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1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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Not that my opinion is any more relevant than anyone else's on this subject, but frankly I find this inconsequential and/or don't care. With 1.2 there will doubtlessly be new "phat lewt" for the omgsoelite players to grind out, this is a similar model taken by other games in the past and it appears as if the special vendors will only be temporarily available.


Note: I did not read this 80 pg thread.

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This game had achievements?


I have a Codex telling me WHEN I killed something...



Also this is on the PTR do you have any proof?


Could they just be testing?



I sorta wish people like the OP would quit...and stop trying to rally the sheeple to his cause...if you dont like it...leave...

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As soon as companies realized they could not only make a profit from gamers, but become filthy rich off of us, the "ZoMg special uber leet lolhardcore" content stopped.


Personally, I haven't seen NEAR the crybabying for this game that I have seen for others. People don't seem to care about the current endgame (the lack thereof) or what color crystal anyone has.


Hell.. if they offered everything on vendors that was available through every type of "endgame" (PvE/PvP/Crafting/Dailies/etc)... who cares?


They could attach a title to the achievements of doing it the "hard" way. They could give the title "Laziest of Carebears" to people who just buy it. I know I'd wear the title proudly... along with THOUSANDS of others.


It's a video game. Modern developers realize that gaming is a hobby, it's not a lifestyle (for 97% of gamers.. and yup, statistics online are always true), and one that most people do for fun. Healthy people feel accomplished in real life and don't need to parade around in something purple to think they completed some hard task.


The shed they built in the backyard or alternator that was replaced in their 2002 Mercury Cougar (Look it up.. it ain't easy) means more than killing pixels over and over to get a drop.


I used to spend 40+ hours a week raiding, farming for repair bill/mats, crafting for raid nights, officer meetings.. etc... etc... etc..


That was before I had children, a wife, a college degree, and a career. Sure, I could still be all LOLHARDCORE and get things done, but it's just not important... just as it's not important for a majority of gamers.


The loud minority that cares about accomplishing something in a video game should keep looking. SWTOR will never have what you are looking for, nor will any other mass marketed MMO. Your hardmodes will be nerfed, your gear will be had by all, your titles mean little when 6 months later, people solo content to get them.


MMOs, by design, are meant to be enjoyed by as many people as possible (unless your market is Asian only, or it's EvE online). Why would companies spend so much money for content that few, comparatively, will experience? Blizzard tried to go back to LOLHARDCORE. They were rewarded with less than 6% of players actually doing it. They lost millions of subscribers. They backpedaled somewhat. They got subscribers back... somewhat.


People spend so much time ranting and raving about a video game... jeebus. If it's important enough to post about, and you don't think it will change, just quit the game. There is no contract that forces anyone to continue playing something they dislike.



This man speaks so much truth, I just don't know where to begin...





(I used to have a 2001 Cougar. Loved it!)

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We are not even talking about "Old" items here. This game is 2 months new, many haven't even made it to 50 yet.


This change makes you wanna grind and rush through the game and not take your time to enjoy it, because if you don't you'll miss the opportunity to get the items as intended.


"you can still do the puzzles" tell me WHO will get the magenta schematics the old fashioned way if you can just pick it up at the vendor.

Edited by daMarek
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"you can still do the puzzles" tell me WHO will get the magenta schematics the old fashioned way if you can just pick it up at the vendor.


I would.


caveat: If I found the "old fashioned way" enjoyable.

Edited by Geoduck
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As soon as companies realized they could not only make a profit from gamers, but become filthy rich off of us, the "ZoMg special uber leet lolhardcore" content stopped.


Personally, I haven't seen NEAR the crybabying for this game that I have seen for others. People don't seem to care about the current endgame (the lack thereof) or what color crystal anyone has.


Hell.. if they offered everything on vendors that was available through every type of "endgame" (PvE/PvP/Crafting/Dailies/etc)... who cares?


They could attach a title to the achievements of doing it the "hard" way. They could give the title "Laziest of Carebears" to people who just buy it. I know I'd wear the title proudly... along with THOUSANDS of others.


It's a video game. Modern developers realize that gaming is a hobby, it's not a lifestyle (for 97% of gamers.. and yup, statistics online are always true), and one that most people do for fun. Healthy people feel accomplished in real life and don't need to parade around in something purple to think they completed some hard task.


The shed they built in the backyard or alternator that was replaced in their 2002 Mercury Cougar (Look it up.. it ain't easy) means more than killing pixels over and over to get a drop.


I used to spend 40+ hours a week raiding, farming for repair bill/mats, crafting for raid nights, officer meetings.. etc... etc... etc..


That was before I had children, a wife, a college degree, and a career. Sure, I could still be all LOLHARDCORE and get things done, but it's just not important... just as it's not important for a majority of gamers.


The loud minority that cares about accomplishing something in a video game should keep looking. SWTOR will never have what you are looking for, nor will any other mass marketed MMO. Your hardmodes will be nerfed, your gear will be had by all, your titles mean little when 6 months later, people solo content to get them.


MMOs, by design, are meant to be enjoyed by as many people as possible (unless your market is Asian only, or it's EvE online). Why would companies spend so much money for content that few, comparatively, will experience? Blizzard tried to go back to LOLHARDCORE. They were rewarded with less than 6% of players actually doing it. They lost millions of subscribers. They backpedaled somewhat. They got subscribers back... somewhat.


People spend so much time ranting and raving about a video game... jeebus. If it's important enough to post about, and you don't think it will change, just quit the game. There is no contract that forces anyone to continue playing something they dislike.



This. :D

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I highly doubt it


Yeah, because you know me.



But you don't need to know me. It's human nature. If something is enjoyable people will do it.


If it is not enjoyable to them, well, they most likely won't, and will then take the path of least resistance.



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Yeah, because you know me.



But you don't need to know me. It's human nature. If something is enjoyable people will do it.


If it is not enjoyable to them, well, they most likely won't, and will then take the path of least resistance.




Do you ever get the +10 datacron again once you already got it? And I don't mean doing it to help someone else get it. I mean getting people to do it with you "just for fun"


No. Didn't think so.


Patch 1.1.6 notes: Added a vendor that sells +10 datacron.


Lost content is lost.

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a guild mate of mine bought a speeder only to find out the cost was being reduced in 1.1.5.

He was mildly upset, cause he spent ~1.4 mil on it and could have waited for the patch, saving a considerable number of credits.

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Seems my last statement convinced the naysayers, now its time to bump this issue so Bioware dont go ahead with these aweful changes.


Stop bumping this worthless thread! Bioware is temporarily putting these vendors in the game to siphon credits from the economy. Why is this so hard to understand? They are not killing rarity and achievement, as there will be NEW things to achieve in 1.2. They simply want to give the economy a fresh start and reward players that have stuck around for 3 months with something that is only offered for a limited time. Let it die.

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Did anyone REALLY read the RP-blogpost about the temporary price cut? It says that the mounts in question will not only be made available for resale but also be REMOVED from the game with 1.2!


So I do not see rarity dropping at all.

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lame - it's like the CE vendor sells to everyone.


precious items should be obtained by challenges.


content and obtaining rare items gets easier over time anyway,

but I am talking years and not 2 month after release ;)


caerbear ville here we come.

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Again: 1.1.5 won't make


your crafting skills


any more useful


than they are now.


L2R people.


1.2 will. 1.1.5 will not. See the difference in numbers? Here we discuss 1.1.5. NOT 1.2.


and what you see on PTS is not necessarily what will be seen on live.

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