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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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That's a much better example than hunting Krayt Dragons.


Though most of the time I see people complaining about the lack of social interaction in TOR, I can't help but ask if they've tried to interact with other people. One thing that TOR did right, I think, is that they don't force you to do anything with other people, its completely option on all fronts. If someone wants to be social, the tools are all there, you just need to learn to use them.


I've got to agree with them about the lack of community on TOR. I have tried interacting with people, but most of the time it just seems to get nowhere. Many people even seem to prefer competing against you when you are after the same mobs, rather than group up, even for a single quest.


I have found a few players who are up for social stuff, and have started to gather them into a guild as I find them. The ones who are willing anyways. It is an Imperial guild on Dune Bantha, currently only about 10 members, but if anyone reads this and is interested in learning more, please let me know.

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Personally, I never ran in to any more drama or QQ in SWG than I do in any other MMO, this one included. The only drama that showed up in the final days was between people trying to keep the game going despite the inevitable, and those either telling them to let it go (Which was pointless) and those vehemently glad that it was being shut down.


Otherwise, QQ and drama is nothing new or specific to SWG.

Type in Xaos Kun on the youtube search.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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(Skimmed through the thread.)

You can't deny that SWG was awesome. If you do deny it then you're just jumping on the negative bandwagon to kill time or similar. Sure, it had its flaws but it was entertaining regardless. There were things to do, things to craft, mobs and players to kill, Jedi to hunt, and everything had a purpose. It eventually got the space expansion that made SWG what it needed to be. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't the worst thing out there. It was nicely balanced...with flaws. If it sucked people wouldn't be playing it.


If you guys want to say SWG sucked then do so by slamming the stupid NGE update that got rid of most of my (and others) progress which we worked all so hard to get. I didn't hear anybody wanting to get rid of their subscriptions until that NGE came out. People enjoy complaining, it makes them feel good. When NGE came out you could tell people wre insanely ticked off.


As for JTLS ex-pack - There were equal amounts of players on the ground as there were in space, or at least the server I was on. They were always doing something. Customizing your ship to attack NPCs or to PVP in space.The awesome freedom!


The only thing bad about SWG were the arrogant asses thinking they were all that, the Rebel factions acting as Imperials, and the combat animations when I think back to it.


I wasn't the best of players, but I did have things that the NGE got rid of. I was in two awesome guilds and even in two nice player-made cities on both Dantooine and Tatooine. The game was as great as you made it. I did make memorable memories because the game actually allows us to make such memories. You had to learn everything from both the NPCs and the players to get things done. Flashpoints and operations are the only thing people talk about in SWTOR. Crafting? Whats that? Bugger off.....


I'll say SWG wins when it comes to player interactions because people would help on a whim and whenever possible. People opened up, unlike SWTOR.


I guess I'll agree with you that SWTOR wins when it comes to story and the flow.




SWTOR? It does come close, but story-wise it restricts us. All the maps I play on are about half or quarter of the size of the ones found on SWG. I'll note the scenery does look nice regardless. The space portion is neat and all, but its restrictive in SWTOR. SWTOR needs to open itself up a lot more if it wants to survive for as long as SWG did and fix space. I know it is new, but it has a lot of catching up to do to the other MMO's out there.


So far we can agree that the class stories, the quests, crew skills, companions, flash-points, and operations are the best part of SWTOR so far. It doesn't have Pazaak, Sabaac, Star Wars chess, proper space, and the freedom to do things once you're done. Sure, you can free-roam all so slightly but those maps aren't as vast as SWG's to give you that "you're trying to survive" in a Star Wars world.


Players in SWTOR appear to be outright lazy bunches of people...This is where SWG wins with people helping each other. People helped you out on a whim in SWG vs people doing it when necessary on SWTOR.



"Do you want to do X?"

- Silence




Can you spare some credits or help me?

*gets mailed 1 million credits on SWG* and sure!


You're simply a tourist (SWTOR) paying a lot to stay vs a resident (SWG) trying to make a living in a Star Wars Universe.


Edit: Fixed some poor wording on my part, sorry.

Edited by Subtrance
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I'm currently levelling up my char and have reached level 30 after a couple of months (dont play very often). What I really miss about SWG was that you didnt have to just stay on the questline or keep on doing quests/grind/sub 50 pvp all the time. You were free to fly to any planet you want and explore the open worlds. I know some have said open planets had nothing much but that's utter nonsense. Every planet had different terrain and landscape, player cities, large NPC cities and points of interest for you to visit.


I went to the krayt graveyard on tatooine last week and there was nothing there. The first time I went to the krayt graveyard in SWG I got slaughtered by a huge krayt dragon who took me out with a couple of blows (pre nge) and blew up my speeder bike. It was an amazingly dangerous place for a new player to explore and that made it so exciting. If you got bored with questing/grinding you could explore and that was awesome for a new player. The sarlacc pitt, Ben Kenobi's house, the krayt graveyard, mos eisley cantina etc on Tatooine alone and many many more places on other planets where you could see places from the movies.


And if you were bored of planets you could go for a ride on some kind persons POB and see the galaxy from space in different types of multi player ships and even become a gunner to get space xp. You could go anywhere you wanted and see anything you felt like. And you could do all this as a low level. In swtor you go where the devs tell you and you can't deviate from the path because really..what is the point of going there if you dont have a quest to complete?


I like SWTOR a lot and I accept that its a different game which is so much more polished than SWG ever was/could be. But I think SWTOR needs to add some sandbox/open world elements to the game because its seriously lacking depth at the moment.

Edited by sebalut
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I'll agree 100% with subtrance; no mmo has offered me the same memories as i've gained in SWG-precu. I still hold on to my jedi pictures, my bounty hunter ones... you get the just. I've never been in such a great, friendly community ever like that. Everytime i look back, i honestly miss it; alot. The emulator just announced that they are going into there alpha stage, so i'm switching my sub over and paying more for it just to play that game, to keep the servers live.

-Wow had a decent community, if you raided or pvp'd

-crafting was decent in wow, it gave your another thing to do, this game doesn't really give the option, as its just easier to click on your companion and do it.

-swtor has no economy what so ever.

-swtor just straight up feels like the NGE, which pisses me off cause that is the ONLY reason my group of friends left SWG and now SWTOR alike.

-I still talk to the group of people i played on tarquinas with.

- I dont talk to anyone who i played wow with, and i really don't care for the people in this game either, they are just there for the name of MMORPG, You don't need to interact with any, to be honest though, i met two friends here that i started talking to, and they played swg and agree with me.

-If bioware was smart, maybe take over the license and open up a few pre cu swg servers, you'd bring in at least 200 people i know, who did start playing this game and left already, and keep them there, cause i'm absolutely sure if they just kept adding new schematics, attempted to do a few balances, fix the pool system, everyone i know would STILL be playing. Every time i talk to them its always SWTOR isn't swg, so i quit. And i'm already bored, so i cancelled my sub and i'll wait for the emu Alpha :)

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Must admit I enjoyed swg in the pre nge days and the pre cu days the most even through I played after the nge came out, then I started trying other online games too but never got into them like swg did. Then I heard of the swgemu and sometimes I do look and see what they done on their web site.


Must admit I felt same feeling when I first try the swtor on the beta test still got it now in a way. And main posting question which you prefer swtor or swg, my view each got their on good points and bad points and each game was or is best of the game at the time, but swtor is showing the signs of becoming a good game, but the future patchs coming out could be the main reason if its going be a good game or a great game. So to say which I prefer now I am not 100% sure until the future patchs come out.


I remember in other games that a patch could kill the game fully or make it best around but time will tell that.


( jeez most I writen on this web site)

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(Skimmed through the thread.)

You can't deny that SWG was awesome.


Yes I can. And I do.



If you do deny it then you're just jumping on the negative bandwagon to kill time or similar.


Nope. I deny it because SWG, especially pre-CU, didn't provide nearly enough plot-driven mission threads for my tastes. We all value different things, and TOR is a much better game so far for what I enjoy in a game. SWG in comparison was threadbare and underdeveloped.

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Regardless of which was better, SWG was probably closer to multiplayer than this will ever be. SWTOR is nice though ... I just get a single player feel to it no matter how much I try to play with others. With the adaption of mail and galactic trade on ships through the legacy system ... no one will ever have to leave their ship to do anything again.
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I really wish swtor had combined the sandbox elements of swg into their wow clone. Imagine having a galaxy in the star wars universe that worked like EVE, along with the WoW type gameplay you see on planets.


The economy would be sandbox, making everything useful... it just stupifies me why they didnt do this.


Get the players with the WoW clone game play and SW lore, keep them playing with the complexity of the EVE universe.


Having sandbox and linear features in the same game is the worst idea ever. Just being able to craft doesn't make it sandbox, being able to do what you want, kill who you please and change anything you wish makes it sandbox, linear such as this game everything is set out for you.

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Regardless of which was better, SWG was probably closer to multiplayer than this will ever be. SWTOR is nice though ... I just get a single player feel to it no matter how much I try to play with others. With the adaption of mail and galactic trade on ships through the legacy system ... no one will ever have to leave their ship to do anything again.


That's exactly how SWG was. People had multiple toons to do all their crafting for them and didn't need to interact with others.

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That's exactly how SWG was. People had multiple toons to do all their crafting for them and didn't need to interact with others.


absolute nonsense, and it makes me wonder if you even EVER played the game, making an ignorant statement like this....there were no multiple toons per server to start with, 1 toon/server/account, so what you claim is "everyone" running multiple accounts which is a blatant LIE


On top of that if you had played the game you'd now mastering a crafting prof got you NOTHING if you didn't have access to quality resources ,and assembly/experimentation tapes....


People who clearly never played the game should refrain from posting in this thread....people craving braindead "we tell you what to do, when and where" games also should not post as the type of game SWG was very clearly goes WAY over their head....

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I played SWG, had a Master Ranger. After the NGE and death of my Master Ranger I really felt indifferent towards the game, still played it though. I personally feel that SWTOR is much more fun, would be nice to have bigger planets to explore though.
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A popular argument against SWTOR is its lack of in-game player community. A popular supporting argument includes the lack of content promoting an active player community. Agreed, that is something that could be implemented. But let's inject some sociology:


I want to throw something else out there, as food for thought. Perhaps this lack of community stems from the time we live in. MMO's are no longer anything new, and games that are coming out these days are somewhat "a dime a dozen," in that as far as MMO's go a new one comes out every 2 or 3 months. Players are less willing to commit to a game, and therefore tend to express a kind of indifference to it when playing. They know in the back of their minds that they have dozens of other choices if they don't end up liking the game, even in the slightest.


So they're not as careful about making friends or socializing because, why bother? We'll just move on to the next game in a couple of months anyway, right? That just seems to be the mindset of it.


As far as earlier MMO's like SWG, I don't think a newer MMO will ever match the community it once had. It doesn't matter how much content you throw at it. The only way I can see it happening is if the game is mind-blowingly revolutionary in its design, and word gets spread like wildfire about this amazing MMO that is just beyond belief. But too many players are non-chalant nowadays for games to impress them like they once did.

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This game is just a WoW clone with lightsabers and voices. It makes you do the same exact thing as WoW


Kill 6 Jedi/Gnomes

Slow the horde/republic advance stop ________


Besides the main story theres not an actual story anywhere else. Its always the same Kill # of these, Loot # of these. Exactly like WoW. Crafting is also a bunch of crap.


I tried to craft in SWG and i was horrible, but it definitely took effort, skill and alot to understand how to be a good crafter. SWG was also more social than any other MMO and that definitely brings more "Star Wars Immersion" then kill # jedi because ____.


Welcome to the world of MMOs. Good day sir.

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SWTOR MMO + SWG space-simulator action and sandbox + the ships in SWG + Ship Customization + Ship missions = better SWTOR version then the current version. I think SWTOR has hope, but it needs more content, and gathering mats need to be harder.


My background:


- Played SWG when it first began.

- Was one of the first to be jedi on my server when the first jedi player appeared, and reached up to Jedi Sentinel (3rd tier tree from Jedi Knight to Jedi Master).

- Spent many hours training on some map edge of Endor to level grind and hide from BH players.

- One of few Alliance faction Jedi, post revamp, on my side to go Imperial to get the Jedi Star Fighter ship, and then went back to Alliance faction again.

- End my SWG career when they tried to turn SWG into a console game that failed epic-ly, after the Mustafar expanion/content went live.

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Did you forget the part in SWG where you were restricted to ONE character per server?


Did you forget the part where a lot of people had unlocked slots, multiple accounts, and that game was SUPER easy to multi-box in.

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heh, do people not think of the buff system PRE-CU or the horrible decay rates of items in both Pre-CU and CU?


The game would have been pretty good if those two problems were fixed.


Also jedi, which was a whole other issue that needed to be fixed. They should have never added jedi to the game or they should have been selectable at the start and balanced them with the ranged classes.


You had to play a Melee Stacker to not get steamrolled by glowstick users.

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