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Anni PvP Build - Empowerment


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are you running cloak of carnage?




After another 10 or so, there were a few instances where I noticed I was lacking rage in a spot I normally wouldn't be. But it was rare. Some people might feel otherwise. On average I probably throw in a few more assaults here and there than most people do, so keep that in mind as well.

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Cuz you should always take the time to run up to your target... If you're getting pushed off a rafter every single time you're bad. Opening with charge is how you get your job done. If you don't know how to stick (unless you get stunned -> pushed, which you can't help) but sorcs don't ever push me off a platform unless they burst speed and lag around me or if theres more than one.


Not opening with charge some of the time is stupid. Of course don't do it every time but you need to sometimes.

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Malice affects the DoT crit chance of bleeds.


your DoTs are PHYSICAL my friend. you have a common misconception. the same way loads of fools thought accuracy gave armor penetration...


if the DoTs were force, sorcs would be able to purge them even when not talented for it. (which they cant btw, unless in corruption healspec)

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your DoTs are PHYSICAL my friend. you have a common misconception. the same way loads of fools thought accuracy gave armor penetration...


if the DoTs were force, sorcs would be able to purge them even when not talented for it. (which they cant btw, unless in corruption healspec)


And here we go again...

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your DoTs are PHYSICAL my friend. you have a common misconception. the same way loads of fools thought accuracy gave armor penetration...


if the DoTs were force, sorcs would be able to purge them even when not talented for it. (which they cant btw, unless in corruption healspec)


Le Sigh. The dots crit comes from our force crit stat sir.

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your DoTs are PHYSICAL my friend. you have a common misconception. the same way loads of fools thought accuracy gave armor penetration...


if the DoTs were force, sorcs would be able to purge them even when not talented for it. (which they cant btw, unless in corruption healspec)


There is no such thing as "physical" in this game.


Try harder.

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There is no such thing as "physical" in this game.


Try harder.


As a damage type there isn't but as a debuff type there is.


Physical, mental, force, tech are all debuff types. Sorcs can only cure physical when deep in healing, and can never cure tech (operative debuffs).


Kinetic, energy, elemental, internal being the damage types.


Personally I think the system could use simplification as I often see confusion on it (for example there's still tons of people that think force lightning ignores armor).

Edited by hadoken
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Hmm, yeah I didn't consider that BW would have implemented a debuff category type. Guess it was worth taking a quick look at Torhead:


Rupture DoT effects:



Effect Subeffect Type Text

2 0 init SetDescription: Description=>"Periodic internal damage."

2 0 init SetType: BuffType=>Negative

2 0 init SetName: Name=>"Bleeding (Physical)"

2 1 action SpellDamage: SpellType=>Force, StandardHealthPercentMin=>0.02, Slot=>None, Coefficient=>0.2, StandardHealthPercentMax=>0.02, DamageType=>Internal



1. Internal damage. 2. A named "Bleeding (Physical)" debuff type. 3. Force Spell Type.


For comparison, Affliction (generic Sorc DoT):




Effect Subeffect Type Text

1 2 condition IfSpellHit: SpellType=>Force

1 2 action CallEffect: FromActor=>Caster, EffectNumber=>2


2 0 init SetDescription: Description=>"Periodic internal damage."

2 0 init SetDuration: MaxDuration=>15000, Duration=>15000, Toughness=>1

2 0 init SetName: Name=>"Affliction (Force)"

2 2 condition HasAbility: Rank=>1, Comparison=>, Actor=>Caster, AbilitySpec=>2305840708044158280

2 2 action CallEffect: FromActor=>Caster, EffectNumber=>3

2 3 action SpellDamage: SpellType=>Force, StandardHealthPercentMin=>0.031, Slot=>None, Coefficient=>0.31, StandardHealthPercentMax=>0.031, AmountModifierPercent=>0.01, DamageType=>Internal

2 4 action Dispel


3 0 init SetDescription: Description=>"Movement speed reduced."

3 0 init SetDuration: MaxDuration=>15000, Duration=>15000, Toughness=>1

3 0 init SetName: Name=>"Slowed (Force)"

3 0 init SetStackLimit: MaxStackCount=>1, IsPerCaster=>1

3 0 init SetIcon: IconSpec=>movementslowed

3 0 condition IsAlive: Actor=>Target

3 0 condition IfCalledByEffect

3 1 condition HasAbility: Rank=>2, Comparison=>GreaterThan, Actor=>Caster, AbilitySpec=>2305840708044158280

3 1 action ModifyMovementSpeed: AmountPercent=>80

3 2 condition HasAbility: Rank=>1, Comparison=>GreaterThan, Actor=>Caster, AbilitySpec=>2305840708044158280

3 2 action ModifyMovementSpeed: AmountPercent=>90




1. There are two debuff effects because Sorcs can spec a talent that adds a second debuff to Affliction. That aside ...


2. Pretty sure the Name (set by setName) doesn't actually matter, even though it "clarifies" the debuff as (Force). The issue is that the "Dispel" action that is defined for this ability (and for Rupture's DoT) has no information here.


So we go to Purge ...



Effect Subeffect Type Text

0 1 condition IsAlive: Actor=>Target

1 2 condition HasAbility: Rank=>1, Comparison=>GreaterThan, Actor=>Caster, AbilitySpec=>2305687954270218685

1 2 action Dispel: AmountMin=>2, AmountMax=>2

1 3 condition Else

1 3 action Dispel: AmountMin=>2, AmountMax=>2



The bolded part indicates what I'm pretty sure is the check for the heal spec talent to add 'physical' effects to the Dispel capabilities of Purge.


But, neither Dispel function associated with Purge gives much information on exactly what can be dispelled.


That said, the Rupture DoT is pretty clearly a Force Attack, even though the debuff is "physical" for dispel mechanics. Note that dispel mechanics also cite "MENTAL" which is also irrelevant to attack types (melee, range, force, tech) or damage types (internal, elemental, kinetic, energy). So it's a third category (physical, mental, force, tech, other).


How tedious.

Edited by EasymodeX
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Yea it really is. From what I've seen 'mental' shows up on some cc debuffs npcs use at least (not sure if player saps and such fall into that too).


The really confusing part is when you start looking at force/tech/physical attacks vs armor and defenses. Force/tech attacks ignore melee/ranged defense (i.e. the buffs from sniper cover), yet depending on the damage type can still be reduced by armor.

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Well, the bottom line there is that "defenses" are relevant to attack types, and armor is relevant to damage types.


People just group evasion (defense) and armor as if they are the same. I consider that one more a mistake on players' parts rather than BW's confusing design.


The debuff categories though are silly. I wonder if they set it up that way because force cleanse would be too pervasive -- for example if you could cleanse "force", then you could cleanse half the debuffs in the game. Breaking it down into the current system makes the talent in the heal tree actually relevant. Also allows them to separate some CC effects as "mental" or whatnot so they cannot be cleansed in the same manner as routine debuffs. I suppose that would make sense, even though the category label of "physical" is regrettable.

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I guess for most people coming from WOW the armor thing is confusing because in that game 'magic' bypassed it completely. At least in that game they did have different types of buffs/debuffs and different people could dispel different things. So that concept at least isn't new for those players.


What they really do need is better terminology or something here. Most gunslingers don't realize that sorcs can't remove their debuffs, they assume that dirty fighting (the dot line) is negated simply by the presence of a sorc - which is completely false. And that's just one example of the tons of misconceptions going around. The majority of it is a 'L2P' issue it's just the learning part isn't exactly made easy by BioWare :p

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