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New social gears : Dead on Arrival?


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Do they have to make the social gear purchasable from a vendor? They could just allow crafters to obtain recipes for gear requiring social rank X to equip. That way it would be possible to get a critically crafted version that would include an augment slot.


Or they could do both and not penalize all of us in the name of lemon socialism.

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devinite no ... i realy don't want to see everyone running around in slave outfits in pvp ... ridicolous


You do know there are more than slave outfits in social vendors. I have the elegant set on my shadow and its modable.


So depending on the rank you can get different items. They just need to add some to the social vendors for medium and heavy armor types and add the augment slot.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Or they could do both and not penalize all of us in the name of lemon socialism.


Well unless players suddenly stop using the GTN you'll go from purchasing things from a vendor to purchasing things from a vendor, such a tough penalty! :rolleyes:

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Well unless players suddenly stop using the GTN you'll go from purchasing things from a vendor to purchasing things from a vendor, such a tough penalty! :rolleyes:


Players aren't vendors. You're advocating Bioware take away freely available things so that players can squeeze us for money instead. Taking from the masses to give to the merchant class... public loss, privatized profits.


Give the recipes to crafters AND leaving the social vendors is a better option.

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Players aren't vendors. You're advocating Bioware take away freely available things so that players can squeeze us for money instead. Taking from the masses to give to the merchant class... public loss, privatized profits.


Give the recipes to crafters AND leaving the social vendors is a better option.


The GTN terminal you purchase said items from however is a vendor. Also as the thread pertains to new social gear bioware is yet to add I can hardly be advocating them taking it away. Its also worth noting that NPC vendors tend to be a money sink and tend to hold a monopoly on the items they sell so aren't exactly shining beacons of fair trade.


Finally I think its worth mentioning that your aversion to deal with other players on items that are termed social is rather amusing.

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Good changes, but what is needed is to crit craft existing pieces and very cheap remods (moving mods around) this will increase massive collecting frenzies for armor and boost the economics a lot.


Right now it seems they are 1/2 way there, but allow to crit craft already made armor/ guns etc, this is the mojo that gives a boost and allows a lot of development time to further enhance player economics (crafting) which is social interaction. Markets and econimics gives you the feeling of playing with more players, very important!

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So, a lot of trolling and no serious responses. Figures.


I repeat: gear you get from standing around doing quests with your friends or farming BT should not EVER be on par with gear you make from crafting.


The very idea is extremely stupid. If you want your perfect look, that look that no one else can get, then live with the trade off.


No, yet again, what we have is people demanding everything when nothing has been done to deserve it. Bioware will probably cave and slap an augment slot on the social gear, again reducing any use of any of the crafting armor professions to nothingness. Why bother going through all the trouble and expense of crafting when you can run n00bs through BT and obtain the same power gear?


There's one upside. I put a lot of people on this thread on ignore, so at least my forum experience will be better going forward.

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The GTN terminal you purchase said items from however is a vendor

Stop debating dishonestly. We both know where that money goes and who sets the price.


Finally I think its worth mentioning that your aversion to deal with other players on items that are termed social is rather amusing.


Good luck trying to make me feel ashamed for rejecting the idea that Bioware should take things away from me and give them to you so you can make money off me.


So, a lot of trolling and no serious responses. Figures.

What figures is you treating any response that doesn't agree with you as trolling.


You never refuted my point that the mods are what matter, not the gear. Buying social gear comes with empty mod slots. You have to go earn those mods in patch 1.2 through the typical endgame means. This COMPLETELY destroys the point you're attempting to make.

Edited by Caelrie
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The very idea is extremely stupid. If you want your perfect look, that look that no one else can get, then live with the trade off.




Don't you think a better progression would be to find a way for people to be competitive and have an appearance they like? I'm not saying take anything away from crafters, but I definitely don't think a flat rule of "If you want your character to look how you want, you shouldn't be able to play competitively" is a good approach.


Maybe that's a valid criticism of the social armor mechanics, but it's definitely not a valid criticism of the players for wanting both.

Edited by Vecke
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So, a lot of trolling and no serious responses. Figures.


I repeat: gear you get from standing around doing quests with your friends or farming BT should not EVER be on par with gear you make from crafting.


The very idea is extremely stupid. If you want your perfect look, that look that no one else can get, then live with the trade off.


No, yet again, what we have is people demanding everything when nothing has been done to deserve it. Bioware will probably cave and slap an augment slot on the social gear, again reducing any use of any of the crafting armor professions to nothingness. Why bother going through all the trouble and expense of crafting when you can run n00bs through BT and obtain the same power gear?


There's one upside. I put a lot of people on this thread on ignore, so at least my forum experience will be better going forward.


Utterly pointless?? do you know how stupid you sound making that claim?


Lets take a look at what you can make with the crafting skills that social armor doesn't cover.


Mods... you'll need those for your social gear so proven usefull on the first item look at that.


More looks... not everyone likes the social armor looks over crafted armor looks


hm... whats this... the top craftables that people want are customizables... how in any way is that different than social gear? Oh... 1.2 will bring augment slots to crafted customs...


Dude get over yourself and realize the MMO experiance is for EVERYONE not the select elite few. I'm talking to all three of you elitist groups here, PvPers, Raiders, and Crafters. Will the three of you shut the hell up about your petty squables and realize NONE of you are entitled to jack squat. They could have easily made vendor gear better than EVERYTHING else in the game if they wanted to. But instead they are going to great lengths to do what every MMO should have in the first place, and making all equal.

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Stop debating dishonestly. We both know where that money goes and who sets the price.


I'm not being dishonest I'm refer to what you as a buyer has to do to go get the item. You also have more of a say of the items price when its on the GTN than when its on an NPC vendor where you basically have to lump it or loath it. I think you've just got some skewed idea on that all crafters are out to get you.



Good luck trying to make me feel ashamed for rejecting the idea that Bioware should take things away from me and give them to you so you can make money off me.


I actually went bio-chem like any sensible person and when I can be bothered to craft it goes into free stuff for guildies. But of cause all crafters are evil money grabbers right. ;)

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I support this thread.


Oh, and BT runs take at least 20m with high end toons. longer if you have someone with lag (takes forever for the cut scenes to start).


But ironically, we get a ton of conversation in during these runs. plus jokes about the cute officer (well, i think she's cute...the other guys go for the redhead...) so were still very social, so IMO that still counts, even if were squashing the mobs like bugs. were even setting times not to see if we can beat our last run.


So even with high level BT speed runs, were still being....social. weird, I know...get rewarded for being social.


and I save a total of...let's see, how much does one piece of moddable lvl 11 gear cost on the GMT...about 2k on my server. so for doing BT enough to make you puke (approximately 6 for an average BT run to get to social II, about 12-14 for soical III), I save....


2000 credits! man, im such a hack. soo lazy.. I should fire myself. instead of going out and farming 5 mobs at lvl 50 and buying off the GMT.


yeah. right.

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I repeat: gear you get from standing around doing quests with your friends or farming BT should not EVER be on par with gear you make from crafting.


I repeat: what makes you think empty social gear with just some open slots that powerful?


And why jumping around GTN spamming crews until crit is such stellar effort?

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Do we really need higher social rank for its augment slots? I respectfully disagree.. In social gear's defense, gathering people and get them stick to the last conversations were a lot harder and challenging, than sitting at GTN spamming my crew until critical success.


I'd go even further and say that getting Social V is much harder than clearing NM operations and getting Battlemaster.

So hopefully they completely remove current system and introduce something non-retarded.

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The ignorance is strong with this thread.


I'm talking to all three of you elitist groups here, PvPers, Raiders, and Crafters.


You're essentially calling all 50's "elitists" which reflects more poorly on you than anyone you're attempting to disparage.



I repeat: what makes you think empty social gear with just some open slots that powerful?


And why jumping around GTN spamming crews until crit is such stellar effort?


And you, you really don't get it at all. I will try to answer your questions.


Q: I repeat: what makes you think empty social gear with just some open slots that powerful?

A: Social Gear with Augment Slots would be on par with the most powerful crafted gear in the game. Yes, you'd need the mods. But you wouldn't need the recipes OR the crit-crafts from those recipes, so Synthweaving and Armormech become almost useless. Ruin 2 crafting skills so you can get your gear for almost zero time invested? No.


Q: And why jumping around GTN spamming crews until crit is such stellar effort?

A: You're obviously not a crafter :)


The amount of effort it takes to gear yourself with BIS gear is astounding, almost monumental. I've been playing since December 13th. My "main alt" has over 300 hours /played @ level 43. He is a Synthweaver (but using the Muse set, bought with commendations, with Voidmaster gloves).


Right now, the only point to Synthweave is for belts and bracers. Every 2 levels, I spend a number of days just crafting Mods for him. It can take a whole week just to craft 1 enhancement. Not to mention the other enhancement, mod, armouring, hilt, crystal, focus, belt, bracers, earpiece, and implants. What's the last single thing you did in-game that took a week of effort?


Anyway, if you're suggesting social gear gets an aug slot, you understand very little about crafting. By the way, you can crit-craft certain orange weapons - why aren't you clamouring for social weapons with augs?


By giving us the ability to crit-craft orange armour, BW is saving Synthweaving and Armormech from irrelevance. What you are suggesting would do the exact opposite. That's why you're wrong.

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1. you dont seem to understand that just sticking a rakata mod into slave girl top does not make it equal to the high end stuff. its still LIGHT armor with a lower armor rating than if you had modded out a piece of heavy
??? What if they're an Inquisitor/Consular. They use light armour...


So that would be equal to high end stuff if you had the mods to go inside it.


2. social gear is stupid easy in this game to achieve. your ability to run black talon on normal mode every 5 minutes for 150 social points should not unlock the highest quality armor in the game
It doesn't? You still need the mods to insert in the gear... Running black talon 50 times is a lot harder to do than simply waltzing up to any vendor (or the GTN etc.) and buying any orange piece of gear that a Social 0 player could wear. I don't understand your post at all, it just doesn't make any sense to me. Why should social gear be useless compared to other orange gear that is much easier to get hold of? What could that possibly achieve?


Social gear isn't just for "goofing" around in. It's end-game viable and people like that. It means they can customise how they look, and Bioware's changes to the end-game PvP/PvE armour are an effort to make that possible. They're also adding more medium and heavy armour to social vendors so that more players can wear social gear. If it was just for "goofing" around, then light armour would suffice right? Because anyone can wear it. But no, they're trying to make more armour end-game viable and give people a greater breadth of choices.


what you just asked for is raid quality items to be available for doing about 1 hours worth of work
Don't put words in other people's mouths. You still have to raid for the 25 Mods or Rakata tier gear. I'm pretty sure my 25 Assassin with Social IV doesn't have "raid quality items" in her Hoth social gear.


youd have to achive the stat quality item AND the social quality item you wanted and than combine them
Yeah that's how it already works. You get the stats from raiding and you get the social items from doing flashpoints and quests. Both take effort. I've done Black Talon for Social IV now which is really low compared to Social X and I can tell you it takes more than an hour... And that's not just running Black Talon constantly either, I've been questing in groups whenever I've been on the worlds too. I think Social I to II is about 750 points or something like that, and you get about 150 per run. And a run takes maybe 15-30 minutes, not including the LFG Social Farming general chat spam. To get really high level Social gear you're talking about quite a bit of effort, when you get into the higher tiers.


if social armor were suddenly the best customizable gear you will single handedly have removed all use or purpose to raiding in this game





We've all been doing it wrong. We've been screwing around killing Soa and Karraga on Hard Mode, or grinding Warzones and Ilum to get the best gear this whole time and according to you, we should have been running a level 10 instance this whole time in order to get the "best customisable gear" (completely empty, stat-less, orange gear) that eclipses raid-gear somehow? Do you know how stupid that sounds?


You do realise that social gear is empty right? It doesn't have any mods in it... Just checking because that's the only misunderstanding that could possibly account for what you just posted. I'm nearly convinced you've never played TOR before or are simply trolling. And I'm not trying to be mean here, I just am genuinely bewildered and trying to see if you perhaps don't understand how orange gear works. And when we use the words "end-game viable" in regards to social gear, that refers to AFTER we've put in the mods and such that we obtain from raids, crafting or PvP. Just trying to clear up any possible confusion...


Also... I should point out that the OP is not asking that Social gear come with an augment... But rather, an augment SLOT, so you would still have to go buy or craft that augment in order to get the most out of your social gear.

Edited by Ashyel
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