PvP a lot I also made sure that I got the Rakata Might Stim, My Rakata Attack adrenal (+565 Power for 15 seconds) and my Rakata Medpack. I also have the Relic that increases Crit and Surge by 350 and the Relic that increases power by 350. I try to make sure I use when whenever they're off cool down.

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Guardian, Vigilance Skill tree. Since I PvP a lot I also made sure that I got the Rakata Might Stim, My Rakata Attack adrenal (+565 Power for 15 seconds) and my Rakata Medpack. I also have the Relic that increases Crit and Surge by 350 and the Relic that increases power by 350. I try to make sure I use when whenever they're off cool down.


Mate.... youre high end guardian.... 99% of jedi knoghts guardians arent that much powered... taking all that stuff out, you must agree with me that the guardians are weak in pvp

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Mate.... youre high end guardian.... 99% of jedi knoghts guardians arent that much powered... taking all that stuff out, you must agree with me that the guardians are weak in pvp


Disagree. I did all this so that I could keep up with people on my server. A lot of the top tier imperial PvP'ers on my server went Biochem so that they would be able to get their rakata stims and adrenals. Without them, I was struggling to put out 200,000 damage in a warzone. Also, grinding PvP to get my full champion gear was important. I now have partial battle master gear but mostly champion gear and I'm usually top DPS in every warzone. I realize that not every player is going to have their high end PvP gear but frankly you can't talk about balance issues unless you're on the same level in terms of gear as the people who are mauling you all the damn time. Once I got mostly fully geared I don't have issues with other battle masters anymore.

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Disagree. I did all this so that I could keep up with people on my server. A lot of the top tier imperial PvP'ers on my server went Biochem so that they would be able to get their rakata stims and adrenals. Without them, I was struggling to put out 200,000 damage in a warzone. Also, grinding PvP to get my full champion gear was important. I now have partial battle master gear but mostly champion gear and I'm usually top DPS in every warzone. I realize that not every player is going to have their high end PvP gear but frankly you can't talk about balance issues unless you're on the same level in terms of gear as the people who are mauling you all the damn time. Once I got mostly fully geared I don't have issues with other battle masters anymore.


I am in full champion gear and I usually find myself in the top 5 after a WZ match by using most of the techiques from the video, but I have to agree DPS sucks for Gaurdians in PvP compared to the other classes. After using my clickies and while on cooldown, I am lucky to average 1k to 1.5 k a hit.

Edited by Cheezzehead
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I am in full champion gear and I usually find myself in the top 5 after a WZ match by using most of the techiques from the video, but I have to agree DPS sucks for Gaurdians in PvP compared to the other classes. After using my clickies and while on cooldown, I am lucky to average 1k to 1.5 k a hit.


I find that to be odd. My Sundering Strike and my saber throw hit for about that much. Did you take the tanking gear or did you take the DPS gear?

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If so, what spec are you? DPS probably... but please show me your spec


Tank hybrid.


I find that to be odd. My Sundering Strike and my saber throw hit for about that much. Did you take the tanking gear or did you take the DPS gear?


I'd bet that they are using tanking gear with tanking specs thinking that "+2% shield chance" is going to keep them alive in PVP rather than DPS gear with tanking specs (adding maybe a little defence if they feel they have to) like they should be using.


In Champion gear you should be sitting at at least 300 power I'd guess at least, with maxed out 70% surge.


Guardians are actually the BEST pvp 'tanks'. You won't be doing nearly as much dmg as a tank Vanguard/Shadow but you are far and away the best at keeping people alive when spec'd right.


This, if people can't work out simple tactics like the focus target bindings, then there isn't much hope for them. We EXCEL at keeping our healers alive, no amount of whining will change my view of that or our guild healers that I save consistently from being focused down by 3 targets in PVP.


We EXCEL at saving other players, the "we need a buff" whine has reached comical highs of utter rubbish, the same old people making the same old whine's too worried with what other classes can do and totally failing to see what we can do.


Focus target binding on healer, healer starts being focused, Guardian Leap using focus target bindings meaning you don't even have to look where the healer is to target them (so many Guardians not using the focus target bindings), Freezing Force, Challenging Call, healer is Guarded so with 30% from Call, 20% from Guardian Leap and 50% from Guard your healer is now taking next to nothing damage, healer is back up to full health but still being focused, let Call last for 6 seconds then Awe/Stasis/Push (even using fast Push, Force Leap, Guardian Leap back to focus target binding to get a small snare in there and another damage debuff if it's only 1 or 2 enemy) one after each other as needed. Guardian Leap again (no min range, SO many Guardians not using Guardian Leap at minimum range) and Taunt will be used on a single target which you feel needs it (pain in the butt with this tab target system) and Challenging Call will be back up if spec'd for it meaning if they are STILL trying they are doing no damage again.


This is ignoring anything the healer will bring into the mix or the fact that in a Vigilance hybrid build you've buffed yourself for 20% mitigation as well.


Four players just spent the last part of the game tied up chasing your healer while your healer healed itself, you and the rest of your team and it only took one to stop them. Nothing funnier than our healer acting all "noo noo don't hits us!" and slowly moving away from the Voidstar doors as 4 Imperials try to kill her dealing next to no damage as I bounce around like a frog and then you hear *honk honk* "unauthorised explosive device" the door gets taken.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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Guardian tanks seem to be the MOST viable tank in PvP, healer PoV. That is, if they are well played.


I frequently heal for CapuchinSeven and at times he makes me frikkin' immortal. Sure, gear helps a lot, but we did great at lvl 35 against Champ 50's pre 50 bracket. Knowing your class helps. And, if you play a PvP tank you pretty much need to have a dedicated healer to shine. That Guard will kill you in no time unless you got someone who is specifically looking out for you. This goes both ways. A healer will not survive for long without a good tank backing him/her up. Just slamming Guard on someone and dash of to do your own thing will not cut it. You need to peel, taunt, dps, interrupt for your healer as well as learn when to do what.


You don't know a healer?

PuG, look out for a healer who seem to have a clue and make it your mission to be his dedicated tank. Peel those nasty Marauders and keep peeling them as they spawn and run back, and I promise you he'll make sure to give you a bit of extra green numbers of luv. If you do well together, suggest to team up for the next one. Unless the healer is slightly retarded he will say yes, and tadaa! Win win.

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Guardian tanks are great in PvP. I wouldn't necessarily call them "the best" tank in PvP because the Vanguard/Powertech bounty hunter is pretty damn good. Honestly as a DPS they're the bane of my existence. They take so damn long to kill even without healing that by the time I finally do it I feel like I wasted a ridiculous amount of game time. Which s why lately I've been making sure that I kill everyone around the tank instead of killing the tank himself. Then when he's alone our team will focus him down. But you are correct. A Guardians tanking ability is pretty ridiculous when you're properly supporting your healer. You also need to make sure that you use your taunts, stuns and interrupts in order to give your healer an opening to get away and heal up and keep supporting the team. That's what a lot of people don't get. It's a team support build and not the kind of build where you jump into a crowd and demolish everyone. That's what Focus is for! :D
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Besides your video my answer to your question is "NO, the guardian is not viable in PVP"


It could be viable, if there were enough healers in the rep side, but there arent in my server, so my oppinion is that a Guardian is awsome in PVE, not in PVP.


Wanna be a tank, go vanguard, unfortunally, the jedi Guardian is so UP... its fun none the less, and chalenging! But it gets so frustrating in PVP... getting blows from shadows of 3k to 4k of damage when your best damage barelly reaches 1.3k... with a full PVP armor set, makes you wonder wheres the "heavy" in heavy armor youre supposed to be wearing LOL


yes i belive Guardian Tanks "TRUE TANKS" is a PVE character and not PVP it can be useful in PVP but its not going to be what everyone wants it to be where there doing mad DPS and taking alot of dmg...but there main point is for pve not pvp

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yes i belive Guardian Tanks "TRUE TANKS" is a PVE character and not PVP it can be useful in PVP but its not going to be what everyone wants it to be where there doing mad DPS and taking alot of dmg...but there main point is for pve not pvp


You were wrong in this thread and your wrong here too. 'What everyone wants it to be' is not what you think it is.


Guardian Tanks in PVP are not there to do mad DPS and take lot of dmg. They are there to prevent a lot of damage and help the team win. Which they excel at when played correctly. Using Guard, taunts to reduce incoming damage, mass slow and mass stun. And they are without a doubt the best Huttball carrier in the game by a county mile.


PVP is objective based, its not team deathmatch.

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