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when both people are watching their debuffs to know to move if they have it and not having it yeah its bugged and btw our sniper no debuff in his shield with other cds popped he got hit for 18k nearly 1 shot through cds with no debuff please explain this


So let me get this right.


Both people were watching thier debuffs and NEITHER had pound. It was a random (buggy) swipe that 1 shotted 2 people.


Yet your sniper was using his hunker down, with his DS pop'd and had used a rakata medipack to boost his health because he knew this random swipe was coming? He blew all his CDs because of his ability to predict the future I guess? Or maby he'd just been pounded, taken a ton of damage, used his medipack and CDs instead of moving like he should?


I'll let you decide.

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So let me get this right.


Both people were watching thier debuffs and NEITHER had pound. It was a random (buggy) swipe that 1 shotted 2 people.


Yet your sniper was using his hunker down, with his DS pop'd and had used a rakata medipack to boost his health because he knew this random swipe was coming? He blew all his CDs because of his ability to predict the future I guess? Or maby he'd just been pounded, taken a ton of damage, used his medipack and CDs instead of moving like he should?


I'll let you decide.


check mate ?

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i rather use battle rez on that guy than continue to wait on phase 2...


Problem with that if someone dies on a floor drop there corpse can get bugged when it lands on the bottom floor and give you an error message that they are to far or be completely untargetable for the brez.


The bosses enrage is set to 4 pillar drops on phase 3 ur better of taking ur time finnishing up phase 2 and doing it safely then rushing to get to phase 3

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So let me get this right.


Both people were watching thier debuffs and NEITHER had pound. It was a random (buggy) swipe that 1 shotted 2 people.


Yet your sniper was using his hunker down, with his DS pop'd and had used a rakata medipack to boost his health because he knew this random swipe was coming? He blew all his CDs because of his ability to predict the future I guess? Or maby he'd just been pounded, taken a ton of damage, used his medipack and CDs instead of moving like he should?


I'll let you decide.


umm maybe causs it was near a kill of the beast and we didnt want to lose a dps so anyone who he was on was told to pop every defensive to live and it was on him again you dont get it getting HIT not crit for 18k no one outside a fully geared tank would survive that unmitigated hit with minimal cds

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umm maybe causs it was near a kill of the beast and we didnt want to lose a dps so anyone who he was on was told to pop every defensive to live and it was on him again you dont get it getting HIT not crit for 18k no one outside a fully geared tank would survive that unmitigated hit with minimal cds


you are deluded if you honestly believe that it was "bugs" instead of poor play on your, or your guildies, play. "good" players accept and overcome instead of coming to forums whining about things that are very beatable.

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umm maybe causs it was near a kill of the beast and we didnt want to lose a dps so anyone who he was on was told to pop every defensive to live and it was on him again you dont get it getting HIT not crit for 18k no one outside a fully geared tank would survive that unmitigated hit with minimal cds


Wow way to not know the fight. Don't be insulting when people with knowledge of the fight are trying to explain the mechanics of it. Since you have No video or SS it only seems fair that most would doubt your story ... ever consider your sniper was paying attention to something else? Stuff happens and if he made a mistake nerd raging all over the thread gives you zero cred. There are enough mechanics to this fight that anyone can be one shot in it.

Edited by Foenixz
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wow way to show you dont know the fight at all first there is no tank for this fight as he has a random aggro table please know what you're talking about before you spout off bs alos you cant read very well i said its a graphical bug where he switches target but doesnt turn right away and the swipe is behind him not the way he is facing and also you're idiot statement about sicking to his sides well again hes cleave is 180 degree aka anything from his legs forward gets hit


Altho it appears a random aggro table, and I understand this is how many players have presented the fight, after many encounters with this mob I suspect this outlook is not entirely true.


It is completely possible to focus the mob's hate on 2 particular players through the course of the fight. Listen in your vent to whom the mob points and notice often it's generally the same people. Another instance of "not-so-random" RNG like lootz?


I think, after trying the fight several times, the mechanism is a type of "memwipe" or "hate table drop". The next person targeted will be the threat instantly accrued directly after each "process". This makes the hate priority appear random, but may be manipulable.

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Altho it appears a random aggro table, and I understand this is how many players have presented the fight, after many encounters with this mob I suspect this outlook is not entirely true.


It is completely possible to focus the mob's hate on 2 particular players through the course of the fight. Listen in your vent to whom the mob points and notice often it's generally the same people. Another instance of "not-so-random" RNG like lootz?


I think, after trying the fight several times, the mechanism is a type of "memwipe" or "hate table drop". The next person targeted will be the threat instantly accrued directly after each "process". This makes the hate priority appear random, but may be manipulable.


THERE IS NO AGGRO TABLE HOW HARD IS THIS TO UNDERSTAND he picks a random target and goes after them thats not a aggro table its random selection

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you are deluded if you honestly believe that it was "bugs" instead of poor play on your, or your guildies, play. "good" players accept and overcome instead of coming to forums whining about things that are very beatable.


is that why we 1 shot every boss after that again you have no clue how the fight goes so shut up

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Wow way to not know the fight. Don't be insulting when people with knowledge of the fight are trying to explain the mechanics of it. Since you have No video or SS it only seems fair that most would doubt your story ... ever consider your sniper was paying attention to something else? Stuff happens and if he made a mistake nerd raging all over the thread gives you zero cred. There are enough mechanics to this fight that anyone can be one shot in it.


i know the fight very well btw and that much dmg with out the pound debuff and rolling cds with sorc bubble seems fishy it may not be a bug it may no one knows but the graphical bug is by far a ***** if you dont catch it

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You're missing the point it was 18k through massive cds im talking whatever snipers have shield and other personal dmg reduction plus sorc shield and rakata medpack


I should point out to you that Bonethrasher has hit me and critted for 31k damage on nightmare. There is only one cooldown in this game that I know of that will eat that, and it's Sentinel/Marauder fade. Mine had about 10 seconds left until next use.


I died. Clearly, Bonethrasher hacked or something.


We one shot this fight every week on 16 player nightmare. People die when they make mistakes. There is a really good way of running this fight and it sounds like you're struggling with the setup.

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Nope, not a bug. They had the debuff and he got a good hit in. Tell them not to stand in front of him. If they get pounded on then they need to run out and wait if they can't stay behind him.


Our first attempt last night on hm had him seemingly one-shotting everyone he hit before he even did a ground pound. We called the wipe when three were down. Four of the remaining five grouped up, then were all simultaneously one-shot from full health in a single swipe. This is in more than half rakata/half columi gear, so that's a lot of health.


Next attempt went normal and we blasted him as usual.


We've had that happen before. Just have to get out & reset it, and it's usually fine on the next run.

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umm maybe causs it was near a kill of the beast and we didnt want to lose a dps so anyone who he was on was told to pop every defensive to live and it was on him again you dont get it getting HIT not crit for 18k no one outside a fully geared tank would survive that unmitigated hit with minimal cds


You do know that he posts up before he swipes and everyone can get out of the cleave right?


I'm suprised they made it so you could take that hit to the face, but I guess thats how some people like it.

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You do know that he posts up before he swipes and everyone can get out of the cleave right?


I'm suprised they made it so you could take that hit to the face, but I guess thats how some people like it.


yeah cause moving him is always a good idea we have it set up where the ranged are set in N S E W we tell people to just eat the hit to avoid anyone else getting hit

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I should point out to you that Bonethrasher has hit me and critted for 31k damage on nightmare. There is only one cooldown in this game that I know of that will eat that, and it's Sentinel/Marauder fade. Mine had about 10 seconds left until next use.


I died. Clearly, Bonethrasher hacked or something.


We one shot this fight every week on 16 player nightmare. People die when they make mistakes. There is a really good way of running this fight and it sounds like you're struggling with the setup.


i can only imagine the hit that the snipe too as he wasnt 1 shot but had a **** ton of cds his bubble and the other one along with sorc shield and medpac rakata

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You and your raid need to stop being terrible, first off. Second, you should stop trying to defend your poor play and learn from the folks in the thread that are giving you correct advice. Third, and most important, lose the attitude when coming to the forums crying. It's been pointed out numerous time on what you are failing at. Just because you killed it a few times before doesn't mean you are an expert at the fight.


Learn the mechanics and you won't look so foolish in the future.

Edited by Qilz
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You and your raid need to stop being terrible, first off. Second, you should stop trying to defend your poor play and learn from the folks in the thread that are giving you correct advice. Third, and most important, lose the attitude when coming to the forums crying. It's been pointed out numerous time on what you are failing at. Just because you killed it a few times before doesn't mean you are an expert at the fight.


Learn the mechanics and you won't look so foolish in the future.


i have no attitude im explaing what happened we werent failing on the fight and i was far from crying so maybe you should lose your attitude we dont play poor if we did we wouldnt be clearing the content taking 3 weeks of raiding to go 9/10 nightmare and considering i've done this fight pretty much every lock out a week after i hit 50 i know it well

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