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Let's talk about Arena tonight!


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And why full Rakata gear is not given to fresh 50? If you just joined, you go in a regular WZ and farm your basic PvP gear as everybody else. Then you go into ranked PvP and matchmaking system finds you opponents of your level of skill. You play with them, you play better than them and you get better gear.


one simply requires time spent, the other requires skill


you can spend just as much time as someone and be just as skilled as them yet lose because they have better gear from doing rated warzones earlier

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one simply requires time spent, the other requires skill


you can spend just as much time as someone and be just as skilled as them yet lose because they have better gear from doing rated warzones earlier


You can farm some arena points and get the pieces of gear that don't require high ratings. Your opponents at your rating also wont have these high-rated pieces of gear as they haven't reached the nessesary rating. So the difference in gear between newcomer to arena who farmed everything he can get from regular WZ and that who play for some time but failed to get to high rating would be slight.

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"Also, current state of WoW Arena is irrelevant to the question. It's pathetic state is completely fault of Blizzard, as they took every decent developer to their new project and left WoW to an incompetent team who are unable to balance even minesweeper. Back when Blizzard cared about pvp, arena was fun with large numbers of players participating in it"


Read entire post before you post rubbish. Blizzard gave up on pvp somewhere at start of a cataclysm. It's current state has nothing to do with the Arena system itself.


No, no and um no, generally ppl dont like it, period :) RBG yes were great but Arena nah, and this game will be great w/o them :)

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No, no and um no, generally ppl dont like it, period :) RBG yes were great but Arena nah, and this game will be great w/o them :)


I'd be interested to see objective-based arenas, actually. Not just a team pillardancing contest, but something closer to a small-scale Warzone, like 4\4 Huttball with a smaller, slightly simplified map to accommodate lesser player numbers and to weaken the mobility\knockback\pull-based advantage of certain classes.

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I think most of us will agree that the current PvP is very boring. The most spectacular and interesting pvp happens when several small teams compete with each other. As for those who are watching, as well as for those who are involved in this. The idea of rated warzones seems as a failure to me because I remember very well what the problem was to gather even 5 people in one team, and the total number of teams participating in a ladder is much less then in small-scale pvp.


Also, arena provides valuable info to developers about what classes to nerf/buff, as well as gives a weight to player's posts on a forum. When <1500 players says something is OP, you can safely ignore him as his opinion is irrelevant. When 2500 player says something is OP - you better listen to him.

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XapM to be frank, I wouldn't waste your time explaining to people.




A. They are afraid of the concept of having to achieve a certain rating requirement to receive BIS PvP gear( Let's face the facts some people will not be able to get the rating required).


B. They had some type of bad experience in inclosed-type PvP area (Arena) maybe in another game or in general which made them close minded about arena type PvP.


C. They are inexperienced/lack of knowledge about different aspect of PvP (Arena is one of many types of PvP) and don't want change to the current system.


D. They are just plain bad/suck at PvP and are afraid.


My suggestion to you XapM if you want ideas like these to be seen/heard to direct them to the right people (devs, etc.). The community has a pretty bias opinion about arena from every thread of seen posted titled "arena". They don't understand the potential of the concept like you or someone else that has played at that level have.


I personally feel the system right now is really bad. PvP gear is basically free handouts, warzones are a joke, you can't tell who is a good or bad player, etc.

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No, no and um no, generally ppl dont like it, period :) RBG yes were great but Arena nah, and this game will be great w/o them :)


Sorry to burst your bubble but arena was popular enough to become an e-sport with sponsors and world tournaments. And rated BG is not even pvp, it's an entertainment for PvE-guilds to rest a bit from dragonslaying.





Thanks for support, i just don't know a way to contact developers. So the more threads like this the higher chance they will hear us.

Edited by XapM
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I like how the OP is actually reasoning and countering arguments, while the people, who are against the implementation of arenas, just spout out opinions without bothering to react to the actual arguments.


This is a good thing, because a lack of arguments against arenas makes their implementation inevitable.^^


Seriously - what are you afraid of? And read the OP's posts before answering that one please.


It seems to come down to "I don't like and/or am not good at it, so I do not want others to be able to play it - it would make me miss out on something!"...

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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Sorry to burst your bubble but arena was popular enough to become an e-sport with sponsors and world tournaments. And rated BG is not even pvp, it's an entertainment for PvE-guilds to rest a bit from dragonslaying.





Thanks for support, i just don't know a way to contact developers. So the more threads like this the higher chance they will hear us.


Sorry to correct you, wait no im not, 70% hated arenas and the crap it brought, maybe a lil light reading would help you see this both on forums/polls and all sorts of informative things, educated yourself so you look less a tool in future posts champ, GL!

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Sorry to correct you, wait no im not, 70% hated arenas and the crap it brought, maybe a lil light reading would help you see this both on forums/polls and all sorts of informative things, educated yourself so you look less a tool in future posts champ, GL!



You know what? The best thing about arena is that you don't like it - you don't play it. Easy as that. Gear rewards will be the same in arena and rated WZ.

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You know what? The best thing about arena is that you don't like it - you don't play it. Easy as that. Gear rewards will be the same in arena and rated WZ.


Still waiting, its not hard try google? i heard thats a good search engine, i'll wait with my cup of coffee for this miracle...

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All i see about Mordredz is a severe case of arenafobia - the irrational fear of a small-scaled PvP, based on a person's internal fear that community will see his personal rating and will know that person is, in fact, bad at PvP.
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"Also, current state of WoW Arena is irrelevant to the question. It's pathetic state is completely fault of Blizzard, as they took every decent developer to their new project and left WoW to an incompetent team who are unable to balance even minesweeper. Back when Blizzard cared about pvp, arena was fun with large numbers of players participating in it"


Read entire post before you post rubbish. Blizzard gave up on pvp somewhere at start of a cataclysm. It's current state has nothing to do with the Arena system itself.


Blizzard gave up after the end of 6 season, when disable 2v2 glad.

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Sorry to correct you, wait no im not, 70% hated arenas and the crap it brought, maybe a lil light reading would help you see this both on forums/polls and all sorts of informative things, educated yourself so you look less a tool in future posts champ, GL!


So, do you have any source to back your stupid comments up?

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Why is it people complain they don't have enough content, then when an idea for fun new content comes, everyone spits on it?



There is >NOTHING< wrong with arena's (whats wrong with you if you think there is, all i can say is hurt yourself irl). Seriously.



It'll be fun, its more pvp stuff to do, it'll give similar rewards, AND ITS ENTIRELY YOUR CHOICE TO PLAY IN THEM OR NOT.




Quit trying to ruin the game and stop anything from progressing. :rolleyes:

"NO no no no no no no" is not helping anything.

Edited by MrXen
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I like PvP. What I don't like, is this "need" to get better gear from Arena.


It's like - why do you *have* to get better gear solely from Arena.


Why can't you have the same gear, and just proev you're better through skill alone?


Why must the *best* gear ONLY come from Deathmatching, which to be frank, I don't find the ebodiment of skill (however, I do find it very commonplace in WZ's because most children don't have the patience to focus on a goal, and must herp derp for kills, because that shows skill - no?).


Why when Blizzard have admitted that Arena was the biggest mistake they made, do you insist on copying it's mistakes? Having the best gear from Arena only forces people to do arena. It's a case of keeping up with the Joneses.


And to be honest, you're wrong about comps. Some comps will wreck most (if not all) others, assuming equal skill.


People on TOR PvP. In much larger numbers than Bioware expected, do you know why though? It's actually kind of good and relatively well balanced. Sure - there's a few hybrid specs that should be whack-a-moled, because they are too strong, but for the most part, things aren't BAD.


Ilum, that's another story. It's a joke. It's a bad joke at that.


The only thing I really agree with you on, is the notion that PvP'ers shouldn't be forced to PVE to get decent gear. The mods on the gearing right now are a joke, and some of the set bonuses are laughable too. Trying to repeat the same inane stupidity of WoW Arena and gearing up is laughable though. That's not the way forwards.


Have Arena, sure - but don't make it so that it's the *only* way to gear up best in PvP. That way, lies the same flaws as WoW Arena, and that was a joke.

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My only issue is


Rated based pvp should be gear independant,


If your in arena, you choose dps/tank/heal gearset for your class, can mix match pieces how you choose, but the same gear is available to everyone


Let SKILL be the deciding factor, not TIME spent grinding rating

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It's like - why do you *have* to get better gear solely from Arena.


Why can't you have the same gear, and just proev you're better through skill alone?


Why must the *best* gear ONLY come from Deathmatching, which to be frank, I don't find the ebodiment of skill (however, I do find it very commonplace in WZ's because most children don't have the patience to focus on a goal, and must herp derp for kills, because that shows skill - no?).


Why when Blizzard have admitted that Arena was the biggest mistake they made, do you insist on copying it's mistakes? Having the best gear from Arena only forces people to do arena. It's a case of keeping up with the Joneses.



Why do you assume, that the implementation of arenas in itself equals to implementing BiS gear solely obtainable via arenas? I, personally, would welcome it, but understand the arguments against and can live with the compromise of not getting BiS gear through arena.


Why do you parrot that infamous "blizz regrets implementing arenas" statement out of context? Is it because you just heard it and never bothered to look up, if it is even true?

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I like PvP. What I don't like, is this "need" to get better gear from Arena.


It's like - why do you *have* to get better gear solely from Arena.


Why can't you have the same gear, and just proev you're better through skill alone?


Not solely from arena, but from rated WZ too. Play what you want, just dont give best possible gear to anyone herp-derping in a regular WZ.



Why when Blizzard have admitted that Arena was the biggest mistake they made, do you insist on copying it's mistakes? Having the best gear from Arena only forces people to do arena. It's a case of keeping up with the Joneses.


Again, not only arena. As for BLIZZARD SAID ARENA IS BAD LOLOLZ argument, it's getting old. What Blizzard really said, is if they'd know what arena would be, they would do many things other way. And they're right: First and foremost PvE and PvP should be set completely apart. No PvE gear in PvP and vice versa, some abilities and damage should be different in PvP and PvE. As an example - CC's 1 minute in PvE and 6 sec in PvP. The trauma mechanic, which is made to balance healers different in PvP and PvE and so on.


But that's a topic for another thread.


And to be honest, you're wrong about comps. Some comps will wreck most (if not all) others, assuming equal skill.


As i said in 1st post, as long as every class have a comp where it can play competitvely, everything is completely fine. Comps start to really matter only at highest ratings, where people play at cap of their classes capabilities. But 99,9% of arena haters won't make it to these ratings anyway.

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