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Are the space battles all that lame?


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Just finished my first 2 space battles. Are they all that lame? Reminded me of a video arcade game from 1985. I couldn't steer. I couldn't slow down. Things just popped up in front of me me without any warning. I couldn't seem to change my view to look behind or anything.


Are they all like that? Or do they get better?

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It's basically a mini-game that you can do for fun. It's very much like the old Star Fox games -- not X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. So if you enjoy a good on-rails arcade style ship shooter, then you'll enjoy it. If you're looking for rich, deep space content, well you'll probably end up angry and trolling the forums. :p


For the record, many of us enjoy it and quite happily shoot our way through space missions on a regular basis.

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Are they really that bad? I actually kind of like them.


But then again I don't have much experience with video games so i guess i have a low standard... Oh well


If anything, they do have nice xp. :D


They're not bad at all -- they just don't match up with what some people want. If you enjoy it, then keep at it. I've played X-Wing vs TIE Fighter (loved it) and Star Fox (love it) and it's all a matter of personal preference.


BioWare has repeatedly hinted at future space content that is more robust, but they are quite tight-lipped on specifics.

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If you like rail shooters and/or the bullet-h*ll types of games, then the space combat missions are enjoyable. If you don't like those types of games, the space combat probably isn't going to be your thing.


Personally, I find them an enjoyable way to spend time between doing other things. And a great way to suppliment my questing income. At 50, I can make in the neighborhood of 80,000 credits a day, just killing time. Not to mention the 100 Fleet Commendations I get, which can be used to buy boxes of random level 50 items to gear up your characters and companions - if you get some lucky boxes.


But they are optional. I know several people who tried them, hated them, stopped doing them, and they are getting along just fine. So they aren't required and can be skipped without missing out on anything important to the game.

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well, i guess they're sort of ok, and I can see some people may like them. They just don't seem to fit the rest of the game in style. I remember KOTOR had speeder races, for example, but they seemed consistent with the game in style -- same graphics, same type of control, etc.

Just seems to me like I'm stepping back in time when I play them and having to shift mental gears from strategy and role playing to eye/hand coordination.


Thanks for the input.


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