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1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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This thread makes me laugh for real.


I got purple crystals, 2 of them, from raiding. I got a mount from EV and I do not give 2 ***** if you can buy them off a vendor. I have 0 desire to buy any of em for my alts because I can make red and blue ones, purple quality, on my crafter which has the same stats. The mounts are ugly imo anyway.


As for this other nonsense, how does other peoples preferred game style, be it solo or goruping/raiding affect you? It doesn't, so why do you care? You should be happy that the game caters to more people! While they might not group with you, they will possibly buy your stuff from the AH, you know stuff that can only be made with patterns that drop in RAIDS. Play the game or don't instead of ************ and moaning about what OTHER people are or aren't doing.


I raid heavily, clear all content on 2 characters every week and I care more about a pile of rocks than I do about people idling in the fleet, chatting. I suggest a reality check to those who care about other people who do not directly affect them or their gameplay in *any* way. Complaining about design choices is another matter entirely, that isn't the fault of the players though, just like games being dumbed down for consoles isn't the fault of the person playing the console.

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Remember when rares were spawned in the world, and it would take forever to find/get one, and you decorated your house with them?


I loved my skull and candle. :D


The guild i was in had their tower decorated with sarcophagus (sarcophagi?), that was pretty cool

Edited by Tic-
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Well, if so than TOR obviously is one of worst games on this topic.

In endgame you have two options: PvP or Ops/HMs. There's no alternative way of progression.

Agreed, and this has been a big let down for some players. BW wanted the solo player market and they said as much, they assumed we would be busy playing upto 8 alts before players started getting edgy. Me I was hoping for solo versions of existing FP's & OP's to grind my teeth on for months.


Single player dailies are an introduction to PvP and Ops, nothing more.

Space Missions are a joke. Especially with all-light armor as a rewards and uber-repetitive quests.

There are also some adventures - datacrons, magenta crystal, etc. but... most of them require multiplayer at some point anyway and there's too few of them sadly.

Agree with all of this, obtained nearly all the datacrons had the most difficulty obtaining the ones that required 2 players. Space flight....we wont go there, magenta crystals I never worried about as my raiding days are over, again any light armour above social rank 1 I cant get. I do have Jaesa wearing the dancers outfit, so wanted the slave girls outfit for Vette but meh need rank 2. Yep this game is solo from 1-50 and then likes to kick you in the teeth.


And... well, there isn't anything else that comes into my mind.


So current TOR definitely isn't a long-term game for single player gamers. It even truly isn't for those who look for MMO due to the lack of content, but that's a topic for different discussion.

Very true, if solo FP's & OP's arent introduced fairly soon players will leave due to lack of character progression. And those that love leveling alts will have nothing to do when they are done, i'm struggling at 3 becasue so many of the class quest storylines are very similar.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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to me this doesnt sound like an achievement, it sounds like a job.


also this is a video game i am paying to play, so you will not get much sympathy from me when you whine over your pixels.




sorry, to me this is just borderline insanity.


there are a million things in life to achieve and worry about.


....yet here you are worried about some crystals in a video game and wanting people to have run some dungeon ridiculous amounts of times to get an imaginary item...


yeah, thats freaking insane.

I laughed so hard I peed myself.

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Remember when rares were spawned in the world, and it would take forever to find/get one, and you decorated your house with them?


I loved my skull and candle. :D


The guild i was in had their tower decorated with a sarcophagus, that was cool


Remember when writing letters, on paper(!), was the only way to communicate between long distances? Yeah, I don't either.

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Well, if so than TOR obviously is one of worst games on this topic.

In endgame you have two options: PvP or Ops/HMs. There's no alternative way of progression.


Single player dailies are an introduction to PvP and Ops, nothing more.

Space Missions are a joke. Especially with all-light armor as a rewards and uber-repetitive quests.

There are also some adventures - datacrons, magenta crystal, etc. but... most of them require multiplayer at some point anyway and there's too few of them sadly.


And... well, there isn't anything else that comes into my mind.


So current TOR definitely isn't a long-term game for single player gamers. It even truly isn't for those who look for MMO due to the lack of content, but that's a topic for different discussion.


You have totally missed the point. The game will have to progress. The level cap will be raised. There will be more content.


If I am wrong, than yes, I agree with you and I will drop my subscription. This is the foundation. You are upset because you had to "walk uphill both ways in a blizzard" to get there, and when it was my turn to go, they had a bus to take me.


It will be ok. I promise!

Edited by Warjhinn
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Remember when rares were spawned in the world, and it would take forever to find/get one, and you decorated your house with them?


I loved my skull and candle. :D


The guild i was in had their tower decorated with sarcophagus (sarcophagi?), that was pretty cool


Oh my gosh! I remember when I got characters tough enough to go camp for the spawning rares. It was fun to do for a while, even though people had them on vendors for almost nothing

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Remember when writing letters, on paper(!), was the only way to communicate between long distances? Yeah, I don't either.




My point was, MMOs weren't always about constant grouping and raiding as most people here seem to think.

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God forbid that ppl have different tastes ehh?TERA will keep me busy for a long time to come and i couldnt care less about SWTOR anymore.I still have 20 days left so thats why i can still post.


What you "casuals" have to understand tho, its us "hardcore" players that are the core of the game.It's us who test stuff on the PTR to see how it goes, its us who give the most feedback about the game as you dear casuals dont have time to do such things or are just lazy and only want to play the game and cry on forums without even knowing on how to help the game devs.Anyway enjoy your game while it lasts.


When did lazy = casual? Please tell me . . . I consider myself casual but I still log in to the game and you know, actually quest, work on crew skills and don't expect everything handed to me. I also beta tested and gave constructive feedback. I still bug report if I find something. It looks like the only one crying here is you while you point fingers at the "lazy casual player".


Adios muchacho! Enjoy Tera. I sure hope you don't find any lazy casuals over there. :rolleyes:

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I agree with Mashy.


Quit worrying about what the other cat has, how he got it, or how his ease of acquisition is an affront to your sensibilities. You got yours, he got his, be done with it. If this still doesn't solve the issue take a break for a day or two to realize it's a game. :rolleyes:


I like how you put this! Agree 100%


I have no problem with things being sold in game for in game credits. It's not like everyone will plunk down a million credits for something. Some may have the credits to spend and that's great. My lvl 30-something has 50k. Just as I don't care if someone has over a million credits and I don't, I don't care if someone has X-item and I don't, or if I earned X-item and they bought it for a million credits.


Now, if in game items were sold for real money I would vehemently oppose it. Within the game, it's all good.

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Some People DO PLAY to get unique rewards. That was the OPs point. And if its just a game to have "fun" why do the casuals want the items that the raiders get? I mean, its just a game right???


There are new cool items they can get. Can't coast on past achievements forever.

Edited by Caelrie
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So you're saying that someone who wants to play pvp only cannot have the best stuff unless they raid too?


If pvp gear would work the way it was intended in its entirety then you wouldn't have people mixing PVE gear with PVP gear.


I welcome this change.

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You say.. What, that every mmo randomly gives away all the items for almost no cost?

That doesn't make any sense, I thought that MMOs were all about gearing and achieving stuff. Not giving it away just to show-off.

That's the Barbie and Sims series domain man. ;)


And Blizzards.

Where do you think most of that freeloaders who want everything for free with no effort at all come from?

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And Blizzards.

Where do you think most of that freeloaders who want everything for free with no effort at all come from?

The Sims.

That was my guess.

No idea that WoW was a place where are the carebears grow up. :rolleyes:

(no sarcasm in it - I had no idea that WoW did same BS)

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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So you're saying that someone who wants to play pvp only cannot have the best stuff unless they raid too?


If pvp gear would work the way it was intended in its entirety then you wouldn't have people mixing PVE gear with PVP gear.


I welcome this change.


Off topic, but there should be no difference in PvE vs. PvP gear... combat should be combat in a rules-based system.

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Im really HOPING that they are just giving stuff away on Test so that it can be tested, and not planning to do this on Live servers.


It seems very likely that the prices on the test server are just so people on the test server can actually purchase them and the prices when this change goes live will be adjusted. From everything I've read, it suggest this is only a temporary change until 1.2 (Which is supposed to be released sometime in March) and after that there will be additional ways to obtain some items for sale on vendors now instead of just endgame PvPing/Raiding.

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So you're saying that someone who wants to play pvp only cannot have the best stuff unless they raid too?


If pvp gear would work the way it was intended in its entirety then you wouldn't have people mixing PVE gear with PVP gear.


I welcome this change.


You absolutely should not have the best PVE gear by just PVPing.

Just as you cannot get the best PVP gear by raiding.


If you want the best PVE gear, progress through the PVE content. Same goes for PVP!


They really need to increase the amount of expertise on pvp gear and then lower the normal stats to balance it, making pvp gear the same as it is now (or slightly better) in pvp but weaker in pve, imo.

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I dont really care about the mounts or things that dont really improve a person's skills. However, I think there should be some difficult items to obtain in both PvP and PvE that will improve your skill and give you an edge over the competitors.
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