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Datacron difficulty


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I truly mean no disrespect to your friend here, but failing to get a datacron due to jumping mechanic is user error only. It takes quite a few deaths to get the timing down on a few of them (Eff you Corellia and your stupid willpower fall of doom!) but I have done all of them on two toons, with minimal frustration.


He has clearly forgotten his Mario skills and is no longer one with the jumping force. :p

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I have gotten all of the crons I've tried for, though some of them did take me a long time to get.


I agree the jumping mechanics in this game are pretty horrible, but they are fairly consistent with their horribleness. If you figure out how to do it properly you can jump the same way each and every time, but you do have to jump in a very specific way.


Also keep in mind some of the jumps are a lot easier to make if you turn off your run buff.


Really silly reason to quit the game as in the end the stats will make almost no difference. This game doesn't even come close to needing to min/max.


I get the completionist vibe, as I'm one myself, but I can also say that if something so small as that made your friend quit, he couldn't have been that happy with the game anyway, and would have found a 100+ other reasons to quit, before he actually accomplished every other thing in the game, to the point that he was only missing the crons.

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Its not the actual jumping. Its about "platforming", a lot of platforms even if they look equally and under same angle and same size don't "feel" the same when you walk on them. This combined with stucking inside objects, falling on slopes for damage while running animation still continues (and ofc without seeing "fall animation"), unable to jump while running against non perfectly vertical wall, any many, many more can make it frustrating for some simple 'cos it doesn't work as it should.
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I honestly can say I doubt any kind of network latency issue will prevent a player from successfully completing the datacron hunt. I've collected all 67 + The Fleet Datacron, mostly on a laptop using a 3G Connection with average 300ms latency.


It's not PvP here, latency isn't a huge issue. Facing off against a static object with a laggy connection is pretty straightforward, in this instance, jump earlier.


Regardless, having jumps in the game for an exploration carrot is not unreasonable, it's expected IMHO. I can see where many players are frustrated with it though, especially because of the permanent stat bonuses. Me, I love platforming games and see it as a fun diversion, folks who don't may not find it so enjoyable.


The jumps are not the issue here. If you can't make the jumps, there are ways around that in almost every instance, bring a friend who can Rescue you or Harpoon Shot via duel for instance.


I think the platforming aspect is really well designed, I was always thrilled to find datacrons on my own and willing to swallow my pride and look it up when one stumped me. Only part of the hunt that bothered me were the ones requiring use of the MGSS. That thing is so unreliable right now. I hope that's a bug waiting to be squashed at some point and not intended behavior.

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I used to think that jumping accurately was difficult. It was actually Nar Shadaa where I learned how to do it right, with much less variability. I can now pretty much jump to anything that is allowed, with very few screwups.


Once you get the hang of it, I've found that it's much more predictable here than in other games. Here's a tip: don't think of how you'd jump IRL and try to translate it to the game controls. It's not run and jump, or even forward and jump. It's jump and forward....

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A friend of mine just quit the game because of the difficulty in getting datacrons. I think that's a poor reason to quit, but I can definitely see his frustration. Getting datacrons has nothing whatsoever to do with skill, but only a combination of luck, good framerate, and no lag. I have given up on trying to get datacrons at all because of this. I can understand that they were supposed to be difficult to get to, but when the difficulty is caused by terrible jump design and by having even the slightest bit of lag it's incredibly annoying. On a single player game that requires no internet connection having to make difficult jumps is not an issue, but with an online game it turns it into a purely luck based challenge.


It's sad that such a small, optional thing can be such a huge disappointment, but it is. Hopefully this can be changed in the future. :(

I'v gotten all datacrons, only difficult may be the +10, else all are easy just knowing how to do it.


Much of the jumping on the steel beams (not Mario Pipes) can easily be done by walking all into the conor and jump, then you'll automaticly hit the upper beam, without having to jump over open ground.

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The only issue I have had with obtaining certain datacrons was with obvious bugs in the game-mechanics or terrain. Most notably the ones where the MGGS is required and the ones that simply do not allow a Male Bodytype 3+4 to pass.


BioWare should fix the following:


Alderaan (MGGS bugged)

Alderaan (crack in door too narrow)

Tatooine (balloon resets)

Corellia (MGGS bugged)

Corellia (crack in walls too narrow)

Fleet (MGGS bugged)


So from my perspective, BioWare simply needs to widen the cracks and make the MGGS function like a static bindpoint to teleport too (just like the static spots you get transported to when using elevator controls or quick travel points).

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A friend of mine just quit the game because of the difficulty in getting datacrons. I think that's a poor reason to quit, but I can definitely see his frustration. Getting datacrons has nothing whatsoever to do with skill, but only a combination of luck, good framerate, and no lag. I have given up on trying to get datacrons at all because of this. I can understand that they were supposed to be difficult to get to, but when the difficulty is caused by terrible jump design and by having even the slightest bit of lag it's incredibly annoying. On a single player game that requires no internet connection having to make difficult jumps is not an issue, but with an online game it turns it into a purely luck based challenge.


It's sad that such a small, optional thing can be such a huge disappointment, but it is. Hopefully this can be changed in the future. :(


Datacrons are a failure in that regard. There should not be platforming skills in a game that otherwise requires none for the core design. And a control system and engine that wasn't designed with it in mind.


Also, there shouldn't be stats on them... that's the main problem.

Edited by Lethality
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Answer this question, why do you think think you have "casual" players?



Gamers are like all humans, we choose the path of least Resistance. We don't care about long term, we just don't care- we are like electricity-fastest/easiest path to ground

Casuals exist because people are lazy and bad- especially us Americans. Go play the original Donkey Kong bet you can't beat it 1st try. But If I go load up HALO or some crap FPS/Racing game I'll win it 1st try. Games have been getting nerfed over the years cause no one stands up to say no. No one has vision, creativity, or the capability to think outside the box.


I'll give you a WoW example since I'm sure you've played that- you seem the type.


Vanilla WoW

Paly had ZERO ranged attacks



Me: No, learn to play ur class and use the game mechanics better

Casuals: You can't stop anyone form kiting you, we always lose *QQ*

Me: No, Learn to play ur class and use the game mechanics better


Casual Solution: Threaten to quit on WoW forums, reroll, Rage, give up

My solution: Leveled up Eng and used Nets and Rocket boots to close distance, used proper stun timing and PVP rotation to secure victory after victory.


Casual: I shouldn't have to use items to win fights

My smart *** remark: Sell all ur gear then, that's an item, sell your pots too.

Casual: Silence



I can provide another example if required.




I can't help but lol when people say "If you want easy go play WoW," as if SWTOR isn't the king of casual MMOs right now.



That's pure opinion, play huttball on my server agaisnt the premade teams and watch what happens. Nothing casual about how they hand ur *** to you.

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