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The official BM bag self support group


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Many ppl wanted it, every bm needs it and hell its about time


here is the very first bm bag bad luck self support group qq thread


please threat your fellowqqers with all respect and try to help each other!



i will start off


hello my name is bmbagvictim and


i did it again, i thought that it wont happen again but everytime i try harder i fall harder


today i opened another BM bag again...well sorry it was actually twooo, its day 7th without me gaining any bm token. i think its my 12th bag but i lost count.


everytime i think like **** it screw this game the rng is killing me.. but everytime i fall into the trap of thinkingn that i might have a tad bit of luck to get eventually 1 bm token..


i was proven wrong...



thank you all for listening...you are next

Edited by Fantastix
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Hi my name is Superlucky


*Hi Superlucky*


I've gotten BM tokens in about half my bags, I do two dailies a day and I usually get a token in one of them, I also raided in nightmares and got 4 pieces rakatta and now I'm basically fully geared.


Wait what were we doing again?

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i am on 1 out of 8 now. i still bless my luck considering that on champion bags pre-change (where all they gave was 3 cent commendations) i was 3/60.


yet i think if i dont get any again by my 13th bag or so i might quit. i know people who have bm mainhand/offhand in 3 days.

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Started out ok, had some pending dailies saved up when I hit BM. Got 3 Comms from my first 8 bags. Then I hit the wall...1 comm from my last 25 bags and counting. I have a friend who hit 3 days ago and has pulled 4 comms already; I've been BM for over 2 weeks now.
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3 weeks..maybe even 4 now since getting my BM title.Everyday i do my 2 dailies and each week my weeklys and still.......only......2....godforsaken..................battlemaster tokens.....


Obviously the system is working as intended and who am i to argue.




























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Reached valor 60 about 2 weeks ago (I've been 50 since the second week of release, I've just been lazy), got 4 right off the bat, spent them, and haven't gotten another since. I'm having a hard time believing the statistics behind BM commendation drop rate.


Luckily, I've made up the lack of BM commendations by getting duplicates of my Rakata set and re-slotting all of my champion gear with 55 mods/enhancements.

Edited by Ukita
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Threads like this prove more and more everyday that absolutely ANYONE, even people who don't understand percent chance, can be a Battlemaster.


very good, we are getting closer


you need to express your feelings and be sure we are always listening and trying to help ya


to let yourself down


tell us your journey and story

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